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US federal government borrows and gives to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan

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2 hours ago, User said:

Abandoning Ukraine doesn't result in a peace deal, it results in a Russian victory. 


Is that what bothers you? That Russia would keep about a quarter of Ukraine as it was?

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5 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Is that what bothers you? That Russia would keep about a quarter of Ukraine as it was?

Well, no. Your other assertions here have been bothering me a lot. You have ignored most of it several times now. 

If we abandon Ukraine now... Russia isn't going to settle with the land they have, they will continue to press and conquer Ukraine. So I have no idea what you are talking about in regards to their keeping only a quarter of it. 

The fact that Russia is getting away with anything they have done so far "bothers" me. It should bother everyone. If we can support Ukraine and stop Russia from going farther that is a good thing. Abandoning Ukraine and effectively giving the war to Russia now would "bother" me. 

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6 hours ago, User said:

Well, no. Your other assertions here have been bothering me a lot. You have ignored most of it several times now. 

If we abandon Ukraine now... Russia isn't going to settle with the land they have, they will continue to press and conquer Ukraine. So I have no idea what you are talking about in regards to their keeping only a quarter of it. 

The fact that Russia is getting away with anything they have done so far "bothers" me. It should bother everyone. If we can support Ukraine and stop Russia from going farther that is a good thing. Abandoning Ukraine and effectively giving the war to Russia now would "bother" me. 

Ok...so you assert...that...

1. With proper financing from NATO nations, Ukraine can hold Russia to a stalemate for 250 years. I disagree but assuming the Ukrainians would be willing, what would be the point of that? So that in 250 years Russia has possession of the land they have today? It would be wiser of NATO to force a peace deal on them both and be done with it. Ukraine gets to rebuild and Ukrainians get to live.

2. NATO nations cannot afford to pay to keep Ukraine functional and arm them. It drags all NATO nations further toward financial disaster. Russia and China know this. Both have their own financial issues, but is the USA or any NATO nation willing to divest from China? No.

3. There was a realistic peace deal in the works 2 years ago. Why did Johnson go there and kill it? What did he offer Zelinsky to get him to do an about face? It's commonly said that this war will degrade Russia and that's a good outcome. But Russia appears to be doing just fine. Now Zelinsky wants another peace deal summit in Switzerland this July...without Russian presence. Just about the dumbest, most presumptuous idea I've heard in a very long time.

4. This idea that Russia will attack a NATO nation after they "conquer" Ukraine is asinine. If a full scale war breaks out between Russia and NATO, it'll have been a NATO nation that starts it...and you already know that I suspect. 

5. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/04/ex-nato-head-says-putin-wanted-to-join-alliance-early-on-in-his-rule

Yes...Russia did want to be a NATO member. NATO could have negotiated term that both sides could agree to, but chose not to. Granted, Putin's condition of not having to apply and stand in line, was a bit presumptuous, but negotiations could have resulted in a unified Europe. Now who do you suppose this rejection benefited? Certainly not the European population.

This is a war of misguided convenience by the USA. They are using the Ukrainians as cannon fodder in an effort to neutralize Russia...but it isn't working.

This farce needs to end now before some dumb pr1ck causes a full scale war in Europe.

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

Ok...so you assert...that...

1. With proper financing from NATO nations, Ukraine can hold Russia to a stalemate for 250 years. I disagree but assuming the Ukrainians would be willing, what would be the point of that? So that in 250 years Russia has possession of the land they have today? It would be wiser of NATO to force a peace deal on them both and be done with it. Ukraine gets to rebuild and Ukrainians get to live.

2. NATO nations cannot afford to pay to keep Ukraine functional and arm them. It drags all NATO nations further toward financial disaster. Russia and China know this. Both have their own financial issues, but is the USA or any NATO nation willing to divest from China? No.

3. There was a realistic peace deal in the works 2 years ago. Why did Johnson go there and kill it? What did he offer Zelinsky to get him to do an about face? It's commonly said that this war will degrade Russia and that's a good outcome. But Russia appears to be doing just fine. Now Zelinsky wants another peace deal summit in Switzerland this July...without Russian presence. Just about the dumbest, most presumptuous idea I've heard in a very long time.

