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Ukraine Can't Win the War

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:


Is that how you satisfy your apparent sexual frustration?

Not my cup of tea.


Speaking of which, if Vladimir Putin told you and Perspektiv that in order to receive a Russian Gold Star military medal, all you two had to do was lick his nut sack, who would be more eager to do it first?

Edited by DUI_Offender
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3 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Sorry DUI, i think you should go back and check your numbers again, your adding way to many zero's, both mine sources as well as your same the same thing...US is expected to produce 100,000 rounds a month by end 2025, note those numbers include production from Canada, Poland as well.



I already provided a source in my post clearly stating this:


 At present (February 2024), the U.S. Army is manufacturing 30,000 155mm rounds per month, doubling its previous output of 14,000 rounds prior to the conflict. Moreover, plans are underway to build and commission new production facilities to further expand production capacity.https://www.army.mil/article/273152/us_army_and_industry_partners_mobilize_to_boost_us_artillery_production


Maybe English is your second language, and I will have to provide a link in Spanish next time....

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2 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

Still haven't provided where I ever mention my height. Distraction.

Compulsive liars often forget their own posts. You went on about being 6'4 for a whole thread, while trashing all women. Do you think the regulars on here are invalids?

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Up Yours Mandy!

You lied and you know it.!

I corrected what I said from "Ukraine" to Kyiv, not that it makes any difference. You still haven't pointed out where I lied. As I said, I was paraphrasing President Kenney. Where is your issue?

You really need to chill, Sweetie. 😘

Edited by Queenmandy85
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1 hour ago, DUI_Offender said:

Do you think the regulars on here are invalids?

Only you.

You're quite good at distraction. You truly are trying to pull away from the fact I had to hold your hand, and highlight and encircle a post I made, you claimed I didn't.

You can't even spell the insults you try to push, yet tried to claim I couldn't differentiate between north and south Korea.

I think you should take the trophy, and highlight the irony you're seemingly posting with, profusely:

1 hour ago, DUI_Offender said:

Compulsive liars often forget their own posts.

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1 hour ago, DUI_Offender said:

Vladimir Putin told you and Perspektiv that in order to receive a Russian Gold Star military medal, all you two had to do was lick his nut sack

I think you would lick a politician's nutsack for a cigarette.

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3 hours ago, DUI_Offender said:

For starters,  the ratio of war casualties is nearly 2:1 in Ukraines favor, which is pretty much like any conflict Russia has had with a European country in the last century (5:1 vs Germany and 10:1 vs Finland).

If Ukraine surrenders, there is a very good chance that the Russians will commit mass atrocities in the Russian annexed Ukraine. So the question may be would Ukrainians rather be lead to their deaths in an open pit as civilians,  or die honorably in the battlefield. 


Lord knows the Russians have already committed enough war crimes in the past 2 years to make this a very real possibility. 


The causality ratio could be 20 to 1, the fact remains Ukraine can not sustain high casualties numbers for this long most units that have started this war have already had 150 % casualties rates...meaning there is no original members left. Russia does not even pay attention to this metric, men and women are all expendable...just numbers...

The only ones taking ground right now is the Russians, and Ukrainian forces are making Russia pay for that ground in blood but Russia is also making Ukraine pay a high price in people and equipment that they can not as easily replace as the russians can...

More fighting is not going to solve anything right now, NATO countries are not providing equipment in the right numbers, and what little numbers that was supply is being saved for a rainy day, in most cases pulled to the rear as they don';t want to loss any more of it... Without out NATO stepping up in a large way, Ukraine is better off with holding on to what they have now, and preventing Russia for gaining any more ground...The bottom line is Russia will save face regardless of the cost...

Sure but then again who is going to hold them responsible...NATO, ICC, UN Russia is above the law and know it, in a few years western nations will have already moved on to the next war, and this conflict will be a few paras in some history book...


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1 hour ago, DUI_Offender said:


I already provided a source in my post clearly stating this:


 At present (February 2024), the U.S. Army is manufacturing 30,000 155mm rounds per month, doubling its previous output of 14,000 rounds prior to the conflict. Moreover, plans are underway to build and commission new production facilities to further expand production capacity.https://www.army.mil/article/273152/us_army_and_industry_partners_mobilize_to_boost_us_artillery_production


Maybe English is your second language, and I will have to provide a link in Spanish next time....

