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Israel - The Most Hated Country Ever

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Congratulations, Israel!

You've just topped the charts as the most hated country ever.

The nation that claims to be a “victim of holocaust” now uses precision-guided bombs to kill children.

Holocaust? How all of the sudden this word became associated to the extermination of Jews? It means the end of the world, not a Jewish tragedy. By the way, 25 million Soviet people were killed in World War II but nobody calls it "Holocaust" or "Armageddon".

I have nothing against Jews; they are my neighbors and very nice, considerate people. But Israel is becoming what fascist Germany was - a nation devoid of human values and bent on extermination of the nations around it.

Zionism = Fascism !

I am not Muslim or Christian, I'm an Atheist. If I would ever adopt a religion it would be buddist - they have never preached violence and retribution. However seeing what Israeli army does and listening its little Hitlers makes the David's star look more and more like the swastika.

To think that in modern times there may be a "country" that gets away with killing 10 to 20 people, mostly civilians for every person killed on their side makes me mad.

How can you call yourself a "country", a "nation" when you live on stolen land and would not have survived a week without United States' help? I guess living knee-deep in the blood of the aboriginal people you killed doesn’t bother you either, just like breeding on the corpses of Indians doesn’t bother the United States of America.

Your state is a US knife in the heart of Middle East. As the "world's only superpower" they can hold that knife in place, let it jerk around a bit to spill more blood year after year.

"People of Israel", don't you think you've become what you hated the most? Exterminating Palestinian and Lebanese, calling their liberation movements "terrorist", destroying time after time their social infrastructure, do you feel justified? Do you think your children or grandchildren can ever enjoy peace?

How does it feel to be hated by each and every one of your neighbors? Does the Apartheid Wall you're building after the Berlin Wall was torn down make you feel safe and secure?

How do you sleep at night knowing that every day your soldiers kill more children and more people around the world wish you the worst?

How would you feel if a guest in your house declared that your living room is his territory and brought guns to keep you in the closet?

What do you think will be the first target for Pakistani nukes if an Islamic Revolution would be to happen there?

I am against Muslim extremism but terrorism at the level of State should have no place in our world.

Good night Israel, sweet dreams.

Never mind the kids you slaughter, they would have grown to be “terrorists” too.

Don't let the hatred of most nations on the face of the Earth bother you either.

US can veto anything UN Security Council decides and almost no Muslim nation has nukes or rockets.

You’re right, they’re wrong! Ha-ha!!!

But do you honestly believe US is going to at the top forever? A nation of fat, ignorant and lazy people, which only lives well because of the cheap labor in third-world countries and slavery of illegal immigrants?

Come on, let’s be real. US doesn’t own world economy anymore, soon they won’t have the military dominance either. Thanks to the butthead Bush America is now at its lowest in almost every respect. World countries have started forming alliances to counter US pressure as its imperialistic tactics and asinine excuses defy sovereignty of nations and insult intelligence.

What will happen to the Israeli kids when the onslaught finally begins? There won’t be anywhere to run because – as you probably remember – all the countries around you hate you. You have beaten them into submission but at the earliest opportunity they’ll leap for your jugular vein.

My advice – leave this region, take your children someplace where people will love them, like US or Canada.

Israel as a country is doomed, let it be a kingdom in your hearts.

Don’t listen to your crazed leaders and their slurs of Zionist superiority.

Don’t become an instrument of evil, brainwashed into killing children.

Don’t be United States’ executioners of Muslims.

Get out of there and let the Muslims kill themselves as they were happily doing before you decided to migrate there.

Never mind what the torah, the bible or the koran say – it is going to be your Hiroshima, not your Eden.

Don’t be monsters, be humans.

10 eyes for an eye – do you think you can call that defense?

Murdering children, women, old people and UN Observers – can you call that “fighting terrorism”?

Wake up and smell reality – the only nation that supports you is US, and they can only do that because their population is too debilitated, ignorant and uneducated to know or to care what the government is doing.

No, it is not just Iran or Syria that hate you.

Of course people of western countries will not chant “Death to Israel” but most of them hate your guts nevertheless.

