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Why I dislike Canadian born visible minorities sometimes.

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Some leftists are too dumb even to see the glaring irony of driving about in a smelly CO2 belching VW bus with Green Party bumper stickers on the back bumper.

Actually running an old lawnmower for an hour releases more co2 than a new car going 500km distance.

Not that we have proven C02 levels cause global warming... just an interesting tid bit.

A lawn mower engine holds maybe 1/4 gallon of gasoline.

A new car travelling 500km burns approx (just for argument) 1-gallon per 35 km. or approx. 14-gallons of gasoline or could produce 280lbs. of carbon dioxide.

There is no comparison.

The new car produces approx. 275lbs of co2 and the lawn mower 5lbs of co2.


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A lawn mower engine holds maybe 1/4 gallon of gasoline.

There is no comparison.

All I'm doing is repearting what I heard on the radio:

"A typical, older 3.5 horsepower lawnmowerengine can emit the same amount of VOCs in an hour as a new car driven 500 km."


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Actually any decrease would be a huge deal.

Yeah becuase of global warming.

Given our aging demographics, our population has to grow substantially just to maintain our existing standard of living.

What newspaper did you read that from? Have you... REASEARCHED any of these stats? No? Then don't repeat headlines.

CPP and Old Age and Medicare and even our infrastructure cannot be supported by a bunch of geriatrics

They've been saying that since I was a kid.

I'm still waiting for this great old age population to retire. It's been 20 years now since I first heard these headlines and I'm STILL waiting for this to happen.

Or is this more Global Warming type junk analasys.

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Actually running an old lawnmower for an hour releases more co2 than a new car going 500km distance.
A typical, older 3.5 horsepower lawnmowerengine can emit the same amount of VOCs in an hour as a new car driven 500 km

:lol: CO2 and VOCs are two different things. Seems you got confused between the two.

"Garden equipment emits high levels of carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides, producing a surprising 3-5% of Canada's air pollution. To a lesser extent, they are also responsible for greenhouse gas emissions that lead to climate change."

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No one has even talked about whether immigrants and refugees get jobs or don't. You pulled that out of your ass because you are incapable of addressing the actual substance of the discussion and want to shift it into other areas.

Really? How about mikedavid, you , and a couple of others have talked about it.

Face it argus, the whole thread was disguised but quickly outed as to its real intentions, to bash immigrants.

Disguised? I'm not sure you have the necessary intellectual capacity to figure out something which was disguised. The thread was pretty obviously a complaint against immigrants filling up mikedavid's world, and how uncomfortable he is with their cultural attitudes. Thus the theme of the thread is cultural attitudes of immigrants and its affect on our society. No one brought up any economic data, except you.

I wont stand for that . Lets see, starts as dislike immigrants as they are not assimilating, then it gets into too many coming and overwhelming the healthcare system, then the same to welfare.Same old same old.

The problem with people like you is your knee-jerk mentality "won't stand for" discussion. Period. End of story. Immigration and its many affects on society, culturally and socially, economically, and with regard to issues like crime, pollution, urban sprawl, etc. are all worthy of discussion, as immigrants all have a huge impact in all those areas. But people like you try their best to shut down all discussion and debate as somehow immoral and improper. Any questioning of immigration brings the old knee jerking, jerking, jerking, makes you red faced and indignant, and causes you to flail away like a madman at anyone and everything in sight until you chase them away and your world can be peaceful again.

You cant bully anyone into believing you, so why try?

And you can't bully anyone into stopping their discussions because you don't like the topic. So bugger off.

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Disguised? I'm not sure you have the necessary intellectual capacity to figure out something which was disguised. The thread was pretty obviously a complaint against immigrants filling up mikedavid's world, and how uncomfortable he is with their cultural attitudes. Thus the theme of the thread is cultural attitudes of immigrants and its affect on our society. No one brought up any economic data, except you.

Nice try Argus. Good effort that. Why the anger ? Why the personal attack?

Well,intellectual comparison aside, I am smart enough to see through your little diatribes. Pretty obvious really. Immigrants bad , Argus/mikedavid good. Enjoy the company . And you want to comment on my intellect. Ok, go ahead.