No English is my primary language, I'm also pretty good at reading it and writing it, and if you can imagine i'm also pretty good at math and numbers...I suggested you check your source again as you added too many zeros to your statement...Below is what you posted...you went from tens of thousands to millions, i know in english math there is a huge difference in those numbers you quoted compared to what the source document stated...Maybe spanish might be your stronger language at least for math...LOL


The US alone is expected to double it's monthly ammunition production to 60 million shells/month, and the target is 70-80 million per month.  That is the United States alone. with NATO, that number will easily eclipse 100 million shells per month by the beginning of 2025. which is exponentially higher than what North Korean is capable of.


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Russia has been quoted as using up to 20,000 rounds per day which equals 600,000 rounds per month...must be getting these numbers for someone, even at 1/2 these numbers Russia and NK are producing way more ammo than NATO. if you like i could translate into spanish if it made more sense to you...




By most accounts, Russia is firing at least four times as many artillery shells as Ukraine," McCardle told Newsweek via email. "That's significant. 20,000 rounds per day for Russia is a low estimate, as is 5,000 rounds per day for Ukraine."


To sustain these type of numbers Russia and NK must be out manufacturing the US and NATO...As NATO and the US can not maintain Ukraine is a 5000 per day usage....we know that as fact as Ukraine is having a massive shortage of arty rounds and has to cut back on arty support...

Russia and NK have no issues with maintaining 20,000 a day, how could they not be out producing NATO...your math does not add up..



In March, U.S. Army Undersecretary Gabe Camarillo announced that the Army will boost production of 155-millimeter artillery shells more than sixfold, to 85,000 a month by fiscal year 2028, costing about $1.45 billion to increase capacity "to expand 155-millimeter artillery production from 14,000 a month to over 24,000 later this year," and 85,000 in five years, according to Defense News.


Please note that according to Army undersecretary US will reach 85,000 rounds per month by 2028....by the end of this year it will produce 24,000 rounds per month....no where near the numbers required by Ukraine, which uses at minimum 5000 per day or more than 150,000 a month...And no way does Europe produce more than the US...


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44 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

No English is my primary language, I'm also pretty good at reading it and writing it, and if you can imagine i'm also pretty good at math and numbers...I suggested you check your source again as you added too many zeros to your statement...Below is what you posted...you went from tens of thousands to millions, i know in english math there is a huge difference in those numbers you quoted compared to what the source document stated...Maybe spanish might be your stronger language at least for math...LOL


Well that should read 80 thousand.  Typo.

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15 minutes ago, Army Guy said:


To sustain these type of numbers Russia and NK must be out manufacturing the US and NATO..


You can substitute North Korea with Madagascar for all I care.  North Korea is a poor country with 25 million people.  They do not have the means to out produce all of NATO.

With Russia,  it's certainly possible,  but not North Korea alone.


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Just now, DUI_Offender said:

You can substitute North Korea with Madagascar for all I care.  North Korea is a poor country with 25 million people.  They do not have the means to out produce all of NATO.

With Russia,  it's certainly possible,  but not North Korea alone.


NATO is not producing that much at the moment...NK will produce whatever they are told to produce by the dear leader...the math alone says it all...Russia can not keep up with it's current usage...and is being supplemented by NK, which has donated more arty rounds to russia than the entire NATO has to Ukraine for the entire duration of the war...

NK total war strategy is to shell the crap out of SK...and with 20,000 arty guns alone, they must have a huge manufacturing capacity to feed them...currently NK is manufacturing for russia while it's other manufacture plants are at low capacity producing shells to replace those given to Russia already...and here in the west NATO struggles to meet Ukraines 5000 shells a day...Russia is firing close to 20,000 rounds a day...does that math add up to you...it would suggest they are producing 400 % more than the west.... 

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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:


NK total war strategy is to shell the crap out of SK...and with 20,000 arty guns alone, they must have a huge manufacturing capacity to feed them...currently NK is manufacturing for russia while it's other manufacture plants are at low capacity producing shells to replace those given to Russia already...and here in the west NATO struggles to meet Ukraines 5000 shells a day...Russia is firing close to 20,000 rounds a day...does that math add up to you...it would suggest they are producing 400 % more than the west.... 

North Korea would never attack South Korea. They may be the poorest country in the Orient, and the most repressed. They also do not have the manpower to out-produce countries like China, USA, Russia, etc.

I am not sure why ppl keep on bringing up North Korea in this thread. They are not a major player in this war.

Edited by DUI_Offender
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3 hours ago, Army Guy said:

The causality ratio could be 20 to 1, the fact remains Ukraine can not sustain high casualties numbers for this long


Ukraine has 40 million people compared to roughly 150 million Russians. If the ratio were 20:1, the war would be over, and Ukraine would have recaptured all their land.

