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One of the key elements common to any of the Facist regimes that have held power is that they have no tolerance for organized labour... at all.... So which of the three parties is most "anti-union".....

So people that don't support an outdated concept are fascist? :blink:;)

How about when the majority of the house stated they had no confidence in the government. Yet the Liberals kept going (the first vote). Whether it was a legal loophole or not shouldn't matter, the moral decision when you no longer have the support of the nation is to step down. If anything is fascist, it is this. And moving opposition days to construct a situation least favourable to your opponents.

How ridiculous. Accusing the ONLY party that has come out with policy on accountability and democractic reform of being undemocratic. You guys must really be getting desperate now.

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Too many Canadians (especially voters from the far left in Vancouver, Ontario, and the Maritimes) live the Canadian lie of anti-Americansim.

I don't know anybody who is anti-American, but neo-con fanatics want us to think that it's anti-American to say anything bad about any member of their government.

Look at all the politician bashing on this forum. By that definition, everybody here is anti-Canadian.

The fact that people are standing up to political decisions shows that they have faith that their countries can become better.

You are right though that people should be providing creative solutions to problems, instead of just mud-slinging.

The worst thing to do is to take a fanatical-reactionary approach where you end up throwing out the baby with the bath water.

Still sounds like you're describing the Liberal Party, and some blindly loyal Liberal supporters.

All you're accusing the Conservative Party is again, based on nothing except scary, scary predictions and wishful interpretations by a either a brainwashed Liberal or a blind liberal, or an on-the-take Liberal who doesn't want or have no wish to see the happy trough-buffet days to end.

Betsy, your intelligence cannot be insulted if ir is measured by your repetition of the :high tax" lies and you believe them.

Canada is a low taxed country in the ranking of Western democracies. I have given the comparisons and I am not going to bother with them again.

If you keep saying thise knowing the facts, then what does that say for you.If you cannot understand the simple comparisons and the rankings in our comparative countries, then what does that say?

Low tax my foot!

Everyone around me is groaning, we're actually paying taxes on other services disguised as "registration fees", what about the double dipping on gas tax...a basic commodity now in this time and age? What about the businesses here....that are essential to creating and keeping jobs, real jobs and not the tele-marketing kind of jobs....they are all groaning and struggling to compete with the outside world.

Why should I believe when a Liberal supporter tells me "we're actually paying low tax."....when a lot of Liberals could not even tell truth from lies?

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If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy but just wage a total war, our children will sing great songs about us years from now.

Richard Perle (Iraq war architect, key Bush Pupeteer, Stephen Harper soulmate and self proclaimed Darth Vader)

Stephen Harper is a soulmate of Richard Perle? Rubbish. You have no proof because it doesn't exist. You can't defend Liberal scandals and corruption so you have to ramble on with this fiction.

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Harper speech

Harper in his own words

Fascism is a system of government characterized by rigid one-party dictatorship: The PCPC and Reform couldn't work together and were merged into what appears to be a dictatorship where candidates are not allowed to talk about certain issues.

forcible suppression of opposition, Belinda had enough balls to get up and walk. If MacKay had any he would have left to, instead he stands there like beaten animal, trying to figure out how he got screwed out of having his own party, and not even getting a voice in the new one.

private economic enterprise under centralized governmental control, Privatization is a hallmark of conservative beliefs.

belligerent nationalism, Belligerent would be a point of view. "God Bless Canada" IMO isn't.

racism when dealing with a large group of individuals, there are bound to be one or two bad apples in every party, and every political spectrum.

and militarism, etc.,Well Harper sure does want to increase the military.

Prety well describes the liberal party, known for suppressing their MP's and of course, whipped votes. Belinda walked because she realized she wouldn't be leader, and was bribed with a cabinet position.

Less government and more freedoms are not a form of fascism, this is just more drive by smears. Instead of discussing current election issues they resort to calling names and bringing out the old Bilderberger and conspiracy theories. Paul Martin be nationalistic and can wrap himself in the flag, and get angry and thats just hunky dorey, but if Harper is seen as being nationalistic and gets angry, its not okay. Double standards and Tin foil hat time.

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Go read Harpers old speeches. You just gave a pretty accurate description.

You are about as honest as most Liberal politicians. And about as intelligent.

You don't know what facism is. You are merely consumed with ideological hatred of those who disagree with you. And in that sense, you personally come closer to being a facsist than anything we've seen form Stephen Harper.

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River_God's Quotes:

"I don't know anybody who is anti-American, but neo-con fanatics want us to think that it's anti-American to say anything bad about any member of their government."

Just not so River. The CPC wants open diplomacy with the Americans. We want to sit down and talk about the issues that matter to us as North Americans. The Liberals pursue a Grade 2 policy of insulting the Americans with their lies and myths. Martin has, so far, been very undiplomatic by trying to score cheap political points by bashing Bush...a leader who Martin adored when he had a majority.

"Look at all the politician bashing on this forum. By that definition, everybody here is anti-Canadian."

