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Canada shouldn't deny assisted suicide if social conditions made life intolerable: bioethicists

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5 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Can't understand why. 

Becuase you try to hijack every single thread. It's tedious. Since the first days of the internet thread hijacks have been considered to be rude and extremely poor form.

If you want to start a thread talking about the bible or some element nobody would give a darn - go ahead and knock your socks off. Might even get lots of participation. But when you interrupt every single thread then yea - everyone's going to get sick of it eventually. Even sapper makes fun of you for it.

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14 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Becuase you try to hijack every single thread. It's tedious. Since the first days of the internet thread hijacks have been considered to be rude and extremely poor form.

If you want to start a thread talking about the bible or some element nobody gives a darn - go ahead and knock your socks off. But when you interrupt every single thread then yea - everyone's going to get sick of it eventually. Even sapper makes fun of you for it.

I could say something but I know you go bonkers every time I say anything.   

But now I am not going to stop talking about God or the Bible because I believe that is what God wants me to do.  You see, I don't belong to this world system any more.  You might, but I don't.  I belong to my Lord and Creator of this universe.  This is wonderful technology he gave us.   

I am perfectly fine with the way I talk about what I believe.  Please don't try to silence me.  We do live in a land of freedom of speech.  So please don't try to control what I say.

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5 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

Wait, why are you trying to raise up people against an idea, bully troll? 

Even the Christians have more honor than you, my man. 

LOL - What would a  jew hating ex commie drunk know about honor? :)

Still following me around like a puppy and derailing threads are ya?

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46 minutes ago, blackbird said:

 I am not going to stop talking about God or the Bible because I believe that is what God wants me to do.    

I am perfectly fine with the way I talk about what I believe.  Please don't try to silence me.  We do live in a land of freedom of speech.  So please don't try to control what I say.

There may be folks here that feel as strongly about golf, Greenland, gardening, or 440 big block Dodge drag cars, but have the courtesy and good manners to not infuse every thread with their personal passion.  You sir, have lost your ability and grace to spare the other contributors from your overwhelming need to sidetrack each and every thread and preach your passion irregardless of others.  There are threads and forums that deal with your personal subjects. Please make use of them.

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18 minutes ago, Nefarious Banana said:

There may be folks here that feel as strongly about golf, Greenland, gardening, or 440 big block Dodge drag cars, but have the courtesy and good manners to not infuse every thread with their personal passion.  You sir, have lost your ability and grace to spare the other contributors from your overwhelming need to sidetrack each and every thread and preach your passion irregardless of others.  There are threads and forums that deal with your personal subjects. Please make use of them.

No sir,   My views are tied to the Bible and I don't leave them at the door when I enter the forum.   They are not "personal subjects" as you call them.  Satan, the grand deceiver, has deceived you into thinking God and his revelation have no place in public discourse.  You are wrong.  That is Satan's line.  Satan is the accuser of Bible believers.  I understand where you're coming from.  But I will not bow to that idea.  You are free to talk about whatever you wish and I will as well.  This particular subject medical assistance in dying is absolutely a biblical issue and the most important thing that can be said about it is what the Bible says which in essence, is to condemn medically-assisted suicide.

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26 minutes ago, blackbird said:

No sir,   My views are tied to the Bible and I don't leave them at the door when I enter the forum.   They are not "personal subjects" as you call them.  Satan, the grand deceiver, has deceived you into thinking God and his revelation have no place in public discourse.  You are wrong.  That is Satan's line.  Satan is the accuser of Bible believers.  I understand where you're coming from.  But I will not bow to that idea.  You are free to talk about whatever you wish and I will as well.  This particular subject medical assistance in dying is absolutely a biblical issue and the most important thing that can be said about it is what the Bible says which in essence, is to condemn medically-assisted suicide.

I could buy someone taking a religious stance on this particular issue. I can appreciate you saying that this particular issue has connotations to faith and that it's fair game. And fair enough, But - when you shove it and derail 20 threads with this before you get to this one, people are already so fed up they don't want to hear it here.

If you would just keep the biblical stuff to yourself except for threads where its actually relevant i think people would be a lot more open to it.  Honestly i don't mind Christians as a rule but you're making me hate the whole idea and it's obvious others are the same.

Please just listen to what people are telling you and absorb it. Isn't there SOMETHING in the bible about not driving the people in your community into fits of near homicidal rage? I feel like there must be :)

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Right, a meager UBI for the lifetime or make it quick and painless now. The bright future ahead for the majority of a great country. Keep pushing same buttons and hope for a different outcome. Some called it insanity but here with us it's the one and eternally perfect status quo.

