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Florida Passes the HEARTBEAT PROTECTION ACT, (no abortions after six weeks.)

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DeSantis signs Florida's 6-week abortion ban into law

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Gov. Ron DeSantis late Thursday night signed Florida’s six-week abortion ban into law just hours after the GOP-led Legislature approved it.

The legislation will upend Florida’s status as an abortion haven in the south, cutting off access for thousands who would otherwise travel from neighboring states each year for the procedure.

DeSantis announced the signing on Facebook and Twitter at around 11 p.m. A photo accompanying the Facebook and Twitter posts shows the Republican governor signing the legislation surrounded by more than two dozen people.

"Signed the Heartbeat Protection Act, which expands pro-life protections and devotes resources to help young mothers and families," DeSantis wrote on social media.

This is pretty moderate, somewhere in the middle. The pure anti-abortion crowd wants an end to ALL abortions. The pure pro-abortion crowd wants abortions right up to moment of birth, all paid for by tax dollars. This is somewhere in the middle.

So here's the details for those who have trouble reading:

1. Ladies, if you are pregnant and do not want to carry a baby, in Florida you SIX WEEKS to kill the baby. That is plenty of time to decide.

2. If you were not aware that you were pregnant after six weeks of having unprotected sex, you are too stupid to live in Florida. WE have higher standards here than blue states, (where you can kill your baby a month after it is born.)

3. If you have been RAPED (and pregnancy through rape is very rare, scientifically) you have to report it to the police. You will then go to a hospital and get a rape kit, (which will help officers locate the rapist). At that time, you will also get an abortion pill which should reverse any conception that might have taken place. So rape isn't an excuse.

4. If you are just a SLUT, and are too stupid and lazy to engage in birth control (which is more readily available today than at any other time in history) and you are too LAZY to check your pregnancy until your 9th month, in the state of Florida that is not an automatic DEATH PENALTY for your BABY. You have six weeks from moment of conception and you have a HUMAN BEING in your body. After that, the State of Florida says that BABY has as much right to life as YOU DO.


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17 hours ago, herbie said:

Florida: where every headline makes the rest of the world facepalm and groan "Oh those f***ing Americans"

Only to a few NAZIS in inferior blue states. And I don't care about goose steppers in the rest of the world. We are paying taxes for THEIR FCKING FOREIGN AID, not the other way around.

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So here's a few of my concerns when thinking about it as a "compromise".


On 4/14/2023 at 6:11 AM, reason10 said:


So here's the details for those who have trouble reading:


1. Ladies, if you are pregnant and do not want to carry a baby, in Florida you SIX WEEKS to kill the baby. That is plenty of time to decide.

A lot of girls won't even realize they are pregnant until almost 6 weeks. You miss a period and then you start to wonder - well you're already potentially 4 weeks at that point. It could be 6 weeks before you even take a pregnancy test and figure it out.  It's not very much time at all.  Remember - it's not 6 weeks after you find out - it's 6 weeks after you get pregnant whether you know about the pregnancy or not.

On 4/14/2023 at 6:11 AM, reason10 said:

2. If you were not aware that you were pregnant after six weeks of having unprotected sex, you are too stupid to live in Florida. WE have higher standards here than blue states, (where you can kill your baby a month after it is born.)

A lot of people get pregnant even with protection. It happens.

But more importantly - pregancy tests require you to miss a period before they're accurate. IT's not like if you have sex today then tomorrow you're going to test positive. So yeah even if a girl has unprotected sex once and thinks "i may be preggers", it might be weeks before she can even find out.

On 4/14/2023 at 6:11 AM, reason10 said:

3. If you have been RAPED (and pregnancy through rape is very rare, scientifically) you have to report it to the police. You will then go to a hospital and get a rape kit, (which will help officers locate the rapist). At that time, you will also get an abortion pill which should reverse any conception that might have taken place. So rape isn't an excuse.

A lot of traumatized women won't go to the police right away . Get raped a few times and then talk about it. However this law does allow for rape to be an exception

On 4/14/2023 at 6:11 AM, reason10 said:

4. If you are just a SLUT, and are too stupid and lazy to engage in birth control (which is more readily available today than at any other time in history) and you are too LAZY to check your pregnancy until your 9th month, in the state of Florida that is not an automatic DEATH PENALTY for your BABY. You have six weeks from moment of conception and you have a HUMAN BEING in your body. After that, the State of Florida says that BABY has as much right to life as YOU DO.

