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What must we do to protect our White culture?

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THis discussion flits about from skin colour/race/ethnicity to religion and back again.

There is a reason why the word "white" was then selectively redefined to mean Christian. It is called exclusivity and when you start defining people by their perveived racial or religious characteristics, its amazing how the word "white" shrinks down into an exclusive group of a few.

Oh how do we save whites. Oh did I say whites. Well no I meant Christian whites. Ooh we wouldn't want any Caucasian Muslims or Jews or Buddists in there. So now then. When I say white and Christian, I also mean you need to have no curls in your hair or hint of big lips-we can't water down those Aryan features now can we.

Talk about a crock of unmitigated b.s. Why don't you cowards come right out and say what is on your mind. Are you that cowardly? Say it. No Muslims. No one with dark skin. No one with yellow skin. No one who is non Christian-oh do you include gays who are caucasian or not? Probably not right?

When do we pass the laws preventing "whites" from watering down their race with inter-marriage.

I suggest you get together with Leafless and freeze your sperm. We need your genetic traits to carry on.

The world does not have enough in-breeding it needs more of you.

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And what is your definition for the term "White Canadian"?

My definition of a "White Canadian" 'would be of the human group having a light coloured skin'. Now of course this is relating to the majority and I fully realize their are minority races and cultures that have contributed to the building of Canada including Quebec.

Sounds to me like in your definition you don't just want them to be white, i.e., caucasian, but Christian and from the sounds of it a non Catholic Christian.

Again this thread has nothing to do with me wanting anyone to be Caucasian or Christian but has to do with the federal government whitewashing the majority group that built this country and its history and traditions by unfairly promoting cultural values of minorities namely, Quebec, Aboriginals, and ethnic immigrants at the expense of the majority White, English speaking Canadians and their history and traditions.

In turn this is resulting in a takeover of Canada's important institutions by minority cultures placing at great risk the safety and welfare of White, English speaking Canadians.

This has also transformed Canada into a country with few, if any values relating to loyalties and patriotism to the country

So are you a member of the Klu Klux Klan or Aryan Brotherhood? You use all their buzz words. Come right out and say it. What white group are you a member of or think you should join. Why beat around the bush any further?

I think White English Canada has been pushed around enough and I want to know what we can do about it.

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I was replying to what you said in reply to ScottSA post #6: "Why eliminate "white" to replace it with Anglo-Saxon? C'mon, let's call a spade a spade."

It seems to suggest that "White" has a higher level of contempt that certain anti-White races feel more comfortable with (for reasons of displaying hate and aggressive behavior towards the White race) than using Anglo-Saxon.

Otherwise, why would you even bother to reply when you know very well that primarily was Scott,s point to remove the emphasis off of 'White'.

If the police are looking to apprehend a suspect, they simply say "white" and not Anglo-Saxon. How do you know a suspect is Anglo-Saxon? Did they say please and thank you after they robbed you?

And do you have a citation for the comment that non-Whites have contempt for Whites?

I'm not even sure what you mean by White culture.

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You can't really be trying to argue genetics as a point of support in one sentence and religion as a point of support in the next. From the point of view of science (genetics, evolution, etc) the belief that all humans originated from just one human male and female is highly unlikely.

Also, I am unsure what you mean by the statement that genetically, there is no such thing as a race. Are you saying that there is absolutely no genetic difference between a black person and a white person? Considering that it is genes that control skin pigmentation, I find that unlikely. Also, you are further contradicting yourself in saying that there is no such thing as a race, genetically, and then comparing the genetics of different races (stating that white people have recessive genes, etc).

Whose arguing the religious standpoint? It was a statement of fact. The original poster included "Christian", so in those terms, the facts were presented to illustrate the point; whether true or not is irrelevant.

That's right - race is not real. A Swedish woman can be more genetically alike to an African man than to her own Swedish friend that looks like her. There is no race gene. "Race" is a racist concept.

In fact, the first posting was a racist post - White Christians? Come on. What no Jews? Jews have not been a part of Western culture? Have Blacks not been a part of Western culture? "White Christians" are code words, and add to it "Anglo-Saxon" and, maybe, "Protestant", and, well, you might as well be at a rally singing: "If it ain't White, it ain't right." I think the question really was, what can we do about these damn foreigners making us look at them? There was a time when the French, Irish, Slavs and Italians (all Christians) were the "threat". Racism is at the root of this thread. Have some integrity, folks, and admit it.


