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Liberal Racism

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In MLK day speech, Sen. Clinton slams the Bush team, saying GOP Congress is 'run like a plantation'

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton sparked a Martin Luther King Day political firestorm yesterday by describing the GOP-controlled Congress as a "plantation" during a speech before an African-American congregation in Harlem.

"When you look at the way the House of Representatives has been run, it has been run like a plantation, and you know what I'm talking about," Clinton (D-N.Y.) told an audience at the Canaan Baptist Church of Christ during an event sponsored by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network.



New Orleans Mayor Apologizes for Remark

Mayor Ray Nagin apologized Tuesday for a Martin Luther King Day speech in which he predicted that New Orleans would be a "chocolate" city once more and asserted that "God was mad at America."


Why are these people allowed to get away with this kind of rhetoric with only a slap on the hand? We all know that if a Republican said something like this, they'd be lynched (pun intended).

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Why are these people allowed to get away with this kind of rhetoric with only a slap on the hand? We all know that if a Republican said something like this, they'd be lynched (pun intended).

No, actually they vote them back into power. George Bush lied to the country, illegally invaded a country, cost the lives of thousands and the Repubs voted him back in.

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George Bush lied to the country, illegally invaded a country, cost the lives of thousands

Sorry, I hate to introduce you to reality, but if George Bush lied, then France lied, Germany lied, Russia lied, China lied and the United Nations lied. All major intelligence believed that Iraq possessed illegal weapons. Try and spread your lies and propaganda somewhere else. Nice try though, it may fly with a less informed audience, but not this one.

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Why are these people allowed to get away with this kind of rhetoric with only a slap on the hand? We all know that if a Republican said something like this, they'd be lynched (pun intended).

No, actually they vote them back into power. George Bush lied to the country, illegally invaded a country, cost the lives of thousands and the Repubs voted him back in.

I love how liberals complete dodge the issue by bringing up other mistakes made by party members of the opposite party, how is that pertinent to the discussion at hand? The reality of it is, pointing out what conservative policy makers have done is like saying "well he did XXX, so its ok that this democrat did XXX." The truth is, yes, they both screwed up, but in a discussion form, since the topic is about LIBERAL RACISM, you could easily go to one of the multiude of Bush bashing threads that we have here and post the same thing. The topic never stated "Bush has done no wrong" The topic was pointing out Liberal racism. I believe that liberals hurt minority advances more so then conservatives do. Why? Liberals foster a sense of "Your not good enough on your own, so we gotta give you a helping hand." When infact a black student today, is equally capable as a white student.

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Why are these people allowed to get away with this kind of rhetoric with only a slap on the hand? We all know that if a Republican said something like this, they'd be lynched (pun intended).

Apparently not:

Whereas Bush is selling his reform under the theme of an "ownership society," I would call the Democratic alternative the "plantation society." The "plantation society" is characterized by a wealthy class of owners who want to limit the choices, opportunities and freedom of working-class Americans.


Unfortunately, Estrada is the first to fall prey to Ted Kennedy's obstruction, but he inevitably won't be the last. Who will be the next victim of the Democrats' racism? Most likely California supreme — court justice Janice Rogers Brown. While the Democrats in the Senate are likely to say that they only oppose her because she is conservative, their actions will prove otherwise. Listen for comparisons of her to Clarence Thomas, and note that she will be treated much differently than was her White fellow nominee John Roberts. That Teddy's 45 should treat Republican minorities differently is disappointing but not shocking. After all, nothing upsets Sen. Kennedy and his pals more than when those they view as intellectual slaves dares to leave the Democratic plantation.


Democrats are rubbing their eyes in disbelief not just at President Bush's success across America, but also about the fact that a major group they thought would stay on the liberal plantation forever is making a getaway.


RUSH: Hey, you know what? It's not just Bull Conner. George Wallace was a Democrat. Lester Maddox was a Democrat. All of the southern senators that opposed the civil rights act of '64; Jay William Fulbright, they're all Democratic.

