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Why *scary* won't work.


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Yesterday, after the scoop on the new RCMP investigation on Mike Duffy Count Down, the media guests sort of poked fun at the Liberals.

Apparently the Liberals are claiming that "they've got a mole!"

They also claim that they know this "mole" is a Chretienite who wants to wreak havoc to Martin's campaign.

One guest warned, "if you're working in the Liberal war room, better hide under your desk!"

Mike Duffy wondered out loud about this latest claim, "gee...do they put drugs in their water coolers?"

So, no.....the "scary-scary" campaign against Harper won't work this time.

Interesting, Betsy.

I have suspected that the Liberals had a "mole" in the 2004 Conservative campaign and this made Harper's work then much more difficult. (I have no evidence but I think Harper's major staff changes were related to this.) This time out, Kinsella and Copps and the rest of them are determined to bring Martin down. Harper doesn't need any moles in the Liberal War Room.

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I have suspected that the Liberals had a "mole" in the 2004 Conservative campaign and this made Harper's work then much more difficult. (I have no evidence but I think Harper's major staff changes were related to this.)
They quit and left him because of a mole ???? I thought it was because Harper was a <series of derrogatory words omitted, but rest assured, the last word was a piece of human anatomy>
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I have suspected that the Liberals had a "mole" in the 2004 Conservative campaign and this made Harper's work then much more difficult. (I have no evidence but I think Harper's major staff changes were related to this.)

They quit and left him because of a mole ???? I thought it was because Harper was a <series of derrogatory words omitted, but rest assured, the last word was a piece of human anatomy>

The Liberals are evil...err you are an NDP voter...sure you cannot put this past them???

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I have suspected that the Liberals had a "mole" in the 2004 Conservative campaign and this made Harper's work then much more difficult. (I have no evidence but I think Harper's major staff changes were related to this.)

They quit and left him because of a mole ???? I thought it was because Harper was a <series of derrogatory words omitted, but rest assured, the last word was a piece of human anatomy>

The Liberals are evil...err you are an NDP voter...sure you cannot put this past them???

I'm not a big fan of Paul Martin's because he is a Conservative. He is a fiscal conservative who showed that he could kill the deficit that Mulroney couldn't touch... He achieved the ultimat Conservative goals (Mulroney et al's) He cuts taxes for Corp Canada, and cuts services to Canadian citizens to pay for it. He is one of the biggest killers of medicare ever in Canadian history....

That being said, I'd take him over Harper any day. As severe as Martin's cuts to medicare were, Harper said they weren't deep enough cuts. The CPC party, along with their moral agendas scare the shit out of me.... Just because they've kept some of the more ignorant redneck candidates to keep their mouths shut during this campaign.... We've seen what they stand for...... And just because there's no noise coming from with the Trojan horse, it's still a Trojan horse to me....

It is improbable that the NDP will form the next government.... highly improbable... However, I would like to see strong support for them, because Liberal governments where the NDP has the balance of power has brought in many of the best things that we can say about our Canadian society ... health care... old age pensions, unemployment insurance... the humanity of our society....

And thus, I have to hope that people will not strategically vote... but vote for what they know to be best for themselves and the people they care about.... In the last federal election, strategic voting put Liberal candidates in several ridings (up to 10) that narrowly beat NDP candidates.... In the last Ontario provincial election, the NDP was nearly wiped out by strategic voting.... people desperate to get rid of Mike Harris, the PC incumbant who destroyed much of the social fabric of Ontario....

Vote NDP if you care about health care, daycare, helping the poor, the unemployed.... because who knows.... any of us could end up needing these services in the future...

and if you really want to use "moral" Christian values to guide you, you'll remember Jesus's prime commandment: Do unto others.... ... so let's fix the health care system (rather than thinking me, me, me, and my tax dollar).... let's help provide subsidized housing for the poor, let's help in the poorer sections of the cities to help provide promise and hope, rather than having the youth turn to crime.... Jesus said "Give up all your worldly goods and follow me..." which is the exact opposite of the ultra right.... Jesus was a lefty.....

Most people don't really know much about Tommy Douglas, but knowing about him might just help understand true "Christian values". Douglas was a Baptist minister during the depression... He got interested in politics because he spent too much time burying people who would have survived had they afforded a few dollars worth of health care. The Baptist Church made Tommy Douglas choose.... The Church or politics... Tommy Douglas saw that politicians weren't interested in helping the poor and suffering during the depression. He chose politics because he could save more lives and help more people if he brough health care and other forms of relief to them that the Liberals and Conservatives refused to... It was his moral values that drove him to form/run for the CCF (NDP).... However, the kinds of religious morals of Tommy Douglas are obviously different from Harper's supposed "moral values"...