Unfortunately both you and mikedavid couch these threads in some way to disquise your true feelings. We get it, we see it. Both of you do not like immigrants and want them gone . This is due, as you both put it, because the immigrant is a leech on society. Dislike this , dislike that with respect to immigrants. Mention has been made and discussed about economics of immigration, so not sure what you want. Other than of course immigrants gone.

You see, both of you have established your reasoning based on silly arguements, ad hominen attacks (deny that why dont you---its right there in the quote) .

So to get to the root of those reasons, I use immigrant numbers to show you that they are not like what both of you seem to think. I know I know, it sucks to be shown wrong. Tomorrows another day, suck it up on this one.

I am searching for your ham fisted rant about the fact that someone brought up lawn mowers and co2 levels in this very thread, when of course, we are talking about, as you put it , "complaints against immigrants filling up mikedavids world". Willl I find one Argus? Is there a double standard ? NO and yes?

The problem with people like you is your knee-jerk mentality "won't stand for" discussion. Period. End of story. Immigration and its many affects on society, culturally and socially, economically, and with regard to issues like crime, pollution, urban sprawl, etc. are all worthy of discussion, as immigrants all have a huge impact in all those areas. But people like you try their best to shut down all discussion and debate as somehow immoral and improper. Any questioning of immigration brings the old knee jerking, jerking, jerking, makes you red faced and indignant, and causes you to flail away like a madman at anyone and everything in sight until you chase them away and your world can be peaceful again.

Hmm....obviously I overestimated you. Sorry about that, I will certainly try not to do that again. Here is the point sir, we can have those discussions all day and every day should you wish. Fine by me.

But you have to understand first that you and mikedavids beliefs are erroneously held beliefs. All leeched, all unemployed , so on and so on. You have been shown that, but like leading a horse to water.....

Actually I dont get red faced and rant. Funny, but I know this is internet. Save that for yourself which is evident in this thread. Anger, yours , ad hominen attacks, yours. But thats ok. I can take it.

To get from A to B requires a basic understanding of the immigrant situation. I have been educated by this board and researched a bit more on my own to see that the stats do not follow your feelings.So when you rant about them , it comes from not understanding . Thats okay, we are here to help. You are welcome.

And you can't bully anyone into stopping their discussions because you don't like the topic. So bugger off.

Now was that neccessary ? Greg has asked for posters not to attack the messenger but the message. And then you go and do this. Silly .

Dont want to bully anyone into anything, unless of course people go around saying immigrants are all on welfare, none of them educated , all leeches on govt social programmes.

I am hoping you understand.

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Disguised? I'm not sure you have the necessary intellectual capacity to figure out something which was disguised. The thread was pretty obviously a complaint against immigrants filling up mikedavid's world, and how uncomfortable he is with their cultural attitudes. Thus the theme of the thread is cultural attitudes of immigrants and its affect on our society. No one brought up any economic data, except you.

Maybe not in this particular thread, but mikedavid has brought up that issue in other threads. Perhaps with all of the immigrant bashing threads that mikedavid has been involved in, this person simply forgot which anti-immigrant thread they were in?

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Something I've grown impatient with is white teenager kids totally immersing themselves in the American gansta culture. The clothes, the music and the talk, it just looks so funny comng from a white Canadian kid. And what's so funny is these kids are usually very anti-American.

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Disguised? I'm not sure you have the necessary intellectual capacity to figure out something which was disguised. The thread was pretty obviously a complaint against immigrants filling up mikedavid's world, and how uncomfortable he is with their cultural attitudes. Thus the theme of the thread is cultural attitudes of immigrants and its affect on our society. No one brought up any economic data, except you.

Maybe not in this particular thread, but mikedavid has brought up that issue in other threads. Perhaps with all of the immigrant bashing threads that mikedavid has been involved in, this person simply forgot which anti-immigrant thread they were in?

I don't think there's much doubt mikedavid doesn't like the way immigrants are crowding him. But the answer to that is to answer his complaints as he makes them, if that can be done honestly. I don't see guyser as being at all honest as he's basically taken the position, as I see it, that any discussion of immigration, any complaint against any aspect of immigration brands one a racist and bigot. His stand is considerably worse, imo, than mikedavid, who is merely expressing the discomfort he feels at being surrounded by people who are not Canadians in what is supposed to be his country.