Sleep tight. You've made the world a better place.

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I'm not sure if they taught you this in schools on this side of the iron wall that Fascists did not mean to exterminate only Jews, but all “non-Arian” nations. It just that Jews and Gypsies came first, and Gypsies were shot on the spot (as probably they wouldn’t have slaved in concentration camps anyway). The Africans got the worst treatment – their skin was used for gloves, purses and jackets. There were also experiments in “bleaching” them and injecting the eyes with chemicals to obtain blue color.

The biggest concentration camps on the territory of Soviet union were in Belarus. I guess fascists couldn’t stand the fact that there’s a nation that is blonder and more blue-eyed than them. Hundreds of thousands were exterminated there, entire villages were burnt.

I have nothing against people knowing and talking about the enormous loss of life that Jews suffered in WWII. It’s the fact that all other nations are forgotten that bothers me. Obviously more western mass-media is coerced to write about its sponsors (which isn’t bad, just isn’t quite right).

I know Zionism is not the same as Fascism but the actually have a lot in common. The most obvious thing is one nations’ firm belief in its superiority, which justifies the extermination of other nations.

Think about it: it is not just the elder aboriginal Muslims that hate Israel. It is also the current generation and their children and I’m sure their grandchildren will feel the same way. That means the fighting and suicide bombings and “terrorist” acts will never stop.

The war pigs that rule Israel understand that very well, that’s why they’re attacking civilians, destroying civil infrastructure, undermining local authorities, inciting unrest, razing civilian building with armored bulldozers.

They are systematically pushing back and exterminating the native population of the land.

Now about the tactics of Hamas and Hezbollah – yes they are ugly, revolting and under normal circumstances would qualify as “Terrorist acts.”

But not in their case – when you are deprived of any means to defend yourself and your land, when you are facing a vastly superior force that continuously kills and tortures your brothers and your children and goes unpunished any means are justified. They fight in any way they find possible.

We live in year 2006, when world should be a lot better than it was during WWII. Yet I watch children’s corpses in plastic bags and learn that my country’s government supports Israel’s “measured” response. No s..t I’m upset. After seeing this kind of humanity defiant murderous actions I’m sure I’m not the only one who wishes this ugly spot of hatred be wiped from the World map. It should have no right to exist.

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Dear geoffrey,

Anyone waiting for Argus to explode through their computer screen right about.... now?
lol. I think Argus is bright enough not to take the 'flamebait'. Seems pretty obvious that our troll has taken a dislike to Argus though, as the recently banned 'member's' all had the same theme...now we see a long vitriolic attack on Israel...next, I suspect I'll see accusations of Argus 'running the board and deleting threads'... :lol:
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He's is correct.

He may be trolling, but it is true that many other peoples suffered much worse than the Jews in WWII, we just never hear about it.

....the loniusfleabag.... he never mentioned Argus in his post.... :blink:

BTW, if we are not free to critize Isreal then we are not really free are we?

LOL the same folks that get angry when others critize Isreal are generally the same ones who would stand at a pulpit shouting "God hates gays!".

Free speech? Only for some I guess.

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He's is correct.

He may be trolling, but it is true that many other peoples suffered much worse than the Jews in WWII, we just never hear about it.

....the loniusfleabag.... he never mentioned Argus in his post.... :blink:

BTW, if we are not free to critize Isreal then we are not really free are we?

LOL the same folks that get angry when others critize Isreal are generally the same ones who would stand at a pulpit shouting "God hates gays!".

Free speech? Only for some I guess.

Drea your comment that "many other peoples suffered much worse than the Jews in World War Two" is odious. Your statement is assinine in that it infers you are capable of measuring the suffering of people, quyantifying it and then saying, some people suffered worse then others. This is ignorance and bigotry at its worse and you are no better then this anti-semitic, hate mongering poster by attempting to justify what he has said.

Try understand this. when discussing history it is completely and absolutely nonsensical to try compare suffering.

Someone like you desperately needs to sit down with some holocaust survivors or go the holocaust museum in Washington, D.C. and learn about the holocaust before you make such ignorant statements.

