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Is it just me or have the Liberals around here fallen silent all of a

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Conservatives have to be careful of becoming overconfident at this point. Things are looking very good now, but there is no reason to come across as arrogant.

The CPC lead has last so much longer than it did in 2004 that the tone of the media is starting to change. For the better. For once.

I am not making this up. :lol:

Seems like a bunch of conservatives are patting each other on the back about and election nearly in the bag. All the Liberals that seems to be fighting what they thought was the good fight for their party seem to have disappeared.
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Conservatives have to be careful of becoming overconfident at this point. Things are looking very good now, but there is no reason to come across as arrogant.

The CPC lead has last so much longer than it did in 2004 that the tone of the media is starting to change. For the better. For once.

I am not making this up. :lol:

Seems like a bunch of conservatives are patting each other on the back about and election nearly in the bag. All the Liberals that seems to be fighting what they thought was the good fight for their party seem to have disappeared.

No arrogance, just taking note.

I am not making this up either. :lol:

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I'm not counting my chickens until the fat lady sings. According to the Hill Times, the Liberals are going to pull out 'all the stops' in the last week. Could this mean that those ads are only the tip of the smearburg.

They've turned out to be jokes at this point, though I am interested to see how else they can make Canadians laugh over the next week.

I'm confident now that the ads have caused more trouble than anything for Martin. But polling hasn't been done since their launch so there's always the possibility.

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It isn't over yet. Dating back to the last election, it seems like every time the Conservatives have edged in front there's a bounce-back effect as voters considering changing from Liberal to Conservative have second thoughts when polls show the Conservatives are out in front. (I think "soft support" is the phrase for this.)

With all the polls now showing the Conservatives with a big lead, and voters now being faced with the possibility that the Conservatives will form a government (with some pollsters even musing about the "M" word.) Within 11 days we will see how much of the Conservatives' lead comes from "soft support", and how much of it is real and solid.

I don't think the Conservatives will still have a 10 or 11% lead when all the votes are counted. I think some of the soft support will chicken out. I think the attack ads will have some impact as well. I think that by election day the polls will show things are a lot closer than they look right now.

But I also think that there's a threshold that's been passed. The polls have shown the Conservatives well ahead for a while now, and the expected bounce-back has not materialized yet. And the Liberals campaign seems to be taking on the same kind of aura that one sees in the movie industry around a box-office flop. In the movie business, the critics can sense when a movie is going to be a dud: they can tell by how the movie studio promotes the film. They recognize it by half-hearted press kits and promotion done on the cheap, they recognize it by vague or misleading trailers or ads, they recognize it by release dates that get rescheduled to less competitive times, or unexpected delays, or staff turnover, or refusal to have advance screenings, or a myriad of other things that tip off the fact that the studio has no confidence in its own product. And from the way the journalists are talking about the Liberals, you get the sense that they feel the same sort of vibe coming from the Liberal campaign right now.

On CTV yesterday, they interviewed an "embedded journalist" ( :lol: ) who was with the Liberal campaign team. He gave the same sort of impression about the Liberal staff... poor morale, few smiles... they've lost confidence in their own product. He said that when he asked when the Notwithstanding Clause campaign pledge had been crafted, the Liberal staffer "told me, 'some time ago,' and when I asked if he could be more specific, he said 'Some Time Ago.' And we just kind of looked at each other. I left it at that."


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It isn't over yet. Dating back to the last election, it seems like every time the Conservatives have edged in front there's a bounce-back effect as voters considering changing from Liberal to Conservative have second thoughts when polls show the Conservatives are out in front. (I think "soft support" is the phrase for this.)

With all the polls now showing the Conservatives with a big lead, and voters now being faced with the possibility that the Conservatives will form a government (with some pollsters even musing about the "M" word.) Within 11 days we will see how much of the Conservatives' lead comes from "soft support", and how much of it is real and solid.

I don't think the Conservatives will still have a 10 or 11% lead when all the votes are counted. I think some of the soft support will chicken out. I think the attack ads will have some impact as well. I think that by election day the polls will show things are a lot closer than they look right now.