Well this is the argument from those who believe that the fetus is a human being from conception of course. And that's fine - but that is NOT a compromise solution.

A compromise solution would have to at least give a reasonable chance for the woman to discover she's pregnant and have time to arrange a medical procedure.


On 4/14/2023 at 6:11 AM, reason10 said:


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A lot of girls won't even realize they are pregnant until almost 6 weeks. You miss a period and then you start to wonder - well you're already potentially 4 weeks at that point. It could be 6 weeks before you even take a pregnancy test and figure it out.  It's not very much time at all.  Remember - it's not 6 weeks after you find out - it's 6 weeks after you get pregnant whether you know about the pregnancy or not.

They are stupid. And a baby shouldn't be condemned to DEATH because a slut is stupid. It is VERY EASY to check for pregnancy. And engaging in unprotected sex is probably the first place to start. Perhaps the SLUT might think about it the next day and start paying attention. But there are stupid SLUTS who go through life without any consideration for the consequences of their actions. A BABY is a human life. And he/she should not be ripped apart just because a SLUT is stupid.

A lot of traumatized women won't go to the police right away . Get raped a few times and then talk about it. However this law does allow for rape to be an exception

A baby can only be ripped apart once, that's your argument? There is NO trauma worse than having your limbs ripped from your body and sucked into a sink. And contrary to what you might think, a rape is NOT a sex act. It is an act of VIOLENCE. Most of the time a raped woman needs to go to the hospital anyway.

A compromise solution would have to at least give a reasonable chance for the woman to discover she's pregnant and have time to arrange a medical procedure.

Six weeks IS reasonable. It is plenty of time. Any SLUT who needs more time isn't paying attention.



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Boys and girls, there's something really MONSTROUS about people who have a problem with RIGHT TO LIFE. There is something REALLY atrocious about people who want to KILL BABIES.

Florida just adopted a very MODERATE solution.

If you don't like it, get knocked up in your blue state, which has a FINAL SOLUTION.

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15 minutes ago, reason10 said:

A lot of girls won't even realize they are pregnant until almost 6 weeks. You miss a period and then you start to wonder - well you're already potentially 4 weeks at that point. It could be 6 weeks before you even take a pregnancy test and figure it out.  It's not very much time at all.  Remember - it's not 6 weeks after you find out - it's 6 weeks after you get pregnant whether you know about the pregnancy or not.

They are stupid. And a baby shouldn't be condemned to DEATH because a slut is stupid. It is VERY EASY to check for pregnancy.

like i said - you can't even do it till after a missed period so it's not actually that 'easy' - its impossible for much of that 6 weeks.

15 minutes ago, reason10 said:


And engaging in unprotected sex is probably the first place to start. Perhaps the SLUT might think about it the next day and start paying attention. But there are stupid SLUTS who go through life without any consideration for the consequences of their actions.

Sure - people are stupid. I bet if we looked real hard we'd find things you've done in your life that are stupid too looking back at it, wouldn't we :)   If we are going to condemn people for being stupid we might as well just nuke the whole planet.

15 minutes ago, reason10 said:

A BABY is a human life. And he/she should not be ripped apart just because a SLUT is stupid.

Well you'd have to demonstrate that  a baby is a human life.  And that's not so easy. Obviously at some point between being an unfertilized egg and it's first college exam it becomes  a human being , but exactly where is a bit tricky.

You may BELIEVE it's from conception and thats fine  but then we can't really call this a compromise solution.

15 minutes ago, reason10 said:

A lot of traumatized women won't go to the police right away . Get raped a few times and then talk about it. However this law does allow for rape to be an exception

A baby can only be ripped apart once, that's your argument? There is NO trauma worse than having your limbs ripped from your body and sucked into a sink.

First off - there absolutely is worse trauma. FAR worse. Getting killed is over quickly.

However its just dumb to claim that was my comparison. A woman who's been severely emotionally and physically traumatized may not go to the police right away - whether the baby is aborted or not.  That's just life.

15 minutes ago, reason10 said:

And contrary to what you might think, a rape is NOT a sex act. It is an act of VIOLENCE. Most of the time a raped woman needs to go to the hospital anyway.