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Something I've grown impatient with is white teenager kids totally immersing themselves in the American gansta culture. The clothes, the music and the talk,

You have to look past the clothes and see the kid. Our parents intimated the same things .

All it is is the style and fashion of the day. Sure some of it is outrageous, but I wouldn't go so far as "growing impatient"....cuz that means you want them to act as a white canadians?

The music...?....I like most of it. And I am no kid.

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Disguised? I'm not sure you have the necessary intellectual capacity to figure out something which was disguised. The thread was pretty obviously a complaint against immigrants filling up mikedavid's world, and how uncomfortable he is with their cultural attitudes. Thus the theme of the thread is cultural attitudes of immigrants and its affect on our society. No one brought up any economic data, except you.

Nice try Argus. Good effort that. Why the anger ? Why the personal attack?

Your contribution to this thread is nothing but a personal attack, and an attempt to shut down the discussion and brand anyone who opposes your views.

Well,intellectual comparison aside, I am smart enough to see through your little diatribes. Pretty obvious really. Immigrants bad , Argus/mikedavid good. Enjoy the company . And you want to comment on my intellect. Ok, go ahead.

Your posts themselves are the best comment on your intellect.

Unfortunately both you and mikedavid couch these threads in some way to disquise your true feelings.

I'm sorry but I have to wonder just where you think mikedavid is couching anything. He's been pretty up front about his feelings. As for me, again, you're really not capable of understanding much about where I'm coming from. The waters are too shallow where you paddle around.

We get it, we see it. Both of you do not like immigrants and want them gone . This is due, as you both put it, because the immigrant is a leech on society.

Another straw man. Where have I ever suggested that? Which obscure thread are you plucking this little diversion from? This thread has nothing to do with whether immigrants are a leech on society, nothing to do with the economics of immigration.

You see, both of you have established your reasoning based on silly arguements, ad hominen attacks (deny that why dont you---its right there in the quote) .

Odd how these silly arguments seem to be too burdensome for you to address. You demanded I define the threme of the thread, did you not? I did so, and your response? You cut that part out and continued on your snivelling rant.

So to get to the root of those reasons, I use immigrant numbers to show you that they are not like what both of you seem to think. I know I know, it sucks to be shown wrong. Tomorrows another day, suck it up on this one.

Your numbers prove nothing. Again, cherry picking some numbers and putting a rosy glow on them are no proof of anything. But this thread has nothing to do with the economics of immigration so I've chosen not to bother with them.

The problem with people like you is your knee-jerk mentality "won't stand for" discussion. Period. End of story. Immigration and its many affects on society, culturally and socially, economically, and with regard to issues like crime, pollution, urban sprawl, etc. are all worthy of discussion, as immigrants all have a huge impact in all those areas. But people like you try their best to shut down all discussion and debate as somehow immoral and improper. Any questioning of immigration brings the old knee jerking, jerking, jerking, makes you red faced and indignant, and causes you to flail away like a madman at anyone and everything in sight until you chase them away and your world can be peaceful again.

Hmm....obviously I overestimated you. Sorry about that, I will certainly try not to do that again. Here is the point sir, we can have those discussions all day and every day should you wish. Fine by me.

But you have to understand first that you and mikedavids beliefs are erroneously held beliefs. All leeched, all unemployed , so on and so on. You have been shown that, but like leading a horse to water.....

Despite your emotional pleas for universal brotherhood, and your repeated ad hominems and sneering dismissal of what other posters have said, you have yet to disprove, or in most cases even address any of the issues brought up by those who are opposed to our current system of immigration and refugee determination.

Dont want to bully anyone into anything, unless of course people go around saying immigrants are all on welfare, none of them educated , all leeches on govt social programmes.

I am hoping you understand.

And if and when someone actually says that, then you, yes, EVEN YOU, might be able to actually respond with something intelligent that addresses and disproves their point. Of course, no one actually HAS said that, so your sniveling whine is utterly irrelevant to the issues under discussion.

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You have to look past the clothes and see the kid. Our parents intimated the same things .

Exactly. Parents used to get upset about the Beatles and Elvis. The music changes from generation to generation.

