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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2023 in Posts

  1. It will vary from province to province. But the system overall, is good. Leaving people to die, is not something this system is known for, but I have heard of some isolated cases during covid-19 which overwhelmed hospitals. Once you get free health care, you will not understand a life without it. Breaking a leg, shouldn't be a stressful financial event for any citizen.
    2 points
  2. I think it's worth separating "Conservative" and "Trumpie". A lot of people who previously identified as "Conservative" could never get behind Donald Trump and his brand of politics, and these folk have very different attitudes from the ones that did. In some ways that is very true. (The Never Trumper movement began at FoxNews.) THE DONALD for most of his life was a Democrat. He contributed to Democrat political campaigns, (mostly just to buy them off so they'll leave him alone.) A lot of mainstream conservatives didn't trust Trump to not swerve to the extreme left, once elected. Two years into his administration (with plummeting gasoline prices, the record BEST economy of all time, peace in the Middle East) most conservatives have come around. They still are put off by Trump's language and his Limbaugh-like swagger. But most of us recognize that he was a better president than ANY Democrat in history. I'll ignore your personal insults and limit my remarks to the subject of the thread.
    2 points
  3. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/government-food-prices-lower-1.6759117 Here's a few points - first off despite the headline the purpose of this article is to basically say the gov't can't do anything so it's not trudeau's fault. Thanks CBC! But - the one thing they won't mention anywhere in there as part of the reason OR part of the solution? Carbon tax. The farmers are paying carbon tax to grow the food, then more to harvest the food, then the suppliers pay carbon tax to ship the food to their processing plants, and more carbon tax to process the food to a useable state. Then more carbon tax to ship it to the grocery store and carbon tax to keep it cool until you buy it. That's before the carbon tax you pay in your car to go buy it and pick it up. There is a HUGE carbon tax cost in food production and carbon taxes have been going up and continue to do so. But - the cbc didn't mention it even once. Despite the fact it's one thing the gov't could change tomorrow for those industries and would have an immediate noticeable impact. Hmmmmm
    1 point
  4. bro, don't get upset with me, just because the Liberals dominate with no real opposition nobody believes in the Progressive Conservatives of Canada, everybody knows they are a fake opposition don't brame me, roundeye, I'm a Republican, Party of Lincoln
    1 point
  5. all my Republican brethren are keenly interested in Canadian politics now the Freedom Convoy struggle to overthrow the Chinese Communist traitors in Canada that's all over the number one shows in America, Joe Rogan Podcast & Tucker Carlson Tonight down with the Democrat traitors to the Republic and their Liberal proxies in Canada too
    1 point
  6. Well a boost to your economy is always convenient so call it a war of opportunity too.
    1 point
  7. A few years ago it would have been, but not today. Once the lawyers get involved, all is lost. This individual was a hurtful troll in many ways and also cast harm on the LGBTx community, in their ability to be seen as legitimate. But then, the kids got the message when our Prime Minister appeared on a Drag Queen reality show. The whole "Drag Queen" concept should be offensive to LGBTQ types. But it's not...
    1 point
  8. ‘"The Energy Department’s conclusion is the result of new intelligence and is significant because the agency has considerable scientific expertise and oversees a network of U.S. national laboratories, some of which conduct advanced biological research,’ the Wall Street Journal report said."
    1 point
  9. OK, I'll just keep saying it until you hear me then. The trump rule disallowed ideological based investments over profit. Then the Biden regime came in with what you're calling the labor department rule. It allowed ideology based investments over profit prioritized ones. But, and I've said this at least 3 times now there are ways to either drip, drip, drip new government restrictions in or to allow an inevitable ESG monopoly to take over so there is no other place to go. And on the way there the working guys whose pension managers are on board with the globalist ideology over profit approach are screwed. Their only choice is to wait and see what's going to happen with their money.
    1 point
  10. Michael, Whenever I read or see something from the 1920s, it seems obviously old. But sometimes it seems modern. And when I see something from the 1950s - from wherever -Japan, Soviet Union, America - it often seems normal. But anything from the 1840s - you know, Hugo or Austen - this is obviously different.
    1 point
  11. Sure it does it's just that, as I've always personally thought, reality has a progressive bias - it's baked right into the quantum fabric of the universe itself. That's why you see so much leftishness all around you. Progressiveness just shines throughout everything...it's like the proverbial Force. I'm pretty sure Beelzebub himself would tell you that the Dark Side isn't stronger it's just easier.
