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Osama bin Laden is dead

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Sean David Morton, has come out and said again, that OBL IS dead and the US took him out in 2002. Sean does have friends in high places in D.C. and that the BinLaden family asked the Bush family to keep it quiet so they could take the body back to Saudia Arabia and bury it near Mecca. To his followers, they too know he is dead but they believe he is still alive in their hearts! This was confirmed by when the gov't asked for DNA samples of OBL to ID him. A missile took out the caravan out when he was travelling over a mt. range to Pakistan. Bush is also keeping it a secret to use OBL ghost to keep the war going. On another subject, Morton is saying that there will be a conflict between Cheney and Bush and Cheney will be "thrown to the wolves" so to speak. Bush, himself will be in danger around Nov.-Dec. and may not finish his term. Speaking of, the reason for bombing Iran, Cheney and Bush believe that the Dems will sweep the election having control in the Congresss and Senate and will pull out of Iraq, leaving Iran to get control over the area and with Dems in power for 8 years,Iran will be able to have the "nuke" because the Dem President would not go into Iran. Bush is said to be desperate to bomb Iran before leaving office. Morton said he wanted to when the English had their military kidnapped by Iran but Blair said no and Bush tried again in April, but Israel said no, because of the attack they had suffered with their neighbor. All came from an intel.info. and friends in high places.

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Another truther thread?

Here are the latest predictions from Sean David Morton. He was talking with George Noory.

3rd August 2006 Sneak atomic attack on Jerusalem. Two dates mentioned in the Bible Code say 2000 or 2006. Previously he has given us dates 1996, 1997, and now 2000 and 2006, keep making these dates up Sean and one day you might get something right.


He still insists there are WMD's in the Bekaa Valley in Syria.

World War III will start before 1st October 2006 acording to the Bible Code.

The true Armageddon phase will start 7th November 2007 with an economic collapse. This will last for a year.

A seven year tribulation phase will start 2012 leading to 2018.

George went through some of Sean's past predictions. In November 2005 he said there would be repeat of the 1917 - 1922 Spanish Flu pandemic. George gave this a miss.

George then asked about his prediction that Dick Cheney would resign due to ill health. Sean says he does not seen Cheney as vice president by 2008.

In 2007 he says there is a lot of chaos with presidential politics and so for him 2008 is unclear. He is not sure if the president is still in office or who the president is at that time. He thinks there will be a three party race with John McCain and Joseph Lieberman running together as a third dark horse party.

He previously said gold would reach $725 by July or August. It hit $729 in May and has since dropped.

He thinks gold will hit $800 - £825 by Christmas 2006 or January 2007. Then he says $850 by Labor Day. In four years time gold will hit $1,000.

We are entering a period of high inflation, higher interest rates, and a stagnating economic sector.

By 2nd August 2007 the inflation rate will be somewhere upwards of 25% - 30%.

Interest rates will start going through the roof.

He claims his stock picks from July last year are up 347%.

He's now changed his mind on oil hitting $100 a barrel, and now he says it will stay in the $75 - $80 range.

His stock pics this time are Nuclear Solutions (NSOL), Parafin Corp (PFNC), Azure Dynamics, Nova Gold, and Apple.

Fidel Castro will be dead in 18 months so his Pentagon insider told him. The US government will force out the Russians and the Chinese out of Cuba, this will happen before the end of the Bush administration.

The will be an 7+ earthquake in LA in 2010. It will be centered in the Santa Monica Bay and waves will hit the basin area, along with a huge series of fires on the both sides of the Santa Monica Mountains.

His previous prediction that LA would host the 2012 Olympic Games he admits he got wrong, but he saw some new structure being built with a angel on top. He assumed that this was for the 2012 Olympics, but now he thinks it is the 2010 Football World Cup. South Africa are due to host the World Cup but have been told if their plans aren't in place by next year then the competition will be moved to LA. So 2010 World Cup in Los Angeles.

He remote viewed the Face on Mars and found that five million years ago there was a magnificent city there near the Cydonia region inhabited by tall pale beings that had large distended heads.

He admits he has been wrong so many times about Mount Rainier erupting that he doesn't give out predictions on this anymore.

Yellowstone, Mounts Rainier, Baker, Adams, the San Andreas Fault and the New Madrid Fault are the Four Horsemen of the American Apocalypse, time frame for this is around 2012. He's mentioned all this before in past shows. Now he throws in a meteor hitting the US as well around this time.

The Vajra Chronicles say that the US, Canada and Mexico will join together to form the North American Union. This will be a 13 nation state confederation. The financial capital of all this will be Omaha, Nebraska. There will be a global world leader called the Emmanuella in 2039. The flag of the North American Union will be yellow with a coiled serpent on it that says 'Don't Tread on Me', which becomes popular during a series of civil wars that are fought inside the United States in the late 2010's to the early 2020's.