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Something I've grown impatient with is white teenager kids totally immersing themselves in the American gansta culture. The clothes, the music and the talk,

You have to look past the clothes and see the kid. Our parents intimated the same things .

All it is is the style and fashion of the day. Sure some of it is outrageous, but I wouldn't go so far as "growing impatient"....cuz that means you want them to act as a white canadians?

The music...?....I like most of it. And I am no kid.

Funny that, I had a white gangsta kid come in the tattoo shop who said he wanted a little "sumpin sumpin" on his arm. I asked OK so what was this sumpin sumpin? He said, "c'mon, you know what I'm talkin 'bout. Sumpin sumpin!" Ok, you want that in script or olde english? He had no clue what his own words meant. Hip hop has made kids stupid. Bring back the Disposable Heroes Of Hiphoprisy, these kids need direction and the means to articulate their non-ideas.

The video that mikedavid points to as damning evidence of the immigration 'problem' is nothing more than a parade celebrating Sikhism in Canada. Looks like a rather colourful and fun affair to me. Just cuz I see no beavers, moose or maple syrup doesn't make the event any less than purely Canadian.

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Your contribution to this thread is nothing but a personal attack, and an attempt to shut down the discussion and brand anyone who opposes your views.

Not if it is an informed opinion. I try to leave personal attacks to the schoolyard, although when I signed on I had a few slip ups. But hey we all learn.

Your posts themselves are the best comment on your intellect.

Thank you. I appreciate the compliment.

I'm sorry but I have to wonder just where you think mikedavid is couching anything. He's been pretty up front about his feelings. As for me, again, you're really not capable of understanding much about where I'm coming from. The waters are too shallow where you paddle around.

Oh I understand where you are coming from , and thats why I am trying to show you the folly of your ways. Go ahead and rebutt my positions. I look forward to debate, as long as it is intelligent and not full of attackes and untruths.

Me- Both of you do not like immigrants and want them gone . This is due, as you both put it, because the immigrant is a leech on society.
Argus-Another straw man. Where have I ever suggested that? Which obscure thread are you plucking this little diversion from? This thread has nothing to do with whether immigrants are a leech on society, nothing to do with the economics of immigration.
Argus-Your numbers prove nothing. Again, cherry picking some numbers and putting a rosy glow on them are no proof of anything. But this thread has nothing to do with the economics of immigration so I've chosen not to bother with them.

Actually the numbers I posted, and you objected to as "cherry picking" were taken verbatim, entirely and without one edit from the paper . I guess when I was cherry picking I picked the whole tree clean? Well in that case, it is true. I know you have chosen not to bother with them. Thats the problem.

Argus-Despite your emotional pleas for universal brotherhood, and your repeated ad hominems and sneering dismissal of what other posters have said, you have yet to disprove, or in most cases even address any of the issues brought up by those who are opposed to our current system of immigration and refugee determination.

Okay now that was funny.


And if and when someone actually says that, then you, yes, EVEN YOU, might be able to actually respond with something intelligent that addresses and disproves their point. Of course, no one actually HAS said that, so your sniveling whine is utterly irrelevant to the issues under discussion.

Whine....hmm....I really dohnt think so. Just trying to debate here. No whines coming from me sir !

But for you, here ya go......

This is you in an immigratin thread...

Argus - Yup. I did that for twenty years. Got to be on a first-name basis with lots of cops, got to hear sirens on a multiple times a day basis too. Stabbings to the left of me, shootings to the right, gang fights in the field outside the schools behind, kidnapping in the park in front of me, all salted with a healthy dose of swarmings, screaming family fights, vandalism, public urination, theft, bad smells, food thrown into hallways, fires set inside apartments... ah yes, the wonderful multiltural experience of living among immigrants!

You sure you lived in Canada when this went down? Immigrants...all bad.

Here is one from your compadre.

mikedavid- aliens entering into a city with the majority on welfare and upping the crime rate. (and yes I've posted numbers and articles to back this in the past).

This is another of yours, and you are spinning that if everyone in Canada left, then this country would still wrong to import people.

