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Pro-Hamas Rallies in Canada

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50 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Duhhh LOL

In case you haven't figured it out yet, the terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and others are fighting for Islam.  That's why they don't care about the people of Gaza. The people are just a convenient shield to hide behind.  The people are being used as a propaganda weapon against Israel to convince the world how bad and evil Israel is for defending themselves and fighting against Hamas who hides among the people.  That is what Hamas is using the people for.  They could care less about the people because they think they are fighting for Allah.  You have swallowed the whole thing.  You are such a gullible person.

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30 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

The thing that didn't happen?

Hamas has documented evidence of them deliberately torturing and gleefully killing innocent civilians.

Deliberately targeting women and children. Notes they literally left behind in their scrambling, showing the deliberate targeting of women and children. 

Burning families alive in their cars.

Not collateral damage. Deliberately inflicted to these people. 

You can deny it all you wish, doesn't make it any less factual.

October 7th should be remembered just as much as the ongoing conflict in Gaza. 

Innocent civilians bear the ultimate cost of war. You feeling it is acceptable for either side, is you being a hypocrite in denouncing the other. 

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1 hour ago, User said:

Not wrong.

How is Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing?

How is it an apartheid?


They're big words, and Libbies LOVE using big words here, they just don't know how. 

If you ever see them use terms/words like confirmation bias, seditious, cognitive dissonance here, get ready to laugh. 

And don't bother explaining anything to them, they won't get it. 

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Black Dog said:

The thing that didn't happen?

Yup. TBH, nothing has happened there this whole time. 

They're all singing Kumbaya in Kefar Sava.

Why, what did you think happened?

1 hour ago, Perspektiv said:

Hamas has documented evidence of them deliberately torturing and gleefully killing innocent civilians.

Deliberately targeting women and children. Notes they literally left behind in their scrambling, showing the deliberate targeting of women and children. 

Burning families alive in their cars.

Not collateral damage. Deliberately inflicted to these people. 

You can deny it all you wish, doesn't make it any less factual.

October 7th should be remembered just as much as the ongoing conflict in Gaza. 

Innocent civilians bear the ultimate cost of war. You feeling it is acceptable for either side, is you being a hypocrite in denouncing the other. 

Now he's gonna say "Look what they made Hamas do", because what Hamas did was 'justified' by his lofty standards. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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1 hour ago, Perspektiv said:

Hamas has documented evidence of them deliberately torturing and gleefully killing innocent civilians.

Deliberately targeting women and children. Notes they literally left behind in their scrambling, showing the deliberate targeting of women and children. 

Burning families alive in their cars.

Not collateral damage. Deliberately inflicted to these people. 

You can deny it all you wish, doesn't make it any less factual.

October 7th should be remembered just as much as the ongoing conflict in Gaza. 

Innocent civilians bear the ultimate cost of war. You feeling it is acceptable for either side, is you being a hypocrite in denouncing the other. 

Yes lots of atrocities happened on oct 7 which is why it's mystifying people keep harping on ones that were fabricated like the "babies in ovens".

24 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Yup. TBH, nothing has happened there this whole time. 

They're all singing Kumbaya in Kefar Sava.

Why, what did you think happened?

You're another one of those dummies who thinks "that specific thing didn't happen" means "none of those things happened" huh?


Now he's gonna say "Look what they made Hamas do", because what Hamas did was 'justified' by his lofty standards.

No I leave that line for the Israel cucks like you.

Edited by Black Dog
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1 hour ago, User said:

Not wrong.

How is Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing?

How is it an apartheid?

They're literally stealing land and homes from their rightful owners, maintaining a repressive security regime over all Palestinians and depriving them of economic opportunities and human rights.

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5 minutes ago, Black Dog said:


Yes lots of atrocities happened on oct 7 which is why it's mystifying people keep harping on ones that were fabricated like the "babies in ovens".

No I leave that line for the Israel cucks like you.

Your whole shtick is "Look what they made Hamas do", now you're distancing yourself from it?

You've come a long way, puppy. Soon we'll have you convinced that committing genocide against the Jews won't be fun for the whole family.