The point is the holocaust was the culmination of 3,500 years of continuous exterminations and slaughters of Jews. with Christians or Communists or Gays who suffered, it was not promulgated over a 3,500 year period and it was not inter-related to the Christian church and it did not have the wide spread support as did anti-semitism. Because you do not understand either the holocaust or Jewish history in Europe you have made an absurd statement.

More to the point when we learn and talk about the holocaust it is to be used to prevent others from doing the same. Its not done and has never been presented by Jews as a tool to say we suffered more. That is you doing that and you are doing that precisely because you are trying to deny the particular signifigance the holocaust represents to Jewish history and dismiss it as an isolated incident no different then anyone else's. You also insult the intelligence and memories of communists, socialists, gypsies, gays and other victims of the Nazis who would never engage in a pissing contest with Jews about the holocaust and share their grief. Please don't speak as if you are an authority on what happened. You are not and that is painfully obvious and if you are at the point where someone like this makes sense to you, its a bad sign.

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Try understand this. when discussing history it is completely and absolutely nonsensical to try compare suffering.

Maybe suffering was the wrong word. I should have typed: Jews were not the only group targetted by the Nazis.

Someone like you desperately needs to sit down with some holocaust survivors or go the holocaust museum in Washington, D.C. and learn about the holocaust before you make such ignorant statements.

I know a woman very well. A woman who was a child during WWII. Her family was from Czhechoslovakia (sp). Her father was killed outright by the Nazis. Her and her mother were held in a detention camp. By the way, she nor her family were/are Jewish.

The point is the holocaust was the culmination of 3,500 years of continuous exterminations and slaughters of Jews. with Christians or Communists or Gays who suffered, it was not promulgated over a 3,500 year period and it was not inter-related to the Christian church and it did not have the wide spread support as did anti-semitism. Because you do not understand either the holocaust or Jewish history in Europe you have made an absurd statement.

History from 3500 years ago. What does that have to do with anything? 3500 years ago the Jews hadn't even killed Christ yet (for those who believe). According to the bible (again, for those who beleive) it was God himself who told the Isrealites that they would be "dispersed throughout the earth" and were "never again to have a homeland".

I believe it is in Exodus, or perhaps Genesis (not sure, as I have not studied the bible but have read portions of it)

More to the point when we learn and talk about the holocaust it is to be used to prevent others from doing the same. Its not done and has never been presented by Jews as a tool to say we suffered more. That is you doing that and you are doing that precisely because you are trying to deny the particular signifigance the holocaust represents to Jewish history and dismiss it as an isolated incident no different then anyone else's. You also insult the intelligence and memories of communists, socialists, gypsies, gays and other victims of the Nazis who would never engage in a pissing contest with Jews about the holocaust and share their grief. Please don't speak as if you are an authority on what happened. You are not and that is painfully obvious and if you are at the point where someone like this makes sense to you, its a bad sign.

People need to recognize the fact that Jews were NOT singled out -- Hilter wanted anyone who was not of pure aryan blood to be destroyed.

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He's is correct.

He may be trolling, but it is true that many other peoples suffered much worse than the Jews in WWII, we just never hear about it.

....the loniusfleabag.... he never mentioned Argus in his post.... :blink:

BTW, if we are not free to critize Isreal then we are not really free are we?

LOL the same folks that get angry when others critize Isreal are generally the same ones who would stand at a pulpit shouting "God hates gays!".

Free speech? Only for some I guess.

What is this JehovasWrath post about anyways?

He's jumping from missles killing babies to the Holocaust, Syrian, Iran, little Hitler, David's star and basically drumming up pure hate against democratic capitalist Israel, who has been a long standing ally of the U.S. --THANK GOD.

It's a damn good thing Israel stands at the gates to the Middle East rather than an Arab Muzlim country and a country that will defend itself and jump at the oppurtunity to try to obliterate the Hezbollah, something Hezbollah would love to do to Israel if given half the chance.

Your post is reflective of the way you think and obviously it's all about 'hate' and disrepect for the 'West's' and other parts of the world's Christian God and not simply expressing a legitimate critical view which no doubt you are unable to do.

