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Study Finds ‘COVID-19 Vaccination is Strongly Associated w/ a Serious Adverse Safety Signal of Myocarditis, Particularly in Children and Young Adults Resulting in Hospitalization and Death

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15 hours ago, eyeball said:

You always like to rub it in that you just happen to be the 7th smartest guy on the internet don't you? You're like the climate and economic experts around here - in the same top ten as you I'm sure - that are squatting on conclusions and findings in their apparent areas of expertise.

I've explained to you before how Nobel Prizes, millions of dollars, high schools named in your honour, mountains of panties that would make Steven Tyler blush...could all be your's if you'd only put your conclusions and how you arrived at them into the hands of creditable scientific academies and institutions.  But instead ya'll waste your time endlessly trying to get through to us troglodytes.

What am I missing here? Are you afraid of being murdered like poor Goddess or something?

If you didn't understand how to look at those charts Black Dog won't either. 

The charts were made that way for very good reason: they were always intended to be 100% misleading...

Health Canada knew that on day 1 of that chart there were 40 million Canadians who were unvaxed, minus the few who got vaccinated on day 1 (they counted them as "1 dose without the waiting period") right in the middle of flu season.

After 4 months, on the very first day that there were finally 300,000 fully-jabbed Canadians, there were 4 flu-season months of covid as a novel virus on the books and 1 day of having some vaxed Canadians, but flu season was over. What do you think the "unvaxed vs 'fully-protected' covid deaths ratio" was at that point? It was basically "every single Canadian that died in 4 months to zero". 

Check out this chart from Nov 2021....

40M Canadians were exposed to covid for 4 months of a flu season, and there were a bunch of multi-vaxed for one summer and few months of fall. The population of Canada got to 50% vaxed in May of 2021. 


If you look at that from a POV of "How much value is there in this graph?", the answer is zero. It was just made to mislead Canadians. 


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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

If you didn't understand how to look at those charts Black Dog won't either. 

That's why you should be showing it to experts who will understand what you're talking about.

I'll be looking forward to CBC mocking the breaking news on Fox when you do.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

The Internet.

Ahhh - so in your confirmation bias websites that only show you what you want to see and avoid the truth at all costs :) well that is about what i expected.

No wonder you're wrong so often. Between that and the voices in  your head you're really not getting an unbias picture :)


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4 hours ago, CdnFox said:

where do you see that? 



I feel your pain, bro. 

3 hours ago, eyeball said:

That's why you should be showing it to experts who will understand what you're talking about.

I'll be looking forward to CBC mocking the breaking news on Fox when you do.

Are you honestly saying that you still don't understand it eyeball? Because that's just pathetic. 

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Are you honestly saying that you still don't understand it eyeball? Because that's just pathetic. 

I've never bothered to try because you've been a loon from the get go. You said yourself you cut your teeth on 9/11 conspiracies. It's no wonder COVID pushed you over the edge so easily.

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3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

The Internet

That's right. Remember bragging doing your homework before shooting your mouth off about stuff? I mean c'mon you're on here 20 hours a day and probably have 3 or 4 screens mounted on the wall down in your bunker. You should know all this stuff.

It was removed from the list of covered procedures in October 1998 under Mike Harris' Progressive Conservative government, apparently as a cost-saving measure, sparking an outcry from the transgender community.[132][134] Some surgeries began to be covered again in 2008.[136]


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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

That's right.

I'm well aware I'm right :P 


Remember bragging doing your homework before shooting your mouth off about stuff? I mean c'mon you're on here 20 hours a day and probably have 3 or 4 screens mounted on the wall down in your bunker. You should know all this stuff.

I do - and you're wrong.



It was removed from the list of covered procedures in October 1998 under Mike Harris' Progressive Conservative government, apparently as a cost-saving measure, sparking an outcry from the transgender community.[132][134] Some surgeries began to be covered again in 2008.[136]



So one province took it away many years later.  the others kept it.  And subsequent ontario conservative gov'ts have left it in place.

And it wasn't about 'trans' issues - they were trying to save money.  The other conservative provinces didn't even remove it.

LOL  = ultra fail kiddo :)  

It's honestly sad how desperate you are to cling to a lie.

