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  1. For the same reason that male-only and whites-only pools and beaches went out of style in Canada.
    2 points
  2. A startling number of people who are deeply enthusiastic about embracing their Muslim neighbours have virtually no idea what Islam is about or about its fundamental beliefs - such as the separation of genders. I've lived next to a Canadian born Muslim for almost three years now and had numerous conversations with him, but I don't know his wife's name and have never said a word to her. Whenever she's with him and he wanders over she either stands back silently waiting for him, or goes into their house.
    1 point
  3. One particular incident, try one of many https://people.com/crime/brussels-attack-how-brussels-belgium-became-a-hotbed-for-terrorism/
    1 point
  4. I think it points to a larger question about men's attitudes towards women. In a culture where women are seen as equal and not objectified, women are not under intense pressure, or being "ogled" at pools. In a culture where women's liberty is not held to that standard, the men are not to be trusted.
    1 point
  5. Agreed. The media may be getting better, though, under scrutiny.
    1 point
  6. That's fine, the data is objective information but we cannot "deny" anything about it, unless we know first what it is we're denying. The data requires interpretation, otherwise it is just a set of numbers. Yes, you can objectively look at the raw numbers, as a pure mathematician may do. This is one (1), this is two (2)... do those numbers look ok?
    1 point
  7. Data is raw numbers. You can ignore the interpretation and look at the raw numbers. While one can interpret the reasons behind Doug's plummet, or even call it "plummet" vs "reduction in support" one can't deny the data. It's black and white.
    1 point
  8. Muslim terrorists seem to have a particular hate on for female police. They seem to target them wherever they can. Yesterday a Muslim terorist attacked two female police in Belgium - from behind, of course, slashing their throats and stabbing them in a frenzy of religious ecstasy while shouting Allahu Akbar. Then he took their weapons and shot them repeatedly to make sure he had done Allah's work. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44289404
    1 point
  9. Yes we are talking about the same thing. I'm saying the data must be interpreted otherwise it is misleading, especially within the political sphere. The popular vote is not always the most democratic, hence the electoral system is more complex than a simplified interpretation of the data provides- "Horwath is in the lead". We "receive" the data through media, and all media is a biased interpretation of some sort.
    1 point
  10. ......and I gave what the mainstream polls predicted about Clinton winning in the USA. You can't simply take the word of mainstream polls these days.
    1 point
  11. Here we go again. So if someone voices legitimate concerns and questions about Islam they're automatically Islamophobic? Before tossing the racist card around willy nilly perhaps you should learn the definition of the word. Islam is a system that encompasses social, legal, military and religious conventions and rolls them up into one philosophy. Would you care to explain how one can be racist against a philosophy? Not to mention the fact that one can be Muslim no matter what their race. Are you suggesting that those who criticize Islam are racist against all races, including their own?
    1 point
  12. History is repeating....Trudeau government nationalizes Kinder Morgan pipeline project. This is what Trudeaus are famous for...they learned it from BFF Fidel Castro ! https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-trudeau-government-to-buy-kinder-morgans-trans-mountain-pipeline/
    1 point
  13. Breaking! Feds buy Kinder Morgan pipeline. PET PetroCan redux.
    1 point
  14. https://www.ipsos.com/en-ca/news-polls/Global-News-Ontario-Vote-Horserace-Poll-May-28-2018
    1 point
  15. By the way, I see selective acceptance of MSM information as the ultimate sign of vanity in a public individual. You can see it everywhere here and in my forms. One is to decry "the people" as sheep or stupid when they make a choice you don't like, and lauding them when they make a choice that you do. I like to focus on ensuring we agree on quality information. The best conservatives pay attention to political polls, but also budgets & deficits, laws and service levels which are hard information. The best liberals pay attention to polls querying public attitudes, economic statistics, constitutional discussions and service levels.
    1 point
  16. He doesn't know what he's on about. Who does he think help pay for all the welfare cheques, and all the freebie programs that we have..........if not the rich? Socialists hate the very ones who make it possible for them to be "nurtured."
    1 point
  17. I'm still fuming about this, so let me re-post it. ....and Horvath's statement that she'll never use the back-to-work legislation: what does that say to the union? Just by revealing that openly, is a bad decision, Ms Horvath! You're practically announcing you'll give the greenlight for the union to take the taxpayers to the cleaners!
    1 point
  18. Pundits are saying that even when the NDP and PC were tied - the PC would've still have a majority of seats. Incidentally - another poll was given by Nanos yesterday on Powerplay. This one is about the Federal Government. For the first time, PC takes the lead. Nanos says that the very name "Liberal" seems to sound negative to people. Horvath's government is really, really scarey! It'll be worse than the Liberals. I think with the NDP surge, people are scrutinizing the platform of Horvath........ and they're beginning to realize she's living in a dream world - a dream world for her, but a terrible nightmare for Ontarians. But.......let's not be complacent about this. Let's not assume it's a slam dunk. Make sure we all go out, and vote!
    1 point
  19. 1) Trump can't be worse than any of them yet...he hasn't done anything to equal their sins or blessings. Check the body count. 2) Bush was about far more than 9/11 (remember "torture")...Trump gets his turn at bat too. Trump cannot be worse...yet. 3) Entertainment comes in many forms. The afterglow from Nov 2016 election night still lingers.
    1 point
  20. If mankind stayed in Eden we would have been little different for a dog fed every day by his master. While Edenic life was no doubt pleasant there was nothing "human" about it.
    1 point
  21. But ONtario is a leftist province. All of those conservative policies turned it that way. When you pay working people crumbs, they become socialist not corporatist.
    1 point
  22. Now I get it...the domain is only your memory...that explains a lot. Trump is just another American president. Like all the others, many books will be written about him. Then the Americans will pick another one for you to worry about.
    1 point
  23. Maybe...but then they become their parents. Hippies thought they would change the world too....instead they became CEOs.
    1 point
  24. I just found it rather comical.
    1 point
  25. But you don't really know. He's given no details about how he would do that. He's made a lot of pie in the sky promises without explaining how he would fulfill them. That's kind of the opposite of being fiscally responsible.
    1 point
  26. Well, no you haven't. I've refuted your refutation. One third of tax filers paid zero income taxes. That was what he said, and that is what both cites have supported. It's not an 'old wives tale'. And we weren't discussing whether taxes are progressive or not, or the wisdom of a progressive tax, nor how progressive a tax ought to be, but the impact on voters of paying little or no taxes. Peripherally, the idea that the 'rich' should pay 'just a little more' as if they haven't already been paying for almost everything.
    1 point
  27. I called for the Hells Angels to all be rounded up and given a 22 behind the ear. Do you consider that love? If so you're a pretty weird guy. The actions of one or two? This is not, despite the desperate efforts of progressives to pretend otherwise, an isolated thing. This is what you all refuse to acknowledge. Violent religious attacks on behalf of Islam happen many thousands of times a year because Islam is a violently intolerant religion which is filled with contempt and hatred for unbelievers and calls for death for almost anything which goes against its restrictive beliefs.
    1 point
  28. I see you're in a bad mood again and looking for an excuse to hurl insults. Sorry, I don't debate that way.
    1 point
  29. Ottawa ought to shape up! http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/switzerland-muslim-swimming-pool-school-mixed-lessons-ruling-girls-boys-echr-a7518981.html Immigrants or refugees who don't want to integrate in our society - go elsewhere!
    1 point
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