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Good chance Canada will tear itself apart

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Judges 19: Lessons for When a Society Rejects God’s Word

Here, God reveals seven consequences to a society when it rejects His Word and His morality as sovereign.

First, when God’s Word becomes unpopular with the people, many leaders will sadly abandon Him as well. Without godly leaders, the people will then descend further into sin. 

1. When the People Abandon God, Most Leaders Will Do So as Well. Judges 19:1(a).

The importance of godly leaders in restraining sin. Satan’s goal has always been to break down authority through rebellion. His goal is to create chaos and misery by causing people to turn away from God. Satan first led a third of the angels in rebellion against God’s rule (Rev. 12:3-9). He then led Eve to rebel against God’s rules (Gen. 3:1-4). He then led Adam and Eve to rebel against each other (Gen 3:16). All of Satan’s 12 rebellions in the wilderness sought to depose Moses as the leader of the Jews. Satan tries to make us rebel against God’s institutions of authority. In quoting a prophecy, Jesus revealed what happens when we submit to Satan’s attempts to make us rebel: “I will strike down the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered.” (Mk. 14:23). Here, the sheep became scattered because they no longer wanted to hear from their shepherd. Without a godly shepherd, the sheep descended further into sin. Thus, godly leaders need brave citizens who are willing to reject public opinion to follow them. Will you be one?

2. The Family Order will Break Down. Judges 19:1(b)-2.

 If Satan’s first attack in the garden of Eden caused Adam and Eve to rebel against God, his second attack was to set Adam and Eve against each other (Gen. 3:15). He follows the same plan of attack today. First, he causes people to rebel against God’s standards of morality. Once they reject His standards, Satan then attacks the family. We can see this unfold in the relationship between the Levite and his concubine. Neither followed God’s Law, and they both suffered because of their decisions. The Levite gave into coveting by taking a concubine. By doing so he violated God’s Tenth Commandment (Ex. 20:17; Dt. 5:21). As a Levite, he was also called upon to be holy as an example for others to follow (Lev. 11:44; 19:2). Unhappy in her status as a legal mistress, the woman turned to adultery. Yet, in doing so, she violated God’s Seventh Commandment against adultery (Ex. 20:14; Dt. 5:18). Their unhappiness is a warning to believers today as well. If you reject God’s standards of morality, you will open your family to Satan’s attacks and the misery that will follow.

3. God’s Places of Refuge Will be Limited for Those in Need. Judges 19:3-13.

When unrepentant sin runs unchecked, God will lift His hedge of protection. God can be a shield to those who take refuge in Him (Prov. 30:5; 2 Sam. 22:31). Yet, when a nation turns from Him, His shield of protection will be removed (Lev. 26:14-39; Dt. 28:15-68). These lessons apply today as well. If the western world will not turn back to God, He will not bless the nations with his hedge of protection against evil. Like a person without a roof over their home, the people will be exposed to all the attacks of the evil one.

4. Most People will Become Self-Centered and Inhospitable. Judges 19:14-21.

The Benjamites dishonored God by failing to show compassion and help the Levite. Their lack of compassion provides a warning to believers today. In the end times, the people will care only about themselves. They will show no compassion for the helpless: “For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy,” (2 Tim. 3:2).

5. Same Sex Acts Will Become Rampant. Judges 19:22-24.

6. Sexual Violence will Become Rampant. Judges 19:25-26.

7. Society Will Become Numb to Its Sins. Judges 19:27-30.

A nation that tolerates sin is spiritually blind and will also tear itself apart. The deceased concubine is like the body of Christ when it tolerates sin, and fails to repent and seek refuge in God. Like the people of Sodom, Gomorrah, and Gibeah, society has become numb to the pervasive sexual sins throughout it. This is also one of the signs of the end times: “Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts,” (2 Pet. 3:3). “In the last time there will be mockers, following after their own ungodly lusts.” (Jude 1:18(b)). “But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons,” (1 Tim. 4:1). When society embraces the desires of the flesh over God’s morality, it becomes spiritually blind:

 When society becomes spiritually blind and tolerates sin, it will also tear itself apart like the body of the concubine. Pornography, rape, adultery, fornication, and sex outside of marriage have all lost their stigma. Society no longer is shocked or even offended by these sins. Are you willing to stand up for God’s standards of sexual morality, even when you are ridiculed for doing so? (Ro. 1:16).