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15 hours ago, eyeball said:

I've never bothered to try because you've been a loon from the get go. You said yourself you cut your teeth on 9/11 conspiracies. It's no wonder COVID pushed you over the edge so easily.

I never said that I'm a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. 

I just laid out the facts. 

Can you explain how building 7 is the only steel & concrete structure in the history of the world to collapse due to fire? There was hardly any fire in that building. It only burned for a few hours.


^^Didn't collapse^^ That's Grenfell Tower in London.



^^Didn't collapse^^

They're shown again below:



Guess how long it took for that building to collapse? It didn't. 

Below is a picture of WTC 7 while it is already "collapsing due to fire":


Is that what you call "collapsing due to fire"?

Am I in the minority here? Read that article... https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/most-americans-who-see-collapse-of-building-7-doubt-official-story-survey-finds-1028509463


 I'm not saying that you have to believe anything eyeball, but why do you think our gov't showed us this chart? Do you think it actually means anything, or is it completely misleading?


It sucked you in, completely, and it's absolutely 100% meaningless as a far as charts go. It's like a straight up comparison of "shark attacks since Jan 1964 in Australia" vs "shark attacks in Hawaii in the past week". If there were 50x as many shark attacks in the last 60 years in Australia we shouldn't take that to mean that Hawaii is safer. It's just not a fair comparison at all. 

Dude, our gov't put the above chart out as TOTAL, 100.00%, PROPAGANDA. There was no actual meaning to it whatsoever. It shows:

40 million people exposed to covid during 4 months of flu season (half of Dec 2020 plus all of Jan, Feb, Mar 2021) plus 20M people over the summer and early fall


20M people exposed to covid over the summer and early fall...

Based on what you know about virology and epidemiology, would you expect more deaths among 40M people in flu season or 20M people during the summer? You don't need a PhD in math to tell us what 6 + 6 is, and you don't need a PhD in any medical field at all to know the answer to my question eyeball.

Our gov't pumped out completely misleading charts and never once did our gov't or MSM inform you that over 15,000 fully-jabbed Canadians died of covid in 2022. 

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16 hours ago, eyeball said:

That's right. Remember bragging doing your homework before shooting your mouth off about stuff? I mean c'mon you're on here 20 hours a day and probably have 3 or 4 screens mounted on the wall down in your bunker. You should know all this stuff.

It was removed from the list of covered procedures in October 1998 under Mike Harris' Progressive Conservative government, apparently as a cost-saving measure, sparking an outcry from the transgender community.[132][134] Some surgeries began to be covered again in 2008.[136]


You are arguing with a folks that cannot get up to date and still live in the past LOL

Get them on the truckers debacle and watch them go ballistic LOL

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5 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

You are arguing with a folks that cannot get up to date and still live in the past LOL

Get them on the truckers debacle and watch them go ballistic LOL

Says the guy who's still living in "The vaccines are safe, you don't have to worry about covid if you take them, you don't have to worry about giving covid to grandma, and they will get us to herd immunity"-land.

You're like the little Japanese dude, living alone on an island in the pacific, still thinking that WWII is going on. 

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9 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

You are arguing with a folks that cannot get up to date and still live in the past LOL

Get them on the truckers debacle and watch them go ballistic LOL

Oh dear- chasing me around desperately trying to look less stupid are you :)   Nice to see the 'cdnfox made me cry' support group still gets together regularly :)

Speaking of up to date - did you know it was just a month or so ago that a  judge ruled that your liberal buddies did not lawfully have excuse to go after the truckers with the emergency act?

Oopppsie....  :)  

Intelligent people ALWAYS remember the past and look to it for lessons.  YOU have the memory of a gold fish and can't remember what happened a few weeks ago. 

That's why all you've got is hissy fits and ass porn when you're challenged by anyone ;) 


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4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Says the guy who's still living in "The vaccines are safe, you don't have to worry about covid if you take them, you don't have to worry about giving covid to grandma, and they will get us to herd immunity"-land.

You're like the little Japanese dude, living alone on an island in the pacific, still thinking that WWII is going on. 

Well this is the thing.

Sane people like us can look at the past and say "Ok - since then data has come out and we'll re evaluate our position as it was back then when we had less information"..  And that's a sensible thing to do - you revisit what happened in light of today's info and you look at whether or not you made the best decisions and how you might do things different should the situation arise again.  You learn - you evolve - you get smarter better stronger.

