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Why I dislike Canadian born visible minorities sometimes.

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Many of the time I dislike speaking to visible minorities. Not immigrants. I'm talking about people that are BORN here in Canada.

The reason why is because they cling onto something they don't understand or have not grown up in. It was cool when I was younger. Now it's just a pain in the butt.

"Yo man, I'm <insert nationality>, of course I like hot food".

"In the end, I know my parents want to see me with a <intsert nationality>."

"We went to <insert country> and I really want to go back".

"Are there any <their nationality>'s at your new job".

"You can't add me as a friend, your not the same colour as me". (that's more of thinking)

"I don't like white people"

"What girls are ho's/whores" - the most common thing i've heard through the years.

You know it's alway's funny seeing people pretending they're Italian. Trying to cling to something that they are not. They don't know how to speak Italian, they look white, they don't act/look/move like real Italians from Italy. But their last name ensures that they name their child Bruno or something dumb like that just so they can get their jolies.

While this seems harmless, it comes at a price. Not only do they center their feelings of 'like' of their own kind, they also dislike kids other than theirs. They will discriminate, be predjudice, and exclude you if you aren't the same nationality. You won't get into their circles of friendship.

Italians I find the most pathetic because they are not even visible minorities half of the time and cannot speak Italian. They have little to do with Italian culture becuase they are not from Italy.

The south Asians have the most deep rooted bagage BY FAR and is probably a whole other post. Through the years I have found most of them to be xenephic, discriminiotry, and racist. Yes the kids born here. I have whitnessed it too many times to count.

I guess my problem is that I'm against racism and prejudice. I feel everyone should be treated fairly regardless of their colour or immagined culture. I feel the whole thing of calling myself a nationality other than Canadian is just uncool. It's not fun. It doesn't lead to anything. It only creates problems.

Stop clinging to a lesser place in order to fill some wacky void that Trudeu and our public school system told you that you should have.

Because I'll let you in on a secret: your own relatives from the old country and your own parents don't consider you the 'real thing' so don't try to act like you are becauses your not.

Stop posing.

It creates racism.

If you were born in Canada, call yourself a Canadian and embrace that.

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I would say the odds of a visible minority Canadian actually being interested in speaking to you are too slim to calculate.

That being said, amI the only one who has zero interest in what motivates your ignorance and who you dislike the most?

I mean, that's like doggy poo looking down it's brown nose at the circling flies.......

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I guess my problem is that I'm against racism and prejudice.

Nothing like throwing out a dozen or so stereotypes and expressions of disdain and then setting a new tone with a statement like that immediately afterward.

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I guess my problem is that I'm against racism and prejudice.

Nothing like throwing out a dozen or so stereotypes and expressions of disdain and then setting a new tone with a statement like that immediately afterward.

Are you denying that second gen kids born here don't constantly bring up their immagined culture?

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I would say the odds of a visible minority Canadian actually being interested in speaking to you are too slim to calculate.


Explain that statement further.

Sure....you come across like an illiterate knob....why would anyone bother talking to you, aside from telling you how they want the lawn mowed would be beyond me....

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Are you denying that second gen kids born here don't constantly bring up their immagined culture?

Why is it "imagined" culture? We all grow up Canadian and we all speak the same language, but when we go home there are different customs, traditions and food that await us all... aren't there?

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Did your ancestors who immigrated here consider themselves to be "Canadian"? Or is it only non-white immigrants you dislike?

Yes they did and my Grandfather joined the army and faught in WWII.

I would include Irish or Scotish or German but they don't ghettoize and pretend that they are not Canadian. They don't disclude others from their families and don't pretend they are something that they are not.

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Are you denying that second gen kids born here don't constantly bring up their immagined culture?

Why is it "imagined" culture? We all grow up Canadian and we all speak the same language, but when we go home there are different customs, traditions and food that await us all... aren't there?

That's just the thing. If you think food and customs are culture then it's immagined.

Yes I like to eat all the foods of the world myself. I watch many foriegn films. Probably more than most here.

But that's all it is. I'm Canadian because I was born here and that shouldn't be a bad thing.