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1 minute ago, Black Dog said:

They're literally stealing land and homes from their rightful owners, maintaining a repressive security regime over all Palestinians and depriving them of economic opportunities and human rights.

Israel withdrew from Gaza almost 20 years ago. The world has poured billions upon billions of dollars of support into Gaza under Hamas elected leadership and the squandered it on tunnels to wage a war of terror against Israel instead of building up their own people. 

No one was stealing their land, and your accusation was one of ethnic cleansing and apartheid, not rehashing the long-running dispute over Israeli settlements. 

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4 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Why do you people not understand that the protests are against western nations aiding and abetting Israel's ongoing campaign of apartheid and ethnic cleansing? 

Every LGBTQ person i know supports Palestine because they don't think human rights are conditional.  But it's always funny when conservatives pretend to care about LBTQ people in other countries when they don't even suypport them here at home.

You'd probably change your mind about Israel if some jackoff from the U.S.A. came and kicked you out of your house or if your kid was shot my a sniper for going to get a drink of water.

"YOU PEOPLE" Here we go...who is it your referring to Black dog...blacks , whites, purple people ,conservatives , liberals who is You people...or is this a new liberal phrase like people kind... Apartheid and ethnic cleansing pretty serious accusations, has any serious organization brought these to the Un council , or perhaps the international court... or is this just your interpretation on what should happen based on some provable evidence...

I guess we are overlooking the provable war crimes carried out by Hamas and the Palestinian people...Once again i will say Hamas brought this on to palestinians, that's who you should be protesting. They have stolen food, resources, and funding that was directed to the people of Gaza and used all of that in the fight against Israel, their leadership enjoys the lap of luxury in other Muslim countries that condone this kind of activity, only becasue it is against Israel and the jewish population while regular Palestinians live in squalor....thats who you cheer for...

This statement is foolish...and your reaching for any excuses...Our LGBTQ community here in Canada will never be threaten with conditions as they would be subjected to in Gaza, or for that matter most Muslim countries...You make it sound like the next election we will somehow be chucking gays from tall buildings, or hunting them down in the streets...Our laws protect everyone including those in the LGBTQ community...they are not dependent on a liberal government to enforce them. 

Your reaching again, when your nation uses terrorism against another nation, there is going to be conflict people are going to die, most of those that die are civilians, that's historical facts... This is what happens when you don't want to use diplomatic discussion, and choose violence to solve your issues...WHY has Hamas not signed a peace agreement yet...Why are they still holding hostages, Why has the people of palestine not risen up and take back their country, with Hamas severely weaken....Why has Hamas not stepped down to save their people ? ...lots of questions that YOU PEOPLE can not answer...

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1 hour ago, Black Dog said:

Yes lots of atrocities happened on oct 7 which is why it's mystifying people keep harping on ones that were fabricated like the "babies in ovens".

I hate to say it, but Hamas are very close as what one would deem to being wild animals. Very close in behavior. Almost uncanny. Wild is almost insulting to such actual animals, as they have codes in their habitats. Hamas are just animals. Beneath those who are wild and domesticated.

I would see it like if someone told me they saw a crackhead defecating on the sidewalk on Sainte Catherine in Montreal, while shrieking at mailboxes.

This qualifies as crackhead behavior, so wouldn't be shocked at the act, but rather at it being at 6AM. I would be shocked at the diligence to be up that early, and already on cracked out mode.

I see Hamas as no different.

If someone told me they used human heads as basketballs, betting local currency for 3 pointer shots in a modified game of 21, I would be shocked at them knowing the game 21, vs the former. Being good at organized sports.

"And they used broken fingers as paintbrushes to paint their cars". Again, I would be shocked at the stupidity of them thinking this would work on metal. Scratch that, I wouldn't be shocked at anything.

It boggles my mind you're disappointed in people exagerrating about a group of animals. Like they had some type of reputation to uphold or dignity.

They live in caves under their population shielding them from harm. They have no dignity.

And yes, am strictly eluding to Hamas.

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6 hours ago, ExFlyer said:


So,both were there, why does one deserve a contry and not the other???


