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Canada's high level of immigration.

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24 minutes ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

Then give it back to the people you took it from. Sounds to me like you are a Cdn version of MAGA. A bigot. 

If so, I have a suggestion. Try what I have done. Try to not be a bigot. Clean yourself up. Stop blaming everyone else for your sorry excuse of a life. Eat healthy, cut down on the drinking, stop smoking. Make yourself appealing. And learn to love and accept people who are different than you. Believe it or not, your life will be richer for it. 

Don't be an idi*t by making personal attacks. In my original post I told everyone I will be labelled because I dared to speak up about real issues. If you have something to say and debate the subject in a civilized manner say it otherwise shut the hell up.

It were people like you who drove Argus out. He was a great political analyst who also dared to speak up. 

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6 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Don't be an idi*t by making personal attacks. In my original post I told everyone I will be labelled because I dared to speak up about real issues. If you have something to say and debate the subject in a civilized manner say it otherwise shut the hell up.

It were people like you who drove Argus out. He was a great political analyst who also dared to speak up. 

I just said it. You are a bigot. Your posts confirm this. If you want to spend your life in anger and disappointment that is on you. Now you want to blame me for telling you what you know to be true already? Too bad. Suck it up buttercup.

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1 minute ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

I just said it. You are a bigot. Your posts confirm this. If you want to spend your life in anger and disappointment that is on you. Now you want to blame me for telling you what you know to be true already? Too bad. Suck it up buttercup.

And I said if you can't debate in a civilized manner without making personal attacks shut the hell up. 

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Please debate the topic as how in your view high level of immigration relates to housing crisis, health care crisis and possible adverse cultural issues. I am an immigrant myself. I am fully supporting immigration as it is good for the country and the nation and would be much better if right skillful immigrants at the right levels are admitted (levels depending on the economy and how much the population can absorb without side effects).

There has been some good posts on pro and cons. Lets not deviate from the debate.

I found this related recent thread by CdnFox interesting.

A recent Abacus Data survey of 1,500 adults from June 23 to 27 found 61% believe Canada’s target of admitting about 500,000 permanent residents next year is too high, including 37% who feel it is “way too high.”

Abacus Data CEO David Coletto said 63% believe current immigration levels — the government is planning to bring in about 1.5 million immigrants from 2023 to 2025 — are having a negative impact on Canada’s housing shortage.

Almost half are concerned about the impact on Canada’s health-care system.


Most Canadians support immigration. Most feel that it's necessary to have immigration. But people are more and more Becoming frustrated and concerned about the level of immigration.

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1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

It is not acceptable that people come here 

What I think is unacceptable are those who are spineless in allowing people to bogart our way of life for their comfort. 

I go to most countries,  and there is an understanding that I will need to adapt to their way of life, and it would be insane for me to expect the reverse.





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5 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

What I think is unacceptable are those who are spineless in allowing people to bogart our way of life for their comfort. 

I go to most countries,  and there is an understanding that I will need to adapt to their way of life, and it would be insane for me to expect the reverse.





Not sure if you intentionally half quoted me to completely change what was intended to say.

The complete quote was as below:

t is not acceptable that people come here and trying to change culture and traditions. 

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3 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Also wishing Merry Christmas nowadays is becoming a taboo .

Bullshit it is.

As is your dystopian racist fear mongering. You saw 2 ladies carrying Happy Ramadan signs in December? But didn't notice the many in turbans and saris buying presents or Christmas trees? Your brown neighbour hasn't invited you over yet? Maybe it's you, not them.

Like the natives say: You don't like immigrants? Good! When you leaving? You're 50 years too late to still be whining about multiculturalism.

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7 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Not intentionally done at all, and also made a point to respond to the point you had made.

Thank you for clarification. If I was against people coming here then what the hell am I doing here myself?. But  WHAT i SAY IS please come here and you are welcomed here and work your way UP and CONTRIBUTE and ADOPT.

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44 minutes ago, herbie said:

You don't like immigrants?

I can't think of too many countries off top, that welcome immigrants as much as Canada does. 

Of course we are not alone, but are incredibly multicultural country should prove as proof on its own.

Trudeau bringing in 25 000 Syrians, with little in the means of preparation a few years back, was purely virtue signaling. 

The fact that a growing volume of newcomers are finding themselves living in shelters, or worse even homeless should be challenged. 

I see it no different than his lofty 500 000 immigrants annually.

Again, we are talking these numbers against an already overwhelmed immigration system, facing immense backlog issues.

Are you bringing in skilled labor, or people in order to pat yourself on the back?

Am quite confident that the millions of people waiting to come in or whether they can, would just appreciate normal wait times for the process to be done.

Anyone not able to see through the distraction tactic, and playing politics to avoid talking about immigration issues, aren't proving they don't like immigration.

They are proving that virtue signaling matters more to them, than a system that works for all parties involved.

When I sponsored my wife, I was blunt about the challenges she would face. I provided her with links, regarding support systems for Filipinos and cities in Canada and Filipino populations. 