4. This idea that Russia will attack a NATO nation after they "conquer" Ukraine is asinine. If a full scale war breaks out between Russia and NATO, it'll have been a NATO nation that starts it...and you already know that I suspect. 

5. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/04/ex-nato-head-says-putin-wanted-to-join-alliance-early-on-in-his-rule

Yes...Russia did want to be a NATO member. NATO could have negotiated term that both sides could agree to, but chose not to. Granted, Putin's condition of not having to apply and stand in line, was a bit presumptuous, but negotiations could have resulted in a unified Europe. Now who do you suppose this rejection benefited? Certainly not the European population.

This is a war of misguided convenience by the USA. They are using the Ukrainians as cannon fodder in an effort to neutralize Russia...but it isn't working.

This farce needs to end now before some dumb pr1ck causes a full scale war in Europe.


1. No, you asserted that Ukraine was running out of manpower, as if it were hopeless to continue to help them, so we need to just get it over with... but you have yet to explain what you mean here or how it will end. My point was to merely show you that Ukraine does have manpower and they are currently recruiting more. So, how exactly is it that you support NATO "forcing" an end to this?

2. At the current rate of expenses... there is nothing I see that shows NATO can't afford to continue. If you are so worried about NATO finances, you must surely understand the Russian finances are even worse. So how are they going to afford to continue compared to NATO?

3. There was never a realistic peace deal in the works and it is pure speculation not really supported by the evidence that it was somehow all Johnson that went there and killed it. I am not sure how to take it seriously at all that you say "Russia is doing just fine" 

4. The logical conclusion of the arguments you have been making is practically inviting Russia to invade more countries. Why shouldn't they if we follow your war plan, which is to just let them. People were saying it was crazy to think Russia would invade Ukraine 5 years ago. Hell, Putin was denying it up until the moment he did. And it is not just NATO countries... I guess Moldova could easily be next. 

Again... there was no serious consideration to join NATO. An offhand comment at a meeting where Putin says he is waiting for an invitation and will not stand in line is no serious diplomatic effort. Where did Putin pursue this goal outside of that offhand comment? And again... to what end had Russia done anything to offer major reforms to its country from being what amounts to essentially a dictatorship that's goals and objectives around the world, the morals and ethics they pursue, being counter to Western Culture? You just throw this crap on the wall and then act like you have just painted the Mona Lisa. 

So yet again, please explain exactly what you mean by this war must end now. 

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1 hour ago, User said:


1. No, you asserted that Ukraine was running out of manpower, as if it were hopeless to continue to help them, so we need to just get it over with... but you have yet to explain what you mean here or how it will end. My point was to merely show you that Ukraine does have manpower and they are currently recruiting more. So, how exactly is it that you support NATO "forcing" an end to this?

2. At the current rate of expenses... there is nothing I see that shows NATO can't afford to continue. If you are so worried about NATO finances, you must surely understand the Russian finances are even worse. So how are they going to afford to continue compared to NATO?

3. There was never a realistic peace deal in the works and it is pure speculation not really supported by the evidence that it was somehow all Johnson that went there and killed it. I am not sure how to take it seriously at all that you say "Russia is doing just fine" 

4. The logical conclusion of the arguments you have been making is practically inviting Russia to invade more countries. Why shouldn't they if we follow your war plan, which is to just let them. People were saying it was crazy to think Russia would invade Ukraine 5 years ago. Hell, Putin was denying it up until the moment he did. And it is not just NATO countries... I guess Moldova could easily be next. 

Again... there was no serious consideration to join NATO. An offhand comment at a meeting where Putin says he is waiting for an invitation and will not stand in line is no serious diplomatic effort. Where did Putin pursue this goal outside of that offhand comment? And again... to what end had Russia done anything to offer major reforms to its country from being what amounts to essentially a dictatorship that's goals and objectives around the world, the morals and ethics they pursue, being counter to Western Culture? You just throw this crap on the wall and then act like you have just painted the Mona Lisa. 

So yet again, please explain exactly what you mean by this war must end now. 

Good debate. Here's the current reality. 


And the idea that Ukrainians are eager to go to war is nonsense.


Thousands have fleed and It appears thousands more will flee. Ukraine will have a hard time raising a military defense.