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If the police are looking to apprehend a suspect, they simply say "white" and not Anglo-Saxon. How do you know a suspect is Anglo-Saxon? Did they say please and thank you after they robbed you?

I know police officers and I also know they identify Whites as 'Caucasian', not White.

And do you have a citation for the comment that non-Whites have contempt for Whites?

Do I really have to dig up past events relating to 9/11, Britain and Muslim doctor attacks, South African terrorism against Whites, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Mexico, Cuba, etc, etc.

I'm not even sure what you mean by White culture.

We must understand Canada has a history and is majority White with cultural traditions (a component of race whereas we follow common beliefs) since 1867, in the same manner of any other country in the world.

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Many here will not recall the situation which existed in the sixties. I do. In those days, any economic problems encountered in this country were blamed by many Canadians as being the fault of Jews, Wops (Italians) and DPs. The acronym "DP" meant 'displaced person", that is immigrants and refugees. If a Canadian could not find employment it was "their fault". Immigrants were blamed for taking the jobs away from Canadians. English and French Canadians alike embraced this unfounded position. Today, we know that those who espoused that view were wrong. In those days, immigration was primarily from European "white" countries.

The message I get from reading some posts here is that recent new Canadians are "different" and don't resemble us. "Us" being native-born Canadians.

We are faced with a situation that we don't quite understand, that being terrorism coming from mostly Islamic zealots and radicals, and we have awoken to the fact that they are among us. We fear Muslims, especially Arab Muslims, because we can't distinguish among them who wants to live with us in peace and respect/accept our customs and traditions, and who wants to kill us. Understandably, that is very frightening to many of us. We have tried to be accommodating but we feel increasingly threatened. What are we to do now?

Is one solution to press for the reinforcement our traditions and beliefs? Maybe. I'm all for preserving our culture and traditions. I yearn for it. Yet, it is becoming increasingly hard to do. And let's face it, successive Canadians Governments have not been cooperative in working toward this objective. Multiculturalism being a case in point.

So, for me, it is not the colour of the skin. It is whether in coming to this country, immigrants and refugees are willing to leave their baggage in their country of origin and accepting our way of life. Whether new Canadians are willing to accept our way of life cannot be left until after Canada has already accepted them. Then, it is too late. This MUST be determined by Immigration Officers in our embassies and consular offices around the world, and by Immigration Canada as soon as a person applies to come here. As far as I am concerned, they have failed in their duty.

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In fact, the first posting was a racist post - White Christians? Come on. What no Jews? Jews have not been a part of Western culture? Have Blacks not been a part of Western culture? "White Christians" are code words, and add to it "Anglo-Saxon" and, maybe, "Protestant", and, well, you might as well be at a rally singing: "If it ain't White, it ain't right." I think the question really was, what can we do about these damn foreigners making us look at them? There was a time when the French, Irish, Slavs and Italians (all Christians) were the "threat". Racism is at the root of this thread. Have some integrity, folks, and admit it.

I agree that the original post was racist and poorly stated. Personally, I am neither Christian nor Anglo-Saxon, and agree that the attempt to state that only those categories of people fit into the definition of "white canadians" or those that are welcome in Canada in general is discriminatory. Nor do I think that people of any origin should be denied access to Canada simply based on their race. However, I do think that beneath it all there are some actual concerns that have some degree of validity, one of which was well expressed in Argus' post on page 2. Like he, (as well as I, in an earlier post) stated, the actual concerns that some people have are less about race, and more about culture, and how with the shift of demographic, the western culture that we presently have may be replaced by the cultures that are prevalent in the homelands of our immigrants.

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So are you a member of the Klu Klux Klan or Aryan Brotherhood? You use all their buzz words. Come right out and say it. What white group are you a member of or think you should join. Why beat around the bush any further?