But I also think that there's a threshold that's been passed. The polls have shown the Conservatives well ahead for a while now, and the expected bounce-back has not materialized yet. And the Liberals campaign seems to be taking on the same kind of aura that one sees in the movie industry around a box-office flop. In the movie business, the critics can sense when a movie is going to be a dud: they can tell by how the movie studio promotes the film. They recognize it by half-hearted press kits and promotion done on the cheap, they recognize it by vague or misleading trailers or ads, they recognize it by release dates that get rescheduled to less competitive times, or unexpected delays, or staff turnover, or refusal to have advance screenings, or a myriad of other things that tip off the fact that the studio has no confidence in its own product. And from the way the journalists are talking about the Liberals, you get the sense that they feel the same sort of vibe coming from the Liberal campaign right now.

On CTV yesterday, they interviewed an "embedded journalist" ( :lol: ) who was with the Liberal campaign team. He gave the same sort of impression about the Liberal staff... poor morale, few smiles... they've lost confidence in their own product. He said that when he asked when the Notwithstanding Clause campaign pledge had been crafted, the Liberal staffer "told me, 'some time ago,' and when I asked if he could be more specific, he said 'Some Time Ago.' And we just kind of looked at each other. I left it at that."


All good points made. Go check out my thread about Liberals admitting their likely defeat. I posted an article and another was posted about the state of Martin's campaign.

I know its not over. But things are looking better than they have in a long long time for conservatives.

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The big difference this time around is *how long* the Conservatives have been leading the poll. Back in 2004 the CPC lead for a couple days then things turned around. The Ipsos-Reid poll on December 30th was the first lead for the Conservatives and they haven't relinquished it in about two weeks.

Far, far different situation from 2004.

It isn't over yet. Dating back to the last election, it seems like every time the Conservatives have edged in front there's a bounce-back effect as voters considering changing from Liberal to Conservative have second thoughts when polls show the Conservatives are out in front. (I think "soft support" is the phrase for this.)


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The big difference this time around is *how long* the Conservatives have been leading the poll. Back in 2004 the CPC lead for a couple days then things turned around. The Ipsos-Reid poll on December 30th was the first lead for the Conservatives and they haven't relinquished it in about two weeks.

Far, far different situation from 2004.

It isn't over yet. Dating back to the last election, it seems like every time the Conservatives have edged in front there's a bounce-back effect as voters considering changing from Liberal to Conservative have second thoughts when polls show the Conservatives are out in front. (I think "soft support" is the phrase for this.)


If these new ads keep getting the Liberals bad press I don't think we'll look back. If not and they hit hard we could be in for a catfight.

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Seems like a bunch of conservatives are patting each other on the back about an election nearly in the bag. All the Liberals that seemed to be fighting what they thought was the good fight for their party seem to have disappeared.

Liberals that I know don't stoop to the level of your venom, hence the silence. Enjoy your con lovefest and hatred.

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Don't forget too that Harper was just new the last time and people didn't really know much about him. That's why the people got scared. The media was not on his side. And he'd just became the leader of a newly formed conservative party, with no clear platform at the time.

This was the theory given by some pundits...saying that this time it's quite different.

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Dear kimmy,

He said that when he asked when the Notwithstanding Clause campaign pledge had been crafted, the Liberal staffer "told me, 'some time ago,' and when I asked if he could be more specific, he said 'Some Time Ago.'
Indeed, both 5 years and 5 minutes are both 'some time ago'. When I was on the board of directors for a not-for-profit group, we were offered a 'public speaking' course, on how to deal with media. I didn't actually take it, but I understood that it was mostly about dealing with difficult questions when people may try to trap you into saying certain things...much like a lot of polls. It sounds like this particular person took a similar course....and it seems the Liberals have the shields up to 'deflector mode'.
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Seems like a bunch of conservatives are patting each other on the back about an election nearly in the bag. All the Liberals that seemed to be fighting what they thought was the good fight for their party seem to have disappeared.

Liberals that I know don't stoop to the level of your venom, hence the silence. Enjoy your con lovefest and hatred.

More liberal smear from someone who knows nothing about me.

Comment about quiet liberals and all of a sudden you're full of venom and hate.

Talk about some open-minded people willing to discuss why that is.

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Hicksy, We're still here, just sitting back and watching you all huck it up, we'll see what happens.

OK, I still think you have an outside chance if these new "OOooOO Scary Harper" ads take hold. Otherwise I think we take it unless Martin pulls some rabbit from his hat in the next week.

We'll see when the next bunch of poll results are released.

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Liberals that I know don't stoop to the level of your venom, hence the silence. Enjoy your con lovefest and hatred.