CALLER: Well, the good thing about George Wallace was guess what stopped making him a racist? Religion. God. He embraced black people but it was because of God, which is where the liberals are trying to expunge God out of schools and society. They're trying to suppress God and religion. This is why they want to keep church and state as separate as they can, because if they can keep God out of the public square, out of kids' minds, it allows these kids to maintain their immoral lifestyles or to live an immoral lifestyle. But for Charles Rangel to do this, every single day I would love for you to play this, because the media will not play this man's tape or his statement. But what he's done is demonstrating clearly, he's demonstrating in the clearest way why blacks need to leave the Democratic Party, because here's Bush, a man who has elevated not one, but two blacks to the highest level in the cabinet: secretarys of state, and they're calling this man Bull Conner, a racist. Charles Rangel is doing this because he wants blacks to keep on the plantation. I call it the slave/slavemaster/slave liberator mentality. In order for that slavemaster to keep the slave on the plantation, he had to tell them that the north, the people who were coming down to free them.


The minorities must be kept on the Democratic plantation. Success stories like Miguel Estrada must not be showcased.


Indeed, while many conservatives cringe at the prospect of losing the homosexual vote, the fact of the matter is black America has never embraced that demographic, helping, perhaps, to explain why, while most blacks remained faithful to the Democratic Plantation, er, Party in the 2004 presidential election, the black vote for the Bush-Cheney ticket increased.

Washington Times

The difference is when Republicans talk about the "plantation" they are specifically talking about race, claiming that the Democrats are using Black and Hispanic Americans.

Clinton was talking about the Republican leadership treating its own caucus like slaves, which is not rascist.

So the subject here should be "CONSERVATIVE DISTORTIONS".

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In MLK day speech, Sen. Clinton slams the Bush team, saying GOP Congress is 'run like a plantation'

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton sparked a Martin Luther King Day political firestorm yesterday by describing the GOP-controlled Congress as a "plantation" during a speech before an African-American congregation in Harlem.

"When you look at the way the House of Representatives has been run, it has been run like a plantation, and you know what I'm talking about," Clinton (D-N.Y.) told an audience at the Canaan Baptist Church of Christ during an event sponsored by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network.



New Orleans Mayor Apologizes for Remark

Mayor Ray Nagin apologized Tuesday for a Martin Luther King Day speech in which he predicted that New Orleans would be a "chocolate" city once more and asserted that "God was mad at America."


Why are these people allowed to get away with this kind of rhetoric with only a slap on the hand? We all know that if a Republican said something like this, they'd be lynched (pun intended).

This kind of stuff happens all the time and the left always gets a pass. Finnally we have a more balanced media outlets like Fox that are focusing on these incidents. The druge report is pretty good at getting this stuff out. I remember not too far back when Hilary made racist comments about convenience store owners and a liberal talk show host who called Condi Rice "Aunt Jemima". Both were largely ignored. Can you imagine if Bush or Cheney made comments like that, they'd be savaged by the media.

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This kind of stuff happens all the time and the left always gets a pass. Finnally we have a more balanced media outlets like Fox that are focusing on these incidents. The druge report is pretty good at getting this stuff out. I remember not too far back when Hilary made racist comments about convenience store owners and a liberal talk show host who called Condi Rice "Aunt Jemima". Both were largely ignored. Can you imagine if Bush or Cheney made comments like that, they'd be savaged by the media.

As I showed above, right-wingers do that kind of thing all the time(the "plantation" meme in particular seems to be a perennial Republican favorite), so this sudden outpoouring of self-righteousness rings pretty hollow.

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George Bush lied to the country, illegally invaded a country, cost the lives of thousands

Sorry, I hate to introduce you to reality, but if George Bush lied, then France lied, Germany lied, Russia lied, China lied and the United Nations lied. All major intelligence believed that Iraq possessed illegal weapons. Try and spread your lies and propaganda somewhere else. Nice try though, it may fly with a less informed audience, but not this one.

