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42 minutes ago, blackbird said:

That's a pretty tough concept to absorb.  I don't think there is any scientist who would agree.

In one sense, you are really advocating faith.  It would require blind faith to believe something can come from nothing without some outside power.  That then appears to make it a kind of new religion.  

The Christian or Biblical faith is based on reason.  God is separate and apart from the material universe.  He is not governed by the laws of physics or science.  Many people can't seem to wrap their heads around that.  They think everything must be according to their view of the material universe.  But they forget we are talking about the supernatural.  God is a supernatural being, separate and apart from the physical universe.

So God is a spirit of infinite power, wisdom, and ability.  He always existed.  The material universe which we see part of around us is always changing.  Because it is always changing and aging, many believe it must have had a beginning.  But how did it begin?  

You have two choices:

1.  The universe appeared out of nothing with no outside power or designer/creator.    OR

2.  The universe was designed and created by an infinitely powerful designer-Creator, who we call God.

The law of cause and effect supports no.2.

A creator is not requires for something that already (in another form) existed.

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32 minutes ago, Legato said:

A creator is not requires for something that already (in another form) existed.

The universe is complex, life is complex, the laws of physics and all the atomic structure must have had a cause at some point.  The universe is an effect.  Every effect has a cause.  The is just logic 101.

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5 hours ago, blackbird said:

That's a pretty tough concept to absorb. 

Yes. very tough. We live in a cause and effect world and it's hard to imagine something happening without something causing it. 


I don't think there is any scientist who would agree.

They all do. This isn't controversial.  Well not anymore. This has been worked on since quantum physics became a thing. it's an idea that's been flushed out for 100 years and every year they find ways of proving more bits of it. 

It doesn't make sense intuitively.  But then - neither does the fact your body is about 95 percent energy and only about 10 percent actual matter.  But that is the case. Take away the energy and you would only weight about 10 lbs of 'real' stuff. Freaky eh? :P 

Some day i'll teach you about the double slit experiment and REALLY blow your mind. 


In one sense, you are really advocating faith

If you like. Faith is not incompatible with anything i've said. 

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I would add to the topic by saying God has ordained that human life is sacred and those who take upon themselves to kill someone are to be held responsible.

" 5  And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man’s brother will I require the life of man. 6  Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man. "  Genesis 9:5-6  KJV

It says nothing about someone being excused because of mental issues.  One would think on such an important issue that if people could be excused by someone else declaring that the accused had mental problems when they committed the murder, that would be mentioned, but it isn't.   Actually the punishment of evil doers is reinforced in Romans ch.13.  Again, there is nothing there about people with mental issues being let off.

" But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil."  Romans 13:4(b) KJV

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5 hours ago, blackbird said:

It says nothing about someone being excused because of mental issues.  One would think on such an important issue that if people could be excused by someone else declaring that the accused had mental problems when they committed the murder, that would be mentioned, but it isn't.

Exactly, what's the point of mentioning mental illness without bringing up psychiatry. One would also think that on such an important issue as creation there'd be something about quantum physics.

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10 hours ago, eyeball said:

Exactly, what's the point of mentioning mental illness without bringing up psychiatry. One would also think that on such an important issue as creation there'd be something about quantum physics.

Modern psychiatry is a recent practice that lacks morality and credibility.  It is based on questionable theories by people who claimed to have some insight into the human mind.  It is untrustworthy.  It is not based on Biblical truth.  You can read the link to Wikipedia about Sigmund Freud, one of the psychoanalysis theorists.

The Bible is not a science book and when God created the universe and mankind in six days, that was a supernatural event.  Why would God need to bring scientific jargon into the Bible when it was a supernatural event?  There is no need for that.

"Why Freud Was Wrong: Sin, Science and Psychoanalysis (1995; second edition 1996; third edition 2005) is a book by Richard Webster, in which the author provides a critique of Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis, and attempts to develop his own theory of human nature. Webster argues that Freud became a kind of Messiah and that psychoanalysis is a pseudoscience and a disguised continuation of the Judaeo-Christian tradition. Webster endorses Gilbert Ryle's arguments against mentalist philosophies in The Concept of Mind (1949), and criticizes many other authors for their treatment of Freud and psychoanalysis.

The book for which Webster may be best remembered, it has been called "brilliant" and "definitive", but has also been criticized for shortcomings of scholarship and argument. It formed part of the "Freud wars", an ongoing controversy around psychoanalysis."

Why Freud Was Wrong - Wikipedia

Psychoanalysis theorists are divided amongst themselves and often don't even agree with each other.  As this one says psychoanalysis is a pseudoscience,  i.e.,  a phony science which cannot be trusted.

Edited by blackbird
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