So...short of ammo...short of manpower...being ground to hamburger. And will Russia ever relinquish what they've captured? The saying "cold day in Hell" comes to mind.

It's already known...and has been for a long time now...that Ukraine simply does not have the manpower to win a drawn out war of attrition. Russia now outnumber them by at least 2 to 1. They are armed to the teeth while Ukraine is now having to budget their arms usage.

You wanna save what's left of Ukraine? Invite the Russians to Switzerland in July and hammer out a peace deal.

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

Good debate. Here's the current reality. 


And the idea that Ukrainians are eager to go to war is nonsense.


Thousands have fleed and It appears thousands more will flee. Ukraine will have a hard time raising a military defense.

So...short of ammo...short of manpower...being ground to hamburger. And will Russia ever relinquish what they've captured? The saying "cold day in Hell" comes to mind.

It's already known...and has been for a long time now...that Ukraine simply does not have the manpower to win a drawn out war of attrition. Russia now outnumber them by at least 2 to 1. They are armed to the teeth while Ukraine is now having to budget their arms usage.

You wanna save what's left of Ukraine? Invite the Russians to Switzerland in July and hammer out a peace deal.

You keep avoiding my questions about what exactly it is you mean when you want NATO to "force" an end to this. Is inviting Russia to peace talks the extent of "force" here? And when they say no or have unrealistic demands? 

I did not say Ukrainians were eager for war. You think Russian troops are eager to go die in the meat grinder in a war of choice dictated by Putin? No, of course not. Russia is locking people up who are out protesting... Russian nationals trying to flee is at record highs. 

You are playing both sides here, complaining that Ukraine lacks logistical capacity to fight... while also opposing helping to give them that. Russia is not coming to the peace table when they see NATO and the US back away from supporting them. So again, specifically, what exactly is it you want to see here other than vague peace talks? How do you expect to have Russia engage in any peace talks or not have totally unrealistic demands if we are not supporting Ukraine?

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17 minutes ago, User said:

You keep avoiding my questions about what exactly it is you mean when you want NATO to "force" an end to this. Is inviting Russia to peace talks the extent of "force" here? And when they say no or have unrealistic demands? 

I did not say Ukrainians were eager for war. You think Russian troops are eager to go die in the meat grinder in a war of choice dictated by Putin? No, of course not. Russia is locking people up who are out protesting... Russian nationals trying to flee is at record highs. 

You are playing both sides here, complaining that Ukraine lacks logistical capacity to fight... while also opposing helping to give them that. Russia is not coming to the peace table when they see NATO and the US back away from supporting them. So again, specifically, what exactly is it you want to see here other than vague peace talks? How do you expect to have Russia engage in any peace talks or not have totally unrealistic demands if we are not supporting Ukraine?

What I mean is, sit them both down and have them negotiate seriously.

The original framework reached in 2022 would be a great starting point.

Remember...Russia says they are willing to negotiate any time Ukraine is ready.

Sooo...do it. Save some lives and let Blackrock re-build Ukraine...then own all its infrastructure.

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3 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

What I mean is, sit them both down and have them negotiate seriously.

The original framework reached in 2022 would be a great starting point.

Remember...Russia says they are willing to negotiate any time Ukraine is ready.

Sooo...do it. Save some lives and let Blackrock re-build Ukraine...then own all its infrastructure.

Putin is not a child. He is a ruthless dictator, former KGB Officer, and leader of a Nuclear power. You did not answer my question at all. Instead of asserting you would invite them to peace talks... you just restated it just as plainly that you would sit them both down. 

You did not answer any of my questions about what exactly this "force" is you support from NATO. 

There was no framework "reached" in 2022. 

Russia has gone back and forth on their willingness to negotiate and Putin is a liar. Saying you are willing to negotiate doesn't mean there is anything reasonable they are willing to offer. 

So... do what? We invate Russia to peace talks and then what? Are you in favor of support for Ukraine now?

If we don't continue to support Ukraine they have very little leverage to negotiate anything more than their surrender 100% to Russia. Is that what you want? 

What happens when Russia does come to the peace talk making unrealistic demands... then what is your big plan?