Do you think this is somehow tied to Israel... it is tied to the UN, Israel has no control over who becomes a state or not....and what do you really think it would change?..Do you Somehow think peace is going to break out...having a two state solution is not a hamas or palestinian objective you know that right..., i mean they have that right now, they govern themselves and still no peace...

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1 hour ago, User said:

Israel withdrew from Gaza almost 20 years ago. The world has poured billions upon billions of dollars of support into Gaza under Hamas elected leadership and the squandered it on tunnels to wage a war of terror against Israel instead of building up their own people. 

No one was stealing their land, and your accusation was one of ethnic cleansing and apartheid, not rehashing the long-running dispute over Israeli settlements. 


I wasn't just talking about Gaza.

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Your whole shtick is "Look what they made Hamas do", now you're distancing yourself from it?

You've come a long way, puppy. Soon we'll have you convinced that committing genocide against the Jews won't be fun for the whole family.

What are you talking about you demented Boomer freak?

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34 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

"YOU PEOPLE" Here we go...who is it your referring to Black dog...blacks , whites, purple people ,conservatives , liberals who is You people...or is this a new liberal phrase like people kind... Apartheid and ethnic cleansing pretty serious accusations, has any serious organization brought these to the Un council , or perhaps the international court... or is this just your interpretation on what should happen based on some provable evidence...

You people obviously being people who are mystified about why people protest western support of Israel and don't protest the actions of dictatorships overseas who we have no influence over.


I guess we are overlooking the provable war crimes carried out by Hamas and the Palestinian people...Once again i will say Hamas brought this on to palestinians, that's who you should be protesting. They have stolen food, resources, and funding that was directed to the people of Gaza and used all of that in the fight against Israel, their leadership enjoys the lap of luxury in other Muslim countries that condone this kind of activity, only becasue it is against Israel and the jewish population while regular Palestinians live in squalor....thats who you cheer for...

I'm starting to wonder if some of you people understand the point of protesting. The idea is to call for tangible change, not simply virtue signal.


This statement is foolish...and your reaching for any excuses...Our LGBTQ community here in Canada will never be threaten with conditions as they would be subjected to in Gaza, or for that matter most Muslim countries...You make it sound like the next election we will somehow be chucking gays from tall buildings, or hunting them down in the streets...Our laws protect everyone including those in the LGBTQ community...they are not dependent on a liberal government to enforce them. 

Yes this is true, much to the chagrin of a great many conservatives.


Your reaching again, when your nation uses terrorism against another nation, there is going to be conflict people are going to die, most of those that die are civilians, that's historical facts... This is what happens when you don't want to use diplomatic discussion, and choose violence to solve your issues...WHY has Hamas not signed a peace agreement yet...Why are they still holding hostages, Why has the people of palestine not risen up and take back their country, with Hamas severely weaken....Why has Hamas not stepped down to save their people ? ...lots of questions that YOU PEOPLE can not answer...

Those are extremely easy questions to answer. Hamas isn't interested in the welfare of the people, they also need Israel to continue to act with a heavy hand and Israel is happy to oblige as the nutjobs are on both sides here. 

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1 hour ago, Black Dog said:

They're literally stealing land and homes from their rightful owners, maintaining a repressive security regime over all Palestinians and depriving them of economic opportunities and human rights.

Last time i checked Hamas is in control over they entire city of Gaza, there are no israelis troops there before the oct attacks...now Israel does have a security apparatus set up within it's borders...like every other nation in the globe...

Please explain how Israel deprives Palestinians economic opportunities in Gaza city ...Just a question what does Hamas do with all those Billions of dollars that are donated every year to Gaza, and west bank...one would think that they would be building their own economic opportunities...Human rights in GAZA are strictly a Hamas responsibility...why is this so hard to understand...

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5 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

I wasn't just talking about Gaza.

Yeah but you actually were. You condone Palestinian terrorist attacks, you mischaracterize the situation in general in that region, and then mischaracterize what the Israelis are doing in their defence. 

Gaza had their freedom. They had billions of dollars given to them.

They used their freedom and their free money to commit terrorist attacks and to try to commit genocide against the Jews, and even now, with bombs falling all around, their primary concern is still to foment hatred against Israel so there can be a genocide against them.