Judges 19: Lessons for When a Society Rejects God’s Word (inspiredscripture.com)

Two other practices which are evil but not mentioned here:

1.  Abortion.  Canada has something like 80,000 to 100,000 abortions per year, which is the killing of unborn babies.  This is contrary the the Bible which says clearly "thou shalt not kill".

2. Canada has legalized medical assistance in dying, MAID, which is just legalized assisted suicide.  Also contrary to the Bible's commandment "thou shalt not kill".

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Posted (edited)

Ontario's Premier just announced they are expanding the number of places to sell alcohol by over 8,000 stores.

Thousands of retail outlets and corner stores will be able to sell alcohol.

At the same time they recently announced they are getting tougher with drinking and driving and expanding police enforcement to catch drinking drivers.

These are two contradictory measures.  Increasing impaired driving policing and increasing alcohol sales.  Why are they doing this?  The answer is because the population in general demands it.  

People are apparently demanding more easy access to beer and alcohol.  

This will of course increase the number of impaired drivers on the road.  More crime, motor vehicle accidents, injuries, and death.  More drinking means more domestic problems and domestic abuse.  Another thing contributing to the anarchy and lawlessness of society.

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By making religious posts like this you make people hate religion. See how it worked in Iran. Most Iranians now hate their religions either seeking other religions or choosing atheism. 

Religion if you choose to have it is a private affair between you and your God. Don't try to shovel it down other people's throats. Do not try to impose your beliefs upon others. 

50 minutes ago, blackbird said:


2. Canada has legalized medical assistance in dying, MAID, which is just legalized assisted suicide.  Also contrary to the Bible's commandment "thou shalt not kill".

Great for Canada. We are beginning to learn true democracy. People's choice,

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57 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

See how it worked in Iran.

Iran is a different religion and a false one.  You obviously have not studied the Bible and perhaps came from that area.

Canada and western countries are built on historic Judeo-Christianity.  We brought in millions of immigrants from non Judeo-Christian countries, and have been abandoning Judeo-Christian principles.  Canada rejected Christianity in an official sense decades ago and adopted multiculturalism.

Christianity is totally different from Islam.  There is no comparison.  The Bible makes that clear.  

Many of our laws are already based on Judeo-Christian teachings.  Examples are thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, etc. etc.  The British Empire abolished slavery around 200 years ago.  The west adopted human rights, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion which does not exist in Islamic countries.

You still hold some Islamic beliefs and try to marginalize people and prevent them from talking about religion.  Tough.  This is Canada and we have freedom of speech and freedom of religion.  So take a pill and chill out.

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1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

By making religious posts like this you make people hate religion.

That's your take.  Canada coddles up to Islam for one thing.  The government officially encourages false religion.  Mother earth worship is a big thing especially with environmentalists and some aboriginals.  The only way to counter false religion and false ideology is with the Holy Scriptures and freedoms that we have such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion.  So don't try to silence Canadians.  IF that is what you want to do you should not be here.  You are are not respecting human rights and the rights of Canadians.  You are not contributing to the good of society.

We also let all kinds of third world people in who are hostile to Christianity and the Bible.  The new pitch is to silence people about religion as if that will make Canada a better place.  It won't.  Canada is going downhill.  All that happens when you turn away from the God of the Bible  is you become a heathen, decadent people and destroy society.