What is a bad thing is having groups of people who are born here hanging out in groups because they share the same skin colour.

I have a friend that went to Australia for law school (because she couldn't get in here) and she's Indo-Canadian. So she has pics on her profile and such and everyone there was overwelmingly white. Everyone.

But NO! She just HAD to find a girl with the same skin colour as hers and become friends with her. In all the pics they'll be standing by each other. Ghettoizing for no other reason than their skin color. It's pretty sad.

"Omg your desi? So am I. Let's be best friends because we share the same skin colour".

That promotes racism which I am against.

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What is a bad thing is having groups of people who are born here hanging out in groups because they share the same skin colour.

Ok, so you believe it's a bad thing for white people to only hang out with white people. I guess that means we need more non-white people here for them to hang out with?

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An old saying from the newsgroups back in the day: The first person who brings up Hitler loses the debate.

I didn't bring up hitler. And there is nothing wrong with bringing up hitler depending on how it is used. If you say "you are hitler" or "bush is hitler" then yes you lose. But there is a lot to learn from history, including hitler, and there's nothing wrong with debating that.

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What an exchange:

I guess my problem is that I'm against racism and prejudice.
Nothing like throwing out a dozen or so stereotypes and expressions of disdain and then setting a new tone with a statement like that immediately afterward.
Are you denying that second gen kids born here don't constantly bring up their immagined culture?
I frankly don't know whether I should deny your point or not.

Reading your OP MikeDavid, I had the exact same impression as BC Chick. After leisurely tossing out several outrageous, generalizing racist remarks, you then have the audacity to state: "I guess my problem is that I'm against racism".

MikeDavid, I think I could tolerate your bland generalizations. (You have an Archie Bunker grasp of logic that is 1930s archaic.) Your oversized ego is possibly tolerable too.

But I can't tolerate how you reduce every single question to immigration. You're no different than Polynewbie. There must be something reassuring in having such a blinkered view of the world around you. People such as yourself either build complex theories around their single explanation of the world or else one day, they have an epiphany and realize that the world is more complex than they believed.

MikeDavid, you have a one track mind.

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Ok, so you believe it's a bad thing for white people to only hang out with white people. I guess that means we need more non-white people here for them to hang out with?

I've never once in my life met a white person who didn't specifically go out of his way not to hang around someone of colour. The same cannot be said about the second generations.

It's said to see this white guy invite this ethnic co-worker to his wedding, a year later it's his wedding, and no invite. Who gets the invite?

Yes. Another south asian who has been working there for 2 months.

That was sad. And the guy didn't even know that he wasn't invited. I keep my mouth shut though. But that guy who was a Liberal should have known becuase that is rascism in the pure form.

After all, we can't have a white person degrade my wedding!

And to think that people here ENCOURAGE this kind of racism is just unreal.

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That's just the thing. If you think food and customs are culture then it's immagined.


I have a friend that went to Australia for law school (because she couldn't get in here) and she's Indo-Canadian. So she has pics on her profile and such and everyone there was overwelmingly white. Everyone.

But NO! She just HAD to find a girl with the same skin colour as hers and become friends with her. In all the pics they'll be standing by each other. Ghettoizing for no other reason than their skin color. It's pretty sad.

First off, maybe not food, but customs are definitely part of one's culture.

As for your friend, I don't think it's racism so much as it is finding someone who can relate to her. When you grow up in an immigrant family who has different expectations of you than your friends' parents have of them, then that's usually the way it goes. Or else the kids rebel and distance themselves from their family - one of the two. If the parents are liberal in their views, the kids grow up relating with just about any type of "Canadian."

Either way, by the third generation it's gone because the new parents know what it's like to grow up feeling different than your friends.

The interesting thing is what you bring up about Italians - I find that many non-Anglo-Saxon European immigrants (like the Italians, Greeks, Spanish etc) hold on to their culture for many more generations than visible minorities because they are not taught by people like you to be ashamed of their cultures.

You rarely find visible-minorities holding on to their culture after three generations.

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MikeDavid, you have a one track mind.

And you let your emotions and beliefs get in the way of numbers.