No, most of the time they don't. The vast majority of rapes go unreported.  I dont' know where you got that idea.

15 minutes ago, reason10 said:

A compromise solution would have to at least give a reasonable chance for the woman to discover she's pregnant and have time to arrange a medical procedure.

Six weeks IS reasonable. It is plenty of time. Any SLUT who needs more time isn't paying attention.

well as we've discussed that's a lie.  And if you have to lie to make your point then it's not a very good point

In fact many won't even realize they're pregnant that fast. And even those who are 'watching' for it have to wait till a period has been missed, so that could be easily 4 weeks before they  can even test - and even then the tests are not 100 percent accurate.

So get real. You can make a DIFFERENT argument that says 6 weeks is all we can give for some reason or another but it's a lie to say its 'plenty of time' so if your argument hinges on that, then you've got a problem with your argument don't you.

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like i said - you can't even do it till after a missed period so it's not actually that 'easy' - its impossible for much of that 6 weeks.

A woman who cannot tell she is pregnant within six weeks is an !diot. That's not even CLOSE to reasonable.

Sure - people are stupid. I bet if we looked real hard we'd find things you've done in your life that are stupid too looking back at it, wouldn't we :)   If we are going to condemn people for being stupid we might as well just nuke the whole planet.

My stupid things don't cost a baby his/her life. Somehow you keep forgetting this concept of 'LIFE' and how it applies to all mammalian creatures.

Well you'd have to demonstrate that  a baby is a human life.  And that's not so easy. Obviously at some point between being an unfertilized egg and it's first college exam it becomes  a human being , but exactly where is a bit tricky.

Finding a fertilized egg before six weeks is very easy. In Florida, you can REMOVE this fertilized egg, BEFORE it gets a heartbeat. What is it with you pro DEATH types? You just want to kill ALL human life, even an hour after a BABY is born.

First off - there absolutely is worse trauma. FAR worse. Getting killed is over quickly.

However its just dumb to claim that was my comparison. A woman who's been severely emotionally and physically traumatized may not go to the police right away - whether the baby is aborted or not.  That's just life.

A REAL rape, which is an act of violence, likely would require a trip to the hospital. A lot of horrible things are done to a woman's body during a real rape. Of course, if a SLUT decided she didn't like the way she felt after fcking, she might try to call it a rape. I don't care if she wants to play those games with life, but in Florida the games END when there is a heartbeat. 

Tell us AGAIN why you are making so much of a case against destroying a HEARTBEAT, based on some slut's convenience.

You may BELIEVE it's from conception and thats fine  but then we can't really call this a compromise solution.

Science says life is created at conception. The Florida six week solution IS COMPROMISE, the middle for both sides. But apparently the Adolf Eichmann's of the left do not want to compromise.

No, most of the time they don't. The vast majority of rapes go unreported.  I dont' know where you got that idea.

You'll have to produce a reliable link to that fairy tale.


In 2021, there were 144,300 reported rape cases in the United States. This figure also includes attempts and assaults to commit rape, but unforced statutory rape and other sex offenses are excluded.

So produce a reliable link showing how many more REAL rapes go unreported. We'll wait.

In fact many won't even realize they're pregnant that fast. And even those who are 'watching' for it have to wait till a period has been missed, so that could be easily 4 weeks before they  can even test - and even then the tests are not 100 percent accurate.

Won't even realize they're pregnant that fast? They're stupid. And a baby shouldn't be condemned to DEATH because a slut is stupid. EARTH TO SLUT: Keep your legs closed. If you open them, get birth control. Recognize that you could get pregnant. Keep on top of it.

So get real. You can make a DIFFERENT argument that says 6 weeks is all we can give for some reason or another but it's a lie to say its 'plenty of time' so if your argument hinges on that, then you've got a problem with your argument don't you.

This is what makes you and all other left wingers monsters. Six weeks a HEARTBEAT is produced. It's NOT about some slut's convenience, stupidity or negligence. IT'S ABOUT A BABY. In the State of Florida, A BABY HAS A HEARTBEAT at six weeks. Get over yourself. It's not about you. IT'S ABOUT THE BABY.