Really? I noticed France, Germany, Russia, China and the UN went along with Bush on his ride to Iraq.

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It's interesting, this right-wing embrace of the culture of victimhood they once claimed to despise. It's astonishing, too, given the political climate, that any reasonable people still buy their horsepuckey. Whether its this here whinging about the alleged media double standard, or railing against the "War on Christmas", voicing opposition to feminisim or affirmative action, or any other pet "conservative" cause, the argument is always based on outrage and expressed in the tone of a child sent to bed without his supper. Basicaly I have to wonder: when did conservatives turn ino a bunch of crybaby whiners who just want their daddy?

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It's interesting, this right-wing embrace of the culture of victimhood they once claimed to despise. It's astonishing, too, given the political climate, that any reasonable people still buy their horsepuckey. Whether its this here whinging about the alleged media double standard, or railing against the "War on Christmas", voicing opposition to feminisim or affirmative action, or any other pet "conservative" cause, the argument is always based on outrage and expressed in the tone of a child sent to bed without his supper. Basicaly I have to wonder: when did conservatives turn ino a bunch of crybaby whiners who just want their daddy?

You forgot the liberal domination of academia. I've actually read articles by conservatives essentially calling for quotas for conservatives among college faculties and administrations. I say fine, provided the conservatives give up an equal proportion of seats on company boards and in corporate executive offices. :lol:

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You forgot the liberal domination of academia. I've actually read articles by conservatives essentially calling for quotas for conservatives among college faculties and administrations. I say fine, provided the conservatives give up an equal proportion of seats on company boards and in corporate executive offices.

Word. It's one of the fundamental tenants of victimhood conservatism that they would visit the same injustice on their opponents that they themselves claim to have been subjected. How can you explain, for example, the total silence of the right over the routine denunciation of war opponents as terrorists and traitors (such as Chris Matthew's statement that Osama bin Laden "sounds like Michael Moore") versus the howls of outrage over the MoveOn.org ads depicting Bush as Hitler (ads, it should be noted, that never ran)? It's becasuse modern American conservatism isn't a principled ideology, but an authoritarian system of values that prizes winning (read: power) above all else and under which no amount of slander, fearmongering, crudeness, hatred, violence and cruelty is off limits. They can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

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Liam! I have read inthe past two or three years, a number of pieces about the domination of US University administrations by the Right Wing. I have read os the intimidation of faculty and threats to their livelihhod.

There have been several top notch American academics who have moved to Canada in that time in order to gain academic freedom and have publicly stated the Case. There was a man and wife couple, apparently two of the most highly regarded in their fields who joined McMaster for that reason.

I also know it to be fact from a few relatives who do teach in American universities.

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Anyone remember this particular incident?

What Senator Lott said in regards to Strom Thurmond's 1948 presidential campaign, which was opposed to integration:

"We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years either."

What Senator Dodd said of Robert Byrd, former recruiter and member of the Ku Klux Klan:

“It has often been said that the man and the moment come together. I do not think it is an exaggeration at all to say to my friend from West Virginia that he would have been a great Senator at any moment. Some were right for the time. Robert C. Byrd, in my view, would have been right at any time.

I cannot think of a single moment in this nation’s 220-plus-year history where he would not have been a valuable asset to this country,”

Really Senator Dodd? You can't think of a single moment in this nation's 220-plus-year history where he would not have been a valuable asset? How about when he was trying to hang Blacks? Jackass.

One of these men had to apologize profusely as well as resign from his post as his party's leader in the Senate. But at the same time, one of these men had to barely squeeze out an apology. Hmmm.

