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Vikek and Truth or Consequences

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First...watch AND listen to this person who's name is semi-cumbersome.


Now...what is the truth of matters?

Are you satisfied with the current state of affairs and willing to follow along into an abyss of half-truths and outright lies?

We live in a world of make believe. A media-soaked show designed to keep us from seeing the entire spectrum of the simple truth of things. Some believe we should follow the information we're fed unquestioningly.  Others can't get over the idea that this information doesn't pass the smell test.

Is Vivek right? Can the public handle the truth? Should the public be entrusted with the truth?

Wade through these pages. This site is a battle between belief in the media, government and institutions, Vs. Those who have lost that belief. The one side makes jest and frames as an enemy of Democracy itself, people they call "MAGA". Which oddly enough, means Make America Great Again. The other side...these "MAGA"...have lost trust in institutions and want to put a halt to the world of half-truth and outright lies. 

The consequences? Read these pages. Review recent history. We stare into disaster like deer into headlights. All of us can feel what's coming. Some of us will face it. Some of us will hide and make excuses after the fact. The old saying "the truth will set you free" has never been so necessary as right now. We stare down nuclear war, our economies are tanking, our leadership has been caught lying over and over. The mess were in today, is the consequence of our acceptance of lies. We can handle the truth. Without it, we are destined to make uninformed decisions...and produce more horseshit.

This Vivek Ramaswamy is for real and the more he speaks to the public, the more he becomes a serious Republican contender.

Edited by Nationalist
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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

First...watch AND listen to this person who's name is semi-cumbersome.


Now...what is the truth of matters?

Are you satisfied with the current state of affairs and willing to follow along into an abyss of half-truths and outright lies?

We live in a world of make believe. A media-soaked show designed to keep us from seeing the entire spectrum of the simple truth of things. Some believe we should follow the information we're fed unquestioningly.  Others can't get over the idea that this information doesn't pass the smell test.

Is Vivek right? Can the public handle the truth? Should the public be entrusted with the truth?

Wade through these pages. This site is a battle between belief in the media, government and institutions, Vs. Those who have lost that belief. The one side makes jest and frames as an enemy of Democracy itself, people they call "MAGA". Which oddly enough, means Make America Great Again. The other side...these "MAGA"...have lost trust in institutions and want to put a halt to the world of half-truth and outright lies. 

The consequences? Read these pages. Review recent history. We stare into disaster like deer into headlights. All of us can feel what's coming. Some of us will face it. Some of us will hide and make excuses after the fact. The old saying "the truth will set you free" has never been so necessary as right now. We stare down nuclear war, our economies are tanking, our leadership has been caught lying over and over. The mess were in today, is the consequence of our acceptance of lies. We can handle the truth. Without it, we are destined to make uninformed decisions...and produce more horseshit.

This Vivek Ramaswamy is for real and the more he speaks to the public, the more he becomes a serious Republican contender.

Ramaswamy is a rich kook with no political knowledge or experience. Gee, that sounds like a familiar recipe for disaster.

But we don't have to worry about him. Republicans are who they are. They aren't going to nominate a brown man who won't even pretend to believe in Jesus.

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2 hours ago, Hodad said:

Ramaswamy is a rich kook with no political knowledge or experience. Gee, that sounds like a familiar recipe for disaster.

But we don't have to worry about him. Republicans are who they are. They aren't going to nominate a brown man who won't even pretend to believe in Jesus.


Now what do you think of his positions on things? Or are you satisfied to just attack the messenger?

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

The "truth" is you cannot even spell his NAME. "Vikek" who? LMAO

Huh...can't seem to edit the title from my phone. Oh well...except for you, people appear to understand type-os. Not to worry. Typical robobobo.


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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:


Now what do you think of his positions on things? Or are you satisfied to just attack the messenger?

His positions are asinine-- just more populist idiocy. 

One has to be a literal crazy person to think that scientists around the world suddenly stopped competing to discover the truths of the natural universe and all just suddenly shifted to focus of perpetrating a hoax on the rest of us. 


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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Huh...can't seem to edit the title from my phone. Oh well...except for you, people appear to understand type-os. Not to worry. Typical robobobo.


I "understand" type-os and also HOW to RECOGNIZE AND FIX THEM. You, not so much.

But to make up for that, you KNOW HOW TO TROLL with juvenile name calling.

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On 8/19/2023 at 11:17 AM, Nationalist said:

First...watch AND listen to this person who's name is semi-cumbersome.


Now...what is the truth of matters?

Are you satisfied with the current state of affairs and willing to follow along into an abyss of half-truths and outright lies?

We live in a world of make believe. A media-soaked show designed to keep us from seeing the entire spectrum of the simple truth of things. Some believe we should follow the information we're fed unquestioningly.  Others can't get over the idea that this information doesn't pass the smell test.

Is Vivek right? Can the public handle the truth? Should the public be entrusted with the truth?