This is atrocious ad hominem. He is talking about an elephant squatting on the table in the middle of the room that no one dares talk about. The demographics of Canada are a very valid question...one would think that a Jew of all people would see that. Perhaps, having conceded the raciality of Jewishness, you'd like to describe to "racism" of not letting Arabs in great numbers into Israel as full citizens. Perhaps because it would be political, social and quite likely physical suicide.

Every other racial group in the world is proudly homogenous, but as soon as a caucasian starts talking about homogeneity, the monkeys crawl out of the woodwork flinging odure. What exactly is the problem with what he's saying? No one is burning crosses or wearing hoods, and so what if they were? Maybe we all should have done that a long time ago instead of placidly standing by watching the coming disaster unfold.

I don't agree with his categorizations, but the fact that he is talking about the issue is no call for this pathetic display of spleen. It's long past time it was debated.

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I know police officers and I also know they identify Whites as 'Caucasian', not White.

Do I really have to dig up past events relating to 9/11, Britain and Muslim doctor attacks, South African terrorism against Whites, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Mexico, Cuba, etc, etc.

We must understand Canada has a history and is majority White with cultural traditions (a component of race whereas we follow common beliefs) since 1867, in the same manner of any other country in the world.

Police in Winnipeg often say "white suspect." Last time they did it was this past Thursday in a news conference.

I had no idea that September 11 was an attack against Whites.

I still don't know what White culture is based on your description. You said it doesn't include Catholics and French?

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However, I do think that beneath it all there are some actual concerns that have some degree of validity, one of which was well expressed in Argus' post on page 2. Like he, (as well as I, in an earlier post) stated, the actual concerns that some people have are less about race, and more about culture, and how with the shift of demographic, the western culture that we presently have may be replaced by the cultures that are prevalent in the homelands of our immigrants.

I agree that this is a major, major concern for those of us in the west. It's less of a matter here in the US as people are told that they ought to assimilate (e.g., the melting pot, which is more like a stew pot today). In the US, our major immigrant groups are Latinos and much less likely to import "alien" cultutral beliefs than, say, Pakistani immigrants in Toronto. Canada is proud of its mosaic, but I think the mosaic approach is wrong. I think a strong central core of beliefs is essential for national cohesion.

I think people who move to another country have to adapt to their new surroundings. For me, that means that you leave the old country at the border. How tolerated do you think you'd be if you emigrated to Saudi Arabia and insisted on wearing a halter top to the grocery store? Why should we demand less of people who come here? Is our way of life less valid than theirs?

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I think people who move to another country have to adapt to their new surroundings. For me, that means that you leave the old country at the border. How tolerated do you think you'd be if you emigrated to Saudi Arabia and insisted on wearing a halter top to the grocery store? Why should we demand less of people who come here? Is our way of life less valid than theirs?

So what are you saying? Are you pissed that muslim immigrants are not wearing halter tops? Are you pissed that we are not as intolerant as Saudi Arabia?

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I think people who move to another country have to adapt to their new surroundings. For me, that means that you leave the old country at the border. How tolerated do you think you'd be if you emigrated to Saudi Arabia and insisted on wearing a halter top to the grocery store? Why should we demand less of people who come here? Is our way of life less valid than theirs?

So what are you saying? Are you pissed that muslim immigrants are not wearing halter tops? Are you pissed that we are not as intolerant as Saudi Arabia?

Why shouldn't he be?

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I think people who move to another country have to adapt to their new surroundings. For me, that means that you leave the old country at the border. How tolerated do you think you'd be if you emigrated to Saudi Arabia and insisted on wearing a halter top to the grocery store? Why should we demand less of people who come here? Is our way of life less valid than theirs?

So what are you saying? Are you pissed that muslim immigrants are not wearing halter tops? Are you pissed that we are not as intolerant as Saudi Arabia?

Why shouldn't he be?

I dunno, I thought it was a free country.

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I think people who move to another country have to adapt to their new surroundings. For me, that means that you leave the old country at the border. How tolerated do you think you'd be if you emigrated to Saudi Arabia and insisted on wearing a halter top to the grocery store? Why should we demand less of people who come here? Is our way of life less valid than theirs?

So what are you saying? Are you pissed that muslim immigrants are not wearing halter tops? Are you pissed that we are not as intolerant as Saudi Arabia?

Why shouldn't he be?

I dunno, I thought it was a free country.

