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Donnie vows to end genital mutilation of children

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9 hours ago, West said:


This is true.. they are doing irreparable harm to kids. Big harma making big ? off mutilating genitals of kids. Sick people

I asked you to

1) Name the procedure 

2) Name the US hospital which performs the procedure on minors

I suspect you’re very alarmed about a non-existent problem.   

Real problems? Child poverty. Underfunded education. Domestic violence. Gun violence.  But go after books and nonexistent medical procedures. Genius.  

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10 minutes ago, Rebound said:

I asked you to

1) Name the procedure 

2) Name the US hospital which performs the procedure on minors

I suspect you’re very alarmed about a non-existent problem.   

Real problems? Child poverty. Underfunded education. Domestic violence. Gun violence.  But go after books and nonexistent medical procedures. Genius.  

Very disturbing response

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25 minutes ago, Rebound said:

I asked you to

1) Name the procedure 

2) Name the US hospital which performs the procedure on minors

I suspect you’re very alarmed about a non-existent problem.   

Real problems? Child poverty. Underfunded education. Domestic violence. Gun violence.  But go after books and nonexistent medical procedures. Genius.  

1 https://washingtonstand.com/commentary/at-least-13-us-hospitals-perform-gender-transition-surgeries-on-minors

That also covers 2

And as noted - there are more than likely more but the media isn't really looking.

And from canada


As we know - the us and canada tend to follow each other.

and why is this a little scary? well:





So ... we about done pretending it's a thing that doesn't exist?



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38 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

You're a funny boy.

Conservatives like raping kids. When they pretend trans people are grooming kids, they're just projecting.

Wow - thats a special level of stupid :) sounds like someone crashed your little brain at some point today! Was it me? I bet it was me :) 

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18 hours ago, West said:

That's what YOU are doing when you push that bs in schools

Yet you cannot name one single hospital that performs these procedures on minors.  Not one?  

Are you really so gullible as to believe this liar making you think this is some sort of crisis epidemic… when you can’t find one hospital which does this

The man gets indicted for 37 felonies, so he cons you into thinking that he will magically save the world from an invisible threat? And remind, who is this savior from pedophilia? A friend of Epstein who went into the dressing rooms to see the naked 14, 15, 16 year-old Teen USA pageant contestants? That’s your “savior”? The “billionaire” who needs you to give him money? 

Do you think this makes you look foolish? 

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

I pointed out 13.  I notice  you chose to ignore that.  Typical leftie

I ignore you, remember?

But you cited Reuters, and they are reputable.  Reuters reports that 56 genital surgeries occurred in the US in a 3-year period.

19 procedures a year is not an issue which should be a nation-wide priority. In fact, that may reflect only surgeries on gender-indeterminate people… which is a real thing, but also very rare. There are people who are born with genitals which are partly male and partly female.  It’s an uncomfortable fact and we lawmakers should keep their noses out of it.

I will say that, in my opinion, I don’t agree with genital modification surgery in minors unless the patient is gender-indeterminate. I think it would be better to tell these children to wait until they are 18 or 21. 

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On 6/11/2023 at 2:53 AM, robosmith said:

Just NOT what we need is MORE politicization of medical care. How anti-science AND STUPID!

You want to make medical decisions? GET AN MD.

Maybe Obama should have had an MD when he forced OBAMACARE on the country, causing MILLIONS to lose their health care coverage, eh Adolf?

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6 minutes ago, Rebound said:

I ignore you, remember?


Why would i remember that.  ANd if your excuse is you stick your head in the sand because you're afraid of what someone might say to you then i'm sorry, it's still on you. I'm not interested in keeping tabs on your phobias.

7 minutes ago, Rebound said:

 Reuters reports that 56 genital surgeries occurred in the US in a 3-year period. 19 procedures a year is not an issue which should be a nation-wide priority.

Reuters also says it hasn't been looked into very much by media. and the number could be much higher.

AND - if it's not stopped now then what's to stop it from growing? the fact that its happening at all makes it a national issue.