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5 minutes ago, User said:

Putin is not a child. He is a ruthless dictator, former KGB Officer, and leader of a Nuclear power. You did not answer my question at all. Instead of asserting you would invite them to peace talks... you just restated it just as plainly that you would sit them both down. 

You did not answer any of my questions about what exactly this "force" is you support from NATO. 

There was no framework "reached" in 2022. 

Russia has gone back and forth on their willingness to negotiate and Putin is a liar. Saying you are willing to negotiate doesn't mean there is anything reasonable they are willing to offer. 

So... do what? We invate Russia to peace talks and then what? Are you in favor of support for Ukraine now?

If we don't continue to support Ukraine they have very little leverage to negotiate anything more than their surrender 100% to Russia. Is that what you want? 

What happens when Russia does come to the peace talk making unrealistic demands... then what is your big plan?

Ukraine has little to no "leverage" now! There's an old saying I reiterate here often.

"Ya gits wut ya pays fer"

Perhaps Ukraine should have treated the ethnic Russians in the east, better than slaves and unwanted? Perhaps they shouldn't have attacked them? But they did.

I'm not excusing Russia from invading. I'm saying...if you kick a bear, the bear is likely to bite your leg off.

Putin is a liar. Zelinsky is a liar. Biden, Macron, all of them...liars.

In the mean time...it the Ukrainian people who foot the bill. Its gotten sick now.

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2 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Ukraine has little to no "leverage" now! There's an old saying I reiterate here often.

"Ya gits wut ya pays fer"

Perhaps Ukraine should have treated the ethnic Russians in the east, better than slaves and unwanted? Perhaps they shouldn't have attacked them? But they did.

I'm not excusing Russia from invading. I'm saying...if you kick a bear, the bear is likely to bite your leg off.

Putin is a liar. Zelinsky is a liar. Biden, Macron, all of them...liars.

In the mean time...it the Ukrainian people who foot the bill. Its gotten sick now.

Its funny. I have had this kind of discussion with many folks before like you. In the end, I always peel back the layers of crap they throw out and get to the real meat and potatoes. It took a bit longer with you, but now the truth comes out. 

You blame Ukraine. You think they deserve it. You don't see any difference between them or Russia. You want to see them get what they deserve now. 


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18 minutes ago, User said:

Its funny. I have had this kind of discussion with many folks before like you. In the end, I always peel back the layers of crap they throw out and get to the real meat and potatoes. It took a bit longer with you, but now the truth comes out. 

You blame Ukraine. You think they deserve it. You don't see any difference between them or Russia. You want to see them get what they deserve now. 


No. I "blame" all of them...including the USA and NATO and Russia.

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1 minute ago, Nationalist said:

No. I "blame" all of them...including the USA and NATO and Russia.

Oh sure, its the moral equivalency game. Everyone is to blame, everyone is equally bad, so who cares if Russia invades and conquers Ukraine. 

I get it, its an awful argument, but would have saved us some considerable time to just have been forthcoming with it much sooner. 

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3 minutes ago, User said:

Oh sure, its the moral equivalency game. Everyone is to blame, everyone is equally bad, so who cares if Russia invades and conquers Ukraine. 

I get it, its an awful argument, but would have saved us some considerable time to just have been forthcoming with it much sooner. 

Most of Ukraine is still there. Russia has not "conquered" anything but the lands of the folks Ukraine was busy trashing.

Question: Did the harshness of the Treaty of Versailles after WWI, have anything to do with the reasons for WWII?

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5 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Most of Ukraine is still there. Russia has not "conquered" anything but the lands of the folks Ukraine was busy trashing.

Question: Did the harshness of the Treaty of Versailles after WWI, have anything to do with the reasons for WWII?

It just gets worse... Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine across multiple fronts, including a head-on attempt to take Kyiv. They continue to push on all fronts beyond any land you talk about. 

You might as well be working for Putin as a propaganda agent on this forum now for the kind of crap you are pushing with Ukraine "trashing" their people. Ah yes, of course, and the good and benevolent Putin is just protecting those good people from Ukraine... 

So much for the moral equivalency game, you are cheering on Russia now. 

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2 minutes ago, User said:

It just gets worse... Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine across multiple fronts, including a head-on attempt to take Kyiv. They continue to push on all fronts beyond any land you talk about. 