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ople need to recognize the fact that Jews were NOT singled out -- Hilter wanted anyone who was not of pure aryan blood to be destroyed.

Wrong. Yes, Slavs, Roma, communists, homosexuals and scores of other groups were targeted, but none to the same degree as the Jews. So yeah, they were singled out.

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  • Forum Admin

JehovasWrath is a cross-posting troll and has been removed from these forums.

I'm not going to be patient with newcomings who are only here to post inflammatory threads about the Middle-east conflict. So far everyone (excluding the few I dispatched earlier this week) has handled themselves with some civility, however, lets not let our emotions get the best of us.

Please report this type of trolling to me immediately, so I can send them packing...


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Try understand this. when discussing history it is completely and absolutely nonsensical to try compare suffering.

Maybe suffering was the wrong word. I should have typed: Jews were not the only group targetted by the Nazis.

Someone like you desperately needs to sit down with some holocaust survivors or go the holocaust museum in Washington, D.C. and learn about the holocaust before you make such ignorant statements.

I know a woman very well. A woman who was a child during WWII. Her family was from Czhechoslovakia (sp). Her father was killed outright by the Nazis. Her and her mother were held in a detention camp. By the way, she nor her family were/are Jewish.

The point is the holocaust was the culmination of 3,500 years of continuous exterminations and slaughters of Jews. with Christians or Communists or Gays who suffered, it was not promulgated over a 3,500 year period and it was not inter-related to the Christian church and it did not have the wide spread support as did anti-semitism. Because you do not understand either the holocaust or Jewish history in Europe you have made an absurd statement.

History from 3500 years ago. What does that have to do with anything? 3500 years ago the Jews hadn't even killed Christ yet (for those who believe). According to the bible (again, for those who beleive) it was God himself who told the Isrealites that they would be "dispersed throughout the earth" and were "never again to have a homeland".

I believe it is in Exodus, or perhaps Genesis (not sure, as I have not studied the bible but have read portions of it)

More to the point when we learn and talk about the holocaust it is to be used to prevent others from doing the same. Its not done and has never been presented by Jews as a tool to say we suffered more. That is you doing that and you are doing that precisely because you are trying to deny the particular signifigance the holocaust represents to Jewish history and dismiss it as an isolated incident no different then anyone else's. You also insult the intelligence and memories of communists, socialists, gypsies, gays and other victims of the Nazis who would never engage in a pissing contest with Jews about the holocaust and share their grief. Please don't speak as if you are an authority on what happened. You are not and that is painfully obvious and if you are at the point where someone like this makes sense to you, its a bad sign.

People need to recognize the fact that Jews were NOT singled out -- Hilter wanted anyone who was not of pure aryan blood to be destroyed.

Jews were in fact singled out and you once again reflect a complete and total ignorance of what happened and now you have proven the point I suspected, that your intent is to deny the holocaust has any signifigance particular to Jews. Your comment that you no a person.....does not give you the basis to make such sweeping statements that are deliberately ignorant.

Until you make the effort to read about the holocaust and understand its origins and how the final solution was in fact the ultimate continuation of 3,500 years of the same behaviour you will continue to make sweeping statements that history is irelevant. What you are doing is trying to simplify history by tryingt o suggest the holocaust was a momentary incident, it was not. And no as much as you continue to make your comments, none of the other people or groups you have raised were targeted or singled out in the same manner Gypsies do share much in common with Jews in terms of their segregation and treatment, and there is a very close similiarity but Gypsies were not as wide-spread in numbers. All the people you have referred to suffered and for you to try use one group's suffering to negate another's which is precisely what you are doing is loathsome.

I again ask readers, how is it that discussions about Israel and up becoming sessions where the holocaust is denied or down-played? Can you see my point, how people use discussions on Israel to express stereotypical generalizations about all Jews? Can you see how someone might find Drea and this other poster offensive? Are the above opinions simply just someone who is misguided or do they manifest hatred? How do we differentiate? For me it is hard.

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ople need to recognize the fact that Jews were NOT singled out -- Hilter wanted anyone who was not of pure aryan blood to be destroyed.