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12 hours ago, blackbird said:

  Cursing at Christians and Bible believers won't win you any favour in a free and somewhat democratic western country like Canada.  That kind of thing needs to be investigated by authorities.  It sounds like a threat.

If it is a free or democratic country then why is that free choice and suicide rights are suppressed and made illegal? Because religious people and religions makes dictatorships wherever they go. Look at the fu*king Islamic Republic or Taliban they suppress  basic human rights and call it God's wish. 

Those who know me they know I don't curse Christians as it was Islam not Christianity which was spread by invasion and the force of the sword.

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3 hours ago, Contrarian said:

Now, daily, bully sugar troll Rue Jew man. You are my customer now.

So, wait you think I hate the "Jews"?

hahhahaha. My friend, I live Bathurst and Bloor, that is Jew Central, do you know the history of Jews on Bathurst and Bloor from Europe? My park riots? 

You know, boy.

Nobody is here for you, just a cornered rat. Go talk to your rabbi, it seems even Adonai can not find reason with you.

The mental evaluation that you obviously need may be covered by OHIP . . . 

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8 hours ago, CdnFox said:

when you shove it and derail 20 threads

Nonsense.  I don't derail threads.  Nothing stops you from speaking.  I see comments under almost every subject that diverge into all kinds of other directions.  So it depends how you define "derailing".  You are very selective in what you call derailing.   If one diverts into personal attacks endlessly like you do instead of talking about the actual subject, of course you would not call that derailing. 

You think I have no right right to speak my views because they are from a religious or biblical perspective.  Everyone comes from a certain ideological perspective. That is just a fact.  Also, every thread could be said to be derailed because comments frequently are far from the actual subject.  That is normal on the forum.  The Roman church persecuted Bible believers for centuries with the Inquisition.  You have a similar attitude to the Inquisitors.  You think you are some kind of policeman or controller of speech.   

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53 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

If it is a free or democratic country then why is that free choice and suicide rights are suppressed

There has never been any law against suicide in Canada.   Suicide is wrong and immoral but it has never been illegal.

There is a difference between suicide and legalized killing of a patient by a medical person (I won't say professional because that would be an abuse of the word "professional".)

 Canada has been a democratic country since its beginning.  

There is no such thing in any democratic country or anywhere else to do whatever you wish.  There are laws against many things.  There is no such thing as absolute free choice to do anything.

The government just brought in a new law in about 2016 to allow doctors to kill people who have signed a form to be killed.  Canada is one of the few countries in the world to do this.  The other several hundred countries in the world do not recognize such a practice.  There is no such law is the rest of the world.   Only in immoral and depraved Canada and one or two other places.

If you do not respect other people's right to hold religious beliefs you have a problem.  Our whole system is build on Judeo-Christian culture and beliefs.  Democracy and human rights are based on Christian beliefs.  The rest of the non-Christian world does not respect human rights.



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The Liberal government's legalizing assisted suicide I think will prove to be one of the most disastrous failures in their government much like the present disastrous failure of legalizing hard drugs.

"It is hard for us to miss the unpleasant conclusion that in key areas where questions of public health and ethics intersect, this country, whose governments are so full of ostentation in touting their good intentions and putting on the airs of the bioethical pioneer, has got almost everything wrong. Not only that, it is also secretive about its failings and childishly stubborn in clinging to policies that don’t work. "

Conrad Black: Free hard drugs for addicts a catastrophic Liberal failure (msn.com)

More than ten thousand people a year have chosen assisted suicide in Canada and it will increase significantly with the expansion of who can request it to include people with mental problems, even depression.  Who doesn't get depressed now and then about life.  Life is a struggle for many people.  Particularly vulnerable to the new law will be homeless people, people struggling with addictions, drug addicts, alcoholics, marital problems, and people struggling with putting food on the table.  Yes, all these people could choose MAID as the system widens it's coverage.  Of course some will view it as a way to save society a lot of expense to care for the homeless and people with medical problems.


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33 minutes ago, blackbird said:

There has never been any law against suicide in Canada.   Suicide is wrong and immoral but it has never been illegal.

There is a difference between suicide and legalized killing of a patient by a medical person (I won't say professional because that would be an abuse of the word "professional".)

 Canada has been a democratic country since its beginning.  

There is no such thing in any democratic country or anywhere else to do whatever you wish.  There are laws against many things.  There is no such thing as absolute free choice to do anything.