Argus-The term "net immigrants" is a pet term August uses to try and pretend immigration is smaller than it is. He subtracts all the Canadians who leave Canada to get this, and blithely disregards the fact this only makes the problems of social and cultural disruption worse.

Funny no one said how many?

Argus-Foreign criminals and terrorists walk the streets because it's almost impossible to deport them. How many Canadians have died because the Charter protects criminals from being properly dealt with? Because foreigners can't be properly deported?

So, I had a quick look and that is what I found , since you asked me to. And to be a man about it, in my search I did not find you saying outright that all immigrants are on welfare ,uneducated and leeches.

So, here you go.....Sorry about that.

But you did infer they are likely to be kidnapping, throwing food in hallways, stabbings on the left, shootings on the right. I guess these are better traits .

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I've commented on immigration on other threads, and basically said with the floodgates open method our Government has been favouring, Canada will be a completely different nation than it was, and there is no going back.

As I've further rattled this around in my head, it occurs to me that there is another issue. Racism. Specifically white kids and brown kids not getting along in schools, which has turned into gang activity and worse. It seems to be the visible minorities like Orientals and Hindus that get the worse of the treatment. I wonder if we really are better off not mixing the people after all. The black problem in the U.S. is really a major disaster. Generations of hatred leaving today's black kids in hopeless poverty which they can't pull themselves out of.

One day my sister was just about to turn into a parking spot when this young kid swerved into it ahead of her. She is white and he was East Indian. She politely asked him if he could find another spot as she had her signal light on and had to make the skytrain into Vancouver. The foul mouthed racism this kid spouted was shocking. But he left the spot, and flashed a weapon as he drove off. My sister parked and felt so shaken and scared, she told security staff, who actually spotted the kid and stopped him. He completely lied through his teeth and showed only timidity. This kind of hatred can't be educated out of a kid. It's probably our schools that put it into him.

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I've commented on immigration on other threads, and basically said with the floodgates open method our Government has been favouring, Canada will be a completely different nation than it was, and there is no going back.

To many of us, that is not such a bad thing.

As I've further rattled this around in my head, it occurs to me that there is another issue. Racism. Specifically white kids and brown kids not getting along in schools, which has turned into gang activity and worse. It seems to be the visible minorities like Orientals and Hindus that get the worse of the treatment. I wonder if we really are better off not mixing the people after all.

I would think "some" white kids and brown kids do not get along, and that is no different than it ever was, Maybe it is more prevelant, but that speaks to both sides being racist, not just one side.

What your last sentence above alludes to is to keep them away from "us"(however us is). It does not solve anything, so the answer is to try harder- not less, and cetainly not segregation.

The black problem in the U.S. is really a major disaster. Generations of hatred leaving today's black kids in hopeless poverty which they can't pull themselves out of.

Hatred = poor?

One day my sister was just about to turn into a parking spot when this young kid swerved into it ahead of her. She is white and he was East Indian.

Sorry dude, but that could have been anyone doing that. It was a granny that did that to me at Yorkdale.Gave me the finger too, at Christmas.

This kind of hatred can't be educated out of a kid. It's probably our schools that put it into him.

Now our schools are teaching racism ? I seriously , and beyond a shadow of a doubt, do not believe that.

Education is the key to integration and respect. As we become more educated, then we should be more tolerant of others ways and foibles.

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Leftists are well known for simplistic views which assume that everyone else has simplistic views too. Ironically, leftists also believe that they have more complicated views than they really do, and everyone else really does have more intellectual depth than leftists do, so we are forever seeing leftists proclaiming simplistic views as intelligent views and everyone else laughing at them. And slaughtering them at the polls come election time. Some leftists are too dumb even to see the glaring irony of driving about in a smelly CO2 belching VW bus with Green Party bumper stickers on the back bumper.

My how you must love to read your rant in print. And I'm amazed at how little you understand the population that you deride and demean.

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I would think "some" white kids and brown kids do not get along, and that is no different than it ever was, Maybe it is more prevelant, but that speaks to both sides being racist, not just one side.

What your last sentence above alludes to is to keep them away from "us"(however us is). It does not solve anything, so the answer is to try harder- not less, and cetainly not segregation.

Sorry dude, but that could have been anyone doing that. It was a granny that did that to me at Yorkdale.Gave me the finger too, at Christmas.