If you want to be a monster and re-live the Adolf Eichmann days of slaughtering MILLIONS, Florida is not the place for you. I heard Virginia passed a law allowing a mother to KILL her baby an HOUR AFTER BIRTH. That law IS THE FINAL SOLUTION.

Oh, and the ORIGINAL Gestapo Supreme Court who IGNORED the law and the Constitution and legislated Roe from the bench were not privy to real time ultrasound technology which didn't existed when they signed the FINAL SOLUTION. I believe if even the BIGGEST goose stepper Blackmun had seen that video, Roe never would have become law and MILLIONS OF BABIES might have been alive today.




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6 minutes ago, reason10 said:


A woman who cannot tell she is pregnant within six weeks is an !diot. That's not even CLOSE to reasonable.

Is SHEEEE The !diot here? :) because it's kind of soundling like someone else is being the !diot here

6 minutes ago, reason10 said:


My stupid things don't cost a baby his/her life. Somehow you keep forgetting this concept of 'LIFE' and how it applies to all mammalian creatures.

So life doesn't apply to non mamillians? I'm not sure you thought that through. And the nature of the consequences doesn't change the fact you do stupid things. We all do. Can't condemn humanity for that.

6 minutes ago, reason10 said:


Finding a fertilized egg before six weeks is very easy.

Well it isn't. As we've discussed. Repeating a lie doesn't make it true. Sorry.

And it's also not relevant to that point. You claim a fetus is a human being -you would have to demonstrate why that's true for that to be a factor in your argument.

6 minutes ago, reason10 said:

A REAL rape, which is an act of violence, likely would require a trip to the hospital.

Nope. The vast majority of rapes do not require a trip to the hospital. I don't know woh told you that but it's simply not true. 

Getting punched in the face is an act of violence as well but we've all gotten into fist fights when we were younger right? How many times did you go to the hospital for it out of all the fights you got into?

6 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Tell us AGAIN why you are making so much of a case against destroying a HEARTBEAT, based on some slut's convenience.

Where did i say i was for or against anything? All i said is you can't call it a compromise solution AND i pointed out where you were wrong in your assertions.

6 minutes ago, reason10 said:

You may BELIEVE it's from conception and thats fine  but then we can't really call this a compromise solution.

Science says life is created at conception.

Where does "science" say that? If anything it says otherwise.

6 minutes ago, reason10 said:


You'll have to produce a reliable link to that fairy tale.

So produce a reliable link showing how many more REAL rapes go unreported. We'll wait.





Didn't have to wait long didja.

The vast majority of rapes go unreported. Sorry sparky.


6 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Won't even realize they're pregnant that fast? They're stupid.

Why? Their body won't change. Nothing will be different.  Even sophisticated hormone testing can miss it.

Saying 'they're stupid' just makes you look stupid. If you have to lie to make your point, you don't have a very good point.

6 minutes ago, reason10 said:


And a baby shouldn't be condemned to DEATH because a slut is stupid.

Sure - but first off for that argument to work you'd have to prove it was a baby. Instead of just a fetus. As i noted before you'd have to make a convincing argument it's a human being.

6 minutes ago, reason10 said:


This is what makes you and all other left wingers monsters. Six weeks a HEARTBEAT is produced.

So? A heart beat isn't what makes a human a human. If a human's heart stops are they dead at that moment? Of course not - people's hearts stop all the time and they're revived.

If we took a heart out of someone and kept it alive in a jar - would it still be a human being?

And it's not even a real circulatory heartbeat yet, it's just the muscles forming and beginning to learn how to contract.

So why exactly would that mean it's a human? Other than Muh Feels?

6 minutes ago, reason10 said:

If you want to be a monster and re-live the Adolf Eichmann days of slaughtering MILLIONS, Florida is not the place for you. I heard Virginia passed a law allowing a mother to KILL her baby an HOUR AFTER BIRTH. That law IS THE FINAL SOLUTION.

Yawn.  Wake me when your brain  starts to work again.

6 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Oh, and the ORIGINAL Gestapo Supreme Court who IGNORED the law and the Constitution and legislated Roe from the bench were not privy to real time ultrasound technology which didn't existed when they signed the FINAL SOLUTION. I believe if even the BIGGEST goose stepper Blackmun had seen that video, Roe never would have become law and MILLIONS OF BABIES might have been alive today.