That's if you believe the Liberal myth that Canadians are "nicer" than any other people in the world, especially the nasty Americans. I have travelled to many Canadian and American cities and found the people to not be too much different. Of course, the Liberals would probably blame the immigrants in major cities, whose votes they take for granted.

"The fact that people are standing up to political decisions shows that they have faith that their countries can become better."

Yes...that is why I am voting Conservative.

"You are right though that people should be providing creative solutions to problems, instead of just mud-slinging.

The worst thing to do is to take a fanatical-reactionary approach where you end up throwing out the baby with the bath water."

That is a perfect description of what the Liberals are doing with the Americans to score cheap political points. Can you imagine how bad relations would be if the Liberals got in again? After living under a decade of Chretien hatred for the Americans I was happy when Martin was PM. But what a real disappointment he has been... :angry:

A few years ago I met Jack Layton at a Montreal bar. Since he is left-wing, I asked him how he would work with a Bush presidency. He told me "we have many friends there in Congress that we would work with. I would try to find issues we agree on, and we would work together to respect our differences" or something to that effect. At least Layton's party is respectable.

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Guest eureka

As I wrote, Betsy, what does it say about you?

Canada is one of the lowest taxed countries in the OECD. That is not arguable. I have given the comparison with the USA and, when healthcare is factored out, our taxes are lower than in that tax haven.

So why not try to absorb some reality and reasses your opinions on that basis.

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Too many Canadians (especially voters from the far left in Vancouver, Ontario, and the Maritimes) live the Canadian lie of anti-Americansim.

1))I don't know anybody who is anti-American, but neo-con fanatics want us to think that it's anti-American to say anything bad about any member of their government.

2))Look at all the politician bashing on this forum. By that definition, everybody here is anti-Canadian.

3))The fact that people are standing up to political decisions shows that they have faith that their countries can become better.

4)))You are right though that people should be providing creative solutions to problems, instead of just mud-slinging.

5)))The worst thing to do is to take a fanatical-reactionary approach where you end up throwing out the baby with the bath water.

1)) Well, being that we are NOT Americans here in Canada, then it doesn't matter WHAT the neo-con fanatics think, does it???

2))) I am lookint at it, and it seems to me that you're doing a lot of it.

3))) And this is a good thing.

4))) Good observation. So what solutions have YOU been providing, other than accusing Harper (whom I dislike immensely, but still may vote for, I haven't decided yet) of being the second coming of the boogyman???

5))) No, the worst thing is repeating yourself endlessly IN BIG, COLOURFUL, CAPITAL LETTERS AS THOUGH THAT MAKES EVERYTHING YOU SAY TRUE.

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These links are great. Why aren't the Convseravtives here supporting them? Any comments?

I quoted Harper's speech in another thread. It is an interesting and informative description of Canadian federal politics given to an American right-wing audience in 1997.

The second link are quotes taken out of context, many of which were thrown around during the June 2004 election.

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These links are great. Why aren't the Convseravtives here supporting them? Any comments?

Westerners, but Albertans in particular, need to think hard about their future in this country. After sober reflection, Albertans should decide that it is time to seek a new relationship with Canada. It is time to look at Quebec and to learn.…Having hit a wall, the next logical step .... is to .... begin building another home – a stronger and much more autonomous Alberta. ( Stephen Harper National Post, December 8, 2000)

“Whether Canada ends up as o­ne national government or two national governments or several national governments, or some other kind of arrangement is, quite frankly, secondary in my opinion… And whether Canada ends up with o­ne national government or two governments or ten governments, the Canadian people will require less government no matter what the constitutional status or arrangement of any future country may be.” (Stephen Harper Speech to the Colin Brown Memorial Dinner, National Citizens Coalition, 1994)

What the hell is Harper thinking about???? What benefit does he see in alienating Alberta from Canada. His reference to Quebec makes it sound like he wants Alberta to separate too. I don't know why all the conservatives on this site have so much faith that Harper has great plans for Canada.

Why was Harper dumbstruck a few weeks ago when asked if he loved Canada? How long would it have taken Harper to profess his love for the USA?

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I would respect the anti-CPC crowd if they came up with new criticism...

If "undying love for USA" means better relations with our best friends and trading partners then you must be miserable you have all the material benefits of living next to the U.S.

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Why was Harper dumbstruck a few weeks ago when asked if he loved Canada? How long would it have taken Harper to profess his love for the USA? [/color] [/size]

Maybe he was amazed anyone would be stupid enough to ask such an inane question.

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Guest eureka

"Harper would sit down and ralk with the Americans," tm12. Wouldn't that be cosy!

We could talk about softwood lumber and water diversion until Canadians get used to giving our resources to the US on their terms.

Harper would then be lauded in the US as the true sycophant that Mulroney was also. Perhaps awarded the "Freedom of Washington." Or given a medal by Georgie.