Douglas's moral values drove him to help people.. he fought tooth and nail against both the Liberals and Conservatives to implement policies like health care.... Harper's moral values are about stopping gay people from calling themselves "married", and from stopping unwed girls from having abortions. Who is that helping..... Harper's "Pecksniffian" morals are not about helping people....

So let's keep the Trojan horse outside the gate....

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Wow, err, you must be a christian. With all the hate filled rants you make, I never would have guessed. Oh wait, putting your own words in Jesus's mouth and politicizing him shows you're just another angry lefty. Care to bet on which side of the gay marriage issue Tommy D. would have come down on being that he was a baptist minister?

Anyway, I just saw the CBC newscast for 8 am and they led off with Martin's new claims(although it's a rerun of last election) that the CPC's promises would drive us into deficit. Then the anchor begins a discussion with a reporter who says the exact same thing. Then she shows a video clip where Martin says the exact same thing(That's it, keep pounding it into the voters heads enough in an attempt to scare them). After spending 4 or 5 minutes on this with no showing of Harper's response to this, they show a clip of under 10 seconds of a CPC underling who stated that since the Liberals claimed the exact same thing last election, and also underestimated the surplus at that time by several billion, they have shown themselves to be untrustworthy with the numbers this time.

They only gave the CPC several seconds, but that was all it took to unravel this latest Liberal strategy.

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I'm from the west, and the hatred for the federal government I hear is coming largely from Alberta. I think that's mostly a money thing. They're just tired of sharing. :)

I am also from the West, British Columbia to be exact and though 'hatred' is not a word I would use to describe the utter lack of faith I have in any government that is formed by members mainly in Eastern riding's.

This lack of faith has a long and sordid history for I have lived in the West all my life and know only too well how we have suffered under Eastern agendas, thus a previous post on 199 reasons not to vote liberal.

Sure money has something to do with it. Specifically the fact that we in the West are treated as nothing more or less than a money bank to fund policies that help the East far more than they ever helped the West.

We are not tired of sharing, at least I am not, however we are tired of the pillaging of our natural resources in order to fill the coffers of a corrupt regime of arrogant sycophants. B)

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Guest eureka

movich, your ignorance of Canadian history is sublime. It was the money and blood of Easterners that built the West. The West was coddled and supported by the East until it could stand on its own feet.

Now, all you transplanted Easterners who now populate the West have grown too big for your boots . It seems that your brains are down there, too

"pillaging of your natural resources." don't be silly. Ontario and Quebec are huge repositories of natural resources that have long been the support of the West. Newfoundland may be the richest resource province in Canada.

Your resources have only recently been a significant contributor to Canadian prosperity and you get the benefits. Benefits, I might add, that are now coming to you at great cost to Ontario and Quebec.

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movich, your ignorance of Canadian history is sublime. It was the money and blood of Easterners that built the West. The West was coddled and supported by the East until it could stand on its own feet.


It's too bad that you are the only authority here on Canada(as everyone seems to be ignorant about Canada in your eyes) and it is unfortunate none of us were able to sit with the fathers of confederation as you surely did, discussing the impending route of the railroad to the west,nor did we get to watch the last spike get driven in as you must have.Maybe you could tell us what it was like.

Being there

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movich, your ignorance of Canadian history is sublime. It was the money and blood of Easterners that built the West. The West was coddled and supported by the East until it could stand on its own feet.

It's too bad that you are the only authority here on Canada(as everyone seems to be ignorant about Canada in your eyes) and it is unfortunate none of us were able to sit with the fathers of confederation as you surely did, discussing the impending route of the railroad to the west,nor did we get to watch the last spike get driven in as you must have.Maybe you could tell us what it was like.

Being there

I guess we all had different history professors :)- But gee, here I thought it was the Chinese who really built Canada.

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Wow, err, you must be a christian. With all the hate filled rants you make, I never would have guessed. Oh wait, putting your own words in Jesus's mouth and politicizing him shows you're just another angry lefty.
I love how you CPC people project your own hatred onto those who disagree with you. I believe in tolerance and acceptance of my fellow man.... That is the NDP's position... whereas the CPC is the party with the hatred of homosexuals.... hiding it under a guise of morality...