Irrelevant. You've obviously never read or even understood the case. It had nothing to do with 'abortion' in and of itself. It simply asked whether or not abortion was addressed within the constitution. It was a case about the constitution not abortion.

I never liked the verdict in that case to be honest.  I think the supreme court was right to strike it down. But it's got SFA to do with 'abortion' other than whether or not it's in the constitution. So the tech available is irrelevant.



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So life doesn't apply to non mamillians? I'm not sure you thought that through. And the nature of the consequences doesn't change the fact you do stupid things. We all do. Can't condemn humanity for that.

The mammal inference takes us back to Darwin, whose evolution opinions led to Eugenics and the Holocaust. And that led to abortion.

Well it isn't. As we've discussed. Repeating a lie doesn't make it true. Sorry.

And it's also not relevant to that point. You claim a fetus is a human being -you would have to demonstrate why that's true for that to be a factor in your argument.

It's not my claim. It's SCIENCE. I don't just sit here on a high throne and make up scientific facts. 


late 14c., "the young while in the womb or egg" (tending to mean vaguely the embryo in the later stage of development), from Latin fetus (often, incorrectly, foetus) "the bearing or hatching of young, a bringing forth, pregnancy, childbearing, offspring,"

Nope. The vast majority of rapes do not require a trip to the hospital. I don't know woh told you that but it's simply not true. 

Once again, those lousy blue state reading skills. I said a REAL rape requires a trip to the hospital, mostly to do a rape kit which can be used to find the perpetrator. There are lying sluts out there all over the place who decide to get back at their sperm donor boyfriends by yelling rape, sometimes YEARS after the act.

Getting punched in the face is an act of violence as well but we've all gotten into fist fights when we were younger right? How many times did you go to the hospital for it out of all the fights you got into?

Irrelevant in the discussion of rape.This isn't about a fight. But it's nice to know you think so little of the horrors of real rape. You'd make a perfect rape defense attorney. Just blame the victim, huh?

Where does "science" say that? If anything it says otherwise.




I said RELIABLE SCIENTIFIC SOURCES. You posted three extremist left wing opinion rags, one of which including the LYING SLUT who committed perjury in order to try to ruin the life of a Supreme Court justice nominee. And you are the SAME NAZIS who tried to ruin the life of Juanita Broderick, a REAL RAPE VICTIM. 

NONE of your biased fake news rags gave any EVIDENCE (other than their slanted left wing OPINION) that most rapes go unreported. But I'd say that's a pretty powerful statement on their view of how LAME women are in general, how a RAPED woman will not report the crime.

Why? Their body won't change. Nothing will be different.  Even sophisticated hormone testing can miss it.Saying 'they're stupid' just makes you look stupid. If you have to lie to make your point, you don't have a very good point.

I'm just stating FACTS, and FACTS don't care about your feelings.

Sure - but first off for that argument to work you'd have to prove it was a baby. Instead of just a fetus. As i noted before you'd have to make a convincing argument it's a human being.

So? A heart beat isn't what makes a human a human. If a human's heart stops are they dead at that moment? Of course not - people's hearts stop all the time and they're revived.

If we took a heart out of someone and kept it alive in a jar - would it still be a human being?

I guess THESE people weren't human either, huh?


Yawn.  Wake me when your brain  starts to work again.

Irrelevant. You've obviously never read or even understood the case. It had nothing to do with 'abortion' in and of itself. It simply asked whether or not abortion was addressed within the constitution. It was a case about the constitution not abortion.

Roe was OVERTURNED  because it was NOT about the Constitution.

From the case:

We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such rightis implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Caseynow chiefly rely—the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. That provision has been held to guarantee some rights that are not mentioned in the Constitution, but any such right must be “deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition” and “implicit in the concept of orderedl  iberty.” Washington v. Glucksberg, 521 U. S. 702, 721 (1997) (internal quotation marks omitted).
The right to abortion does not fall within this category.Until the latter part of the 20th century, such a right was entirely unknown in American law. Indeed, when the Fourteenth Amendment was adopted, three quarters of the States made abortion a crime at all stages of pregnancy.The abortion right is also critically different from any other right that this Court has held to fall within the FourteenthAmendment’s protection of “liberty.” Roe’s defenders characterize the abortion right as similar to the rights recognized in past decisions involving matters such as intimate sexual relations, contraception, and marriage, but abortion is fundamentally different, as both Roe and Casey acknowledged, because it destroys what those decisions called “fetal life” and what the law now before us describes as an “unborn human being.”13
Stare decisis, the doctrine on which Casey’s controlling opinion was based, does not compel unending adherence to Roe’s abuse of judicial authority. Roe was egregiously wrong from the start. Its reasoning was exceptionallyweak, and the decision has had damaging consequences.And far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division.
It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives. “The permissibility of abortion, and the limitations, upon it, are tobe resolved like most important questions in our democracy: by citizens trying to persuade one another and thenvoting.” Casey, 505 U. S., at 979 (Scalia, J., concurring injudgment in part and dissenting in part). That is what the Constitution and the rule of law demand.
I The law at issue in this case, Mississippi’s Gestational Age Act, see Miss. Code Ann. §41–41–191 (2018), contains this central provision: “Except in a medical emergency or in the case of a severe fetal abnormality, a person shall notintentionally or knowingly perform . . . or induce an abortion of an unborn human being if the probable gestationalage of the unborn human being has been determined to begreater than fifteen (15) weeks.” §4(b).14 To support this Act, the legislature made a series of factual findings. It began by noting that, at the time of enactment, only six countries besides the United States “per-mit[ted] nontherapeutic or elective abortion-on-demand after the twentieth week of gestation.”15 §2(a). The legislature then found that at 5 or 6 weeks’ gestational age an “unborn human being’s heart begins beating”; at 8 weeks the “unborn human being begins to move about in the womb”;at 9 weeks “all basic physiological functions are present”; at 10 weeks “vital organs begin to function,” and “[h]air, fingernails, and toenails . . . begin to form”; at 11 weeks “anunborn human being’s diaphragm is developing,” and he orshe may “move about freely in the womb”; and at 12 weeks the “unborn human being” has “taken on ‘the human form’ in all relevant respects.” §2(b)(i) (quoting Gonzales v. Car-hart, 550 U. S. 124, 160 (2007)). It found that most abortions after 15 weeks employ “dilation and evacuation procedures which involve the use of surgical instruments tocrush and tear the unborn child,” and it concluded that the “intentional commitment of such acts for nontherapeutic or elective reasons is a barbaric practice, dangerous for thematernal patient, and demeaning to the medical profession.” §2(b)(i)(8).
Respondents are an abortion clinic, Jackson Women’s Health Organization, and one of its doctors. On the day the Gestational Age Act was enacted, respondents filed suit inFederal District Court against various Mississippi officials,alleging that the Act violated this Court’s precedents establishing a constitutional right to abortion. The DistrictCourt granted summary judgment in favor of respondents and permanently enjoined enforcement of the Act, reasoning that “viability marks the earliest point at which theState’s interest in fetal life is constitutionally adequate to justify a legislative ban on nontherapeutic abortions” and that 15 weeks’ gestational age is “prior to viability.” Jackson Women’s Health Org. v. Currier, 349 F. Supp. 3d 536,539–540 (SD Miss. 2019) (internal quotation marks omitted). The Fifth Circuit affirmed. 945 F. 3d 265 (2019)


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17 minutes ago, reason10 said:


The mammal inference takes us back to Darwin, whose evolution opinions led to Eugenics and the Holocaust. And that led to abortion.

That's dumb. If we're going to go that route then why not to back to god - it's all his fault for creating mammals in the first place! What a bastard.

17 minutes ago, reason10 said:

It's not my claim. It's SCIENCE. I don't just sit here on a high throne and make up scientific facts. 

You are literally sitting on your high throne making up facts.  There's no science behind it, sorry. And a dictionay definition that doesn't actually demonstrate your point doesn't help much.

Again - the fact you have to lie to make your point shows you don' t have a point.

17 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Roe was OVERTURNED  because it was NOT about the Constitution.

Sigh. No, stupid, roe was overturned because it IS about the constitution AND they decided roe vs wade incorrectly indicated abortion was covered by the constitution.  As we will see

The very first line of your quote says it all.

The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such rightis implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely—the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

All you had to do was read the first line. It spells it out crystal clear. This is about the constitution and whether or not abortion falls under its' protection.  Roe claimed that it did under the 14th amendment to the constitution. It has now been decided it does not.