Guys like  him only care about their echo chamber and defending the libs so if you bring up something that was happening ONLY TWO YEARS AGO  (the distant past apperently :)  LOL)  then they freak out and make 1diotic claims - such as '2 years ago is living in the past' to pick one at random.

The first guy constantly claims he's talked about everything for decades now even if it didn't exist decades ago and the second one melts down and posts ass porn and fake crap when faced with facts.  What did you expect?

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13 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Says the guy who's still living in "The vaccines are safe, you don't have to worry about covid if you take them, you don't have to worry about giving covid to grandma, and they will get us to herd immunity"-land.

You're like the little Japanese dude, living alone on an island in the pacific, still thinking that WWII is going on. 

Nope, living with the rest of the world, not on your little island thank goodness.  No more room for anymore people on 1diot Island where you 2 live. LOL

Y'all are smarter than the Mayo Clinic....NOT!! LOL  https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-vaccine/art-20484859

8 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Oh dear- chasing me around desperately trying to look less stupid are you :)   Nice to see the 'cdnfox made me cry' support group still gets together regularly :)

Speaking of up to date - did you know it was just a month or so ago that a  judge ruled that your liberal buddies did not lawfully have excuse to go after the truckers with the emergency act?

Oopppsie....  :)  

Intelligent people ALWAYS remember the past and look to it for lessons.  YOU have the memory of a gold fish and can't remember what happened a few weeks ago. 

That's why all you've got is hissy fits and ass porn when you're challenged by anyone ;) 


Hardly chasing you. I have a "Stoopid Post" light that comes on and it is almost always one of yours LOL

Besides, I was responding to eyeball about a couple posters. If you think it is  about you, then your guilt draws you there LOL

8 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Well this is the thing.

Sane people like us can look at the past and say "Ok - since then data has come out and we'll re evaluate our position as it was back then when we had less information"..  And that's a sensible thing to do - you revisit what happened in light of today's info and you look at whether or not you made the best decisions and how you might do things different should the situation arise again.  You learn - you evolve - you get smarter better stronger.

Guys like  him only care about their echo chamber and defending the libs so if you bring up something that was happening ONLY TWO YEARS AGO  (the distant past apperently :)  LOL)  then they freak out and make 1diotic claims - such as '2 years ago is living in the past' to pick one at random.

The first guy constantly claims he's talked about everything for decades now even if it didn't exist decades ago and the second one melts down and posts ass porn and fake crap when faced with facts.  What did you expect?

Ohhhh, feeling bad now....NOT.

Getting shit upon by cdnfux used to be bad but now it is a badge of honour.  It means cdnfux cannot properly discuss and has to resort to insults and slander. Done my job LOL

Oh and, AI has something to say to you LOL:

"It is essential to remain open-minded and adapt your perspectives as you gain more knowledge and experience. Learning from the past and reevaluating your positions is a sign of maturity and growth. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the context and relevance of past events when discussing them, rather than dismissing them as "living in the past." Engaging in constructive conversations and accepting new information can help you evolve and become a better individual, while avoiding ad hominem attacks and maintaining respect for others' viewpoints."

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4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Nope, living with the rest of the world, not on your little island thank goodness.  No more room for anymore people on 1diot Island where you 2 live. LOL

Y'all are smarter than the Mayo Clinic....NOT!! LOL  https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-vaccine/art-20484859

And you think you're smarter than the national institute of health?


Or studies in the American Heart Association publication?


Sorry kiddo - the vaccine has been found to be unsafe for many people.



Hardly chasing you. I have a "Stoopid Post" light that comes on and it is almost always one of yours LOL

Kid - you ARE the 'stupid post light" :)   You light up whenever someone points out you're stupid :)

But i get why you're following me around trying desperately to regain some of your completely trashed ego.  A few people i beat up around here do that.



Getting shit upon by cdnfux used to be bad but now it is a badge of honour. 

ROFLMAO -   well i guess someone who's into ass porn like you would consider getting shit on an honour :)   You do seem to have a bit of a fecal fetish :)

I suspect with your level of intellect you can plan on being "Honored" fairly frequently in the future :) I'm sure all kinds of people in your life "honour" you :)

Must be because of all that "honour" constantly spilling out of your mouth :)  ROFLMAO!!!! 