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5 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

You people obviously being people who are mystified about why people protest western support of Israel and don't protest the actions of dictatorships overseas who we have no influence over.

I'm starting to wonder if some of you people understand the point of protesting. The idea is to call for tangible change, not simply virtue signal.

Yes this is true, much to the chagrin of a great many conservatives.

Those are extremely easy questions to answer. Hamas isn't interested in the welfare of the people, they also need Israel to continue to act with a heavy hand and Israel is happy to oblige as the nutjobs are on both sides here. 

I'm mystified over the fact that Canadians and those in the YOU people category openly support a terrorist group and their actions...Thinking these protestors are somehow going to influence our government or economy when dealing with Israel is a pipe dream...even in today's cancel culture they will make no change that will affect how we as a nation do business...

What is not acceptable is the violence and threats and hate speech that accompany these protests, leading to many arrest...Not to mention supporting any group that condones terrorism, there is not much separation or Hamas or it's people right now....unless the protestors condone Hamas and it's actions... 


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22 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Yes this is true, much to the chagrin of a great many conservatives.

Those are extremely easy questions to answer. Hamas isn't interested in the welfare of the people, they also need Israel to continue to act with a heavy hand and Israel is happy to oblige as the nutjobs are on both sides here. 

Yes I'm sure conservatives all across the nation, are disappointed that throwing gay people off of buildings is not going to be in the cards...But in show of soldarity with our LGBTQ community we are going to have the annual throw a lefty of buildings, preferable small buildings we could have called it the purge but thats already taken...maybe we can call it liberation day...Liberals count as one point NDP counts as two points and any member of the green will count as three points...who ever has the most points wins...it could be part of the conservatives new climate change plan...reduce our nations carbon footprint.

Then HAMAS is the main problem here right...somehow we are content with slapping Israel around because of Hamas creating all these issues...like one bug circle...instead of protesting our government to cut all aid into the city...or denounce and sanctioning hamas....

your content on slamming Israel, they are the main problem, when they are but one cog in the wheel, and Hamas is the driving force behind all of this stuff.... because hamas is loved and worshipped in the UN...

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16 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Yes I'm sure conservatives all across the nation, are disappointed that throwing gay people off of buildings is not going to be in the cards...But in show of soldarity with our LGBTQ community we are going to have the annual throw a lefty of buildings, preferable small buildings we could have called it the purge but thats already taken...maybe we can call it liberation day...Liberals count as one point NDP counts as two points and any member of the green will count as three points...who ever has the most points wins...it could be part of the conservatives new climate change plan...reduce our nations carbon footprint.

Unironically yes.


your content on slamming Israel, they are the main problem, when they are but one cog in the wheel, and Hamas is the driving force behind all of this stuff.... because hamas is loved and worshipped in the UN...

The west isn't giving Hamas tens of millions of dollars to wage war on Israel tho.


17 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Yeah but you actually were. You condone Palestinian terrorist attacks, you mischaracterize the situation in general in that region, and then mischaracterize what the Israelis are doing in their defence. 

Don't try and tell me what I was talking about, doofus.


Gaza had their freedom. They had billions of dollars given to them.

LOL, sure man.


They used their freedom and their free money to commit terrorist attacks and to try to commit genocide against the Jews, and even now, with bombs falling all around, their primary concern is still to foment hatred against Israel so there can be a genocide against them.


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2 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

You mean when you hand-waved away the ethnic cleansing and apartheid in the other occupied territories?

No, you never provided any evidence of that. You mentioned settlements. That is not ethnic cleansing. 

The simple fact is that the West Bank is under Israeli Control because they lost a war and were conquered. Israel has handed over much control to the Palestinian Authority. How exactly is this apartheid?


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1 hour ago, User said:

No, you never provided any evidence of that. You mentioned settlements. That is not ethnic cleansing. 

It is when they steal land to build the settlements, dummy!


The simple fact is that the West Bank is under Israeli Control because they lost a war and were conquered. Israel has handed over much control to the Palestinian Authority. How exactly is this apartheid?

Look dude if you don't know what apartheid is and don't know what Israel does to the people under its control, you probably should just read up on it instead of asking dumb questions.

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