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Why was Harper dumbstruck a few weeks ago when asked if he loved Canada? How long would it have taken Harper to profess his love for the USA? [/color] [/size]

Maybe he was amazed anyone would be stupid enough to ask such an inane question.

Argus, it was probably the most important question he'll ever be asked. It's not like he couldn't answer it; he refused. And you want a Prime Minister that will not avow a love for his country?

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"Harper would sit down and ralk with the Americans," tm12. Wouldn't that be cosy!

We could talk about softwood lumber and water diversion until Canadians get used to giving our resources to the US on their terms.

Harper would then be lauded in the US as the true sycophant that Mulroney was also. Perhaps awarded the "Freedom of Washington." Or given a medal by Georgie.

Well I guess we should just keep calling them names. Far more effective than talking. On second thought, lets bomb em.

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"Harper would sit down and ralk with the Americans," tm12. Wouldn't that be cosy!

We could talk about softwood lumber and water diversion until Canadians get used to giving our resources to the US on their terms.

Harper would then be lauded in the US as the true sycophant that Mulroney was also. Perhaps awarded the "Freedom of Washington." Or given a medal by Georgie.

Oh grow up Eureka you know well that we need to be on good terms with the Americans for a myriad of reasons.

Your childish left-wing antics astound me... :angry:

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Fascism is a system of government characterized by rigid one-party dictatorship, forcible suppression of opposition, private economic enterprise under centralized governmental control, belligerent nationalism, racism and militarism, etc.,

Fanatical right wing + billions in corporate welfare for military contractors + limits on free speech and free press = neo-fascism aka the dark side of neo-conservatism

The American neo-conservative movement has clearly become unbalanced when media giants like FOX NEWS label the biggest capitalists in the world as “left-wing” if they don’t pledge unquestioning blind allegiance to Cheney and Bush’s Administration.

The American fanatical-right are trying to create a culture of double-think, where people who question the Iraq War are left-wing traitors who are endangering the troops. Stunningly, zealots who want to expand the crusade to Syria, Iran and Venezuela are supposedly keeping the troops safely out of harms way.




(1) It’s ironic that in his latest speech Bush called on Americans to make more sacrifices in the war on terror, while he and his friends seem to be getting rich off it.

Note that Halliburton stock is up 300% since Iraq was invaded in March 2003. Cheney’s half million deferred stock options probably went up over 1000%.


Chevron is up 200% since March 2003. Does Rice have any options in Chevron? How about her friends.


United Defense Industries went from $20 to $75 before being bought out. Nobody knows how Carlyle Corp is doing because it is private, but it is probably going through the roof. The Bush family has probably made tens of millions.

How does this compare with the finances of the soldiers in Iraq? Many of them will barely be employable when they get back home.

Deaths and injuries are growing in Iraq with over 2,079 confirmed American deaths. Over 15,500 have been seriously injured and it is estimated that over 50,000 will suffer from battle fatigue. There have also been reports of at least 30,000 Iraqi civilian deaths. (2005/11/18)

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I thought this was the Canadian politics forum. guess I took a wrong turn somewhere.

funny thing though:


Fascism is a system of government characterized by rigid one-party dictatorship, forcible suppression of opposition, private economic enterprise under centralized governmental control, belligerent nationalism, racism and militarism, etc.,

Rigid one party system-- 12yrs Liberals

Forcible suppression of opposition, How many free votes under the Libs in the last 12 yrs (answer I believe can be counted on one hand)

Private economic enterprise under centralized government control, Hmm, Paul Martin and his friends?

Belligerent nationalism, well halfway with beligerent anti americanism, seems our only friends are France, China and the ex soviet block.

OK you got me on the last two!

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I thought this was the Canadian politics forum. guess I took a wrong turn somewhere.

funny thing though:


Fascism is a system of government characterized by rigid one-party dictatorship, forcible suppression of opposition, private economic enterprise under centralized governmental control, belligerent nationalism, racism and militarism, etc.,

Rigid one party system-- 12yrs Liberals

Forcible suppression of opposition, How many free votes under the Libs in the last 12 yrs (answer I believe can be counted on one hand)

Private economic enterprise under centralized government control, Hmm, Paul Martin and his friends?

Belligerent nationalism, well halfway with beligerent anti americanism, seems our only friends are France, China and the ex soviet block.

OK you got me on the last two!

Me too: However, that post was posted here too http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums/index.p...opic=4684&st=75 thats spamming the forums, plus it should be in the U.S. forum

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Sounds like whoever is posting this crap is unbalanced.

If it's unbalanced you should be able to rip it apart pretty easily. Instead you are resorting to the seedy neo-fascist habit of attacking anyone who questions you with mindless hatred.

You should ber able to be more articulate than that scriblett

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Sounds like whoever is posting this crap is unbalanced.

If it's unbalanced you should be able to rip it apart pretty easily.

Everything you've posted has been ripped apart pretty easily.

And if you don't get his American crap off the Canadian politics forum you're going to be banned.

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