12 year olds think ass porn is funny and make jokes about being shit on. :)  Once again you show your maturity level for all to see :) 



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11 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

And you think you're smarter than the national institute of health?


Or studies in the American Heart Association publication?


Sorry kiddo - the vaccine has been found to be unsafe for many people.


Kid - you ARE the 'stupid post light" :)   You light up whenever someone points out you're stupid :)

But i get why you're following me around trying desperately to regain some of your completely trashed ego.  A few people i beat up around here do that.


ROFLMAO -   well i guess someone who's into ass porn like you would consider getting shit on an honour :)   You do seem to have a bit of a fecal fetish :)

I suspect with your level of intellect you can plan on being "Honored" fairly frequently in the future :) I'm sure all kinds of people in your life "honour" you :)

Must be because of all that "honour" constantly spilling out of your mouth :)  ROFLMAO!!!! 

12 year olds think ass porn is funny and make jokes about being shit on. :)  Once again you show your maturity level for all to see :) 



"t seems you're engaging in a hostile and immature conversation, filled with insults and personal attacks. Instead of focusing on such negativity, try to engage in more constructive and positive discussions that can benefit everyone involved. Remember, kindness and understanding can lead to better understanding and stronger connections."

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17 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

"t seems you're engaging in a hostile and immature conversation, filled with insults and personal attacks.

Wow - even the AI calls you out on your bullshit.  You should listen to it :) 

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4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Nope, living with the rest of the world, not on your little island thank goodness.  No more room for anymore people on 1diot Island where you 2 live. LOL

Y'all are smarter than the Mayo Clinic....NOT!! LOL  https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-vaccine/art-20484859

That link doesn't even say anything about the relative success of the jabs, stupid.


"It is essential to remain open-minded and adapt your perspectives as you gain more knowledge and experience. Learning from the past and reevaluating your positions is a sign of maturity and growth. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the context and relevance of past events when discussing them, rather than dismissing them as "living in the past." Engaging in constructive conversations and accepting new information can help you evolve and become a better individual, while avoiding ad hominem attacks and maintaining respect for others' viewpoints."

That's all well and goo, it's also inherently anathema to you.

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29 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

That link doesn't even say anything about the relative success of the jabs, stupid.

That's all well and goo, it's also inherently anathema to you.



COVID-19 vaccines: Get the facts

Looking to get the facts about COVID-19 vaccines? Here's what you need to know about the different vaccines and the benefits of getting vaccinated.

By Mayo Clinic Staff

As the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to cause illness, you might have questions about COVID-19 vaccines. Find out about the different types of COVID-19 vaccines, how they work, the possible side effects, and the benefits for you and your family.


COVID-19 vaccine benefits

What are the benefits of getting a COVID-19 vaccine?

Staying up to date with a COVID-19 vaccine can:

  • Help prevent serious illness and death due to COVID-19 for both children and adults.
  • Help prevent you from needing to go to the hospital due to COVID-19.
  • Boost your body's protection, also called immunity, against catching the virus that causes COVID-19.
  • Be a safer way to protect yourself compared to getting sick with the virus that causes COVID-19.

How much protection a COVID-19 vaccine gives depends on different factors. Factors that can affect how much you're protected with a vaccine can include your age, if you've had COVID-19 before or if you have medical conditions such as cancer.

How well a COVID-19 vaccine protects you also depends on how the virus that causes COVID-19 changes and what variants the vaccine protects against. Your level of protection also depends on timing, such as when you got the shot."


The "anathema" is all yours, against vaccines, LOL


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10 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:



COVID-19 vaccines: Get the facts

Looking to get the facts about COVID-19 vaccines? Here's what you need to know about the different vaccines and the benefits of getting vaccinated.

By Mayo Clinic Staff

As the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to cause illness, you might have questions about COVID-19 vaccines. Find out about the different types of COVID-19 vaccines, how they work, the possible side effects, and the benefits for you and your family.


COVID-19 vaccine benefits

What are the benefits of getting a COVID-19 vaccine?

