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Why am I forced to pay for this social liberalism agenda?

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1st why does CBC commission a study to comment on their bias?, because there is a bias. Secondly, how about the commission of a blind comparative study that would actually be fair.
All media is subject to endless complaints about bias - CBC the actually cared enough about these complaints to commission a study. I fail to see why that is a bad thing. If nothing else it demonstrates that presenting an objective view of the news is an objective of the CBC.

That said, I acknowledge that this particular study is not definitive proof of anything. However, it is information that cannot be completely dismissed simply because it did not come to the conclusions that you like.

As for the "selective memory syndrome on the part of the complainers"comment, what about the mindless acceptance of all things CBC as the Holy Grail of news reporting and Canadian broadcasting?
I never said that every the CBC does is beyond reproach. I don't even dispute the fact periodically the CBC will broadcast pieces which have a clear left-wing bias. What I object to are mindless claims that everything the CBC does is biased. What I find particularly pathetic are claims that the CBC is some soviet style government propaganda machine. Anyone who makes that claim is clearly not willing to look at the facts.
Lastly, it's not biased because it fits very nicely with our particular bias, which is correct after all. The rest of us, poor misguided souls can go sod off. Unless of course upon achieving a new level of enlightenment, that will allow us to accept and defend CBC unreservedly.
I don't agree with everything I hear on the CBC (or any media for that matter). Certain hosts piss me off because of their left wing opinions. However, when I look at the complete package is think that the CBC (radio at least) delivers fairly balanced coverage.

That said, the most important thing that CBC does is actually cover issues in depth. Other media outlets seem to think that if a story can't be covered in 30 seconds then it is not worth covering (probably because it cuts into time for advertisements). Without CBC radio, I have no way to get any non-print news about what is going on in BC or Vancouver. Every other station on the dial is music or 'headline' news with no in depth coverage.

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The CBC is a highly usefull tool.

The CBC:

- Provides jobs for the faggy creative types: costume design, makeup etc, performing arts etc.

- staff of geeks, dorks and other weirdos bring us great sports entertainment like 8 straight hours of ribbon gymnastics.

- Creates dull, boring programming that makes even Ted Koppell sound "Racy'.

- Keeps Mr Dressup on indefinitely (he passed away in 2001) because they haven't had an original idea since 1967

- Is a propaganda tool for the government of the day (as long as it is of the left wing variety)

- Makes people reply in useless forums about it. :rolleyes:

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The CBC is a highly usefull tool.

The CBC:

- Provides jobs for the faggy creative types: costume design, makeup etc, performing arts etc.

- staff of geeks, dorks and other weirdos bring us great sports entertainment like 8 straight hours of ribbon gymnastics.

- Creates dull, boring programming that makes even Ted Koppell sound "Racy'.

- Keeps Mr Dressup on indefinitely (he passed away in 2001) because they haven't had an original idea since 1967

- Is a propaganda tool for the government of the day (as long as it is of the left wing variety)

- Makes people reply in useless forums about it. :rolleyes:

It also makes alot of terrible material.

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State-run taxpayer-funded CBC uses deception to make Bush look bad

More of that "fair and balanced journalism" from the CBC:

[CBC "reporter" Neil] MacDonald deceptively edited another Bush statement - mid-sentence:

"I would like to tell the state level that we are fully prepared…. End of CBC edit.

From the USA Today transcript we learn that the full quote goes:

"I would like to tell the state level that we are fully prepared to not only help you, but we will move in whatever resources and assets we have at our disposal after the storm to help you deal with the loss of property."

Editing the remark to completely change its meaning is plain journalistically dishonest. By dishonest edit, MacDonald conveyed the false impression that Bush knew of an impending breach and Bush claimed to be “fully prepared” when he said he was "fully prepared to assist"

Read the whole thing. The whole report is largely misleading.

What a costly horrid news service they provide for Canadians. And all Canadians are forced to pay for CBC's pro-liberal, anti-conservative views. Canadians have no choice. Even if they don't watch it (and ratings show many don't watch it), they must pay for their progressive liberal agenda.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another CBC Mockumentary

So the CBC in all it's wisdom shows a Tommy Douglas mockumentary mini series pretending it's a well researched factual biography.The only problem is, it isn't.

The family of former Saskatchewan premier Jimmy Gardiner is demanding an apology over his portrayal in a CBC Television biography of another former premier.
Mike Gardiner noted that his grandfather was an active opponent of the Ku Klux Klan and one of the founders of the United Church of Canada.

Instead of highlighting those achievements, he said the miniseries portrayed the teetotaller premier inviting reporters out for a drink, and railing against striking coal miners.

"He loved the people, loved the farmers and loved immigrants, and this was another crack the movie took at him," said Mike Gardiner.

"They sort of made him anti-farmer and anti-immigrant, which simply wasn't the case."