Wade through these pages. This site is a battle between belief in the media, government and institutions, Vs. Those who have lost that belief. The one side makes jest and frames as an enemy of Democracy itself, people they call "MAGA". Which oddly enough, means Make America Great Again. The other side...these "MAGA"...have lost trust in institutions and want to put a halt to the world of half-truth and outright lies. 

The consequences? Read these pages. Review recent history. We stare into disaster like deer into headlights. All of us can feel what's coming. Some of us will face it. Some of us will hide and make excuses after the fact. The old saying "the truth will set you free" has never been so necessary as right now. We stare down nuclear war, our economies are tanking, our leadership has been caught lying over and over. The mess were in today, is the consequence of our acceptance of lies. We can handle the truth. Without it, we are destined to make uninformed decisions...and produce more horseshit.

This Vivek Ramaswamy is for real and the more he speaks to the public, the more he becomes a serious Republican contender.

We don’t live the world you describe. 
We live in a COUNTRY where a political leader tells blatant lies and excoriates his sheep-like followers not to trust anything except what he tells them. 
First, MAGA said Covid was a hoax. Then, they said China created it. Then, they said the vaccine didn’t work even though MAGA funded its development. MAGA says windmills cause cancer.  

MAGA is for deluded fools. 

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52 minutes ago, Rebound said:

We don’t live the world you describe. 
We live in a COUNTRY where a political leader tells blatant lies and excoriates his sheep-like followers not to trust anything except what he tells them. 
First, MAGA said Covid was a hoax. Then, they said China created it. Then, they said the vaccine didn’t work even though MAGA funded its development. MAGA says windmills cause cancer.  

MAGA is for deluded fools. 

Really? Well the Rona did come from the Wuhan lab. Only a twit would believe otherwise.

If you check the death rate during the Rona...you will not see an expected spike in it.

Did the vaccine work? I don't think so. But it was/is great at creation of blood clots. Is that "working" to you?

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4 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Really? Well the Rona did come from the Wuhan lab. Only a twit would believe otherwise.

Only a twit would believe ^this without solid evidence.

4 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

If you check the death rate during the Rona...you will not see an expected spike in it.

There were ONE MILLION excess deaths in the US during the pandemic. What are YOU looking at? LMAO

4 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Did the vaccine work? I don't think so. But it was/is great at creation of blood clots. Is that "working" to you?

I had 5 doses, with NO BLOOD CLOTS and NO COVID INFECTIONS. Did you get COVID like WCM did THREE TIMES? LMAO

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42 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Only a twit would believe ^this without solid evidence.




42 minutes ago, robosmith said:

There were ONE MILLION excess deaths in the US during the pandemic. What are YOU looking at? LMAO



42 minutes ago, robosmith said:

I had 5 doses, with NO BLOOD CLOTS and NO COVID INFECTIONS. Did you get COVID like WCM did THREE TIMES? LMAO

I had 2 so I could keep my job. I caught The Rona 2 months after the second jab...over Christmas. I felt shitty and had coughing fits for one night. Meh...The Rona...

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

Really? Well the Rona did come from the Wuhan lab. Only a twit would believe otherwise.

If you check the death rate during the Rona...you will not see an expected spike in it.

Did the vaccine work? I don't think so. But it was/is great at creation of blood clots. Is that "working" to you?

You believe whatever you want to believe, without any evidence at all. There are words to describe that, but they won’t get past the filter.  

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3 minutes ago, Rebound said:

You believe whatever you want to believe, without any evidence at all. There are words to describe that, but they won’t get past the filter.  

And yet you have nothing more than the word of a bunch of already proven liars as evidence. 

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

Yes, you are.

First cite:


Two sources said that the Department of Energy assessed in the intelligence report that it had “low confidence” the Covid-19 virus accidentally escaped from a lab in Wuhan.


Second cite:


If confirmed, the report would seem to disprove the long-held theory that the virus was not accidentally leaked from the Wuhan coronavirus lab


1 hour ago, Nationalist said:


Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.

AKA, not funny.

1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

I had 2 so I could keep my job. I caught The Rona 2 months after the second jab...over Christmas. I felt shitty and had coughing fits for one night. Meh...The Rona...

At your age you were LUCKY, Twit.

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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Point 2 here is particularly atrocious. You've made it clear that you're generally confused by charts and data, and indeed this chart has no hope of showing what you wish it showed. It's the wrong chart.

BUT you don't need any skill in statistics to simply read the damn thing: "NOTE: All death rate data after 2019 are United Nations projections and therefore DO NOT include any impacts from COVID-19."


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11 hours ago, robosmith said:

Yes, you are.

First cite:


Second cite:



Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.

AKA, not funny.

At your age you were LUCKY, Twit.

The Rona came from that lab.

The vaccines were bs.

The Rona was not worth the destruction of shutting down the globe.

If you believe otherwise...ur a m0ron.