LOL - look, you start off by suggesting it's not happening at all - then when you're given proof that it's happening you say it's not happening enough. That's not taking a rational position, that's trying to hold a line on a position you like in the face of contrary facts.

This is happening, there's nothing stopping it from happening even more, its perfectly legitimate to be concerned about it.  You can make a case that it should be allowed or the like if you feel there is one but you can't say it's a null isssue, it's real.

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3 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Why would i remember that.  ANd if your excuse is you stick your head in the sand because you're afraid of what someone might say to you then i'm sorry, it's still on you. I'm not interested in keeping tabs on your phobias.

Reuters also says it hasn't been looked into very much by media. and the number could be much higher.

AND - if it's not stopped now then what's to stop it from growing? the fact that its happening at all makes it a national issue.

LOL - look, you start off by suggesting it's not happening at all - then when you're given proof that it's happening you say it's not happening enough. That's not taking a rational position, that's trying to hold a line on a position you like in the face of contrary facts.

This is happening, there's nothing stopping it from happening even more, its perfectly legitimate to be concerned about it.  You can make a case that it should be allowed or the like if you feel there is one but you can't say it's a null issue, it's real.

You're trying to explain a complicated subject to an uneducated goose stepping m0ron. Florida pre schoolers by now would get it.

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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

Oh? So we should be so worried about a medical procedure that isn’t performed on minors anywhere in the United States? 

That’s your number one worry of the week? Non-existent medical procedures?  

You must be pretty disturbed to gaslight this bad^^^

1 hour ago, Rebound said:

Yet you cannot name one single hospital that performs these procedures on minors.  Not one?  

Are you really so gullible as to believe this liar making you think this is some sort of crisis epidemic… when you can’t find one hospital which does this

The man gets indicted for 37 felonies, so he cons you into thinking that he will magically save the world from an invisible threat? And remind, who is this savior from pedophilia? A friend of Epstein who went into the dressing rooms to see the naked 14, 15, 16 year-old Teen USA pageant contestants? That’s your “savior”? The “billionaire” who needs you to give him money? 

Do you think this makes you look foolish? 

They issue puberty blockers, medical castration drugs ie lupron, and do genital mutilation. 


This is fact 

Also Donnie was indicted by the same lunatic who went after Conservatives with the Irs for not voting democrats.. only the sick buy into your nonsense

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Boys and girls, perhaps this SHOULD be a federal crime.

If a boy or girl UNDER THE AGE OF 18 is subject to genital mutilation surgery, the doctors involved should be arrested for child abuse and lose their licenses. The parents should likewise be arrested for child abuse and lose their kids.

You are either FOR child safety or AGAINST it. There is no middle ground.



  • Haha 1
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8 hours ago, West said:

You must be pretty disturbed to gaslight this bad^^^

They issue puberty blockers, medical castration drugs ie lupron, and do genital mutilation. 


This is fact 

Also Donnie was indicted by the same lunatic who went after Conservatives with the Irs for not voting democrats.. only the sick buy into your nonsense

You’re all over the place here. Really sloppy. 
You started this thread about “genital mutilation.”

I asked a reasonable question: “Is this a real thing? Is it an actual problem? Do hospitals actually do this?”  Why get so offended by those basic questions?

You couldn’t answer but another guy posted a link from Reuters, which stated that less than 50 minors in the US underwent genital modification surgery over the past three years.  

These simple facts have offended you, so now you’re on a tirade about Trump’s prosecutors and some kind of drug I never heard of… so it sounds like you’re giving up on worrying about surgery that 18 kids a year get.  If so, why are you so upset? 

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25 minutes ago, Rebound said:

You’re all over the place here. Really sloppy. 
You started this thread about “genital mutilation.”

I asked a reasonable question: “Is this a real thing? Is it an actual problem? Do hospitals actually do this?”  Why get so offended by those basic questions?

You couldn’t answer but another guy posted a link from Reuters, which stated that less than 50 minors in the US underwent genital modification surgery over the past three years.  

These simple facts have offended you, so now you’re on a tirade about Trump’s prosecutors and some kind of drug I never heard of… so it sounds like you’re giving up on worrying about surgery that 18 kids a year get.  If so, why are you so upset? 