You might as well be working for Putin as a propaganda agent on this forum now for the kind of crap you are pushing with Ukraine "trashing" their people. Ah yes, of course, and the good and benevolent Putin is just protecting those good people from Ukraine... 

So much for the moral equivalency game, you are cheering on Russia now. 

I never said Putin is benevolent or even a nice guy. I'm saying Ukraine cannot "win" and needs to negotiate with the Russians for a peace treaty.

As soon as Donbas and Luhansk voted to separate, the Ukrainian military began shelling civilians. Not even Obama could bring himself to send military aid under those conditions. 


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24 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

I never said Putin is benevolent or even a nice guy. I'm saying Ukraine cannot "win" and needs to negotiate with the Russians for a peace treaty.

As soon as Donbas and Luhansk voted to separate, the Ukrainian military began shelling civilians. Not even Obama could bring himself to send military aid under those conditions. 


You don't have to say these things explicitly, they are the logical deductions from your comments. You try to argue that Ukraine was trashing people to support Russias invasion and then put conquered in quotes to support Russian invasion. 

That is what you are doing. You are playing this up as Russia just saving the people from Ukraine to justify their actions. 

It is, quite frankly, not very accurate at all. Especially because you are completely ignoring the fact that Russia is the one who was meddling in those regions, arming the separatists and infiltrating them with Russian operatives to cause the problems in the first place and their "vote" to separate was about as legitimate as Putins continued wild success in his "elections"

So, I have to ask myself, just how willing of a participant are you in pushing Russian propaganda here? Do you know what you are doing or are you just repeating it without much critical thought?

Also, Obama had been sending military aid, not sure where you get he stopped. He always had an issue with certain types of weaponry, I don't think that was because Obama was upset that Ukraine killed some civilians in isolated incidents when trying to fight armed insurgents backed by Russia. 

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1 hour ago, User said:

You don't have to say these things explicitly, they are the logical deductions from your comments. You try to argue that Ukraine was trashing people to support Russias invasion and then put conquered in quotes to support Russian invasion. 

That is what you are doing. You are playing this up as Russia just saving the people from Ukraine to justify their actions. 

It is, quite frankly, not very accurate at all. Especially because you are completely ignoring the fact that Russia is the one who was meddling in those regions, arming the separatists and infiltrating them with Russian operatives to cause the problems in the first place and their "vote" to separate was about as legitimate as Putins continued wild success in his "elections"

So, I have to ask myself, just how willing of a participant are you in pushing Russian propaganda here? Do you know what you are doing or are you just repeating it without much critical thought?

Also, Obama had been sending military aid, not sure where you get he stopped. He always had an issue with certain types of weaponry, I don't think that was because Obama was upset that Ukraine killed some civilians in isolated incidents when trying to fight armed insurgents backed by Russia. 


Obama sent blankets. That was the talking points of the day remember?

Trump started sending arms in 2018. Back then...


We were being warned that the Ukraine military had neo-nazi freaks and maybe couldn't be completely trusted. Then...as if by the magic of the cold war...Russia makes its "minor incursion" and poof...the Azov Batallion becomes the recipients of new arms and bales of cash. "Poof".

On the other side Putin, a Russian president that has been surrounded here by accusations of election tampering and "collusion" with Orangemanbad. The ultimate sin. I always found the sequence of events leading up to this...a little too convenient. Simple yet..."plausible". Sellable to at least half the population right from the onset. A cakewalk story. Anyway...

Russia attacks. They enter eastern Ukraine and North aimed at Kiev. Air strip, military installations, targeted. Nothing about that northern incursion made sense. Sh1t or get off the pot...and they just sat there. It was weird. But as Russia was drawing back their forces in the north, a treaty was being negotiated. The one Johnson killed.

Since then, hundreds of thousands have died. None of this was necessary. Frankly I'd like to charge Johnson with a war crime.

Today Russia has regrouped and expanded its troops about 5 fold. If Eastern Ukraine was being negotiated before, it's lost now. Maybe even Odessa. 

America sends 61 billion in "aid"...to arms producers in America. Oh I'm sure some more drones and missiles will be sent, along with some cash, but the cost here is higher debt for us, and what? We can pat ourselves on the backs for feeding them so they don't die today?