Agreed. Perhaps we ought to screen more closely those who want to come here. That way everyone can be free, and still not to have to watch bagged women walking around.

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I think people who move to another country have to adapt to their new surroundings. For me, that means that you leave the old country at the border. How tolerated do you think you'd be if you emigrated to Saudi Arabia and insisted on wearing a halter top to the grocery store? Why should we demand less of people who come here? Is our way of life less valid than theirs?

So what are you saying? Are you pissed that muslim immigrants are not wearing halter tops? Are you pissed that we are not as intolerant as Saudi Arabia?

Why shouldn't he be?

I dunno, I thought it was a free country.

Agreed. Perhaps we ought to screen more closely those who want to come here. That way everyone can be free, and still not to have to watch bagged women walking around.

And there it is. Why shouldn't we be as intolerant as Saudi Arabia? Why do we need to see them foreigners? It's our country. Right, SA?

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...the actual concerns that some people have are less about race, and more about culture, and how with the shift of demographic, the western culture that we presently have may be replaced by the cultures that are prevalent in the homelands of our immigrants.

Pizza. How dare they bring that stuff and alter our pure White culture!!!! What next? Falafals and belly dancing? <shudder>

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Leaflees please do describe what your idea of white culture is and how it is being threatened.

White culture in Canada = Canadian culture dominated by a majority White population and and its history and cultural traditions that include Christianity.

Unfortunately for purposes of this discussion excludes Quebec as their cultural indifference with the rest of Canada normally hinges on race, pertaining to other races and cultures, makes it impractical as Whites to be included with Whites from the rest of Canada.

Originally the purpose of foreign immigration was to fill jobs Canadians didn't want.

Canadian culture is being threatened by the importation of large groups of ethnic immigrants and allowing them to fill important positions in our institutions with no verification or guarantee that these immigrants will not perform traitorous actions that will endanger the lives of Canadians.

Quebecers, especially of the separatist variety, working within the bowels of our federal public service could be seen to harbour the same threat as disloyal immigrants relating to the possible large scale mayhem and traitorism within the ranks of federal employees.

Canada must be a nation of idiots, to allow its government to behave in this manner, blackballing and endangering its own majority White population.

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Canadian culture is being threatened by the importation of large groups of ethnic immigrants and allowing them to fill important positions in our institutions with no verification or guarantee that these immigrants will not perform traitorous actions that will endanger the lives of Canadians.

You don't think non-whites should be allowed to fill important jobs?

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Police in Winnipeg often say "white suspect." Last time they did it was this past Thursday in a news conference.

Maybe police in Winnipeg are simply uninformed.

Caucasian is the proper word to describe a person from the White race and is the 'primary definition', unlike the definition of white.

I had no idea that September 11 was an attack against Whites.

For all practical purposes especially relating to brownies, White=Christian and thus hated by the current line of Islamic-Muslims and their terrorist acts.

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Canadian culture is being threatened by the importation of large groups of ethnic immigrants and allowing them to fill important positions in our institutions with no verification or guarantee that these immigrants will not perform traitorous actions that will endanger the lives of Canadians.

You don't think non-whites should be allowed to fill important jobs?

I presume you know what the issue is and would appreciate your views on the issue rather than attack this poster with a question that does not reflect the seriousness of a rather complex situation that continues to be force fed by government in a totally irresponsible manner.

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Maybe police in Winnipeg are simply uninformed.

Caucasian is the proper word to describe a person from the White race and is the 'primary definition', unlike the definition of white.

For all practical purposes especially relating to brownies, White=Christian and thus hated by the current line of Islamic-Muslims and their terrorist acts.

The Toronto Police force uses the term as well. Perhaps they use the same style guide as Winnipeg.

I can't recall seeing white or Christian being used as a reason for attacks.

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I presume you know what the issue is and would appreciate your views on the issue rather than attack this poster with a question that does not reflect the seriousness of a rather complex situation that continues to be force fed by government in a totally irresponsible manner.

You are the one who implied that ethnic immigrants should not be filling important jobs in Canada. I was just curious if you are actually serious, or whether you wrote that in haste, because I am surprised that someone would actually suggest that non-whites shouldn't be allowed to fill important jobs.

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