She is smart, so she understood that I wanted her to feel at home.

More importantly, that I knew so many from her country that hadn't gotten honest info.

Many of which were told how easy it was to come here. The cushy job.

These are all lies. 

Nobody will provide a cushy job to someone who doesn't meet and exceed English proficiency testing you would see in the federal government.

Also, you will get lowballed as a newcomer. Your education back home means nothing here. You must update your skills, and cheapest way to do so, is to work part time, and volunteer in the setting you seek to get a leg up in. 

You can also obtain certification while you do so.

Trifold perk. It allows for a low risk feeler process to the culture you have ventured into, prior to moving up in the ranks while obtaining experience relevant to the goal, while you wait.

Anyone bringing in 500 000 people annually without a plan, aren't doing it because they care about immigration.

You care, when you not only bring in the brightest minds, but provide them the opportunity to provide for their families that match.

Same goes for refugees.

Caps on how many your bring in, should be in line with the systems you have in place.

Bringing in 25 000 when you can only afford to bring in 10 000, is not helping anyone.

I see a homeless Syrian woman panhandling, and don't think to myself: "well, beats being at war!"

Many of these people are highly skilled. 

I don't know boggles my mind. The human pride, is the ability to provide for those you love.

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54 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:


That is a major one, so many are afraid to talk about in public.

I saw so many Ukrainians who came here, and this is the first thing they wanted to do. To get a job to help their families.

It also integrates them into the society they have moved to, as they waste no time contributing to it.

You don't waste billions of dollars helping people come here,  so they could kick their feet up and go on welfare. That would be low IQ governance.

You do so knowing many of these people have skills, entrepreneurial spirit, and given opportunity, many will pay it forward by becoming staples in their community.

Failure to do this, or to provide the tools to these people, winds up overwhelming systems you just can't afford to add additional strain to, like women shelters, homeless shelters and low income housing.

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40 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

That is a major one, so many are afraid to talk about in public.

I saw so many Ukrainians who came here, and this is the first thing they wanted to do. To get a job to help their families.

It also integrates them into the society they have moved to, as they waste no time contributing to it.

You don't waste billions of dollars helping people come here,  so they could kick their feet up and go on welfare. That would be low IQ governance.

You do so knowing many of these people have skills, entrepreneurial spirit, and given opportunity, many will pay it forward by becoming staples in their community.

Failure to do this, or to provide the tools to these people, winds up overwhelming systems you just can't afford to add additional strain to, like women shelters, homeless shelters and low income housing.

As I mentioned in my OP people don't talk about it in public because they fear to be accused of racism. You witnessed that I was accused of being a bigot too for talking about it.

Equally important if not more is ADOPTABILITY. Those who come here must adopt to Canadian culture based on equality of women, respect for others and their views, freedom and democratic system and respect for women and gay and lesbians. If they refuse any of above then they are not welcomed here and they must go back to the hell they come from. Call me a racist or bigot,  so be it.

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2 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

As I mentioned in my OP people don't talk about it in public because they fear to be accused of racism. You witnessed that I was accused of being a bigot too for talking about it.

Equally important if not more is ADOPTABILITY. Those who come here must adopt to Canadian culture based on equality of women, respect for others and their views, freedom and democratic system and respect for other religions. If they refuse any of above then they are not welcomed here and they must go back to the hell they come from. Call me a racist or bigot,  so be it.

Sure, I was always in favour of Harper's "Barbaric Cultural Practices" condition when applying for immigration. 

I just don't think that wishing someone a Happy Ramadan would qualify.

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1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

respect for others and their views

Respecting others views, doesn't mean adopting them or even agreeing with them.

My wife sees a man in a wig and a dress, and will assume they are a cross dresser. Probably gay, too.

If the man told her they were a woman, she would respect what they were saying, but knowing her, she would think the guy had lost his mind. She also knows better than to laugh. 

She comes from a God fearing country. An incredibly conservative culture. You can't expect her to buy into that type of nonsense, but she wouldn't be dumb enough to make these views public.

Am no different. Not too long ago was served by a very heavy set guy with a beard and his hair in pigtails.

His t-shirt read: "I'm a gurl!" 

It took everything in my soul to keep a straight face, as there couldn't be a worst moment to burst out laughing.

Just like the wife. He wants to be called ma'am and I would oblige. But we would laugh about it amongst ourselves later.

Borat wearing a lime green one piece uni bikini is funny, because it is wrong on so many levels. 

Its like putting panties on an ape. Some things are just not meant to mix. 

I disagree they need to buy into the gay lingo.

They just need to live and let live.

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19 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

I disagree they need to buy into the gay lingo.

Yes this is the only community without equal rights in Western democracy and some people think it is macho or acceptable to speak against them or their rights or even attack them. Usually losers pick on gays to feel good about themselves and briefly forget about their own low state. Not you but some others do.

