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Harper a Jerk to Premier of Ontario

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I heard this reported on the radio today and did a quick google search to find the story off the net.


yeah i know its the TS and you may Bish about bias this and bias that but the fact remains this DID happen.

The get-to-know-you session in the hotel only happened because Harper was feting McGuinty's chief rival, Progressive Conservative Leader John Tory, at a fundraising dinner next door at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

Harper also ducked a photo-op with McGuinty and then delivered a fiercely partisan introduction to "the next premier of Ontario, John Tory."

"Ontario needs John Tory because a strong Canada needs a strong Ontario and because John Tory is a nation-builder," thundered Harper just minutes after leaving the meeting with McGuinty.

The Prime Minister didn't mention McGuinty's name, though he did allow that last month's "softwood deal involved ... all the important provinces, including the premier of Ontario."

So after months of trying to get a face to face with Harper, McGuinty finally meets with him face to face yesterday. Then just that evening Harper introduces John Tory at a fundraiser as the 'Next Premier of Ontario'. My distaste of the ontario Liberal parties leader aside this is a Jerk thing to do if I have ever heard of one. I took McGuinty 4 months to get a face to face with harper... then got a big slap in the face, incidentally Harper is meeting with the Quebec Premier for the 4th time since he took office.

Quebec 4

Ontario 1 + a big slap in the face.

Something is wrong here...

Personlly I think it shows some serious disrespect to the voters of Ontario. Who incidentially don't seem to think much of Harper anyways.

If it were Martin, Cretien, Mulroney or Trudeau I would still say that it was a disrespectful move no matter who said it.

The next provincial election is not slated for almost another two years. So harper is being a total wanker to the leader of the economic engine of canada... nicely played... well thought out... jeesus... someone needs to learn some tact. Im not against politicians endorsing each other... its politics and part of the game... but the timing of this is just well... insulting and not something I would expect from the top politician in Canada. Can you imagine what would happen it Martin or Cretien did the same kind of thing in Alberta or Quebec?

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really... umm I dont really like McGuinty but that in no way means Harper needs to treat him like $hit or not to work with the ELECTED LEADER of Ontario for two friggin years.

"The west wants in"


"Ignore Ontario"

...great... I can't wait to see our economy go down the tubes again. (sigh)

One breif meeting after months of requests with Canada's largest economy and most populous province. Seriously you don't think he could make a little time to have an honest working relationship with Ontario?

You don't have to like someone to do business with them, but you don't go insulting them behind their back.

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really... umm I dont really like McGuinty but that in no way means Harper needs to treat him like $hit or not to work with the ELECTED LEADER of Ontario for two friggin years.

"The west wants in"


"Ignore Ontario"

...great... I can't wait to see our economy go down the tubes again.

Considering McGuinty's own policies are taking disposable income from our pockets like I've never seen, I think he's more than capable of taking our economy into the crapper without help from Harper.

As long as this country takes from the haves and gives it to the have nots Ontario will lose. Class envy and wealth distribution never work.

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really... umm I dont really like McGuinty but that in no way means Harper needs to treat him like $hit or not to work with the ELECTED LEADER of Ontario for two friggin years.

"The west wants in"


"Ignore Ontario"

...great... I can't wait to see our economy go down the tubes again.

Considering McGuinty's own policies are taking disposable income from our pockets like I've never seen, I think he's more than capable of taking our economy into the crapper without help from Harper.

As long as this country takes from the haves and gives it to the have nots Ontario will lose. Class envy and wealth distribution never work.

Really? Im pretty sure it does work. Its worked for Canada so far. Look at our economy and budget compared to the G8... were doin pretty damn good. Personally I would rather know that my next door neighbour can eat rather then me be able to go buy one more DVD. Cause when he gets desperate hes going to steal my DVD's. :lol:

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really... umm I dont really like McGuinty but that in no way means Harper needs to treat him like $hit or not to work with the ELECTED LEADER of Ontario for two friggin years.

"The west wants in"


"Ignore Ontario"

...great... I can't wait to see our economy go down the tubes again.

Considering McGuinty's own policies are taking disposable income from our pockets like I've never seen, I think he's more than capable of taking our economy into the crapper without help from Harper.

As long as this country takes from the haves and gives it to the have nots Ontario will lose. Class envy and wealth distribution never work.

Really? Im pretty sure it does work. Its worked for Canada so far. Look at our economy and budget compared to the G8... were doin pretty damn good. Personally I would rather know that my next door neighbour can eat rather then me be able to go buy one more DVD. Cause when he gets desperate hes going to steal my DVD's. :lol:

Not when he's eating off my back. Charity isn't charity when its forced. Then its called extortion.

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Personlly I think it shows some serious disrespect to the voters of Ontario. Who incidentially don't seem to think much of Harper anyways.
I don't think there's any disrespect for the people of Ontario.

Stephen Harper has to represent the interests of all Canadians, and more than 90% of the population lives outside Toronto city limits. I guess the Toronto Star is upset about losing its privileged status inside the PMO.