Producer Kevin DeWalt defended the miniseries, saying the filmmakers did not set out to make a documentary.

"We were simply trying to show that there was incredible animosity and we had to use some creative licence to get that message across," DeWalt said.

Typical of the CBC(your NDPism is showing),it is more important to use some creative licence to get their propaganda message across,just as they did with the Trudeau mini-series. One would expect historical accuracy in our movie biographies,but instead we get a creative mockumentary for our children to get false information about people in our past.

I hope the Gardiner family sues DeWalt and the CBC and bans this series from ever being played as a biography

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History doesn't matter in CBC documentaries... it must be make any and all Conservative types out too look like fear mongering fundamentalists and socialists as flawless idols. Like the Trudeau documentary.

I was actually very excited to watch the Tommy Douglas documentary, to learn about how a socialist back in the day was a person who extremly opposed homosexuality, encouraged eugenics to cure our economic issues and a vicious anti-Semite. Did they mention that he was a strict Christian, something the CBC portrays as a negative in all other people than Douglas? Did they mention he was a hand in writing a manifesto to 'eradicate' capitalism?

The eugenics was not racist in orgin. He stated in his Master's thesis it would be in Canada's best interest to cull those that are "immoral, nonmoral and subnormal" people. So if you weren't moral and the standard guy, you need to hit the highway to heaven. I credit him that eventually he renoucned this belief... right in time to run for office.

I sadly missed the show however.

Out of curiosity, did the CBC mention Douglas's hate for gays and Jews and passion for Nazi like eugenics?

Or did they mention that it was Pearson that actually nationalised the health care system? Giving Douglas credit is not only overstating the issue, but overstating his impact. But of course, the CBC has drill into our heads that the NDP might have actually accomplished one thing in the last fifty years.

Did they mention that Tommy Douglas wanted user fees? I'm sure they didn't.

It's funny how the news media can skew a man so widly that he becomes the greatest Canadian, even though he only ever did one thing. Are people seriously so blind to the beast he has created?

This guy was one of the worst Canadians that has lived and we all give him way too much credit for things that were happening anyways.

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  • 2 months later...
Oh, it's one thing to not like the content.

It's another thing to call for privatization.

But it's my experience that most social conservatives who want something privatized only want it privatized when they disagree with the content. Once they get in power, they're all about government funding for their own content -- whether or not certain taxpayers agree with it or not.

That's certainly true of U.S. conservatives and NPR.

They're REAL problem with the content is cute too: NPR doesn't give 30 blurbs on the story, they give ten or fifteen minutes to convey some actual information. Not so easy to convince informed people with sloganism instead of specific reason when they have some facts. I'm just surprised the liberals don't dislike NPR too: that sort of reporting has got to inconvenience political animals such as Senator Clinton too.

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Another CBC Mockumentary

So the CBC in all it's wisdom shows a Tommy Douglas mockumentary mini series pretending it's a well researched factual biography.The only problem is, it isn't.

The family of former Saskatchewan premier Jimmy Gardiner is demanding an apology over his portrayal in a CBC Television biography of another former premier.
Mike Gardiner noted that his grandfather was an active opponent of the Ku Klux Klan and one of the founders of the United Church of Canada.

Instead of highlighting those achievements, he said the miniseries portrayed the teetotaller premier inviting reporters out for a drink, and railing against striking coal miners.

"He loved the people, loved the farmers and loved immigrants, and this was another crack the movie took at him," said Mike Gardiner.

"They sort of made him anti-farmer and anti-immigrant, which simply wasn't the case."

Producer Kevin DeWalt defended the miniseries, saying the filmmakers did not set out to make a documentary.

"We were simply trying to show that there was incredible animosity and we had to use some creative licence to get that message across," DeWalt said.

Typical of the CBC(your NDPism is showing),it is more important to use some creative licence to get their propaganda message across,just as they did with the Trudeau mini-series. One would expect historical accuracy in our movie biographies,but instead we get a creative mockumentary for our children to get false information about people in our past.

I hope the Gardiner family sues DeWalt and the CBC and bans this series from ever being played as a biography

So finally justice has been served to the family of Jimmy Gardiner,they have won their dispute with the CBC. The CBC has agreed to pull the movie from anymore viewing or sales. :)

CBC pulls Tommy Douglas movie

The CBC has pulled a movie about the life of medicare founder Tommy Douglas from its broadcast schedule, citing historical inaccuracies in the portrayal of an adversary in the film.

The corporation has also halted both home and educational sales of Prairie Giant: The Tommy Douglas Story while it tries to resolve concerns raised about how former Saskatchewan premier James (Jimmie) Gardiner comes off in the eyes of viewers.

When reached by phone at the Banff Television Festival, the film’s producer Kevin DeWalt was reluctant to comment on what he called a CBC decision.