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12 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I corrected what I said from "Ukraine" to Kyiv, not that it makes any difference. You still haven't pointed out where I lied. As I said, I was paraphrasing President Kenney. Where is your issue?

You really need to chill, Sweetie. 😘

Lol...Mandy...you're just full o' sh1t and anyone who reads this exchange knows it.

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13 hours ago, DUI_Offender said:

Not my cup of tea.


Speaking of which, if Vladimir Putin told you and Perspektiv that in order to receive a Russian Gold Star military medal, all you two had to do was lick his nut sack, who would be more eager to do it first?

So now you know you've lost the argument and resort to sexual comments like this. Very good.

Have a cookie little guy.

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18 hours ago, DUI_Offender said:

Ukraine has 40 million people compared to roughly 150 million Russians. If the ratio were 20:1, the war would be over, and Ukraine would have recaptured all their land.

But that has not happened has it, in fact Ukraine is losing ground daily...along with troops and equipment...Ukraine has already changed it's draft requirements twice now...enlisting people has been a issue for some time now...what your proposing is go to the last drop, for no real gains...and while i don't question the bravery of it's troops...there is a point when one must consider those that are still alive...and the cost of the war effort...

NATO is not supplying a lot of usable equipment these days, and what they did donate has been old shit...with except of a few tanks, and Himars...And without another big equipment donation there is not going to be any major Ukraine offensive...

Ukraine is going to need hundreds of billions to rebuild it's country, and rearm it's military...NATO is almost tapped out now...wait any longer and there won't be any rebuilding...it will be decades for them to build from the ashes

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20 hours ago, DUI_Offender said:

North Korea would never attack South Korea. They may be the poorest country in the Orient, and the most repressed. They also do not have the manpower to out-produce countries like China, USA, Russia, etc.

I am not sure why ppl keep on bringing up North Korea in this thread. They are not a major player in this war.

They have been in a war state for the last 60 plus years...and a country run by a fruit loop anything is possible..never is such a long time...

They have enough to do whatever dear leader tells them to do...

we have already discussed the US capabilities, and globally they are not much, US has donated 4 million arty rounds since the inception of the war....NK has donated 5 million just recently, and still producing more ammo...again the math is right there...

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-14/kim-sent-russia-millions-of-artillery-shells-south-korea-says#:~:text=North Korea has sent containers to Russia that,soon visits Pyongyang%2C South Korea’s defense minister said.

https://ca.news.yahoo.com/us-supplied-ukraine-over-4-154802452.html#:~:text=Ukraine has received a colossal number of artillery,tens of thousands of precision-guided 155mm artillery rounds.

NK is a player in this conflict, right now it is keeping Russia in arty rounds...filling it's need for 20,000 plus rounds each day...


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22 hours ago, Army Guy said:


we have already discussed the US capabilities, and globally they are not much



The United States spends nearly as much on defence than any other country combined. You are just fooling yourself by stating that the USA is not as powerful as we think...


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20 hours ago, DUI_Offender said:


The United States spends nearly as much on defence than any other country combined. You are just fooling yourself by stating that the USA is not as powerful as we think...


Thats not what i'm saying, no one is going to out spend the US, however there are certain areas that the US is lacking in, one of those is arty ammo, in regards to producing arty ammo they have let slide their production capacity, which is why they are now spending US tax dollars on manufacturing capacity in Canada and Poland...

You seen the numbers, how else can you explain it, Russia is able to sustain 20,000 rounds a day...while Ukraine is only able to sustain 5000 rounds a day...with support from all NATO countries...to put this into perspective Ukraine is just one localized conflict, imagine if this was to expand to the entire european theater...production numbers would be astronomically high...thats how far manufacturing capacity has fallen... 

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6 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Thats not what i'm saying, no one is going to out spend the US, however there are certain areas that the US is lacking in, one of those is arty ammo, in regards to producing arty ammo they have let slide their production capacity, which is why they are now spending US tax dollars on manufacturing capacity in Canada and Poland...

You seen the numbers, how else can you explain it, Russia is able to sustain 20,000 rounds a day...while Ukraine is only able to sustain 5000 rounds a day...with support from all NATO countries...to put this into perspective Ukraine is just one localized conflict, imagine if this was to expand to the entire european theater...production numbers would be astronomically high...thats how far manufacturing capacity has fallen... 

I'm very sceptical in regards to the 20,000 number. Russia has never been very forthcoming, and tends to exaggerate. Western intelligence officials have been quoted as saying Russia produces 250,000 shells a month, which would be closer to 8,500/day.

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