The government just brought in a new law in about 2016 to allow doctors to kill people who have signed a form to be killed.  Canada is one of the few countries in the world to do this.  The other several hundred countries in the world do not recognize such a practice.  There is no such law is the rest of the world.   Only in immoral and depraved Canada and one or two other places.

If you do not respect other people's right to hold religious beliefs you have a problem.  Our whole system is build on Judeo-Christian culture and beliefs.  Democracy and human rights are based on Christian beliefs.  The rest of the non-Christian world does not respect human rights.

A message to religious people. Mind your own damn business.  I live my life the way I want it. It is no business of you or your imaginary God. Death and destruction to those religions which spread by invasion and the force of the sword. And now still infecting part of the world like plague,



No, assistant suicide is illegal by the government in Canada under pressure from religious fanatics. If I want to commit suicide I want it to be done painlessly and under the supervision of a professional and it is illefal and the professional assisting me to have a painless ending will go ro jail.

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4 hours ago, Contrarian said:

Now, daily, bully sugar troll Rue Jew man. You are my customer now.

So, wait you think I hate the "Jews"?

hahhahaha. My friend, I live Bathurst and Bloor, that is Jew Central, do you know the history of Jews on Bathurst and Bloor from Europe? My park riots? 

You know, boy.

Nobody is here for you, just a cornered rat. Go talk to your rabbi, it seems even Adonai can not find reason with you.

Oh look - the racist is back.  This is Americana antifa's fault - we let her get away with jewish attacks and now this guy thinks its' ok

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10 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

No, assistant suicide is illegal by the government in Canada under pressure from religious fanatics. If I want to commit suicide I want it to be done painlessly and under the supervision of a professional and it is illefal and the professional assisting me to have a painless ending will go ro jail.

Assisted suicide within the MAID program has been legalized in 2016.  If you are not aware of the MAID program, why are you commenting under this topic?  Yes, Bible fundamentalists like myself think it is very wrong.  You don't seem to understand there is a difference between suicide when one kills himself and having a doctor kill him.  That is called MAID.  I already told you suicide is not illegal, but MAID has to be within the legal framework.  Both are wrong and are Satanic.

You sound like you are complaining because you can't have a friend kill you.  You need help man.  Get some counseling.

A man is being charged with criminal offenses now for sending poison in the mail to various people in the world to help them kill themselves.  Of course that is illegal.  We live in a country that still believes it is wrong for someone to kill someone else.  Yet you think that is ok and want it to be totally legal for anyone to kill anyone else at their request?  Wow.  Get help.  Go see a Protestant pastor and read the King James Bible.

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1 minute ago, blackbird said:

 You don't seem to understand there is a difference between suicide when one kills himself and having a doctor kill him. 


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6 minutes ago, bcsapper said:


Perhaps that word was used by the Nazis too when they killed mentally ill people.

The word compassion is greatly misused when it is applied to assisted suicide.  The word has no place or relevance to the issue of MAID.  But I'm sure that Satan loves the use of the word.  It can be used to cover terrible evils and crimes against humanity.   

Maybe China even used the word when they put thousands of people in concentrations camps.  Maybe the Nazis used the word when they put the Jews in the gas chambers.  Who knows, maybe they thought they were compassionate in saving society from the scourge of the Jews in Europe.

Maybe the Russians think they are compassionate in their invasion of the Ukraine by saving Russia from the threat of the Nazis in the Ukraine.

I'm convinced all the pro choice or abortion people, mainly Democrats and Liberals/NDP think they are being compassionate for women when they support them in having abortions.  Kill the baby and be compassionate to the mothers.

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Nonsense.  I don't derail threads. 

You constantly derail threads. Its like your only purpose in life. 

And as we're about to note you kind of lie about what you do .

1 hour ago, blackbird said:

You think I have no right right to speak my views because they are from a religious or biblical perspective. 

And here we go. You HAVE to lie to make your point. I have never once ever anywhere suggested you don't have the right. At all. Ever.

But - of course telling the truth doesn't serve your purpose. Does it.

If you have to lie to make your point - you don't have a very good point to begin with.

1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Everyone comes from a certain ideological perspective. That is just a fact. 

NOBODY else is shoving their ideological perspective down anyone's throat or using it to derail threads.

If we talk about stealing for example normal people say "I thnk stealing is bad, it hurts people" others will say "i think stealing is good, keeps people on their toes".  YOU will launch into a half dozen 10 inch long diatribes about god.