The world population at this time is 1.8 billion. The last great war is between the United States and China. A final battle between the US and China around 2018 - 2020, in which the Chinese are defeated at the "Plateau of Judgment" on the red mountains of Colorado.

Terrorist attacks in Washington DC will force the US to move the capital to Denver, Colorado.

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Shouldn't the predictions and claims of a self-styled psychic be filed under "Moral and Religious Issues"? Or the "Polynewbie Memorial Thread"?

He remote viewed the Face on Mars and found that five million years ago there was a magnificent city there near the Cydonia region inhabited by tall pale beings that had large distended heads.

I too have had strange visions of Cydonia...


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Sean David Morton, has come out and said again, that OBL IS dead and the US took him out in 2002. Sean does have friends in high places in D.C. and that the BinLaden family asked the Bush family to keep it quiet so they could take the body back to Saudia Arabia and bury it near Mecca. To his followers, they too know he is dead but they believe he is still alive in their hearts! This was confirmed by when the gov't asked for DNA samples of OBL to ID him. A missile took out the caravan out when he was travelling over a mt. range to Pakistan. Bush is also keeping it a secret to use OBL ghost to keep the war going. On another subject, Morton is saying that there will be a conflict between Cheney and Bush and Cheney will be "thrown to the wolves" so to speak. Bush, himself will be in danger around Nov.-Dec. and may not finish his term. Speaking of, the reason for bombing Iran, Cheney and Bush believe that the Dems will sweep the election having control in the Congresss and Senate and will pull out of Iraq, leaving Iran to get control over the area and with Dems in power for 8 years,Iran will be able to have the "nuke" because the Dem President would not go into Iran. Bush is said to be desperate to bomb Iran before leaving office. Morton said he wanted to when the English had their military kidnapped by Iran but Blair said no and Bush tried again in April, but Israel said no, because of the attack they had suffered with their neighbor. All came from an intel.info. and friends in high places.

With all due respect, and keeping in mind nothing much surprises me any more, you're not taking this to the bank . . . are you? I'd never heard of Sean David Morton so I googled him - spiritual guidance, weight loss and beauty products all in one place. I think if Bush had gotten OBL, he'd be on the tube 24/7 from now until the end of time.

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Sean David Morton, has come out and said again, that OBL IS dead and the US took him out in 2002. Sean does have friends in high places in D.C. and that the BinLaden family asked the Bush family to keep it quiet so they could take the body back to Saudia Arabia and bury it near Mecca. To his followers, they too know he is dead but they believe he is still alive in their hearts! This was confirmed by when the gov't asked for DNA samples of OBL to ID him. A missile took out the caravan out when he was travelling over a mt. range to Pakistan. Bush is also keeping it a secret to use OBL ghost to keep the war going. On another subject, Morton is saying that there will be a conflict between Cheney and Bush and Cheney will be "thrown to the wolves" so to speak. Bush, himself will be in danger around Nov.-Dec. and may not finish his term. Speaking of, the reason for bombing Iran, Cheney and Bush believe that the Dems will sweep the election having control in the Congresss and Senate and will pull out of Iraq, leaving Iran to get control over the area and with Dems in power for 8 years,Iran will be able to have the "nuke" because the Dem President would not go into Iran. Bush is said to be desperate to bomb Iran before leaving office. Morton said he wanted to when the English had their military kidnapped by Iran but Blair said no and Bush tried again in April, but Israel said no, because of the attack they had suffered with their neighbor. All came from an intel.info. and friends in high places.

With all due respect, and keeping in mind nothing much surprises me any more, you're not taking this to the bank . . . are you? I'd never heard of Sean David Morton so I googled him - spiritual guidance, weight loss and beauty products all in one place. I think if Bush had gotten OBL, he'd be on the tube 24/7 from now until the end of time.

Not necessarily, Bush went into this war to get OBL and what do you think would happen if he came out and said he was dead. People would be screaming ..mission done, now get out of the Middle-East!!

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US casts doubt on bin Laden's latest message

By Toby Harnden in Washington

Last Updated: 11:52pm GMT 27/12/2001

Reacting last night to the contention of the new Afghan defence minister, Gen Rashid Dostum, that bin Laden had fled, Donald Rumsfeld, US defence secretary, said: "We get six, seven, eight, 10, 12 conflicting reports every day. I've stopped chasing them."

He added, to laughter from reporters at a Pentagon briefing: "We do know of certainty that he is in Afghanistan or some other country or dead."


CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July

Anthony Sampson

Thursday November 1, 2001

The Guardian

Bin Laden is reported to have arrived in Dubai on July 4 from Quetta in Pakistan with his own personal doctor, nurse and four bodyguards, to be treated in the urology department. While there he was visited by several members of his family and Saudi personalities, and the CIA.