Joe Adam George: By coddling Islamism, Canada sleepwalks into a crisis of extremism (msn.com)


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24 minutes ago, blackbird said:

That's your take.  Canada coddles up to Islam for one thing.  The government officially encourages false religion.  Mother earth worship is a big thing especially with environmentalists and some aboriginals.  The only way to counter false religion and false ideology is with the Holy Scriptures and freedoms that we have such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion.  So don't try to silence Canadians.  IF that is what you want to do you should not be here.  You are are not respecting human rights and the rights of Canadians.  You are not contributing to the good of society.

We also let all kinds of third world people in who are hostile to Christianity and the Bible.  The new pitch is to silence people about religion as if that will make Canada a better place.  It won't.  Canada is going downhill.  All that happens when you turn away from the God of the Bible  is you become a heathen, decadent people and destroy society.

Joe Adam George: By coddling Islamism, Canada sleepwalks into a crisis of extremism (msn.com)


You are a religious fanatic likely as bad as Ayatollahs in Iran. The only difference is that you are not in power. If you have absolute power you will use it to ban freedom of choice like abortion and doctor assisted suicide and will close down bars and ban alcohol and violate people's rights and become a complete dictator.

As for Christianity, Look back at history what Christianity did in Europe a few centuries ago.  I do believe if people wish to believe in their values they have the right to do so but do not try to advertise it or try to force it or it will become as bad as other false thing you called it a religion. 

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41 minutes ago, blackbird said:


We also let all kinds of third world people in who are hostile to Christianity and the Bible.  The new pitch is to silence people about religion as if that will make Canada a better place.  It won't.  Canada is going downhill.  All that happens when you turn away from the God of the Bible  is you become a heathen, decadent people and destroy society.

Joe Adam George: By coddling Islamism, Canada sleepwalks into a crisis of extremism (msn.com)


The first part of your post is so idi*tic it deserves no response. They are more hostile to Christianity people here than in third world. By the way I am not hostile to Christianity. I am hostile to those who wish to use Christianity to better their own lives.

You call me coming from third world? Canada is advanced because of people like me. Researchers and scientists who over decades contributed to Canada being among the major industrial countries. I am in every aspect by far superior to you and other religious fanatics,

Canada is not going downhill. It is among the top 10 major industrial countries in the world. It will become better if we concentrate on reality than fiction which may or may not have occurred 2000 years ago and give intelligence people the right to choose their own way of living.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

By the way I am not hostile to Christianity. I am hostile to those who wish to use Christianity to better their own lives.

No, you are hostile to Christianity and the Bible.  You proved it by all of your comments.

Dougie93 has it right on his comment about the Monarchy.


the effect of erasing Canadian history to include the monarchy has simply been a void

that void was not filled with a liberal democratic republic

instead the void has been filled by the American Woke cultural revolution

every institution in the land has fallen to this godless atheist Marxist Leninist ideology

literally the revolutionary overthrow of Canada from within

public officials no longer adhere to the Constitution Act therein,

to include failing to uphold their solemn oaths of allegiance

the practical outcome is increasing chaos, the breakdown of the rule of law itself

while the government destroys the economy in the name of what is in essence Communism


Liberalism, Socialism, Wokism, Progressivism are all anti-Christianity and anti-Bible.

You in opposing speaking about Christianity and the Bible are a pure anti-Christian.  Islamic republics also forbid any religion except Islam and outlaw speaking or preaching about Christianity or the Bible.  That is what you are trying to do here.  Your reveal yourself as anti-freedom of religion and freedom of speech.

Canada is being destroyed by anti-Christian/anti-Bible people.  These people act like Communists and try to silence everyone they disagree with.

Canada IS becoming worse under these anti-Christian leaders.  Assisted suicide has been gradually expanded and is considering offering it to people who suffer from depression or mental challenges and extending it to include youth.  Very tragic. Canada has no moral foundation.

You support self choice for assisted suicide and abortion which proves you should not be taken seriously or listened to. Your beliefs are totally contrary to the historic Judeo-Christian civilization and culture and against what God has taught us in the Bible about the sanctity of life.  Human life belongs to God and only he decides when someone dies a natural death.