You see the difference.  People explain their position - NOT the ideology leading to that position.

Tonnes of people are pointing this out to you all the time. People laugh and make jokes about you when you show up.  Nobody takes you seriously, Here's a clue in life - if 10,000 people think youj're an asswipe, and YOU think you're not - it really doesn't matter if you're right.  The perception you're giving off becomes the reality.

So - TAKE THE HINT.   You're being a bad representative of your faith.

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Just now, blackbird said:

Perhaps that word was used by the Nazis too when they killed mentally ill people.

The word compassion is greatly misused when it is applied to assisted suicide.  The word has no place or relevance to the issue of MAID.  But I'm sure that Satan loves the use of the word.  It can be used to cover terrible evils and crimes against humanity.   

Maybe China even used the word when they put thousands of people in concentrations camps.  Maybe the Nazis used the word when they put the Jews in the gas chambers.  Who knows, maybe they thought they were compassionate in saving society from the scourge of the Jews in Europe.

Maybe the Russians think they are compassionate in their invasion of the Ukraine by saving Russia from the threat of the Nazis in the Ukraine.

I doubt the mentally ill requested it of the Nazis.

The word is all that matters when it comes to MAID.  That and choice.

The rest of your post is insane.

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2 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I doubt the mentally ill requested it of the Nazis.

The word is all that matters when it comes to MAID.  That and choice.

The rest of your post is insane.

I guess we will all find out who was right and who was wrong one day.

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: "  Hebrew 9:27 King James Bible

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4 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

You constantly derail threads. Its like your only purpose in life. 

And as we're about to note you kind of lie about what you do .

And here we go. You HAVE to lie to make your point. I have never once ever anywhere suggested you don't have the right. At all. Ever.

But - of course telling the truth doesn't serve your purpose. Does it.

If you have to lie to make your point - you don't have a very good point to begin with.

NOBODY else is shoving their ideological perspective down anyone's throat or using it to derail threads.

If we talk about stealing for example normal people say "I thnk stealing is bad, it hurts people" others will say "i think stealing is good, keeps people on their toes".  YOU will launch into a half dozen 10 inch long diatribes about god.

You see the difference.  People explain their position - NOT the ideology leading to that position.

Tonnes of people are pointing this out to you all the time. People laugh and make jokes about you when you show up.  Nobody takes you seriously, Here's a clue in life - if 10,000 people think youj're an asswipe, and YOU think you're not - it really doesn't matter if you're right.  The perception you're giving off becomes the reality.

So - TAKE THE HINT.   You're being a bad representative of your faith.

 Do you seriously think being anti-Christian or yelling your head off with the common herd of anti-Bible people is honourable or right?  

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: "  Hebrew 9:27 KJV

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4 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I guess we will all find out who was right and who was wrong one day.

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: "  Hebrew 9:27 King James Bible

The problem is, I won't be able to say "I told you so", but you will.  Doesn't seem fair.

Of course, if there is a God, I'm pretty sure I'm going to Heaven.  If it's that God of course.  If it's one of the Hindu or Norse Gods I have no idea what will happen.

Still, I've been good, and that's all that matters.

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46 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

Who is "we"?

You're an insiginficant racists drunk who  is so desperate for the attention of his betters that you spend all day chasing me around begging for my attention and approval.  Why did you think anyone cares about what you have to say?


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Just now, Contrarian said:

I did not leave yet, because I knew your weakness won't be able to hold. 

The statement made by this element contains a number of manipulative tactics. Here are a few examples:

Personal attacks: The accuser starts off by attacking the person's character, calling them a "racist" and a "drunk." This is an attempt to discredit the person's opinions and make them seem less credible.

Insults: The use of insults like "insignificant" and "desperate for attention" are designed to undermine the person's confidence and self-esteem.

Gaslighting: The accuser is trying to make the person doubt themselves by implying that their opinions are not worth listening to and that they are only seeking approval.

Invalidating: The accuser is attempting to invalidate the person's feelings and opinions by asking "Why did you think anyone cares about what you have to say?" This is a way of belittling the person and making them feel like their thoughts and feelings are not valid.

You're an insignificant racists drunk who  is so desperate for the attention of his betters that you spend all day chasing me around begging for my attention and approval.  Why did you think anyone cares about what you have to say?

You basically just follow me around hoping i'll pat you on the head like a good little boy and everyone thinks you're a loser.  Kinda sad really.  You're a drunk AND you've got daddy issues

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