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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2017 in all areas

  1. So going further with this theme of the conflict between left and right on immigration I'd like to address the left wing fascination with Islam as evidenced by almost all the left wingers on this site, and many, many 'liberals' throughout the West. They tend to like to throw around the term 'Islamophobic' which is a made-up nonsense word give the fear of Islam isn't at all unreasonable by any realistic definition. But the counter term s Islamophilia, which I believe large, sweeping numbers of the more politically active Left suffers from. Islamophiia is the unswerving dedication to the defense of Islam by progressive liberals, to defending it against any and all accusations or criticism, without regard to merit, and to ignoring indefensible practices and social tenets of the religion. Islamophiles regard Muslims as a minority group in need of their paternalistic protection, and are steadfast in their attestation that Islam is no different than any other religion, and no more violent. If you point out thirty thousand Islamic terrorist incidents they will produce one or two non-Islamic terrorist incidents and wave them aloft triumphantly like Chamberlain returning with an agreement for 'peace in our time', to show that 'Christianity is the SAME! If you talk about the deeply violent misogyny of the Muslim world they will assert that women are sexually harassed in the West. If you point out polls and surveys taken in the Muslim world they will pretend that the Islam in western countries is an entirely separate Islam (even though virtually all imams in he west come from the middle east), and that, of course, no Western Muslim thinks that way. Islamophilia’s most common manifestation is where progressives treat Muslims as vulnerable children whose feathers can’t be ruffled. The Islamophilia crowd damage Western democracies and Islam for they invite us to sacrifice elements of our own freedom to redeem ourselves against the largely imaginary sins against Muslims in the colonial past. They also invite Muslims to pose as victims and demand the rewards of such victimhood. The message of Islamophilia is that Muslims deserve to receive no flak at a time when Islam and Muslims badly need to be criticised. https://www.spectator.co.uk/2016/06/protective-cloak-islamophilia/# This, of course, makes it difficult to hold any kind of rational discussion about the problem Islam poses to a western secular culture, since Islamophiles instantly become outraged whenever one asserts there even IS a problem with Islam. To their minds, the only violent people in Islam are a tiny, tiny minority of fanatics who probably have psychological issues. And none, of course, would ever want to come here. What's more, you must be an Islamophobe or Xenophobe to care.
    3 points
  2. These demonstrations ostensibly in support of "science", taking place today, Apr. 22, seem to have a strong political overtone. Most of it seems to be anti-Trump protests with various liberal or leftist causes thrown in such as climate change, anti Trump cutting budget in certain areas. I would say they are not much more than anti-Trump or anti-Trump agenda protests, which is nothing new.
    1 point
  3. Canada hasn't invaded any sovereign planets either, because it lacks investment in basic R&D...so it can't. I guess the Somalia Affair will just have to do for now....cheap !
    1 point
  4. Apologists for Islam may reluctantly admit that Islam has these beliefs of gender inequality, homophobia, blasphemy, etc. but keep trying to say that Muslims rarely act on these beliefs, so the beliefs are therefore benign. But when I see the mass rapings that have gone on in Europe, where 2000 Muslim men decide to rape a woman for "fun", (And yes, I realize not all 2000 of them did the physical act of rape, but they were all aiding and abetting it, that's for sure) it seems to me that given the opportunity, most Muslims will quickly drop the charade of embracing Western values. Now, those beliefs don't seem so benign......
    1 point
  5. Yes, polls have shown that most Canadians want value screening for immigrants. Why do you suppose the media and politicians are dead set against it, and target anyone who advocates for it as some kind of demented hatemonger? My own feeling is that most of these people are liberals, and even the conservatives are afraid of being targeted as hatemongers by the media.
    1 point
  6. You are correct. And thanks for pointing that out. I would also point out, though, that much of the conflict between left-right on immigration is due to what the right considers the reflexive and uncritical acceptance by the Left of harshly anti-western values among immigrants. Why, even the suggestion that there be some screening against such values draws righteous indignation from the Left!
    1 point
  7. It seems like the only discussion of islamic extremism that you would consider "rational" is if the focus of the conversation is not on Islam but on other extremism or problems.
    1 point
  8. We're not talking about where various religions want to worship privately. No one is talking about or even advocating preventing any religion from praying. Nice try, though.
    1 point
  9. Some friends have a presumption of an open invitation. Strangers do not. Strangers walking into your home are breaking the law.
    1 point
  10. The sheeple will never get it because they refuse to listen and use common sense and logic in their lives. They prefer to allow politicians, the media, and the elite globalist to run their lives and think for them. Unfortunately, we are surrounded by millions of them. Aw well.
    1 point
  11. That trudeau should be arrested and charged and put in the gulag for the misuse of taxpayer's tax dollars. Lucky for him there is no law that we can nail his butt on for that. By the time JT, and what his papa has already done to Canada we will be bloody bankrupt. He blows taxes like there is no tomorrow, and there are some here who probably enjoy and go along with him. And then these same people ask themselves as to why I have no money to buy food. I think that Canada is a breeding ground for losers.
    1 point
  12. It's similar to saying you're not for Nazism but you're not narrow minded enough to stop it or even be critical of it. Your first go-to is to compare Islam to Christianity like that excuses Islam's abhorrent behaviour globally. That's the calling card of an apologist.
    1 point
  13. This can't stand unchallenged. If there is any veracity to gateway theories surrounding substance use there can be little doubt tobacco is the true gateway and not just a gateway to other drugs but illicit and pleasurably risky behaviour in general. In addition to nicotine, one of the most poisonous and addictive chemicals known to man, that first illicit cigarette also causes a rush of biochemicals from our brains - endorphins, aka opioids by the way - pleasure inducing chemicals that often just as powerfully alter forever the young growing mind in that brain. I think its the illicitness of smoking that really hooks 'em young myself.
    1 point
  14. I don't support any religion. I assume you have your head up one of the others. But I don't hide under my bed because someone from a Muslim country wants to come here.
    1 point
  15. Well, according to some of you here, Canada should have no borders at all. If you see nothing wrong with anyone jumping the border and crossing into Canada illegally, then why bother to even try to explain anything too you. Again, why bother having a border if you see nothing wrong with people entering Canada illegally. Hope you are bale to figure this one out this time. If not, well.
    1 point
  16. Perhaps if you tried it you could at least attempt to relax your xenophobic attitude, and maybe you could stop the insults and maybe even sleep better.
    1 point
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