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Without knowing a great deal about me, or Anna Nicole, or about the legacy either of us leave, how are you comparing our respective contributions to the future? This feels like a negative comparison, and I'm not sure where you are coming from in making it.
Fair point but I figure that she wasn't born with much and she tried to do something. In the grand scheme of things, I admire that.

What do we pass on to the future?


"A hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind or car I drove.... but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child."

This sounds trite, but rings true for many of us. Our legacy can be found in what we pass to our children, or to the people we teach or mentor, or to the people who look to us for guidance (regardless of our belief in our capacity to provide that guidance). Whether it's Anna Nicole Smith or me, or any one else posting on or reading this board, we all make a difference - its a question of what kind of difference we make. My existance will be meaningless 50,000 years from now, as will yours, but perhaps some shadow of our values will have been passed down in one form or another.

That doesn't change the fact that there is a 5 month old baby in Hollywood being fought over in a paternity suit between three men, with millions of dollars on the line and a questionable commitment to the child as an individual.

For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

Nelson Mandela

"A hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind or car I drove.... but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child."

This sounds trite, but rings true for many of us. Our legacy can be found in what we pass to our children, or to the people we teach or mentor, or to the people who look to us for guidance (regardless of our belief in our capacity to provide that guidance).


Your primary legacy to the future will be your genes through your choice of mate.

Modern intellectuals can pretend otherwise but such is life.


Genes are only a piece of it. Its the whole nature/nurture debate - is it only our biology, or do we influence the future through the beliefs and values we pass on? As I watch my daughter blossom as a mother, and see the values she rejected 5 years ago become an integral part of how she parents her child, I become more aware of the responsibility I carry in each of my actions. I may not want to bear that burden, but as a parent I am constantly influencing who my kids will be, and who their kids will be, ad infinitum.

For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

Nelson Mandela


Dear August1991,

Your primary legacy to the future will be your genes through your choice of mate.

Modern intellectuals can pretend otherwise but such is life.

I'll have to side with Melanie on this one. Your statement is likely true for the majority, but here's an example of the opposite. Hitler and Stalin had no offspring that we know of, yet they will still be an influence on the world for a long time to come. Hitler didn't build a reich that could last 1,000 years, but hatred of him will last at least that long.

Would the Special Olympics Committee disqualify kids born with flippers from the swimming events?


Dear leonardcohen,

She used and abused her body like it was a red-headed step-child...= one dead bimbo.

Hey ! Be careful with statements like that one.

I was a redheaded stepchild, I just might take offence at that. <_<

My apologies, I meant no offence. Merely a term I heard as an extension of 'silly synonyms' from a quote by the late Ed Whelan, a sports broadcaster/local celebrity in Calgary. He once said of a hockey player who scored on a breakaway..."He beat him like a rented mule!".

My hockey buddies of course added as many different 'victims' as they could, most being politically incorrect.

"He beat him like a...

-red-headed stepchild

-a runaway slave

-a lazy hooker

-a circus monkey

Would the Special Olympics Committee disqualify kids born with flippers from the swimming events?

Melanie, in 50,000 years, what will remain of you except the genetic code you may pass on. God knows but I'd say that Anna Nicole has done better than you. What has she passed on to the future? Frankly speaking, I think she has done well - or the best she could.

Well, Melanie is still alive and well. How the hell did Anna 'beat' Melanie? And what HAS she passed on to the future? Will her daughter get fake boobs, marry an old oil tycoon and show here boobs for Playboy?

Yes something to live up to indeed.... wait she showed her boobs, yeah deadAnna is one up on Melanie.


Google : Webster Griffin Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser

ohm on soundcloud.com

wait she showed her boobs, yeah deadAnna is one up on Melanie.

Before anyone challenges GostHacked on this one, I feel compelled to say that none of my body parts have ever appeared in a magazine. :) I don't know if the magazine buying masses would ever recover.

For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

Nelson Mandela

Melanie, in 50,000 years, what will remain of you except the genetic code you may pass on. God knows but I'd say that Anna Nicole has done better than you. What has she passed on to the future? Frankly speaking, I think she has done well - or the best she could.

