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Supreme Court of Canada rules against Trudeau's environmental law

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By the time he stops lying in ads about how much it is and IF he wins, then IF he repeals the carbon tax, then it will affect only the few butt-stubborn bonehead provinces that haven't implemented their own provincial carbon tax so that they can control the revenue. It will matter SFA difference by then.

So already having one long ago, there's zero reason for anyone in BC to vote for him unless they actually want to f*ck up the environment and lose social programs.

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

I used to think the big conflict was Quebec versus the rest of Canada, but Quebec has been like a foreign country ever since I can remember.  Nothing new there. The struggle is between the older Canada of farmers/natural resource workers/builders and the white collar upper managerial/executive class based in Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, and urban Canada.  Toronto and Vancouver are international cities without much stake in Canadian culture apart from $200 NHL tickets.

All the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion choose your gender ridiculousness has come from privileged students and been imported into the HR departments of medium and large businesses.  These kids have been insulated from labour and don’t like blue collar workers.  Singh and Trudeau exemplify these attitudes.  They’re not really concerned with the challenges of working people because they’re not around these people.  They don’t understand basic social goods like being able to keep most of what you earn and being able to start a business without red tape.

Instead, the Laurentian elites want to take your money and control your behaviour through their spending programs, because they think they know better than you how you should live and what you deserve.  Climate change is just the latest excuse for their social engineering.

the downfall of Western Civilization is in progress

Canada has been destroyed in the process

thus the question is more, how will you live in the ruins ?

a Christian in a pagan wilderness of thorns

after every dark age comes a renaissance

but we will not live to see it

thus with failing hands we throw the torch

to some future generation not yet born

from Hill One Four Five at Pas de Calais

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30 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

the downfall of Western Civilization is in progress

Canada has been destroyed in the process

thus the question is more, how will you live in the ruins ?

a Christian in a pagan wilderness of thorns

after every dark age comes a renaissance

but we will not live to see it

thus with failing hands we throw the torch

to some future generation not yet born

from Hill One Four Five at Pas de Calais

You think it’s that far gone, eh?  I think you’re probably right.  It feels like we’ve entered a dark age.  2019 may be remembered as the peak: few wars, lowest percentage of the world’s population in extreme poverty, the last assertions of moral authority and capitalist opportunity. It’s not that simple of course and there are phoenixes and echoes of greatness amid the cultural confusion still, but preservation and restoration seem more important now than anything the current cultural revolution has to offer. The challenge is to reverse the sense of decline.  

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1 minute ago, Zeitgeist said:

You think it’s that far gone, eh? 

it has simply gone back

all the way back

to 22 June 1603

thus you are a pilgrim again, landing on the shores of Nouvelle France, surrounded by pagan savages

attempting to convert them to the light of civilization, all over again

we Orangemen only took Canada as a war prize

you Papists are the ones who founded it

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1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

it has simply gone back

all the way back

to 22 June 1603

thus you are a pilgrim again, landing on the shores of Nouvelle France, surrounded by pagan savages

attempting to convert them to the light of civilization, all over again

we Orangemen only took Canada as a war prize

you Papists are the ones who founded it

Well there’s tremendous controversy and potentially a schism in the Catholic Church right now.  The Synod on Synodality seems to reflect the cultural revolution we’ve discussed.  I won’t bore you with minutiae, but you might find Archbishop Vigano’s summary interesting.


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6 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Well there’s tremendous controversy and potentially a schism in the Catholic Church right now.  The Synod on Synodality seems to reflect the cultural revolution we’ve discussed.  I won’t bore you with minutiae, but you might find Archbishop Vigano’s summary interesting.

I simply mean that Canada always was a French & Indian Romanist institution

British North America was imposed on top of it

now that the Anglos have ceased to be British

Canada is reverting to its pre Enlightenment state

the French and their Indian allies are tearing the Confederation of 1867 down, and very deliberately

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44 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I simply mean that Canada always was a French & Indian Romanist institution

British North America was imposed on top of it

now that the Anglos have ceased to be British

Canada is reverting to its pre Enlightenment state

the French and their Indian allies are tearing the Confederation of 1867 down, and very deliberately

If Catholic values were at the heart of such a move I might support it, but some (many?) clergy think that the Catholic Church is itself laid waste by the cultural revolution.  Basically the voice of Catholic teachings is absent from the public discourse unless the topics are climate change and inclusion.

Essentially, the debate underway in the Church is whether the Church is simply now using the perceived authority of the Vatican to dismantle Catholic values and the Church itself.  We have seen the degradation of our democracies. The erasure of faiths and moral frameworks that recognize the individual as sacrosanct with natural God-given rights seems to be the overarching theme. The idea is that the Club of Rome has nothing to do with spirituality but is part of the same social engineering problem of indoctrinating people to normalize dubious values, such as gender ideology, censorship of dissent, and cancel culture.

I won’t say more on the topic in this thread because I recognize the thread drift.  

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8 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

If Catholic values were at the heart of such a move I might support it, but some (many?) clergy think that the Catholic Church is itself laid waste by the cultural revolution.

a cultural revolution to overthrow the Protestant Enlightenment

it's only taken one generation for Canada to revert to witch burning therein


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On 10/18/2023 at 10:02 AM, Dougie93 said:

I simply mean that Canada always was a French & Indian Romanist institution

British North America was imposed on top of it

now that the Anglos have ceased to be British

Canada is reverting to its pre Enlightenment state

the French and their Indian allies are tearing the Confederation of 1867 down, and very deliberately


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8 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Popery? What century are you talking to us from? 

contemporary society is reverting back to an illiberal pre-Enlightenment state ; analogous to the 17th century

to wit, the culture wars are in fact religious wars

the "Progressives" are proxy for the centralized collectivist authority of the Vatican

"Progressives" sell tickets to Heaven

demanding adherence the the tenets of their faith ; Environmentalism, Transgenderism, etc

the "Populists" are the insurgent individualist Protestants

"Populists" rejecting any person or office interceding between them & their beliefs

as in the 17th century, sovereign borders are irrelevant

the co-belligerents make war against each other regardless of state borders

Progressives v. Populists everywhere at once, in every country

the 17th century was the birth of the modern age

people from the 1500's and before wouldn't recognize what is going on

but people from the 1600s would completely understand and immediately choose sides

as the culture war does in fact date back 400 years, to the Thirty Years War of 1618-1648

the Internet has overthrown the Peace of Westphalia

thus the frozen conflict has resumed in earnest

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