Now our schools are teaching racism ? I seriously , and beyond a shadow of a doubt, do not believe that.

You made several errors of assumption I need to correct you on:

I never said that only one side was being racist, nor did I mean that.

I wasn't suggesting segregation, but immigration ceasing as an answer.

The point wasn't that someone stole my sister's spot. Geez, READ! Someone racially violated her simply because she was white.

And finally, I wasn't saying our schools are teaching racism. I was saying they are a place in which racism is sprouting, due to all the different races being forced together, like in high schools.

The fact remains that racism exists in Canada. Bringing in hundreds of thousands of immigrants every year will not lessen this. As these different cultures collide, no one can say what will happen on this grand a scale. The U.S. condition with blacks is very bad, and getting worse. Where will we be in 20 years?

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You made several errors of assumption I need to correct you on:

I never said that only one side was being racist, nor did I mean that.

I wasn't suggesting segregation, but immigration ceasing as an answer.

Ok, but you did say not to mix them, and since there are immigrants here already then it was not an assumption I made.Not to mix is segregation. But I will stand by your correction.

The point wasn't that someone stole my sister's spot. Geez, READ! Someone racially violated her simply because she was white.

Well this one cannot be corrected. What you printed and the reason why it occured cannot be connected. I dont know, as you do, what went on for this to happen. Maybe he was doing it, but maybe he felt slighted, maybe he was a jerk that would do that to anyone. We dont know, you dont know. So we have no idea that he "racially violated her" now do we?

The fact remains that racism exists in Canada. Bringing in hundreds of thousands of immigrants every year will not lessen this. As these different cultures collide, no one can say what will happen on this grand a scale.

Why collide? So many cultures have integrated, so many have done so well, that it would be folly to suggest that collision is our only option.

Most everyone who comes to this country does so wanting a better life. Why would they knowingly want to ruin what they are striving to achieve?

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Uh, I know he racially violated her because of what he said to her, he left no doubt it was about race to him. Whether he was a jerk is not the point, he was racist.

Perhaps I am not being clear. Of course people are not going to willing ruin a good thing. That goes for immigrants AND born Canadians. But it seems that wherever there is immigration, there is racism and strife. The French Government doesn't dare do a thing without wondering if this will start more street riots or not. France is often held up as an example to follow yet their problems are now worse than the U.S. black discord.

What I'm saying is it seems people just get envious or jealous or hateful when immigration is tried.

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Sorry dude, but that could have been anyone doing that. It was a granny that did that to me at Yorkdale.Gave me the finger too, at Christmas.

I think we could get into a whole separate thread about parking lot etiquette.

If this granny was white, you could have railed against the French, Israelis, Ukrainians and any others. She may have even been from Quebec! Why limit yourself to visible minorities?<heh>

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Uh, I know he racially violated her because of what he said to her, he left no doubt it was about race to him. Whether he was a jerk is not the point, he was racist.

Perhaps I am not being clear. Of course people are not going to willing ruin a good thing. That goes for immigrants AND born Canadians. But it seems that wherever there is immigration, there is racism and strife. The French Government doesn't dare do a thing without wondering if this will start more street riots or not. France is often held up as an example to follow yet their problems are now worse than the U.S. black discord.

What I'm saying is it seems people just get envious or jealous or hateful when immigration is tried.

I suggest you draft a letter to Harper who is increasing immigration. I'm sure he will have a sympathetic ear for you.

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Uh, I know he racially violated her because of what he said to her, he left no doubt it was about race to him. Whether he was a jerk is not the point, he was racist.

You do not mention that you were there so I will stand by my opinion that we have no idea his motivations.

The French Government doesn't dare do a thing without wondering if this will start more street riots or not. France is often held up as an example to follow yet their problems are now worse than the U.S. black discord.

You sound like "scottsa lite" France has a minor problem confined to a small area goegraphically speaking, and the French always do what they want.

What I'm saying is it seems people just get envious or jealous or hateful when immigration is tried.

Only bigots and racists. If those are the people born here, then they are jealous of the advancement that immigrants have.

There are plenty of immigrants that I know that have achieved so much in so little time I admire and wonder damn how do they do that?

But not hateful.

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