As a champion for equality I fully support gays and lesbians and everyone who believes in human rights and equality must do so too and any kind of physical attack on them must be a hate crime and resulting in maximum sentences. If I was a judge, I would throw away the key on hate crime offenders and sex offenders.

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14 minutes ago, herbie said:

Like a lot of people who claim to be on the right, pointing out their culture, dress and religion rather than their skin colour does not make one less of a racist.

Yeah, those would be the non-barbaric cultural practices.

Like a lot of people on the left, ignoring barbaric cultural practices because you are afraid of being called a racist means letting down a lot of the people you once pretended to support.

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6 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Yes this is the only community without equal rights

Gay people don't have human rights in Canada? The right to legally marry?

Trans people don't have human rights in Canada?

Are you serious?

8 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I fully support

I fully support doesn't and shouldn't mean "I agree with everything within your movement without question".

But it doesn't mean I would ever hate or hurt someone based on skin color, beliefs or sezuality, either. 

Most people who immigrate here, understand the serious consequences for committing a hate crime here. 

10 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

or even attack them

I would never attack an entire community, but don't see anything wrong with questioning things in a movement that is questionable. 

Am black. I don't see it as racist for people to question the sheer volume of black on black crime, and black men who are raised fatherless.

This isn't racist, to bring these issues up.

It also isn't racist to arrest someone with my skin color after I stuck someone up at gun point. 

Am not a "victim of poverty" or of "mental health issues", at that moment, I become a criminal. Period.

Asking questions used to be what intelligent people would do, when seeking answers.

Just like your posting your thread.

A lot of the backlash against the community, is misplaced hate, partly fueled by divisive voices not caring or realizing the ultimate victims of those divisions you sew, are those at the bottom of that power dynamic of those with the loudest voices who unfortunately wind up speaking for others.

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8 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Gay people don't have human rights in Canada? The right to legally marry?

Trans people don't have human rights in Canada?

Yes they do in Canada now and only very recently. That said speaking against them is more tolerated even among Canadians.

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6 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Yes they do in Canada now and only very recently.

It's been like 25  years ....  i feel like it's not THAT recent.

And speaking against them is less tolerated than speaking against a lot of other groups, including heteros and whites.

They're definitely not suffering in the 'rights' department and they're treated pretty much the same as anyone else. You're more likely to be prejudiced against if you're fat than if you're gay.

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9 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

It's been like 25  years ....  i feel like it's not THAT recent.

And speaking against them is less tolerated than speaking against a lot of other groups, including heteros and whites.

They're definitely not suffering in the 'rights' department and they're treated pretty much the same as anyone else. You're more likely to be prejudiced against if you're fat than if you're gay.

I am not sure it is 25 years likely more like 10 or 15 years max. No I think you hear the hateful F word around and some people just laugh Those who use that word on people with different sexuality are either gay themselves and they try to hide it or are real loser enjoying putting other people down so that they feel less bad about themselves.

I think you mean in Canada? I am pretty sure in many parts of the world gays and lesbians are being executed for just that.

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5 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

They're definitely not suffering in the 'rights' department


Like how much more rights do you want?

I wear jeans too baggy in the wrong area and would get harassed by cops. Shot, in the wrong US state.

You can show up naked at a pride parade. Naked. You could literally spin a wheel and pick a gender and we get canceled if we don't play along. You could revert tomorrow, and even a collective eye roll is frowned upon. I have seen hundreds of Tik Toks with people who pick genders based on days of the week or their mood.

Give me a break with the victimhood.


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4 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

No I think you hear the hateful F word

I haven't seen the F word openly used and acceptably so, since Eddie Murphys Raw.

Honestly. Unless you're asking for cigarettes in a British themed shop, is just not a word you will see used anymore. 

Of course if you're dealing with a road rage situation, and a flamboyant gay man pops out of their Smart car after cutting across 4 lanes, I think a person would get a pass for using that word, if they threw the first shot.

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1 minute ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I am not sure it is 25 years likely more like 10 or 15 years max.

Well gay marriage started in about 2000 and was law of the land by 2005.  So - 20 years at least. And gays were pretty darn well legally protected and accepted before then,


No I think you hear the hateful F word around and some people just laugh

Sure, including a lot of the 'F's i know :)  I had a buddy who constantly joked that his dream was to have his own radio show called "The Opinionated F ag" where he just opined on whatever topic was brought up no matter if he knew anything about it or not ;)  Honestly - he would have been great at it  :)

whereas "whitey" and "cis" and "settlers" and such are always said with hatred.  No laughing there. And nobody saying they shoudln't either.


Those who use that word on people with different sexuality are either gay themselves and they try to hide it or are real loser enjoying putting other people down.

Or just gay.  But - two things can be true at once i suppose.


I think you mean in Canada? I am pretty sure in many parts of the world gays and lesbians are being executed for jus that.

Well yes i did but lets get real - someone somewhere is killing just about everyone for what they are.  They're killing Christians, they're killing muslims and jews, they're killing gays, they're killing straight people in the states now, they're killing people for pretty much evreything.

But yes - here in Canada is what i meant.

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