Well, Melanie is still alive and well. How the hell did Anna 'beat' Melanie? And what HAS she passed on to the future? Will her daughter get fake boobs, marry an old oil tycoon and show here boobs for Playboy?

Yes something to live up to indeed.... wait she showed her boobs, yeah deadAnna is one up on Melanie.


It wasn't stated that Anna had 'beat' Melanie.


Dear sharkman,

It wasn't stated that Anna had 'beat' Melanie
Not exactly, but it could have easily been read that way. Here is the original statement from August1991...
God knows but I'd say that Anna Nicole has done better than you.
So it begs the question, "At what had Anna done better than Melanie?" The attainment of her own desire, or of Melanie's? Or of the perceived goals of 'pop culture society'? Or of wealth?

Would the Special Olympics Committee disqualify kids born with flippers from the swimming events?

Dear sharkman,
It wasn't stated that Anna had 'beat' Melanie
Not exactly, but it could have easily been read that way. Here is the original statement from August1991...
God knows but I'd say that Anna Nicole has done better than you.
So it begs the question, "At what had Anna done better than Melanie?" The attainment of her own desire, or of Melanie's? Or of the perceived goals of 'pop culture society'? Or of wealth?

I think what August was getting at was not to judge someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. It's easy to call someone names or say they failed in their life, but until you know what they were up against, what they had to deal with and so on, judging them is failed speculation.

Gosthacked, I suppose I could have put this thread in the Cdn/US relations, or the Morality section, but at the time it seemed to be the right spot.


Your primary legacy to the future will be your genes through your choice of mate.

Modern intellectuals can pretend otherwise but such is life.

By that yardstick, what makes you so sure that Anna Nicole Smith has done any better than Melanie?

I don't know whether Melanie has kids, or how many, or any of that.

But Anna Nicole Smith died having produced 2 offspring, one of whom has already died childless. Her 5 month old daughter is now her sole descendant. Anna Nicole Smith just has one surviving descendant, and that kid is already at the disadvantage of a dead mom and uncertain father-- she could wind up being as messed-up as her late mom and her late uncle.

If the yardstick of success is how much of your DNA is in the gene-pool 50,000 years from now, I don't see that Anna Nicole Smith has done a very good job of ensuring her legacy. Probably below average. I like Melanie's odds better. I like my odds better too, and I haven't yet got any offspring.

And the direction this has taken probably does make it more suited to "Moral and Religious issues" than US Politics...


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Friendly forum facilitator! ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)

I will add this now and request this thread be taken off this site.

Nothing political going on here. Let's leave this to other websites for trash garbage celebrity gossip.

I concur, this thread isn't really political (much like the Superbowl thread!), though the discussion between August1991, kimmy and Melanie regarding 'genetic success' is interesting. I agree that it should be in the 'morality' column, though.

Would the Special Olympics Committee disqualify kids born with flippers from the swimming events?


All good comments methinks but I'll pick kimmy's for a response.


Your primary legacy to the future will be your genes through your choice of mate.

Modern intellectuals can pretend otherwise but such is life.

By that yardstick, what makes you so sure that Anna Nicole Smith has done any better than Melanie?

I don't know whether Melanie has kids, or how many, or any of that.

But Anna Nicole Smith died having produced 2 offspring, one of whom has already died childless. Her 5 month old daughter is now her sole descendant. Anna Nicole Smith just has one surviving descendant, and that kid is already at the disadvantage of a dead mom and uncertain father-- she could wind up being as messed-up as her late mom and her late uncle.

If the yardstick of success is how much of your DNA is in the gene-pool 50,000 years from now, I don't see that Anna Nicole Smith has done a very good job of ensuring her legacy.

I wouldn't say that the sole yardstick of existence is whether any innovations of your specific DNA survive for 50,000 years or not. But in the grand scheme of things, that's not a bad starting point.

My point about Anna Nicole was that she was born with basically nothing - she was white trash. From that, she made an attempt (admittedly inadvertent) to give something more to her children than what she had. I admire that kind of pluck, to use a good Anglo-Saxon word.

Kimmy, you're right to wonder whether her surviving child will benefit in any way. I'm sure though that many children around the world would prefer to go through life as the daughter of Anna Marie rather than the existence fate has given them.