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really... umm I dont really like McGuinty but that in no way means Harper needs to treat him like $hit or not to work with the ELECTED LEADER of Ontario for two friggin years.

"The west wants in"


"Ignore Ontario"

...great... I can't wait to see our economy go down the tubes again. (sigh)

One breif meeting after months of requests with Canada's largest economy and most populous province. Seriously you don't think he could make a little time to have an honest working relationship with Ontario?

You don't have to like someone to do business with them, but you don't go insulting them behind their back.

I have to agree with you here, Harper is being a jerk. Ontario is essentially half of Canada with its population and economy, and Harper is playing political games with leaders of other jurisdictions. I would have expected Harper to treat all people of authority with respect, including if there was a Democratic president in the US instead of Bush, without making dumb partisan remarks. I guess Harper has already hedged his bets on winning a majority in Quebec, while pretty much giving up on Ontario. Perhaps if he doesn't care about reaching across party lines, then I may have to change my vote from him to another party in the next election.

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really... umm I dont really like McGuinty but that in no way means Harper needs to treat him like $hit or not to work with the ELECTED LEADER of Ontario for two friggin years.

"The west wants in"


"Ignore Ontario"

...great... I can't wait to see our economy go down the tubes again. (sigh)

One breif meeting after months of requests with Canada's largest economy and most populous province. Seriously you don't think he could make a little time to have an honest working relationship with Ontario?

You don't have to like someone to do business with them, but you don't go insulting them behind their back.

That's funny. That seems to be the Liberals' policy. Ask our neighbors to the south.

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This how CTV first reported McGuinty's reaction:

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty said his first official meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper went well, and the two laid the groundwork for future talks on the fiscal imbalance between Ottawa and McGuinty's debt-ridden province.
The meeting went well and Harper dealt intelligently with the Ontario premier.

So it appears that McGuinty is upset because Harper then went to a fundraiser for John Tory, the PC leader in Ontario, and introduced him as the next premier of Ontario.

What was Harper supposed to say?

This whole charade strikes me as Liberal arrogance. How dare someone insult a Liberal!

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Maybe Ontario will know how we've felt out here for the last ummm, 100 years?

Good to see a nice kick in the pants of McGuinty. He's an irresponsible idiot. When his decisions come back to bite him in the ass, first thing he does... blame Alberta.

Not going to fly anymore McGuinty.

No where is it written that a PM and a Premier must be on good terms, especially when said Premier is desperately trying to destroy his provincial economy (I can't see why McGuinty would do what he's done otherwise).

Obviously Harper is going to support the Conservative candidate... why would he support McGuinty?

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John Tory on MDuffy regarding McGuinty: He is a fierce attack dog who went on incessantly attacking Harper even through the media. He doesn't get along well even with other Premiers.

I haven't seen any other politican pro-McGuinty outside of his own cabinet and that is even shaky at times.

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Funny hearing McGuinty complain considering he openly supports the federal Liberals going as far as campaigning with his brother during the last election campaign.

That said, I would have advised Stephen Harper not endorse Tory as the next premier.

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Harper realizes there is room for growth in Ontario. Supporting Tory activates the base of support.

Power to him.

Quite sad how McGuinty can't decide if it was a good or bad meeting. Isn't it?

No it just goes to show that both Harper and McGuinty played politics with the event.

Imagine that, they are politicians. :rolleyes:

Funny hearing McGuinty complain considering he openly supports the federal Liberals going as far as campaigning with his brother during the last election campaign.

That said, I would have advised Stephen Harper not endorse Tory as the next premier.

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So after months of trying to get a face to face with Harper, McGuinty finally meets with him face to face yesterday. Then just that evening Harper introduces John Tory at a fundraiser as the 'Next Premier of Ontario'. My distaste of the ontario Liberal parties leader aside this is a Jerk thing to do if I have ever heard of one. I took McGuinty 4 months to get a face to face with harper... then got a big slap in the face, incidentally Harper is meeting with the Quebec Premier for the 4th time since he took office.

Harper has said that one of his goals is to repair the damage to federalism done in Quebec by the Liberals. You can make of that what you will, but obviously he feels Quebec needs more attention (the fact the Tories think they can make significant seat gains there obviously figures in as well). All that McGuinty wants to do is whine about the fact Ontario pays more than it gets. This is a surprise? It's always been that way. McGuinty is trying to use that as an excuse to cover his big budget deficits. Harper is not about to lend credence to Mcguinty's effort at passing on the blame for his excessive spending. At the same time, there is no doubt they are political enemies. McGuinty stands for everything Harper loathes, from his free-spending ways, self rightous leftist social agenda, and big tax increases, to his innumerable broken promises. That doesn't mean he won't deal with the present Ontario government, but it means the relationship will be businesslike, but not particularly friendly.

Personlly I think it shows some serious disrespect to the voters of Ontario.