As for the bad things that happened in the past centuries, I already explained in other posts that was the corrupt, false religion of Rome that oversaw all that.  They are not Biblical Christianity.  They do not follow the Bible.  So they are no example of what is right or wrong for a country.  We have lots of them ruling Canada which is also another problem.

Unrepentant sinners who do not repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ are on the way to hell.  That is what the Bible teaches.


Edited by blackbird
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20 minutes ago, blackbird said:

No, you are hostile to Christianity and the Bible.  You proved it by all of your comments.

Dougie93 has it right on his comment about the Monarchy.


the effect of erasing Canadian history to include the monarchy has simply been a void

that void was not filled with a liberal democratic republic

instead the void has been filled by the American Woke cultural revolution

every institution in the land has fallen to this godless atheist Marxist Leninist ideology

literally the revolutionary overthrow of Canada from within

public officials no longer adhere to the Constitution Act therein,

to include failing to uphold their solemn oaths of allegiance

the practical outcome is increasing chaos, the breakdown of the rule of law itself

while the government destroys the economy in the name of what is in essence Communism


Liberalism, Socialism, Wokism, Progressivism are all anti-Christianity and anti-Bible.

You in opposing speaking about Christianity and the Bible are a pure anti-Christian.  Islamic republics also forbid any religion except Islam and outlaw speaking or preaching about Christianity or the Bible.  That is what you are trying to do here.  Your reveal yourself as anti-freedom of religion and freedom of speech.

Canada is being destroyed by anti-Christian/anti-Bible people.  These people act like Communists and try to silence everyone they disagree with.

Canada IS becoming worse under these anti-Christian leaders.  Assisted suicide has been gradually expanded and is considering offering it to people who suffer from depression or mental challenges and extending it to include youth.  Very tragic. Canada has no moral foundation.

You support self choice for assisted suicide and abortion which proves you should not be taken seriously or listened to. Your beliefs are totally contrary to the historic Judeo-Christian civilization and culture and against what God has taught us in the Bible about the sanctity of life.  Human life belongs to God and only he decides when someone dies a natural death.

As for the bad things that happened in the past centuries, I already explained in other posts that was the corrupt, false religion of Rome that oversaw all that.  They are not Biblical Christianity.  They do not follow the Bible.  So they are no example of what is right or wrong for a country.  We have lots of them ruling Canada which is also another problem.

Unrepentant sinners who do not repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ are on the way to hell.  That is what the Bible teaches.


All your writings reveals very clearly that you are a religious fanatic and a total and complete dictator who wish to use God to gain power and wealth over people. The kind God who is described in the bible loves it children, and will not burn them in hell for just not believing in him any more than a mother would burn her children in fire for disobeying her.. You are using terror and intimidation and threats to scare people into believing and the Christian Republic you are advocating will not be much better than the murderous Islamic Republic proven to be anti-women, anti-freedom, totalitarian and anti-human.

Fortunately the people in Canada are smarter than that. We will not put down our guards and will protect our freedom and rights from your kind, the religious dictators. Down with any religious republic. 

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

Iran is a different religion and a false one.  You obviously have not studied the Bible and perhaps came from that area.

Canada and western countries are built on historic Judeo-Christianity.  We brought in millions of immigrants from non Judeo-Christian countries, and have been abandoning Judeo-Christian principles.  Canada rejected Christianity in an official sense decades ago and adopted multiculturalism.

Christianity is totally different from Islam.  There is no comparison.  The Bible makes that clear.  

Many of our laws are already based on Judeo-Christian teachings.  Examples are thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, etc. etc.  The British Empire abolished slavery around 200 years ago.  The west adopted human rights, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion which does not exist in Islamic countries.

You still hold some Islamic beliefs and try to marginalize people and prevent them from talking about religion.  Tough.  This is Canada and we have freedom of speech and freedom of religion.  So take a pill and chill out.