What is needed is a negotiated peace deal now.

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:


Obama sent blankets. That was the talking points of the day remember?

Trump started sending arms in 2018. Back then...


We were being warned that the Ukraine military had neo-nazi freaks and maybe couldn't be completely trusted. Then...as if by the magic of the cold war...Russia makes its "minor incursion" and poof...the Azov Batallion becomes the recipients of new arms and bales of cash. "Poof".

On the other side Putin, a Russian president that has been surrounded here by accusations of election tampering and "collusion" with Orangemanbad. The ultimate sin. I always found the sequence of events leading up to this...a little too convenient. Simple yet..."plausible". Sellable to at least half the population right from the onset. A cakewalk story. Anyway...

Russia attacks. They enter eastern Ukraine and North aimed at Kiev. Air strip, military installations, targeted. Nothing about that northern incursion made sense. Sh1t or get off the pot...and they just sat there. It was weird. But as Russia was drawing back their forces in the north, a treaty was being negotiated. The one Johnson killed.

Since then, hundreds of thousands have died. None of this was necessary. Frankly I'd like to charge Johnson with a war crime.

Today Russia has regrouped and expanded its troops about 5 fold. If Eastern Ukraine was being negotiated before, it's lost now. Maybe even Odessa. 

America sends 61 billion in "aid"...to arms producers in America. Oh I'm sure some more drones and missiles will be sent, along with some cash, but the cost here is higher debt for us, and what? We can pat ourselves on the backs for feeding them so they don't die today?

What is needed is a negotiated peace deal now.

We are just going round and round now. You are back to vague comments about a peace deal... and never answered most of my previous questions around that. See you around on future topics. 

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2 minutes ago, User said:

We are just going round and round now. You are back to vague comments about a peace deal... and never answered most of my previous questions around that. See you around on future topics. 

Lol...ok sure...

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On 4/24/2024 at 12:55 PM, User said:

I am well aware of what Trump is accused of saying... it is the implication here that you made that Nationalist was saying the same thing. 

That was pretty obvious. So why do you keep playing these games?

What's obvious is that gnat boy called them "losers" just like Trump did. Duh

I expect nothing better from the MAGA CULT cause Trump is their god.

On 4/24/2024 at 1:04 PM, Nationalist said:

And the arms dealers and companies like Blackrock.

The Ukrainian people...get to die I guess...

They volunteer, cause fighting for their country is better FOR THEM than surrender to Putin. Duh


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On 4/24/2024 at 1:18 PM, gatomontes99 said:

Prove Trump said that.

Already  did. Do you not pay attention to the NEWS?

Of just FOS LIES which doesn't report ANYTHING critical of Trump. 🤮

On 4/24/2024 at 1:43 PM, Nationalist said:

I would salute your principled voting habits. I choose to try to make a difference. Although...a 3rd party vote does also send a message to the political class. Hence they make it almost impossible for 3rd party candidates to go for it. Frankly I think RFK Jr would be better than Brandon.

Better for what? Lengthening the pandemic and increasing DEATHS.

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On 4/24/2024 at 3:34 PM, Nationalist said:

No I'm sure it's Hell. Do you figure Russia is going to just leave? They aren't. So the plan is what? The complete destruction of the Ukrainian population?

The plan is to drive them out of Ukraine, even if all the occupiers have to be killed.

What would you do if Putin invaded Canada? Surrender.

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On 4/24/2024 at 10:00 AM, Nationalist said:

Let's be real clear. Expand means expand. NATO did...Russia did not...until now.

Putin's Russia has invaded several countries before now. Crimea, Donbas and Georgia for just a few examples.

"Until now" they didn't TRY to occupy Kiev.

You really are IGNORANT. FOS LIES will do that to ya.

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5 hours ago, August1991 said:

Americans are sending money (paper) to China.

China is sending stuff to America.

America is sending paper to Ukraine.


Am I wrong?


With nothing in return.

3 hours ago, robosmith said:

What's obvious is that gnat boy called them "losers" just like Trump did. Duh

I expect nothing better from the MAGA CULT cause Trump is their god.

They volunteer, cause fighting for their country is better FOR THEM than surrender to Putin. Duh


Dude...they are being drafted.

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