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Florida Passes the HEARTBEAT PROTECTION ACT, (no abortions after six weeks.)

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1 hour ago, Deluge said:

It's Regressives like you that are helping the West into decline. THAT is the real facepalm. 

I was thinking pretty much the same thing.

On the other hand, if the alleged Florida headlines would cause major parts of the world to forget about emigrating to the United States, I'm trying REALLY hard to see the downside.

Hell, it would be worth running Smokey And The Bandit daily on CNN and claiming it ALL took place in Florida, if that would (a) keep the !diots abroad from moving to the United States and (b) keep the !diots in blue states from moving to Florida.


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55 minutes ago, Aristides said:

The mind boggles when the same people who would use their claim that a fertilized egg is a person in order to control women, will do nothing to prevent kids being massacred in their schools. How do they reconcile that? 

The mind boggles when you lie so much. And it's not even an original lie. It's a LIE some other feeble minded extra chromosome type said and you copied.

The Florida Law (since you obviously lack the education to read actual sources) gives personhood to a fetus WITH A HEARTBEAT. Excuse me for pi$$ing on your cornflakes, but an EGG does not have a heartbeat.

As far as doing something about kids being massacred in schools, it's YOUR side of the aisle who is letting criminals out of prison or walk free with no bail. YOU goose steppers are the ones releasing the real predator animals on society.

The shooters themselves are from YOUR side of the aisle.



Really think gun bans will stop major crimes, shootings?


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18 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Really think gun bans will stop major crimes, shootings?


Mass shootings in the US in 2023 (number might have increased while posting) 164

Total killed 225



Mass shootings in the UK in 2023 (number will not have increased while posting) 1

Total killed 0



But you know what's important.

Political cartoon



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1 hour ago, reason10 said:

I was thinking pretty much the same thing.

So there's two of you ass backwards lunatics, eh?

Fascists are communists, progressive is regressive, anti abortion and pro capital punishment go hand in hand, the solution to gun violence is to give more people more guns, educate your kids by banning books. Such deep thinkers, such role models.

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19 hours ago, herbie said:

So there's two of you ass backwards lunatics, eh?

Fascists are communists, progressive is regressive, anti abortion and pro capital punishment go hand in hand, the solution to gun violence is to give more people more guns, educate your kids by banning books. Such deep thinkers, such role models.

Crawl back under your rock, troll. You have no idea what this discussion is about. And frankly, there isn't time for your racist Nazi crap.

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23 hours ago, bcsapper said:

Mass shootings in the US in 2023 (number might have increased while posting) 164

Total killed 225



Mass shootings in the UK in 2023 (number will not have increased while posting) 1

Total killed 0



But you know what's important.

Political cartoon



Apparently that extra chromosome brain of yours hasn't assimilated the facts. Britain has (a) tougher gun laws, and (b) MORE MASS SHOOTINGS.

If you want, we can just lock up all the trannies in America, if you want school shootings to stop.

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Boys and girls, try to follow the thread title here. (As much as the Downs Syndrome crowd keeps trying to change the subject). It ISN'T about school shootings (most of which seem to be coming from trannies.) It's about the State of Florida taking a MODERATE stance on baby killing.

Extremes on the left (which PRETTY MUCH EVERY EXTRA CHROMOSOME LIBERAL HERE SEEMS TO BE A PART OF) would legalize abortion right up to an hour after a baby is born. 

The extreme right, (which is probably FIVE people total, in the United States) wants the abortion procedure completely outlawed and EVERY human life conceived be allowed to live.

Florida is with most of America.  Somewhere in the middle. Most Americans agree that a heartbeat is pretty much a moderate position. The intelligent, non goose stepping red states agree on six weeks, which most of America agrees with.

So if you want to be a whoring slut, do it in a Nazi blue state and you can kill your Jew...uh...fetus even an hour after the Jew...uh..fetus is born.

I don't pretend to be a moderate, and THERE ARE NO MODERATES AT ANY POLITICAL MESSAGE BOARDS AT ALL. I'm just a mainstream conservative, like most of America.

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19 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Boys and girls, try to follow the thread title here. (As much as the Downs Syndrome crowd keeps trying to change the subject). It ISN'T about school shootings (most of which seem to be coming from trannies.) It's about the State of Florida taking a MODERATE stance on baby killing.

Extremes on the left (which PRETTY MUCH EVERY EXTRA CHROMOSOME LIBERAL HERE SEEMS TO BE A PART OF) would legalize abortion right up to an hour after a baby is born. 