Yes I don't deny that I hate the Liberals! I hate them for all the corruptions and their way of systematically destroying our system.

But when the Liberals had stooped that low with their venom....demonizing and callously smearing my military....all for self-gain...it is more than anger that I feel. I AM LIVID!

You bet this is a love fest for those who silently stood back all these years watching helplessly while these Liberals ransacked our country not only financially...but morally!

Liberals and NDP say repeatedly that it is the cause of crime that we should look into.....

.....yes, let's do that.

Let's start looking into the supposedly perfect "role-models" for our youth.

No wonder crime is rising.

The Liberals and the Liberal supporters are proving that indeed, CRIME DOES PAY!

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It isn't over yet. Dating back to the last election, it seems like every time the Conservatives have edged in front there's a bounce-back effect as voters considering changing from Liberal to Conservative have second thoughts when polls show the Conservatives are out in front. (I think "soft support" is the phrase for this.)

With all the polls now showing the Conservatives with a big lead, and voters now being faced with the possibility that the Conservatives will form a government (with some pollsters even musing about the "M" word.) Within 11 days we will see how much of the Conservatives' lead comes from "soft support", and how much of it is real and solid.

I think one of the factors helping them is the belief that, even if they are scary, they can't do a lot in a minority. If the suggestion becomes widespread that they might win a majority I believe a lot of people will vote against them. The fear is still there among the weak-minded.

There is virtually no possibility of a tory majority, btw, which is why I'm wondering where this "M" talk is coming from. The Tories are unlikely to win many, if any seats in Quebec, and they'd need 2/3rds of all the seats in the rest of Canada to hope for a majority - which they're not going to get. The Liberals are still solidly in front in vote rich Toronto, with all those immigrant votes, and still strong out east. They are also still very strong around voter rich Montreal, while Tory support is spread through the province, and so really not of much value.

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You hate the Liberals for the reasons you outline. Valid or not is a question. You love the Conservatives, though?

You love the Conservatives because they are refusing to provide Early Learning opportunites for the children you seem to care for given your choice of business.

You love the Conservatives for their aim to widen the gap between rich and poor in Canada and for their intention to increase the rate of poverty in the country.

You love the Conservatives for their willingness to increase crime rates and to entrench hopelessness in the lives of many children through that "social policy."

You love the Conservatives for their alignment with George Bush in condemning all the worlds' children to a life of despair and misery in a world that is to become increasingly unfit for human habitation: unfit because Harper, like Bush thinks oil companies are more important than people.

You love the Conservatives because they are determined to destroy Canada as a nation and turn it into a latter day Hanseatic League.

You love the Conservatives because - but why go on! There are a hundred reasons for the blinkered to love them.

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Yes I don't deny that I hate the Liberals! I hate them for all the corruptions and their way of systematically destroying our system.

Don't be bashful. Tell us what you REALLY think:)

But when the Liberals had stooped that low with their venom....demonizing and callously smearing my military....all for self-gain...it is more than anger that I feel. I AM LIVID!

"Your" military??? I wasn't aware that it had been privatized.

You bet this is a love fest for those who silently stood back all these years watching helplessly while these Liberals ransacked our country not only financially...but morally!

"Stood back silently"???? Obviously you didn't spend much time here in the past few years.

Liberals and NDP say repeatedly that it is the cause of crime that we should look into.....

.....yes, let's do that.

Let's start looking into the supposedly perfect "role-models" for our youth.

No wonder crime is rising.

The Liberals and the Liberal supporters are proving that indeed, CRIME DOES PAY!

Now this is rich. Conservatives are the first ones to criticize when Martin et al claim that American culture, or rap "artists" like 50-Cent influence our youth into committing crimes, and now here you are claiming that the Libs are a "role model" for our youth, and therefore responsible for crime on the street.

I can't think of anyone less likely to be a role model for a "troubled" (read; violent) youth than a politician.

Hell, most kids aren't even aware of politics other than periferally, if even that.

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I think one of the factors helping them is the belief that, even if they are scary, they can't do a lot in a minority. If the suggestion becomes widespread that they might win a majority I believe a lot of people will vote against them. The fear is still there among the weak-minded.

I think you hit the nail on the head here.

I do, however, take exception to the "weak-minded" part.

I am one who wants to see the Libs out, but do NOT want to see a Con majority.

Or any majority for that matter.

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