    1 point
  12. You can call them whatever you want. What you shouldn't do is pretend you want to have a rational, non-partisan discussion about ideologies. Is it even possible to have an HONEST discussion about ideologies without being partisan? That's like asking if it's possible to live when a heart stops. And I don't see a problem with bringing in ideology and personal political views. Nobody is here at this forum for any other reason than to discuss partisan politics. If you start with a conspiracy minded position that is driven by right wing denial of the science on the subject, you don't instill any confidence that any other subject broached will be treated any differently. The science says that the climate of the earth can change. It has changed in the past. But it is a nutball left wing fairy tale that human activity in the United States alone (since none of the climate nuts mention China) can change the climate of a planet that is mostly WATER. No real scientist is vomiting that nonsense. But there are plenty of left wing foundations PAYING pseudo hacks to say otherwise.
    1 point
  13. Mainstream conservatism (the philosophy of most of America) has hardly flown further to the right. Mainstream conservatism IS the logical melding of logic/common sense with fairness/sympathy. The far right has more in common with WokeLeft wing nonsense. They both rely on identity politics, rather than truth, logic and reason. Mainstream conservatism has always been about free market capitalism, liberty, the rule of CONSTITUTIONAL law, and equal rights and opportunities for all. That part hasn't changed since the William F. Buckley, Ronald Reagan, Rush LImbaugh days.
    1 point
  14. In Canada Trudeau has removed the option of refusing ESG so that appears to be new. In America, depending on who's in power, the membership might still have the option of pressuring the leadership not to go ideology over profit. But even if the Biden regime does offer an option to their friends in union leadership of refusing ESG there is still the possibility of drip, dripping towards a monopoly of ESG the way they did with social media. At this point leadership can simply throw up their hands with a smile on their face and say 'sorry guys, you're building windmills. Oh...and your pensions will be a little less. Sorry about that."
    1 point
  15. There seems to have been a noted lack of enthusiasm on the part of the CBC to cover the story of Trudeau and his Chinese election helpers. Not a conspiracy. Just a predilection on the part of a largely progressive media to not do anything to harm 'their team' if they can get away with it.
    1 point
  16. He's won 3. Seriously you couldn't keep track of three? That was literrally too high a number for you to track? And the conservatives have 'gone through' 2 leaders since harper retired and are on their third. Again - two seems to be the max you can count to, when we get to three you lose it Meanwhile after martin, who lost after 2 years, the liberals went through three leaders before they won again as well. But you probably couldn't remember that - it WAS 3 after all I'm sure the libearls appreciate you trying to discourage conservatives but sorry - we can see the writnig on the wall and polievre will be very bad news for the liberals.
    1 point
  17. CONCLUSION: There are "new" faces to current Liberalism and Conservatism. On the left, we have the advent of the new base. The "Progs"...the "Woke"...the "Libbies". On the right we also have the advent of the new base. The "Nationalists"...the "MAGA" crowd...the "Trumpsters". I believe the new right is a consequence of the new left. It is resolved here in this exploratory thread, that these new Liberals are generally responsible for the low level of discourse, as they tend to start most name-calling and bickering. It is resolved that these new Liberals have extremely selective ideas of things like "inclusion" and "equality". So much so that, knowing their plans are neither of the above, they invented a new social quality to push..."equity". It is resolved that these new Liberals have become war hawks. Somehow...they've morphed and now call for more and bigger wars. Thus it is my conclusion that these new Liberals are dangerous. Both to society as a whole...and to themselves. I conclude that these wayward souls are actually tortured by the very presence of Donald Trump. They simply cannot let it go. Its some sort of mass psychosis. I feel sorry for these new Liberals. They are in for a number of rude awakenings. And they are literally drowning in a sea of pure hatred. A force that can lend power to those who cozy up to it...but can never be sustainable and will end in disaster. The response is the new Conservatism. Common sense personified. My Nation First!
    1 point
  18. That sounds more like someone who's bitter than a rational argument I think he will make some pretty significant changes indeed compared to how things are being run under the liberals However - i think you may also have misinterpreted my meaning. He will make changes that won't really matter or be seen by you or me per se, but which will eliminate much of the structural advantage the libs have. The liberals have people they've appointed in all kinds of key positions. They have things structured to make it challenging to make the kind of financial changes the CPC would want to. They have media types such as the CBC who support the lib efforts. Senators and judges will need to be appointed. There's all kinds of goings on where the liberals have historically loaded teh dice in their favour and PP is going to know many of them.
    1 point
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