The extreme right, (which is probably FIVE people total, in the United States) wants the abortion procedure completely outlawed and EVERY human life conceived be allowed to live.

Florida is with most of America.  Somewhere in the middle. Most Americans agree that a heartbeat is pretty much a moderate position. The intelligent, non goose stepping red states agree on six weeks, which most of America agrees with.

So if you want to be a whoring slut, do it in a Nazi blue state and you can kill your Jew...uh...fetus even an hour after the Jew...uh..fetus is born.

I don't pretend to be a moderate, and THERE ARE NO MODERATES AT ANY POLITICAL MESSAGE BOARDS AT ALL. I'm just a mainstream conservative, like most of America.

Lying harder doesn't make something true.

This is not really a moderate response. At best you could say it's not totalitarian.

Most on the left would like to leave it to moment of birth. The more moderate left is uncomfortable with that.

Most on teh right favor some restrictons in time except for reasons of health and safety, but a large number would like to see a complete ban.

This is a VERY short allowable time range followed by a nearly complete ban. It's not very moderate.

And for you to argue that it's baby killing you will still have to make the case that a fetus is a human being at whatever time slice (conception presumably) you're arguing.

And you haven't done that.

Stomping your feet harder doesn't make your argument better. It just makes you look dumb.

Edited by CdnFox
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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Lying harder doesn't make something true.

This is not really a moderate response. At best you could say it's not totalitarian.

Most on the left would like to leave it to moment of birth. The more moderate left is uncomfortable with that.

Most on teh right favor some restrictons in time except for reasons of health and safety, but a large number would like to see a complete ban.

This is a VERY short allowable time range followed by a nearly complete ban. It's not very moderate.

And for you to argue that it's baby killing you will still have to make the case that a fetus is a human being at whatever time slice (conception presumably) you're arguing.

And you haven't done that.

Stomping your feet harder doesn't make your argument better. It just makes you look dumb.

Putting an ignorant Nazi in his/her/its place is not stomping. It's just putting an ignorant Nazi in his/her/its place.

If in the future I see an announcement in the  media of a FETUS SHOWER, I'll save the link and send it to you. For the rest of us who do not goose step every morning after getting out of bed, it is a BABY.

Science says life begins at conception, because it can begin at no other time. What has to get past you Adolf Eichmann types is that point in time when life becomes human life that is protected by the Fifth Amendment. At what point do preborn Jews...uh... BABIES deserve protection? That's the question that Florida MODERATELY answered. Our superior legislature and brilliant governor have listened to the will of the people, the best educated population in America. Babies who make it to a heartbeat are protected.

The discussion is over. You have weighed in that you disapprove of sparing the lives of all those Jews...uh.. BABIES at six weeks. There's nothing else to say. Your blue state might even name it's abortion mills AUSCHWITZ for all I care. In Florida, Jews...uh...BABIES are protected by law.

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14 minutes ago, herbie said:

Women should be grateful that when they notice they're a couple days late you'll "let" them have a week or 10 days to act, eh?


How about SOME women (since those of us on the right don't refer to ALL women as sluts who cannot control themselves) act responsibly? Either engage in birth control or abstain? How about some women NOT MAKE A BABY until they are ready?

Those of us in the majority of America (mainstream conservatives) believe women should. Yes, it's unfair to them that the weight of the future of Mankind is thrust upon them. They have the responsibility. They need to act responsibly.


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33 minutes ago, reason10 said:

If in the future I see an announcement in the  media of a FETUS SHOWER, I'll save the link and send it to you.

Well that's a pretty rational response isn' t it.  Nobody's going to think you're nuts now.

33 minutes ago, reason10 said:


For the rest of us who do not goose step every morning after getting out of bed, it is a BABY.

Actually most people don't think that a fetus is a human at the moment of conception. Most choose a later date and support our current canadian practices on when it's to be considered a 'person'.



33 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Science says life begins at conception, because it can begin at no other time. 

Life isn't the issue. We kill lots of things that are alive. CANCER is alive. Being alive doesn't mean it's a human being.

The issue is when does it become a human being.  Before that it has no rights and after that it does have rights. Pretty simple.

33 minutes ago, reason10 said:


What has to get past you Adolf Eichmann types is that point in time when life becomes human life that is protected by the Fifth Amendment.

Yeaahhhh no. It's not.

So here's the fifth amendment:




Amendment V

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.




Could you show where it says that a fetus is a person?