That's it. That's what the whole thing was about.  And if it's not part of teh constitution then it's not a federal issue -the issue belongs to the states.

I'm sorry. You just don't  have enough education in these matters to speak intelligently on them. The rest of your drivel was equally uneducated.

Maybe consider doing some reading and educating yourself a little before speaking further. Honestly you look pretty stupid right now.  You can fix that by obtaining a little knowledge.

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17 hours ago, CdnFox said:


Again - the fact you have to lie to make your point shows you don' t have a point.

Sigh. No, stupid, roe was overturned because it IS about the constitution AND they decided roe vs wade incorrectly indicated abortion was covered by the constitution.  As we will see

The very first line of your quote says it all.

The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such rightis implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely—the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

All you had to do was read the first line. It spells it out crystal clear. This is about the constitution and whether or not abortion falls under its' protection.  Roe claimed that it did under the 14th amendment to the constitution. It has now been decided it does not.

That's it. That's what the whole thing was about.  And if it's not part of teh constitution then it's not a federal issue -the issue belongs to the states.

I'm sorry. You just don't  have enough education in these matters to speak intelligently on them. The rest of your drivel was equally uneducated.

Maybe consider doing some reading and educating yourself a little before speaking further. Honestly you look pretty stupid right now.  You can fix that by obtaining a little knowledge.

That's dumb. If we're going to go that route then why not to back to god - it's all his fault for creating mammals in the first place! What a bastard.

You are literally sitting on your high throne making up facts.  There's no science behind it, sorry. And a dictionay definition that doesn't actually demonstrate your point doesn't help much.

Darwin's The Descent Of Man led to Francis Galton's creation of the junk science EUGENICS. The Holocaust was based on Eugenics. Educated people know this.

You've lost this argument. Move one,


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17 hours ago, herbie said:

Doesn't dim the lights a bit at a time, just turns them right off and insists they're on to the whole world. Adolph calling everyone else a Nazi.

Gotta be the stupidest person on this board.


It's tempting to say YOU are the stupidest person on this board. But you have fellow Gestapo members who continue to lower the STUPID bar to depths unheard of.

Now I'm thinking you people wouldn't last even in a Florida special ed class in the lower grades.

Give it up, Herr Goose Stepper. Your head is a hat rack.

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3 hours ago, reason10 said:

Darwin's The Descent Of Man led to Francis Galton's creation of the junk science EUGENICS. The Holocaust was based on Eugenics. Educated people know this.

Stupid people connect those dots, educated people know better. But like i said - if you're going to go back that far and try to make that kind of causal relationship and blame darwin, then why not go to the original source and blame god?

3 hours ago, reason10 said:

You've lost this argument. Move one,


ROFLMAO!!!! - that's what a coward who knows he's lost would say :)   "Oh please don't hurt me anymore, please please just give up and let me pretend i won! Pllleeeaaaassse mr CdnFox! "

THAT's just pathetic. Don't grovel.

So lets recap.

You offered this as a 'compromise' solution. Your logic was that 6 weeks is plenty of time because women can find out right away if they're pregnant as soon as they get pregnant because otherwise they're stupid.

Further - you state a fetus is a human from conception. When asked for a logical argument or proof of this you replied "because its all darwin's fault".

The TRUTH of the matter is that women would barely have time to find out that they were pregnant - you were just too stupid to know how the testing works.

And you utterly FAILED to make ANY case that a fertilized egg is a human being with rights attached.

and when all this was pointed out, you begged me to stop and just leave you alone and stop picking on you essentially.

Buddy. I suppose it's possible you could find a way to look dumber and more pitiful somehow. But i really can't think of how at this moment.  Next time do better.

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21 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Stupid people connect those dots, educated people know better. But like i said - if you're going to go back that far and try to make that kind of causal relationship and blame darwin, then why not go to the original source and blame god?

ROFLMAO!!!! - that's what a coward who knows he's lost would say :)   "Oh please don't hurt me anymore, please please just give up and let me pretend i won! Pllleeeaaaassse mr CdnFox! "

THAT's just pathetic. Don't grovel.

So lets recap.