In Quebec if you are French you can't get a job easily becuase many require that you write English at a business level. Thus many French in Quebec lose jobs needlessly to Anglo's. I understand that.

In Quebec if you are Anglo you can't get a job easliy because many require that you write French at a business level. Thus many Anglo's lose the job needlessly.

Thus we have to look at billingualism or maybe getting more extreme in perserving French language.

Those situations are complex.

Letting in mass, mass, mass amounts of people when we have no jobs, healthcare, daycare, or spots open schools is a no brainer I believe it to be the cause of almost all of our modern problems.

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I've never once in my life met a white person who didn't specifically go out of his way not to hang around someone of colour. The same cannot be said about the second generations.

Are you saying you have no problem with non-whites in this country? If it were up to you, Canada should continue to allow non-white immigrants into this country? That's not the impression I get from your posts.

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Letting in mass, mass, mass amounts of people when we have no jobs, healthcare, daycare, or spots open schools is a no brainer I believe it to be the cause of almost all of our modern problems.

Despite all the rumours to the contrary, it's actually not that easy to get in Canada.

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To slightly diverge topics:

While he may oddly articulated this idea, I sort of see where he is going with the post even though I oppose some of his assertions(dislike of speaking with minorities....since I don't care about their ethnicity, only if theyre intelligent, honest people, AND I find many second gen-ers to be fairly well integrated) , but agree with others (occasional tendencies towards self inflicted ghettoization).

More specifically, I don't think that "visible minorities" are to be singled out, but his point of ethnic minorities ghettoizing themselves is very valid.

I for one, am an immigrant from Eastern Europe and for the most part, we're far from visible (except for the excessive chains, modded compact cars, and funboy beats). I know the community very well, even though I was considered an outcast since I:

a) Didn't go to church (a capital sin amongst such a devout crowd, but science has replaced religion in my family for generations).

B) Read books instead of playing soccer, went to university instead of drinking beer all day and settling for a factory job when I know I'm capable of more.

c) Didn't care about the ethnicities of my friends, and gasp, had (in their eyes, far too many) non white friends. I preferred Beastie Boys to Techno ANY day.

d) Not to mention I didn't swear like a trucker, didn't blame all the worlds ills on Jews, Arabs, Germans or Russians, didn't think that University was a waste of time and money, nor did I think that owning a flashy car was EVERYTHING in life.

And the point of this was, I was singled out for acting like a Canadian. Say Whaaa???? And some of these fools genuinely treated it like some sort of pejorative term, yet this was beyond me.

This is far from being representative of my entire ethnic community, since generally the kids who's parents were more of an intellectual nature tended to be in my position (even though my mom was of the poor, unskilled variety), but still it does represent a sizable portion. And one that shocks me.

I'm proud of my birth nation at soccer games (well....the last WC's weren't ANYTHING to be proud of) and the literature, the history, the women, and especially the food, but "clinging to your heritage, discretely" is far different than "clinging to your heritage to such a point were one does not respect, or openly mocks their host society".

Mind you, when kids actively invoke stereotypes (Of course I eat this since I'm xxxxxx) I kinda enjoy it, providing it was sad in a light hearted manner.

Truth be told, I'm from eastern europe, of course my mom smacked me on the head when I didn't get an A. B)

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I'm proud of my birth nation [...] the literature, the history, the women, and especially the food, but "clinging to your heritage, discretely" is far different than "clinging to your heritage to such a point were one does not respect, or openly mocks their host society".

If that's all he was saying, I would agree too. But you'll notice within his examples (ie Italians don't speak Italian yet identify as such) that his issue is not about "mocking" a host society. It's more complex than that. It's about anyone who identifies with their parental culture.

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Years ago, a letter to the editor of one of the leading newspapers in Ottawa had put down "whites" as being bigots. It was a generalization of all whites. Basing it on his experiences. The photo of the letter sender showed him to be either of Arab or East Indian decent. It was a bitter rant. Very offensive.

You know what?

A lot people responded pronto. Promptly countering the accusations of this one man. Moi, included.

Most of those who responded defending the whites are immigrants.

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