Canada is a giant Ulster

William III,  Prince of Orange, founder of Westminster Parliamentary Supremacy upon the hill in Ottawa

the Loyalist Orangemen are the founders of the modern liberal British state

the enemies of the House of Orange are the forces of tyrannical darkness

God save King Billy

from the Romanists, Fascists, Communists & Islamists

Cuidich 'n Righ

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3 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Religion if you choose to have it is a private affair between you and your God. Don't try to shovel it down other people's throats. Do not try to impose your beliefs upon others. 

The OP can't grasp the fact that other good people have a God that meets their needs and beliefs.  

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29 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Fortunately the people in Canada are smarter than that. We will not put down our guards and will protect our freedom and rights from your kind, the religious dictators. Down with any religious republic. 

you are misguided

as the only reason you were welcomed into this country

was the liberalizing force of the Scots Irish Protestant Enlightenment

without that, you'd be run out of this land on a rail, so fast your head would be spinning

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35 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

The kind God who is described in the bible loves it children, and will not burn them in hell for just not believing in him any more than a mother would burn her children in fire for disobeying her..

You say one will not burn in hell for not believing in Jesus Christ, who is God.   Seriously?   It is not my opinion.  It is what the Bible says.  The Bible was written by the apostles and prophets writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

"16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17  For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18  He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. "  John 3:16-18 KJV

"36  He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. "  John 3:36 KJV

"8  But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. " Revelation 21:8 KJV

32 Bible verses about Saved By Faith (knowing-jesus.com)

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11 minutes ago, Nefarious Banana said:

The OP can't grasp the fact that other good people have a God that meets their needs and beliefs.  

quite the opposite

we Loyalist Orangemen are the only ones who ever took that into consideration

we Loyalist Orangemen are the ones who say no Popery, no man nor office between you and your God

we Loyalist Orangemen are the ones who invented the modern separation between church & state

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5 minutes ago, blackbird said:

You say one will not burn in hell for not believing in Jesus Christ, who is God.   Seriously?   It is not my opinion.  It is what the Bible says. 

According to this Hitler and Hamas are Gods too. They burned people because those people refused them.

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19 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

you are misguided

as the only reason you were welcomed into this country

was the liberalizing force of the Scots Irish Protestant Enlightenment

without that, you'd be run out of this land on a rail, so fast your head would be spinning

Bible also says don't make a judgement on people. What do you know about me to make a judgement like this?

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Just now, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Bible also says don't make a judgement on people. What do you know about me to make a judgement like this?

I judge that the radical left in a unholy alliance with Hamas and the Ayatollah, are the ones whom would come for you

the Scots Irish Protestants never would

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9 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:


the Scots Irish Protestants never would

The catholic fanatics or Christian right will if they take the power but they never will.  They already say I would be burned for not believing.

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2 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

The catholic fanatics or Christian right will if they take the power but they never will. 

we Scots Irish Protestants are the bulwark against said Romanism and associated repression

we are the liberals, willing to die for our Loyal William, in the face of Popery of any sort,

to include to Shia Mullahs in Tehran, to include the Sunni Islamofacists in Gaza

God save the King, Westminster Parliamentary Supremacy forever

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4 minutes ago, blackbird said:

A young couple were in Haiti as missionaries and were killed last night by gangs.

God bless them and their families.

godspeed, to the foot of the Lord

right up yonder, Christians, away up yonder

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38 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

quite the opposite

we Loyalist Orangemen are the only ones who ever took that into consideration

we Loyalist Orangemen are the ones who say no Popery, no man nor office between you and your God

we Loyalist Orangemen are the ones who invented the modern separation between church & state

The natives of the Great Plains have a connection to Mother Earth/Father Sky . . . this runs so much deeper than the missionaries stories of splitting water, riding unknown animals following stars, and a fish feeding many.  Ireland & Northern Ireland religious beliefs are no different than any other war torn hellhole in the Middle East or anywhere for that matter.  The OP could be wrong in his claim that his religion is 'the only' religion.  You do what's good for you and yours, I'll do the same. Guessing we're both good people.

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