You offered this as a 'compromise' solution. Your logic was that 6 weeks is plenty of time because women can find out right away if they're pregnant as soon as they get pregnant because otherwise they're stupid.

Further - you state a fetus is a human from conception. When asked for a logical argument or proof of this you replied "because its all darwin's fault".

The TRUTH of the matter is that women would barely have time to find out that they were pregnant - you were just too stupid to know how the testing works.

And you utterly FAILED to make ANY case that a fertilized egg is a human being with rights attached.

and when all this was pointed out, you begged me to stop and just leave you alone and stop picking on you essentially.

Buddy. I suppose it's possible you could find a way to look dumber and more pitiful somehow. But i really can't think of how at this moment.  Next time do better.

You have lost this argument, Schultz. And you have a lot more time on your hands  than I do.

Those of us on the right have jobs.

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4 hours ago, reason10 said:

You have lost this argument, Schultz. And you have a lot more time on your hands  than I do.

Here's a clue sparky - if you have to announce victory, you probably lost : )   And no, i'm just smarter than you and it doesn't take me as long to reply. Also i can type with more than two fingers :)

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5 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Here's a clue sparky - if you have to announce victory, you probably lost : )   And no, i'm just smarter than you and it doesn't take me as long to reply. Also i can type with more than two fingers :)

Here's a factual clue, Schultz. You have lost the argument on the facts. You keep arguing the same facts that you lost on. And unlike you I have a job to go to. This discussion is not worth my time to  keep putting you in your uneducated place.

Florida has decided. If your ignorant, uneducated blue wants its own FINAL SOLUTION, so be it. The Supreme Court has given the  PRO DEATH states the choice, something Adolf Blackmun didn't do.

We're done here. Move on.

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11 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Here's a factual clue, Schultz. You have lost the argument on the facts.

Wow - you must REALLY think i won and that you lost badly to try to sell it that hard :)

Sorry kiddo - i didn't mean to cause you emotional damage.

11 minutes ago, reason10 said:


You keep arguing the same facts that you lost on. And unlike you I have a job to go to. This discussion is not worth my time to  keep putting you in your uneducated place.

But it is worth your time to keep coming back and begging me to agree you won :) ROFLMAO - hoooo kaaay little guy

11 minutes ago, reason10 said:


We're done here. Move on.

Followed by more begging and crying :)  PLEAAAAASE LET ME WIN you say ;)

Dude you're going from pathetic down to pitiable. Like i genuinely feel sorry for you.

Lets recap the facts:

Women don't know right away when they get pregnant - it takes time for the tests to be effective so 6 weeks isn't much time at all.

If you're going to claim that a fetus is a human being from conception then you'll have to explain why that is, and you have failed to even try to do that.

Roe vs wade was not about abortion per se, it was about whether it was covered by the constitution.

You're an !diot.

Those are the facts.

Now - cope with that, and stop begging me to let you win, it's getting pretty damn sad.

And i'm sorry for causing you emotional damage.



Edited by CdnFox
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17 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Wow - you must REALLY think i won and that you lost badly to try to sell it that hard :)

Sorry kiddo - i didn't mean to cause you emotional damage.

But it is worth your time to keep coming back and begging me to agree you won :) ROFLMAO - hoooo kaaay little guy

Followed by more begging and crying :)  PLEAAAAASE LET ME WIN you say ;)

Dude you're going from pathetic down to pitiable. Like i genuinely feel sorry for you.

Lets recap the facts:

Women don't know right away when they get pregnant - it takes time for the tests to be effective so 6 weeks isn't much time at all.

If you're going to claim that a fetus is a human being from conception then you'll have to explain why that is, and you have failed to even try to do that.

Roe vs wade was not about abortion per se, it was about whether it was covered by the constitution.

You're an !diot.

Those are the facts.

Now - cope with that, and stop begging me to let you win, it's getting pretty damn sad.

And i'm sorry for causing you emotional damage.


Give it up, Schultz. You lost.

Give it up, Schultz. You lost. And you aren't worth my time.

Edited by reason10
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On 4/14/2023 at 2:08 PM, herbie said:

Florida: where every headline makes the rest of the world facepalm and groan "Oh those f***ing Americans"

It's Regressives like you that are helping the West into decline. THAT is the real facepalm. 

Edited by Deluge
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