Wrong. Yes, Slavs, Roma, communists, homosexuals and scores of other groups were targeted, but none to the same degree as the Jews. So yeah, they were singled out.

If anyone does care to go to the holoaust museums say in Washington, D.C., or in Israel, or go into the information B'Nai B'Rith or jewish organizations keep on the holocaust you will see they take great care to discuss what happened to Gypsies, gays, socialists, communists, Serbians, certain sects of Christians, priests, nuns, and otehr Christians who died in the holocaust. Those that died saving Jews are also honoured as self-righteous gentiles. It is an intergral part of our learning about and understanding how the holocaust has affacted Jews that we also remember and honour these other groups who suffered in the camps. Like I said this is not a contest. They all suffered. The uniqueness of the holocaust to the Jewish people does not and should not be used as a competition with other peoples' sufferings. The mass starvation of Ukkrainians for example by Stalin, the violent extermination of aboriginals by settlers, the slave ships and slavery of black people, the genocides in Rwanda, Burundi, Darfour, Sudan, Cambodia, Armenia, with the Kurds, the killing of Tibetans, on and on, it is all horrendous and its not a matter of one group suffering more then another-it is about the propensity and capacity for humankind to killl and torture each other. We must use these horrible events in history positively to prevent future horros, not justify hatred.

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He's is correct.

LOL the same folks that get angry when others critize Isreal are generally the same ones who would stand at a pulpit shouting "God hates gays!".

Free speech? Only for some I guess.

Thats a pretty broad comment and actually way off base. Many people get angry at the criticizm of Israel but are not necessarily religious or anti gay. I get angry at people who are quick to demonize Israel but What I notice is the selective outrage about this; where is the outrage when Hezbollah and other terrorist groups attack and kill innocent Israelis. No hand wringing for them, no condemnation of suicide operattions and rocket attacks deliberately targeting Israeli civilians.

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According to CNN this morning the terrorists just successfully landed a missile in Syria. Nice shot fellas! Keep it up guys, practice make perfect.


With a little luck the UN will get a cease fire up and running in a few weeks. I can only hope that the people who started this will not live to see it resolved and that maybe enough people will have learned that this nonsense causes death and destruction and will never bring peace to them.

I fear that the only workable solution is the complete loss of one of the groups of people now in conflict. These two proud peoples may cause the the destruction of their own kind.

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This piece says it landed near Jenin, and the Pals. are overjoyed Hmmm


Long-range rocket lands near Jenin

Some of long-range rockets fired at Israel Wednesday land across Green Line, in West Bank area – most southern point Hizbullah has managed to hit so far. Police sappers believe rockets made in Syria

Ali waked

Some of the long range rockets that were fired at Israel Wednesday noon landed across the Green Line, in the West Bank. The rockets fell near the Palestinian village of Pqua, in the Jenin area.

Ynet has learned that parts of the rockets fell off while they were in transit, but caused no injuries or damage.


Fajr-5 missiles fired at Israel / Sharon Roffe-Ofir

Escalation: Police report that Hizbullah fired five Fajr-5 missiles, 'never before seen in Israel,' at Afula Friday afternoon. Sources say missiles may have been aimed at Hadera, Netanya. Massive rocket barrages fired by Hizbullah at Israel's north Friday afternoon

Full Story

The rockets' landing site in the Palestinian territories is the most southern point Hizbullah has managed to hit so far. A week and a half ago, an improved Fajr-5 rocket landed in Afula.

An examination by security forces revealed that the rockets were fired from over a 100-kilometer range, apparently from the Lebanese town of Tyre. Police sappers are currently inspecting the rockets' parts and have been able to determine that they are probably old Syrian 302 rockets.

Palestinians 'overjoyed' by rocket attacks

Palestinian witnesses in the Jenin area, who noticed the rocket parts which fell between Beit Shean and Afula, said the rocket appeared to have fallen in the Gilboa area.

A Fatah activist from Jenin added that the rocket hit was heard clearly around the city, and a spark and a flame were also clearly seen.