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10 hours ago, Hodad said:

Point 2 here is particularly atrocious. You've made it clear that you're generally confused by charts and data, and indeed this chart has no hope of showing what you wish it showed. It's the wrong chart.

BUT you don't need any skill in statistics to simply read the damn thing: "NOTE: All death rate data after 2019 are United Nations projections and therefore DO NOT include any impacts from COVID-19."



No wonder society is so fcked up. It's full of sudo-males with low testosterone and no balls.

The only danger this lab created but posed, was to the elderly! People who are susceptible...to dying.

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

The Rona came from that lab.

The vaccines were bs.

The Rona was not worth the destruction of shutting down the globe.

If you believe otherwise...ur a m0ron.

Where did SARS come from?

Where did AIDS come from?

Where did polio come from?

Where did yellow fever come from?

Where did German Measles come from?

Where did Spanish Flu come from?

Where did smallpox come from?

Where did bubonic plague come from?

Where did ebola come from?

Humankind has been decimated by infectious diseases throughout all of recorded history. Throughout all of recorded history, women would to have 8-10 children and lose half of them to disease before age five. That was so until the 20th century, and it was vaccines that changed child mortality. You act like Coronavirus is something never before seen. 

There's nothing wrong with being uneducated. It's nothing to be ashamed of. But when you ignore plain simple facts and act as though being stupid and believing superstition makes you better, then it is obvious that you are a fool. 

You probably think that when you get in your car and turn the key, it starts because of magic. It's not magic. It's science and engineering. 

Edited by Rebound
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42 minutes ago, Nationalist said:


No wonder society is so fcked up. It's full of sudo-males with low testosterone and no balls.

The only danger this lab created but posed, was to the elderly! People who are susceptible...to dying.

Boy, that's an odd response to discovering that your post was embarrassingly wrong.

Guess you don't have "the balls" to acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them. You run along now and keep posting about your feelings and how manly you are while the adults in the room will deal in facts. 

Edited by Hodad
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On 8/19/2023 at 9:17 AM, Nationalist said:

First...watch AND listen to this person who's name is semi-cumbersome.


Now...what is the truth of matters?

Are you satisfied with the current state of affairs and willing to follow along into an abyss of half-truths and outright lies?

We live in a world of make believe. A media-soaked show designed to keep us from seeing the entire spectrum of the simple truth of things. Some believe we should follow the information we're fed unquestioningly.  Others can't get over the idea that this information doesn't pass the smell test.

Is Vivek right? Can the public handle the truth? Should the public be entrusted with the truth?

Wade through these pages. This site is a battle between belief in the media, government and institutions, Vs. Those who have lost that belief. The one side makes jest and frames as an enemy of Democracy itself, people they call "MAGA". Which oddly enough, means Make America Great Again. The other side...these "MAGA"...have lost trust in institutions and want to put a halt to the world of half-truth and outright lies. 

The consequences? Read these pages. Review recent history. We stare into disaster like deer into headlights. All of us can feel what's coming. Some of us will face it. Some of us will hide and make excuses after the fact. The old saying "the truth will set you free" has never been so necessary as right now. We stare down nuclear war, our economies are tanking, our leadership has been caught lying over and over. The mess were in today, is the consequence of our acceptance of lies. We can handle the truth. Without it, we are destined to make uninformed decisions...and produce more horseshit.

This Vivek Ramaswamy is for real and the more he speaks to the public, the more he becomes a serious Republican contender.

This dude is awesome. I hope Trump offers him the VP role if he doesn't get the nomination. 

On 8/19/2023 at 10:33 AM, Hodad said:

Ramaswamy is a rich kook

You're a poor kook and nobody cares what you think. 

On 8/19/2023 at 11:04 AM, robosmith said:

The "truth" is you cannot even spell his NAME. "Vikek" who? LMAO

That's a really stupid take, robohomo. 

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18 hours ago, Rebound said:

We don’t live the world you describe. 
We live in a COUNTRY where a political leader tells blatant lies and excoriates his sheep-like followers not to trust anything except what he tells them. 
First, MAGA said Covid was a hoax. Then, they said China created it. Then, they said the vaccine didn’t work even though MAGA funded its development. MAGA says windmills cause cancer.  

MAGA is for deluded fools. 

Wrong again. The sheep are the Covid disciples. You know, the dumbf*cks who tried to turn a slightly aggressive virus into Black Death. You a$$holes almost destroyed our economy. 

Be it Covid cultism, or pronouns, or the queer agenda, everything the left stands for is destructive in nature and really needs to be stamped out. 


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21 hours ago, Hodad said:

Boy, that's an odd response to discovering that your post was embarrassingly wrong.

Guess you don't have "the balls" to acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them. You run along now and keep posting about your feelings and how manly you are while the adults in the room will deal in facts. 

You wouldn't know a fact if it kicked you where your balls used to be.

Fauci paid to have a designer virus made that spread quick and killed a lot of the elderly. Most of whom would have passed anyway.

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