I bear no hatred of you CPC types... I feel sorry for you though...

Care to bet on which side of the gay marriage issue Tommy D. would have come down on being that he was a baptist minister?

Tommy Douglas left his position as a preacher because he knew that he could help more people as a politician... And he did. I would bet that Tommy Douglas would be against the hatred of and discrimination against homosexuals... And if you really had any idea of what Jesus taught, you would understand that he would have held a similar position.

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movich, your ignorance of Canadian history is sublime. It was the money and blood of Easterners that built the West. The West was coddled and supported by the East until it could stand on its own feet.

Now, all you transplanted Easterners who now populate the West have grown too big for your boots . It seems that your brains are down there, too

"pillaging of your natural resources." don't be silly. Ontario and Quebec are huge repositories of natural resources that have long been the support of the West. Newfoundland may be the richest resource province in Canada.

Your resources have only recently been a significant contributor to Canadian prosperity and you get the benefits. Benefits, I might add, that are now coming to you at great cost to Ontario and Quebec.

Do you think all those cigar smoking bigwigs in Toronto and Montreal went west out of the goodness of their hearts? They did it to make a buck and keep the Americans out. I don't blame them a bit. I might remind you that an increasing percentage of Western Canadians have no roots in Eastern Canada and owe Ontario and Quebec nothing. Wake up before it's too late and join the 21st century.

You just don't get it. It's not about the amount the west contributes, it's the fact they have little or nothing to do with the decision making process. That has never been an issue for Ontario or Quebec so you don't have a clue what it means to a Westerner.

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"I bear no hatred of you CPC types..."

Then stop being a hypocrite and prove it by accepting Conservatives CPC'ers and their thoughts, as Jack has accepted Sven Robinson and Ed Schreyer.

I'm not being a hypocrite. I don't hate hate-mongering morons like you Canuck, but truly feel sorry for you for your poor upbringing or whatever causes you to espouse the ideas you do. And it would be impossible for me to accept the CPC's ideas about discriminating against homosexuals, the poor, unwed mothers, etc...

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Guest eureka

I know one hell of a lot more than you, Wilber, about what it means to anyone in any part of the country since I have lived and worked all over it.

And your descriprion of those Wasterners who make up the bilk of the population of the West is pitiful.

And, even your own political mentors have abandoned the foolish slogan of " The West wants in." They realised how hollow it is and that the West is in.

The trouble is that a tiny fraction of the Canadian population has seized control of the Conservative idea and wants to impose its backward concepts on the great majority of Canadians everywhere.

Becuase they promise you money, you fall for them

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According to Stats Can a majority of the population of Vancouver will be visible minorities by 2017. What do you think they will owe Central Canada? That's a great concept to build a country on, one part owing another.

"Becuase they promise you money, you fall for them"

Where did that come from?

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The entire Conservative campaign has been designed to blind the public with money so can't see the truth.

Don't look at the fact we are destroying childcare, here's a hundred bucks a month.

Don't look at the fact a GST cut favors the rich, here's 2%.

Don't look at the fact in the past Harper has been very clear about his far right ideals and beliefs, "God Bless Canada"

Don't look at the fact Harper wants to limit rights to minorities, " A free vote in parliament" and "I won't use the notwithstanding clause.....on this issue"

It is the basic morality of the country at stake here. A Harper govt. will ensure that the poor stay poor and the rich get more. Is that what Canada is about?

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It's too bad that you are the only authority here on Canada(as everyone seems to be ignorant about Canada in your eyes) and it is unfortunate none of us were able to sit with the fathers of confederation as you surely did, discussing the impending route of the railroad to the west,nor did we get to watch the last spike get driven in as you must have.Maybe you could tell us what it was like.

Being there

When the last spike was driven, Eureka was there to cover it for the London Telegraph. :)


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The entire Conservative campaign has been designed to blind the public with money so can't see the truth.

Don't look at the fact we are destroying childcare, here's a hundred bucks a month.

Don't look at the fact a GST cut favors the rich, here's 2%.

Don't look at the fact in the past Harper has been very clear about his far right ideals and beliefs, "God Bless Canada"

Don't look at the fact Harper wants to limit rights to minorities, " A free vote in parliament" and "I won't use the notwithstanding clause.....on this issue"

It is the basic morality of the country at stake here. A Harper govt. will ensure that the poor stay poor and the rich get more. Is that what Canada is about?

The left must be terrified. A Harper government is very possible!!! :)

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