“Read the disclaimer — we were very clear from Day 1 that this was not a documentary,” DeWalt said. “It was a fictionalization and dramatization and it stated that quite clearly in the disclaimer and we stand by that disclaimer.”

Saskatchewan’s NDP government contributed $614,400 to the production of the movie as part of the province’s 2005 centennial celebrations.

Premier Lorne Calvert appeared agitated when faced with questions about the CBC’s decision Monday.

“This was a great centennial project, it honoured the greatest of Canadians,” Calvert said.

“It was drama and this government will never, on any occasion, interfere in the editorial decision-making around artistic production.”

Read the disclaimer? If it was a fictionalization and dramatization why didn't they use fictional characters?

And the Calvert's Saskatchewan NDP government wouldn't interfere with inaccurate facts on "editorial decision-making". Nice centennial project making one of your own look bad.

Gardiner was elected twice as Saskatchewan premier, first in 1926 and again in 1934. Federally, he held the agriculture portfolio for a record 22 years. Saskatchewan’s Gardiner Dam on Lake Diefenbaker is named after him.

Historians say Gardiner was a passionate voice for the West and for agriculture.

How many other CBC Documentaries did the same thing with their damatization of historical facts? I bet just about all of them.Anybody care for another version of St.Trudeau?

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The state-run taxpayer-funded CBC is at it again, this time promoting their social liberalism--and I am forced to pay for this sh*t. Privatize these leeches and let them get out in the private world--like Global and CTV--and see if they can make it.

Your tax dollars at work--videos promoting social liberalism:

Ballwaxer: Yes it is a video of a guy getting his privates waxed at a waxing establishment. *Might not be work safe*

Gay wedding: Two guys getting married. Watch at your own risk (lots of guy-on-guy kissing).

Body modification: Some dude who was more piercings than the state-run CBC's George Stroumboulopoulos--goes to a piercing parlor and gets meat hooks put in his back. Then they show the guy swinging back and forth on these meat hooks in some kind of establishment (a progressive liberal fund-raiser? ;) ).

Kids: (Don't) Try this at home.

Promoting graffiti: The CBC doesn't show the faces of these vandals. Why? Because they are engaging in an illegal activity.

An obviously wasted teenage girl spots the fuzzy CBC microphone and says that it could "tickle" her. Perhaps it was the shape of the mic?

A (stoned?) teen girl says judgemental people should take that pickle out of their a$$ and then takes a pencil and pretends to take a pickle out of her a**. What's the point of this? :huh:

Teenage boy--who "doesn't believe in clothes"--streaks through a public parking lot: *Not work safe*

Weasely American liberal who moved to Canada--goes on a long tirade bashing America before getting to the real point: "George Bush is a monkey".

What a "progressive" analysis for the kiddies. :rolleyes:

Stephen Harper should yank the $1 billion they annually get and put them out on their own. There is no balance on the CBC. It is a political organ for the Canadian left, especially the social liberal activists. The Liberal Party even picks Canada's Governor Generals from the CBC. I believe that many people would dislike their taxpayer dollars going towards programming like this. If you are a private station, air whatever you feel like. Private stations like the centre-left CTV and centrist Global are forbidden by the CRTC to have a 24 hour news station like CBC Newsworld. Unfair. Let's not forget that the wildly popular Fox News Channel was banned for 5 years in Canada. When they applied in 1999, they were told they had to have 35% Canadian content and it was to be called Fox News Canada.

Does anyone recall the CRTC putting those restrictions on CNN?

Only the uproar caused by the CRTC allowing Al Jazeera into Canada forced them to lift their 5 year ban of the FNC. What was the Liberal Party-controlled CRTC scared of?

They were scared of the masses hearing the other side, and they were scared that "their side" would be regularly demolished when forced to defend their views against right-leaning opponenets.

And their fears were justified. Fox News is a breath of fresh air. It's easy to see why it is so popular in the US.

I love watching Sean Hannity mowing down liberals with facts on the Hannity & Colmes show. :)

Right on! I'm at the point that whenever I see "Produced in Canada," I change the channel. Nine times out of ten it is my tax-money at work for some crap nobody would either make or watch if it were not for our federal government wasting our tax-dollars on such frivilous crap. I agree, let's stop funding the CBC immediately and see if they can make it without being funded by the tax-payers of this country. I'm willing to bet, that if funding were cut off say next month, that they would be bankrupt before the end of this year. It would be rather nice to see them all get real jobs instead of leaching off the tax-payers.

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The state-run taxpayer-funded CBC is at it again,

Oh for heavens sake.

Go here:


See that? "Nerve" is one of hundreds of shows.

And some of what you're complaining about appears to be videos sent in by viewers. What should we do, withold thier tax rebates? :rolleyes:

Your outrage is shrill and baseless.