So you admit they are doing genital mutilation after falsely claiming they aren't?

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On 6/11/2023 at 9:23 AM, Deluge said:

Agree. He needs to pounce on that shit immediately. 

Politicizing medical care? What are babbling about now, robosmut? 

I am OUTRIGHT STATING that politicians should have NO SAY in what kind of MEDICAL CARE DOCTORS are allowed to provide.

There are MEDICAL BOARDS which have the authority to do that. Politicians are JUST GRANDSTANDING for YOU RUBES. Duh.

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On 6/11/2023 at 10:29 AM, CdnFox said:

Sorry - you literally demanded this when you forced the issue into the public sphere and said parents shouldn't be allowed to disagree with children transitioning.

Never said ^this. Parents can "disagree" with whatever they want. Duh.

On 6/11/2023 at 10:29 AM, CdnFox said:

And as to getting a doctor - child abuse is child abuse whether a doctor signs off on it or not. Just like it wouldn't be ok to beat your kid for being gay just because a priest told you it was immoral.

You're seeing the reaping of what was sown.  It gets worse yet.

Nope. You're IGNORANTLY ASSuming that the doctors are wrong and do not have the child's best interests at heart.

Even worse than pols deciding, is putting it to a POPULARITY FALLACY vote.

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On 6/11/2023 at 12:02 PM, West said:


This is true.. they are doing irreparable harm to kids. Big harma making big ? off mutilating genitals of kids. Sick people

Show us your medical license or STOP PRACTICING MEDICINE without a license. THAT IS ILLEGAL HERE, even it the whack jobs in Canada allow it. Duh.

On 6/11/2023 at 12:20 PM, CdnFox said:

The doctors are saying that it's going too far and kids are being permanently altered too fast.

Sooo - you gonna listen to the experts now??

Are those doctors specialists IN THAT FIELD? Or just random politically interested whack jobs?

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36 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Never said ^this. Parents can "disagree" with whatever they want. Duh.

The left certainly did.  Sorry bud - parents can NOT disagree with whatever they like.  Or they get called "Uncanadian" or their kid gets banned or otherwise cancelled.



Nope. You're IGNORANTLY ASSuming that the doctors are wrong and do not have the child's best interests at heart.

You think doctors have never been child abusers?

This is from february.


Sorry - happens all the time.  But i was thinking more along the lines of them not realizing it's child abuse and hurting the child anyway. The evidence is becoming clear that there's more problems than previously thought



And more importantly from a canadian expert



So - why are you ignoring the science? why aren't you listening to the medical professionals? Can i see your medical license please?

Oh you don't have one? Then maybe you should shut up and listen to the experts :)  

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2 hours ago, West said:

So you admit they are doing genital mutilation after falsely claiming they aren't?

In the first place, why should 18 medical procedures a year suddenly be a national priority of the United States, and in the second place, how do you know if the procedures weren’t needed to repair a deformity from birth?

You are trying to think of me as someone who wants children to have their penises removed, but I am not. You are presenting a bunch of claims you know nothing about, and you attack me for asking simple questions about your claims. Don’t you think we should know the facts before we demand legislation which could harm people?

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3 minutes ago, Rebound said:

In the first place, why should 18 medical procedures a year suddenly be a national priority of the United States, and in the second place, how do you know if the procedures weren’t needed to repair a deformity from birth?

You are trying to think of me as someone who wants children to have their penises removed, but I am not. You are presenting a bunch of claims you know nothing about, and you attack me for asking simple questions about your claims. Don’t you think we should know the facts before we demand legislation which could harm people?

I'll answer your questions:

1. Because being "trans" is now a fad among young kids thanks to clever marketing strategies and perversion being pushed in schools by woke leftists with a political agenda. That number of genital mutilation will only rise.

2. If you were truly asking questions you'd question why perverted social sciences by a guy (John Money) who abused a child in the name of a science experiments work is quoted as gospel truth. You'd also question the harm being done by this perverted ideology. Not attacking people for pointing out its perversions. 

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