The voters of Ontario who voted for McGuinty believing he would actually carry out any of his promises deserve all the disrespect they get.

Speaking as a voter in Ontario who has long considered McGuinty one of the most weasely and dishonest politicians in the country.

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That is exactly the treatment McGuinty got ... businesslike.

Too bad he couldn't have been more professional in the way he represented the meeting, after he changed his mind and saw political advantage in attacking the Prime Minister over it.

McGuinty stands for everything Harper loathes, from his free-spending ways, self rightous leftist social agenda, and big tax increases, to his innumerable broken promises. That doesn't mean he won't deal with the present Ontario government, but it means the relationship will be businesslike, but not particularly friendly.
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Funny hearing McGuinty complain considering he openly supports the federal Liberals going as far as campaigning with his brother during the last election campaign.

That said, I would have advised Stephen Harper not endorse Tory as the next premier.

Anything's better than that weasel McGuinty.

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A few thoughts on reading this thread:

1 - McGuinty did the exact same thing the first time he met with Charest and there was far less coverage, and no mention of a 'snub' that I remember. This might mean that Ontario is getting very touchy about the amount of influence it has in Ottawa (which disproves a post I made earlier this week about Ontario's complacency about these things) or it might be another example of something being 'spun' with no response from the PM. Probaby a little of both.

2 - Several posts about McGuinty seem to be painting him as far more left wing than he is. How much of Harris' tax cuts did he claw back ? How about welfare cuts ? Harris was supposedly a monster for cutting welfare as he did, yet Dalton hasn't raised the rates yet as far as I know.

Dalton was elected leader because he was to the right of most Liberals in the party, and as far as I can see he hasn't gone that far left.

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A few thoughts on reading this thread:

1 - McGuinty did the exact same thing the first time he met with Charest and there was far less coverage, and no mention of a 'snub' that I remember. This might mean that Ontario is getting very touchy about the amount of influence it has in Ottawa (which disproves a post I made earlier this week about Ontario's complacency about these things) or it might be another example of something being 'spun' with no response from the PM. Probaby a little of both.

2 - Several posts about McGuinty seem to be painting him as far more left wing than he is. How much of Harris' tax cuts did he claw back ? How about welfare cuts ? Harris was supposedly a monster for cutting welfare as he did, yet Dalton hasn't raised the rates yet as far as I know.

Dalton was elected leader because he was to the right of most Liberals in the party, and as far as I can see he hasn't gone that far left.

Say what you will. He's the King of Broken Promises.

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Personlly I think it shows some serious disrespect to the voters of Ontario. Who incidentially don't seem to think much of Harper anyways.

I don't think there's any disrespect for the people of Ontario.

Stephen Harper has to represent the interests of all Canadians, and more than 90% of the population lives outside Toronto city limits. I guess the Toronto Star is upset about losing its privileged status inside the PMO.

August... I think you fail to realize that McGuinty is the Premier of the most populous Province in Canada, I don't live within Toronto City limits, you need to brush up on how many people live where?


There you go... Boy, the entire population of Alberta is less than the GTA.. neat!

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McGuinty hasn't raised taxes! hahaha

Oh man...last I checked, I owed Ontario several hundred dollars more this year than I did two years ago. Oh sure, it's not a tax...it's a healthcare premium. Meanwhile, they've reduced OHIP coverage.

Yeah...McGuinty didn't raise taxes. Yeesh. :rolleyes:

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Are you saying that entitles McGuinty to special privileges?

Why should Harper go out of his way to be nice to this guy? McGuinty campaigned against him, and changed his characterization of their meeting for political gain.

If McGuinty wants to be treated with more than just a base level of respect, he should start treating the Prime Minister with respect. Strange how that works. :lol:

August... I think you fail to realize that McGuinty is the Premier of the most populous Province in Canada, I don't live within Toronto City limits, you need to brush up on how many people live where?


There you go... Boy, the entire population of Alberta is less than the GTA.. neat!

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McGuinty hasn't raised taxes! hahaha

Oh man...last I checked, I owed Ontario several hundred dollars more this year than I did two years ago. Oh sure, it's not a tax...it's a healthcare premium. Meanwhile, they've reduced OHIP coverage.

Yeah...McGuinty didn't raise taxes. Yeesh. :rolleyes:

That's not to mention our hydro bills and our natural gas bills. His policies are both ineffective and hypocritical.

For example, he's closing down all our coal fired hydro plants for "environmental reasons" and switching them over to plants burning natural gas to produce hydro. But to supplement the resulting energy shortage he's importing hydro from the Northeastern USA, which is produced by coal fired plants that weren't as clean burning as the ones he's shut down. Now because the supply of hydro, and the supply of natural gas are under pressure we are paying dearly for his stupidity.

And like you mentioned, under the guise of "saving medicare" he delisted eye exams, chiropractic care and physiotherapy, and then charged us up to $900 a year for doing so.

McGuinty has got to go.

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