The CIA chief was seen in the lift, on his way to see Bin Laden, and later, it is alleged, boasted to friends about his contact. He was recalled to Washington soon afterwards.

Intelligence sources say that another CIA agent was also present; and that Bin Laden was also visited by Prince Turki al Faisal, then head of Saudi intelligence, who had long had links with the Taliban, and Bin Laden. .

Bin Laden has often been reported to be in poor health. Some accounts claim that he is suffering from Hepatitis C, and can expect to live for only two more years.

According to Le Figaro, last year he ordered a mobile dialysis machine to be delivered to his base at Kandahar in Afghanistan.

Pakistan's Musharraf: Bin Laden probably dead


Pakistan's president says he thinks Osama bin Laden is most likely dead because the suspected terrorist has been unable to get treatment for his kidney disease.

[A Bush administration official] said U.S. intelligence is that bin Laden needs dialysis every three days and "it is fairly obvious that that could be an issue when you are running from place to place, and facing the idea of needing to generate electricity in a mountain hideout." [CNN]

Karzai: bin Laden 'probably' dead


Osama bin Laden is "probably" dead, but former Taliban leader Mullah Omar is alive, Afghan President Hamid Karzai has said. [CNN]

FBI: Bin Laden 'probably' dead

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation's counter-terrorism chief, Dale Watson, says he thinks Osama bin Laden is "probably" dead. [bBC]

etc., etc.,

Is it any wonder all these tapes, are always old footage???

He's better as a boogeyman, if he is kept "alive" in the minds of the fearful anyway.

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Hey Topaz!

This stories for you, another BinLaden is dead story

FoxNews , no less!


Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader.

"The Coalition troops are engaged in a mad search operation but they would never be able to fulfill their cherished goal of getting Usama alive or dead," the source said.

Bin Laden, according to the source, was suffering from a serious lung complication and succumbed to the disease in mid-December, in the vicinity of the Tora Bora mountains. The source claimed that bin Laden was laid to rest honorably in his last abode and his grave was made as per his Wahabi belief.

About 30 close associates of bin Laden in Al Qaeda, including his most trusted and personal bodyguards, his family members and some "Taliban friends," attended the funeral rites. A volley of bullets was also fired to pay final tribute to the "great leader."

Is it live or is it memorex?

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What in the bloody hell is this?

A thread about predictions from a guy who gets telepathic information from UFOs?

A bunch of articles from 2001 and 2002 about rumours that OBL may have been alive, or dead, at various times?

Do you people have a point?

Were you hitting the bottle when you posted this stuff?

Have you suffered a blow to the head recently?


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Hey Topaz!

This stories for you, another BinLaden is dead story

FoxNews , no less!


Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader.

"The Coalition troops are engaged in a mad search operation but they would never be able to fulfill their cherished goal of getting Usama alive or dead," the source said.

Bin Laden, according to the source, was suffering from a serious lung complication and succumbed to the disease in mid-December, in the vicinity of the Tora Bora mountains. The source claimed that bin Laden was laid to rest honorably in his last abode and his grave was made as per his Wahabi belief.

About 30 close associates of bin Laden in Al Qaeda, including his most trusted and personal bodyguards, his family members and some "Taliban friends," attended the funeral rites. A volley of bullets was also fired to pay final tribute to the "great leader."

Is it live or is it memorex?

What is more shocking is the date of that article. Wednesday, December 26, 2001

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One other thing to think about. Bush has come out and has said he wasn't worried about OBL to the press. The US has the tech. to search any where on earth with the help of satellites. They are so good they can see people leaving thier homes! So why, since they keep saying were he is, why can't they find OBL and his family??? The answer is either he is dead or Bush is protecting him as a favour to OBL's family. The BL family and Bush are VERY good friends and I don't trust this friendship over Bush's loyality to his country! When you are president of a country you can do anything and get away with it, just ask his dad and Clinton!!

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One other thing to think about. Bush has come out and has said he wasn't worried about OBL to the press.


The US has the tech. to search any where on earth with the help of satellites.


They are so good they can see people leaving thier homes!

also true

So why, why can't they find OBL and his family???

The answer is either he is dead or Bush is protecting him.

Topaz, see, who needs a psychic?!

It's interesting to note, BinLaden's voice was picked up for the last time mid-december 2001 in ToraBora, by the US via monitoring of radio transmissions.

"According to the Pentagon, radio transmissions of bin Laden's voice were detected regularly until December 14, 2001"

this was widely reported at that time, then the news of Binladen's death circulated, afterwards inc. an obituary.

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why do you find the date of interest specifically?

I am interested in your thoughts on that.