Staying up to date with a COVID-19 vaccine can:

  • Help prevent serious illness and death due to COVID-19 for both children and adults.
  • Help prevent you from needing to go to the hospital due to COVID-19.
  • Boost your body's protection, also called immunity, against catching the virus that causes COVID-19.
  • Be a safer way to protect yourself compared to getting sick with the virus that causes COVID-19.

How much protection a COVID-19 vaccine gives depends on different factors. Factors that can affect how much you're protected with a vaccine can include your age, if you've had COVID-19 before or if you have medical conditions such as cancer.

How well a COVID-19 vaccine protects you also depends on how the virus that causes COVID-19 changes and what variants the vaccine protects against. Your level of protection also depends on timing, such as when you got the shot."


The "anathema" is all yours, against vaccines, LOL


There is nothing in there that even touches on the concerns raised by the studies i posted.

It's not even a study - it's a webpage.

So you're admitting that there IS a problem with the vaccines and you aren't able to address it so you're randomly posting bullshit

Sigh. Dare i guess there's going to be more ass porn from you before this is over?

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5 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

There is nothing in there that even touches on the concerns raised by the studies i posted.

It's not even a study - it's a webpage.

So you're admitting that there IS a problem with the vaccines and you aren't able to address it so you're randomly posting bullshit

Sigh. Dare i guess there's going to be more ass porn from you before this is over?

Amongst all your other failings,  reading comprehension issues always come to the forefront LOL

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22 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:



COVID-19 vaccines: Get the facts

Looking to get the facts about COVID-19 vaccines? Here's what you need to know about the different vaccines and the benefits of getting vaccinated.

By Mayo Clinic Staff

As the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to cause illness, you might have questions about COVID-19 vaccines. Find out about the different types of COVID-19 vaccines, how they work, the possible side effects, and the benefits for you and your family.


COVID-19 vaccine benefits

What are the benefits of getting a COVID-19 vaccine?

Staying up to date with a COVID-19 vaccine can:

  • Help prevent serious illness and death due to COVID-19 for both children and adults.
  • Help prevent you from needing to go to the hospital due to COVID-19.
  • Boost your body's protection, also called immunity, against catching the virus that causes COVID-19.
  • Be a safer way to protect yourself compared to getting sick with the virus that causes COVID-19.

How much protection a COVID-19 vaccine gives depends on different factors. Factors that can affect how much you're protected with a vaccine can include your age, if you've had COVID-19 before or if you have medical conditions such as cancer.

How well a COVID-19 vaccine protects you also depends on how the virus that causes COVID-19 changes and what variants the vaccine protects against. Your level of protection also depends on timing, such as when you got the shot."


The "anathema" is all yours, against vaccines, LOL


That's nothing more than a commercial promoting a product to make money.

Cmon ExFlyer you can do better than that,

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13 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Amongst all your other failings,  reading comprehension issues always come to the forefront LOL

So you've got nothing at all then? Can't point to anything so just go with a weak insult? LOL

well you're consistent if nothing else, but i'm afraid you're proving @WestCanMan's whole argument for him.  

4 minutes ago, Legato said:

That's nothing more than a commercial promoting a product to make money.

Cmon ExFlyer you can do better than that,

Mmmmm - can he tho?

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21 minutes ago, Legato said:

That's nothing more than a commercial promoting a product to make money.

Cmon ExFlyer you can do better than that,

Mayo Clinic does not advertise for companies.

C'mon Legato, do some research LOL


"Mayo Clinic is the largest integrated, not-for-profit medical group practice in the world. We're building the future, one where the best possible care is available to everyone — and more people can heal at home. Our relentless research turns into earlier diagnoses and new cures. That's how we inspire hope in those who need it most."

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19 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

So you've got nothing at all then? Can't point to anything so just go with a weak insult? LOL

well you're consistent if nothing else, but i'm afraid you're proving @WestCanMan's whole argument for him.  

Mmmmm - can he tho?

"Mayo Clinic is the largest integrated, not-for-profit medical group practice in the world. We're building the future, one where the best possible care is available to everyone — and more people can heal at home. Our relentless research turns into earlier diagnoses and new cures. That's how we inspire hope in those who need it most."

C'mon cdnfux, admission of your problem is the foist step to recovery. Nothing to be ashamed of, many people have your issues and problems. No insult intended, just stating facts as I see em.

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