The Fatah member related that local residents cheered when they heard the rocket fall and saw the resulting flames. “Even if it were to fall on our heads, it wouldn’t have spoiled our joy. All of us here are praying for Hizbullah’s success and victory," he said.

He noted that in Jenin, Palestinians were convinced that the Israeli army was being squarely defeated in Lebanon, with proof implicit in Wednesday’s massive rocket barrages and the extension of Hizbullah attacks to the valley area, plus the IDF’s difficulty in entering deeper into Lebanese territory.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Congratulations, Israel!

You've just topped the charts as the most hated country ever.

The nation that claims to be a “victim of holocaust” now uses precision-guided bombs to kill children.

Holocaust? How all of the sudden this word became associated to the extermination of Jews? It means the end of the world, not a Jewish tragedy. By the way, 25 million Soviet people were killed in World War II but nobody calls it "Holocaust" or "Armageddon".

I have nothing against Jews; they are my neighbors and very nice, considerate people. But Israel is becoming what fascist Germany was - a nation devoid of human values and bent on extermination of the nations around it.

Zionism = Fascism !

I am not Muslim or Christian, I'm an Atheist. If I would ever adopt a religion it would be buddist - they have never preached violence and retribution. However seeing what Israeli army does and listening its little Hitlers makes the David's star look more and more like the swastika.

To think that in modern times there may be a "country" that gets away with killing 10 to 20 people, mostly civilians for every person killed on their side makes me mad.

How can you call yourself a "country", a "nation" when you live on stolen land and would not have survived a week without United States' help? I guess living knee-deep in the blood of the aboriginal people you killed doesn’t bother you either, just like breeding on the corpses of Indians doesn’t bother the United States of America.

Your state is a US knife in the heart of Middle East. As the "world's only superpower" they can hold that knife in place, let it jerk around a bit to spill more blood year after year.

"People of Israel", don't you think you've become what you hated the most? Exterminating Palestinian and Lebanese, calling their liberation movements "terrorist", destroying time after time their social infrastructure, do you feel justified? Do you think your children or grandchildren can ever enjoy peace?

How does it feel to be hated by each and every one of your neighbors? Does the Apartheid Wall you're building after the Berlin Wall was torn down make you feel safe and secure?

How do you sleep at night knowing that every day your soldiers kill more children and more people around the world wish you the worst?

How would you feel if a guest in your house declared that your living room is his territory and brought guns to keep you in the closet?

What do you think will be the first target for Pakistani nukes if an Islamic Revolution would be to happen there?

I am against Muslim extremism but terrorism at the level of State should have no place in our world.

Good night Israel, sweet dreams.

Never mind the kids you slaughter, they would have grown to be “terrorists” too.

Don't let the hatred of most nations on the face of the Earth bother you either.

US can veto anything UN Security Council decides and almost no Muslim nation has nukes or rockets.

You’re right, they’re wrong! Ha-ha!!!

But do you honestly believe US is going to at the top forever? A nation of fat, ignorant and lazy people, which only lives well because of the cheap labor in third-world countries and slavery of illegal immigrants?

Come on, let’s be real. US doesn’t own world economy anymore, soon they won’t have the military dominance either. Thanks to the butthead Bush America is now at its lowest in almost every respect. World countries have started forming alliances to counter US pressure as its imperialistic tactics and asinine excuses defy sovereignty of nations and insult intelligence.

What will happen to the Israeli kids when the onslaught finally begins? There won’t be anywhere to run because – as you probably remember – all the countries around you hate you. You have beaten them into submission but at the earliest opportunity they’ll leap for your jugular vein.

My advice – leave this region, take your children someplace where people will love them, like US or Canada.

Israel as a country is doomed, let it be a kingdom in your hearts.

Don’t listen to your crazed leaders and their slurs of Zionist superiority.

Don’t become an instrument of evil, brainwashed into killing children.

Don’t be United States’ executioners of Muslims.

Get out of there and let the Muslims kill themselves as they were happily doing before you decided to migrate there.

Never mind what the torah, the bible or the koran say – it is going to be your Hiroshima, not your Eden.

Don’t be monsters, be humans.

10 eyes for an eye – do you think you can call that defense?