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Really? I noticed France, Germany, Russia, China and the UN went along with Bush on his ride to Iraq

What you should have "noticed", is that the debate wasn't centered on whether Iraq possessed illegal weapons, all believed that, the debate was centered on what to do about it, more inspections versus removal from power. Again, France, Germany, Russia, China, and the UN all had intelligence that strongly suggested Iraq possessed illegal weapons and continued to pursuit illegal weapons programs. Your lies may work with a less informed audience, but not with this one, and not in this forum. Re-write your history someplace else.

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Really? I noticed France, Germany, Russia, China and the UN went along with Bush on his ride to Iraq

What you should have "noticed", is that the debate wasn't centered on whether Iraq possessed illegal weapons, all believed that, the debate was centered on what to do about it, more inspections versus removal from power. Again, France, Germany, Russia, China, and the UN all had intelligence that strongly suggested Iraq possessed illegal weapons and continued to pursuit illegal weapons programs. Your lies may work with a less informed audience, but not with this one, and not in this forum. Re-write your history someplace else.

Now for the REAL truth: Those countries I listed didn't go with Bush because it was illegal in their eyes. They wanted the U.N inpsectors to continue to do their work. Saddam was fully contained by sanctions and the fact that his weaponry was destroyed back in 1991. Ritter and Blix, who were on the ground in Iraq for years found nothing (as they should have), but Bush ignored that, opting instead to rely on forged letters from Niger and some fuzzy satelite pictures. Bush and Blair charged that Iraq was not living up to the requirement that it fully disclose its WMD activities. France, Russia and Germany argued that the inspections were working and that the inspectors should be allowed to continue. When it became apparent that the Council would not approve a second resolution, the United States and Britain terminated their attempts to obtain it. Instead, they launched Operation Iraqi Freedom on March 19, 2003

There was no immenent threat to the U.S. or anyone else. This had nothing to do with humanitarian efforts. It was a plunder for oil, pure and simple. All one has to do is follow the Halliburton trail.

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Now for the real real real REAL truth: blah blah FRANCE WAS RIGHT blah blah blah DUBYA LIED blah blah BLACK HATER blah blah CONSPIRACY blah blah blah ALMOST LIKE THE NAZIS blah blah.

The only reason Dubya isn't in prison yet is only because there's no actual proof. Or evidence.

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As for "liberal racism," how come conservative Republicans only seem to think race-baiting is bad when liberals do it, but are happy to do it themselves?

Give an example of republicans race baiting.

The Rush Limbaugh show provides almost daily examples, particularly re: Carol Moseley-Braun, Jesse Jackson, etc.

In terms of politicians, the Trent Lott fiasco comes to mind.

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As for "liberal racism," how come conservative Republicans only seem to think race-baiting is bad when liberals do it, but are happy to do it themselves?

Give an example of republicans race baiting.

Oh come on. Both Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats--ALL of them play the race game to get votes.

Newt Gingrich called the Democrat-controlled Congress a plantation in 1994...Hillary Clinton just recently called the GOP-led Congress a plantation.

The left and right are looking for racial allies on both sides of the spectrum. The left wants the black vote defined by the Democrats, same with the Republicans and the right looking for the hispanic vote (especially in Florida).

In conclusion, both the left and right will play the race card as far as it takes them...

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As for "liberal racism," how come conservative Republicans only seem to think race-baiting is bad when liberals do it, but are happy to do it themselves?

Give an example of republicans race baiting.

The Rush Limbaugh show provides almost daily examples, particularly re: Carol Moseley-Braun, Jesse Jackson, etc.

In terms of politicians, the Trent Lott fiasco comes to mind.

1.) I listen to Rush and I don't recall any isntances of him "race-baiting". Making fun of Jesse jackson is not race-baiting. The man mankes an ass out of himself and Rush simply makes fun or him for doing it.

2.) Trent lott wasn't pitting the race against each other as a tatic, as the dems do in every election and on most social issues (Mayor Nagin's "chocolate city" & Hillary's "planation" comments were just examples from last week). He was just made a racist comment. Not nearly as bad as say bieng the leader of the KKK as Senator Byrd.

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