The last bastion of unbiased commercial free radio. Always stand on guard Canada, to rightwingers the lack of rightwing bias = leftwing bias. Don't let the fascists steal the quality from the world!

"The last bastion of unbiased commercial free radio." What radio are you listening to? The last time I listened to CBC Radio, or watched CBC TV I was subjected to just as many commercials as if I were viewing or listening to any other commercial media stations. Maybe it would be worht subscribing to if it was in fact commercial-free, and if they were producing quality programming. I mean "IF", but I have yet to see anything produced by CBC qualify as being a quality production. It seems to me pushing a social agenda to somehow make gay and lesbian topics as somehow normal has fallen on it's face. It is not normal and is not acceptable by the vast majority of Canadians. I for one would not allow kids to watch such dribble and presume to tell them that first it okay to watch this crap on TV. To me it is exactly the same as condoning the watching of a heterosexual couple having sex by kids as being acceptable. In either case it is wrong and I definitely do not want my tax-money spent to produce such crap. If it is filth sent in by viewers, showing it does not make it any more acceptable. No wonder many of our young people have no morals or values.

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"The last bastion of unbiased commercial free radio." What radio are you listening to? The last time I listened to CBC Radio, or watched CBC TV I was subjected to just as many commercials as if I were viewing or listening to any other commercial media stations. Maybe it would be worht subscribing to if it was in fact commercial-free, and if they were producing quality programming. I mean "IF", but I have yet to see anything produced by CBC qualify as being a quality production.

You get commercials on CBC radio ??? I think you might be mistaken.

It seems to me pushing a social agenda to somehow make gay and lesbian topics as somehow normal has fallen on it's face. It is not normal and is not acceptable by the vast majority of Canadians. I for one would not allow kids to watch such dribble and presume to tell them that first it okay to watch this crap on TV. To me it is exactly the same as condoning the watching of a heterosexual couple having sex by kids as being acceptable.

Except that no one is showing intercourse, gay or straight, on public airwaves.

In either case it is wrong and I definitely do not want my tax-money spent to produce such crap. If it is filth sent in by viewers, showing it does not make it any more acceptable. No wonder many of our young people have no morals or values.

As Riverwind (I think it was) posted, we don't get a veto on where our tax money is spent. It's fine to voice your views on this, but you have to accept that your views are marginal so you probably won't get your way.

As I have posted, the Harper government has indicated it will continue to support the CBC.

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was actually very excited to watch the Tommy Douglas documentary, to learn about how a socialist back in the day was a person who extremly opposed homosexuality, encouraged eugenics to cure our economic issues and a vicious anti-Semite. Did they mention that he was a strict Christian, something the CBC portrays as a negative in all other people than Douglas? Did they mention he was a hand in writing a manifesto to 'eradicate' capitalism?

Uh...any evidence for your anti-semite claim?

The eugenics was not racist in orgin. He stated in his Master's thesis it would be in Canada's best interest to cull those that are "immoral, nonmoral and subnormal" people. So if you weren't moral and the standard guy, you need to hit the highway to heaven. I credit him that eventually he renoucned this belief... right in time to run for office.

Eugenics was a common beleif in Douglas's time. Context, dude.

Out of curiosity, did the CBC mention Douglas's hate for gays and Jews and passion for Nazi like eugenics?

Again, what "hate" for Jews? As for gays, Douglas advocated treating homosexuality as a mental illness rather than a criminal behaviour. Not what we'd call enlightened today, but quite progressive for his time.

Methinks you don't know what you're talking about (especially since you didn't see the movie).

Read the disclaimer? If it was a fictionalization and dramatization why didn't they use fictional characters?

It's not a documentary. It's a biopic. All biopics take some liberties. That's why they are called "dramatizations".

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  • 2 weeks later...
Read the disclaimer? If it was a fictionalization and dramatization why didn't they use fictional characters?
It's not a documentary. It's a biopic. All biopics take some liberties. That's why they are called "dramatizations".

When the government authorizes it and funds it, I call it spreading lies and a mis-use of tax-payer's money.

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When the government authorizes it and funds it, I call it spreading lies and a mis-use of tax-payer's money.

What difference does it make who funds it? It's still a dramatization of events. I don't see why the fact its produced by the state-funded broadcaster should require the content be any more credibile than if the same film was produced by a private broadcaster.

By the way geoffery, if you're out there, I'm still waiting for some support for your Tomy Douglas=anti-semite claims.

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What difference does it make who funds it? It's still a dramatization of events.
I see.

I should have been more specific. I should have written:

Calling it a dramatization is too generous when the liberties taken are so bad that the movie has to be pulled due to a law-suit.

I call it spreading lies rather than dramatization.

I call it a mis-use of tax-payer's money rather than dramatization when the government authorizes it and funds it.

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