Murdering children, women, old people and UN Observers – can you call that “fighting terrorism”?

Wake up and smell reality – the only nation that supports you is US, and they can only do that because their population is too debilitated, ignorant and uneducated to know or to care what the government is doing.

No, it is not just Iran or Syria that hate you.

Of course people of western countries will not chant “Death to Israel” but most of them hate your guts nevertheless.

Sleep tight. You've made the world a better place.

Gee,I thought when i joined this forum that there would be reasoned debate,Good Glory,do you not realize that Hells Ball ahs,my deliberate mispelling ,hides among the civilian population to conduct their attacks,you think they actually care about the people they put in harms way,the more civilians dead the happier they are.

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  • 3 weeks later...
JehovasWrath is a cross-posting troll and has been removed from these forums.

I'm not going to be patient with newcomings who are only here to post inflammatory threads about the Middle-east conflict. So far everyone (excluding the few I dispatched earlier this week) has handled themselves with some civility, however, lets not let our emotions get the best of us.

Please report this type of trolling to me immediately, so I can send them packing...


Cross-posting? People are not allowed to post stuff somewhere else?

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  • Forum Admin
Cross-posting? People are not allowed to post stuff somewhere else?

Yes, cross-posting is against the rules of this forum. According to the rules:


Cross posting is defined as posting the same information in more then one forum on the Internet. It is also considered cross posting if you post the same information in different areas of these forums. If you want to propose a new topic, find the appropriate category and only post once. All cross-posts will be deleted without warning.

We frown on cross-posting because we feel if you're going to participate in these forums, you should invest some time into what you're going to say. Reading from a script in a live debate would be ineffective and distracting, the same goes for online discussions.

It also cuts down on the amount of political activists who spam multiple forums with identical messages.

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Cross-posting? People are not allowed to post stuff somewhere else?

Yes, cross-posting is against the rules of this forum. According to the rules:


Cross posting is defined as posting the same information in more then one forum on the Internet. It is also considered cross posting if you post the same information in different areas of these forums. If you want to propose a new topic, find the appropriate category and only post once. All cross-posts will be deleted without warning.

We frown on cross-posting because we feel if you're going to participate in these forums, you should invest some time into what you're going to say. Reading from a script in a live debate would be ineffective and distracting, the same goes for online discussions.

It also cuts down on the amount of political activists who spam multiple forums with identical messages.

Well, I am a member of a few different forums and the topics are often the same. Are you saying that if I post something in Sensible election and I see it here, I shouldn't contribute to it here?

That makes no sense at all.

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Cross-posting? People are not allowed to post stuff somewhere else?

Yes, cross-posting is against the rules of this forum. According to the rules:


Cross posting is defined as posting the same information in more then one forum on the Internet. It is also considered cross posting if you post the same information in different areas of these forums. If you want to propose a new topic, find the appropriate category and only post once. All cross-posts will be deleted without warning.

We frown on cross-posting because we feel if you're going to participate in these forums, you should invest some time into what you're going to say. Reading from a script in a live debate would be ineffective and distracting, the same goes for online discussions.

It also cuts down on the amount of political activists who spam multiple forums with identical messages.

Thanks for your answer. Just for certainty, this applies to other online discussion forums, not other outlets like letter to the editor of newpapers, right?

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  • Forum Admin
Well, I am a member of a few different forums and the topics are often the same. Are you saying that if I post something in Sensible election and I see it here, I shouldn't contribute to it here?

That makes no sense at all.

It makes perfect sense. Do not post the SAME/identical postings from another forum in this forum (or vis-versa). You're free to post topics on the same issues, just don't copy and paste your comments.

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  • Forum Admin
Thanks for your answer. Just for certainty, this applies to other online discussion forums, not other outlets like letter to the editor of newpapers, right?

Yes and no. Posting Letter to Editor articles is fine, but unless you can prove that you're the original author, it infringes on the "post copyrighted material" rule in the forum rules and guidelines. Feel free to post a few quotes and link to whatever content you want on the internet - as this is part of the fair-dealing provision of the Canadian Copyright Act.

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