Our legacy can be found in what we pass to our children, or to the people we teach or mentor, or to the people who look to us for guidance (regardless of our belief in our capacity to provide that guidance). Whether it's Anna Nicole Smith or me, or any one else posting on or reading this board, we all make a difference - its a question of what kind of difference we make.
I'm willing to bet that you've mentored more people Melanie than Anna Marie. And you make a fair point too. In this world, we pass along not only our genes but also our (transient) ideas. As a species, we have accumulated a tremendous amount of knowledge and we must transmit this knowledge from generation to generation. That's as important a task as passing on our genetic code.

Of course, the idea that 2 + 3 = 5 is more likely to survive in 50,000 years than the idea that government and church should be separate institutions.


There's more however. As Groucho Marx said, "Why should I care about posterity, what has posterity ever done for me?" IOW, what happens to your genes in 50,000 years is supremely irrelevant to you.

In this world, one yardstick of existence is to get the most out of life and I suspect that involves having dealings with those around us. We know we're alive when we deal with others. Anna Marie was an exhibitionist who liked to perform.

All things considered, I admire people who use this God-given chance to exist and live.


As a point of order, I notified

Greg about having the thread re-located.

There's more however. As Groucho Marx said, "Why should I care about posterity, what has posterity ever done for me?" IOW, what happens to your genes in 50,000 years is supremely irrelevant to you.
I agree and I think that is why God made sex enjoyable. I do not mean to be crass or comical but rather, I am very serious.

In the grand scheme of things, it is interesting that the only force that can battle the selfishness of Groucho Marx is an orgasm. If sex was just like chocolate (I never understood that one...) we would probably all die out as a species. Thank God for the random mutations of DNA that evolved that way!

In this world, one yardstick of existence is to get the most out of life and I suspect that involves having dealings with those around us.
I think that is more important than our DNA. This reminds me of hearing somebody explain (I believe it was based on Jewish tradition) immortality by focussing on how we preserve ourselves in the memories of people we leave behind.

We do not have time for a meeting of the flat earth society.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think that is more important than our DNA. This reminds me of hearing somebody explain (I believe it was based on Jewish tradition) immortality by focussing on how we preserve ourselves in the memories of people we leave behind.

I think it goes beyond what people remember about us in a conscious sense. It also includes the intangible; it's an intergenerational memory that doesn't have a fixed recollection of one's antecedents, but yet is informed and influenced by them regardless. This can be a good or a bad thing - I often show a video in the Child Abuse course I teach that talks about tracing the history of abuse back 200 years, even though the players today are unaware of the history of their family. Patterns are repeated generation after generation. We each take that responsibility, willingly or not, when we have children.

This is not to say none of us are capable of change. However, I think that in order to interrupt any pattern that we are unwilling to continue, we need to understand it and deliberately choose another path.

For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

Nelson Mandela


Talk about thread drift.

I think it goes beyond what people remember about us in a conscious sense. It also includes the intangible; it's an intergenerational memory that doesn't have a fixed recollection of one's antecedents, but yet is informed and influenced by them regardless. This can be a good or a bad thing - I often show a video in the Child Abuse course I teach that talks about tracing the history of abuse back 200 years, even though the players today are unaware of the history of their family. Patterns are repeated generation after generation. We each take that responsibility, willingly or not, when we have children.

This is not to say none of us are capable of change. However, I think that in order to interrupt any pattern that we are unwilling to continue, we need to understand it and deliberately choose another path.

It's true that we pass on family habits (as well as genes) from generation to generation, and it's also true that how someone somehow changes is just as much a mystery.
"Children with injuries can come out of any kind of family. Secret things are handed down, generation, after generation. The entire family suffers from an inability to communicate honestly with one another." "Our roles have been assigned in an unspoken consensus of opinion by all family members. My sister has been labeled the peacemaker, while my brother thrives in his role of rescuer." "I've been the designated problem ever since I can remember. I am the sick one, they remind me. If they fix me, then they’ll be fine."
Weird Link

As children, we learn our language (and accent) from our parents. We learn how to communicate. It is sometimes easier to learn a foreign language than to learn how to deal differently with others.

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