33 minutes ago, reason10 said:


At what point do preborn Jews...uh... BABIES deserve protection

When they become people.  And are you suggesting that jewish babies don't deserve the same rights as anyone else? Don't tell me you're anti-semetic?

33 minutes ago, reason10 said:

The discussion is over.

It's over when i say it's over Jr.  YOu don't get to cancel me. Sorry. You can beg and cry to your heart's content, i'll tell you when i'm done talking. Now - speaking of abortion you'd help your case by NOT being an example of why it might be a good idea in some cases.

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1 minute ago, Contrarian said:

f I were a Roman official, would award you, times are tough though, inflation is not good, so all you get is the picture above. 

Dammit !  I was hoping for at LEAST a compimentary t-shirt. Or - if we're going roman- a loincloth. Preferably with the faces of my defeated foes printed on the inside at the back (kiss my gluteus maximus!)

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Well my opinion isn't going to earm me any brownie points but here goes.

I spent many years as a drunken fool trying to get a piece of every desirable young woman I met. However, I was always respectful of the consequences and thus was careful. Once I'd found my mate, the glove came off and we had 3 wonderful spawn. I know I could not have ended their lives...ever.

Banning abortion at the point the heart begins beating seems reasonable. My position has always been that after 3 months, the fertized egg is a budding human being. After that, abortion is murder as far as I'm concerned. 

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4 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Well my opinion isn't going to earm me any brownie points but here goes.

I spent many years as a drunken fool trying to get a piece of every desirable young woman I met. However, I was always respectful of the consequences and thus was careful. Once I'd found my mate, the glove came off and we had 3 wonderful spawn. I know I could not have ended their lives...ever.

Banning abortion at the point the heart begins beating seems reasonable. My position has always been that after 3 months, the fertized egg is a budding human being. After that, abortion is murder as far as I'm concerned. 

It's not an unreasonable position but the challenge is they're not going for 3 months - they're going for 6 weeks. That's a month and half.  Technically the heart muscles start contracting around that point but they are not really 'beating' per se.

Personally i don't think 'heartbeat' is a very reasonable measure of when someone's a human. WE don't consider them 'dead' if we give them an artificial heart after all.

But the BRAIN is another story. Death is when the brain stops medically speaking, not when the heart stops.  Once all brain activity ceases - a person is considered dead.

So why wouldn't they be considered alive when the brain starts?

The brain boots up and  actually starts getting to work controlling bodily functions at about week 15 - 16.  In my books, when there's a live brain actualy controlling the little body's functions - that's a human being.  At that point all rights attach and it's murder.

So - for me 3 months (and possibly another week or two) is quite reasonable. It allows for a safety margin and still gives plenty of time for a woman to discover she's preggers and take the appropriate steps if she wants to.

And it's a very legally and practically defensible position. We all agree that the brain is largely what makes us 'people' rather than hunks of meat - you can replace a heart but you can't really replace a brain.

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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

It's not an unreasonable position but the challenge is they're not going for 3 months - they're going for 6 weeks. That's a month and half.  Technically the heart muscles start contracting around that point but they are not really 'beating' per se.

Personally i don't think 'heartbeat' is a very reasonable measure of when someone's a human. WE don't consider them 'dead' if we give them an artificial heart after all.

But the BRAIN is another story. Death is when the brain stops medically speaking, not when the heart stops.  Once all brain activity ceases - a person is considered dead.

So why wouldn't they be considered alive when the brain starts?

The brain boots up and  actually starts getting to work controlling bodily functions at about week 15 - 16.  In my books, when there's a live brain actualy controlling the little body's functions - that's a human being.  At that point all rights attach and it's murder.

So - for me 3 months (and possibly another week or two) is quite reasonable. It allows for a safety margin and still gives plenty of time for a woman to discover she's preggers and take the appropriate steps if she wants to.

And it's a very legally and practically defensible position. We all agree that the brain is largely what makes us 'people' rather than hunks of meat - you can replace a heart but you can't really replace a brain.


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On 4/20/2023 at 4:57 AM, Nationalist said:

Well my opinion isn't going to earm me any brownie points but here goes.

I spent many years as a drunken fool trying to get a piece of every desirable young woman I met. However, I was always respectful of the consequences and thus was careful. Once I'd found my mate, the glove came off and we had 3 wonderful spawn. I know I could not have ended their lives...ever.

Banning abortion at the point the heart begins beating seems reasonable. My position has always been that after 3 months, the fertized egg is a budding human being. After that, abortion is murder as far as I'm concerned. 

Drunken fools always show good judgement. Well known fact.

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