If he truley died in 2001, why was he such a threat after his death? That was almost 6 years ago now. But yet, Al-Queda is stronger than ever. We have two major news outlets telling us OBL is dead , or by all intents and purposes may be dead. When is the last time you heard Bin Laden's name in the news in regards to current terrorist activities?


How many times has this guy died??

http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/index.php?menuID=2&subID=942 - Dated SEPTEMBER 23, 2006

Osama bin Laden, charismatic founder of al-Qaeda, died of typhoid earlier this month in Pakistan, according to a highly classified intelligence brief given to the King of Saudi Arabia and President Chirac this week, and leaked to the French newspaper L'Est Republicain.
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When is the last time you heard Bin Laden's name in the news in regards to current terrorist activities?

not at all, that I can recall lately, you?

That last 'video release' was all old footage of OBL.

"The video included clips from old speeches by Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden and his right-hand man Ayman al-Zawahiri."

As has been the story for sometime now with these video's old footage all the time

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Of course he is dead - but he is a very useful tool of government booga booga, so they kept him 'alive' even though no one has heard a peep out of him.

That, and him not having anything to do with 911 should really make folk wonder - alas many just want to believe their government so badly, that even when obvious facts are staring them in the face they stick their fingers in their ears, close their eyes and sing...

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Of course he is dead - but he is a very useful tool of government booga booga, so they kept him 'alive' even though no one has heard a peep out of him.

That, and him not having anything to do with 911 should really make folk wonder - alas many just want to believe their government so badly, that even when obvious facts are staring them in the face they stick their fingers in their ears, close their eyes and sing...

What is wrong with you? Since when is he being used as "booga booga?" Are the London tube bombings, 911, the Spanish train bombings, and about 1000-5000 deaths a month all over the globe not enough "booga booga" for you all by themselves? Why would anyone need bin Laden to keep up the "booga booga?" Who is the one closing their eyes?

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What is wrong with you? Since when is he being used as "booga booga?" Are the London tube bombings, 911, the Spanish train bombings, and about 1000-5000 deaths a month all over the globe not enough "booga booga" for you all by themselves? Why would anyone need bin Laden to keep up the "booga booga?" Who is the one closing their eyes?

You like that word Booga Booga huh? Is it new for you?

Thanks for asking if something is wrong with me though, your thoughfulness is oh so touching. I'll have to say that no, nothing is wrong with me though. Sorry if that upsets you.

Now, back to the topic: Osama has no official connections to 911, or Madrid or 7/7... what was your point again?

(I'm starting to think if there's anything wrong with me it's in my responding to any of your posts :P)

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That always get's me!

OBL, NOT wanted for 9/11.

For a lack of evidence!

actually "AlQuaeda" has no links to 7/7 or the Madrid train bombings.

which makes me rethink my reply to ghosthacked question? when was the last time OBL was actually linked with evidence, not rhetoric, to an act of terrorism????


He's not wanted for 9/11!


1988, August 7 1988.

almost 20 yrs ago!

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You like that word Booga Booga huh? Is it new for you?

Thanks for asking if something is wrong with me though, your thoughfulness is oh so touching. I'll have to say that no, nothing is wrong with me though. Sorry if that upsets you.

Now, back to the topic: Osama has no official connections to 911, or Madrid or 7/7... what was your point again?

(I'm starting to think if there's anything wrong with me it's in my responding to any of your posts :P)

Why do you bother posting here? Your posts are 9/10 troll, you display a profound inabiltiy to grasp the simplest concepts, and you write as if you're in some flirty thirties chatroom.

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ScottSA - I would recommend that you and I no longer address one another and if we find ourselves posting on the same thread please attempt to keep your rebuttles on topic and not the character of the poster.

Thank you and have a great day.


edited to add the above post as I meant to hit the 'reply with quote' function.

QUOTE(buffycat @ Aug 5 2007, 01:03 PM)


You like that word Booga Booga huh? Is it new for you?

Thanks for asking if something is wrong with me though, your thoughfulness is oh so touching. I'll have to say that no, nothing is wrong with me though. Sorry if that upsets you.

Now, back to the topic: Osama has no official connections to 911, or Madrid or 7/7... what was your point again?

(I'm starting to think if there's anything wrong with me it's in my responding to any of your posts



Why do you bother posting here? Your posts are 9/10 troll, you display a profound inabiltiy to grasp the simplest concepts, and you write as if you're in some flirty thirties chatroom.

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Why do you bother posting here? Your posts are 9/10 troll, you display a profound inabiltiy to grasp the simplest concepts, and you write as if you're in some flirty thirties chatroom.

Scott, I happened across a quote that I'm finding rings very true on these pages. It's by George Jonas at the bottom of my posts. What do you think?

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