Rebound Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 (edited) 12 hours ago, Deluge said: The KKK is no worse than you race hustlers. It's a wash. Grand Wizard David Duke was a lunatic and nobody liked him - it's why he lost. Republicans want to keep crybaby hysterics from overreacting. Those are images of historical figures, not active slave holders. Rosa Parks is no more special than any other person in history. We honor the memories of ALL significant historical figures, not just Rosa Parks. You treat her like a deity, for Christ's sake. Jesse Jackson is for sure a race hustler - a disgrace to the memory of MLK. I'm unfamiliar with the other guy. This is decades of white democrat grooming, my friend. You don't have to be stupid to be brainwashed and brainwashing is exactly what your side has been doing. No, the real crime is on your side - you treat blacks like retards. Let’s include one more person: You You are racist white trash. Enjoy the label; you’ve earned it. Why do I say this? First, you compared a Federally-designated domestic terrorist organization which murdered people and burned down their homes with anyone alive today who is promoting civil rights and equality. Second, you’ve lumped together the accomplishments of all civil rights advocates as essentially meaningless. Who does something like that? Why, a racist, of course! Edited March 22, 2023 by Rebound Quote @reason10: “Hitler had very little to do with the Holocaust.”
Infidel Dog Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 17 minutes ago, BeaverFever said: No, dum-dum. You’re the one who is lying No King of Lies. It's you again. They told you right to your face what happened but you seem to think if you just repeat the lie over and over again instead then what you want to believe becomes the truth. It doesn't. This is what happened. The Florida legislature was in the process of considering a bill that would make it illegal for schools or government to introduce policies mandating the preach-teaching of any kind of racism. Not even black against white. Not even the white woke against normal whites. In the meantime there was a publisher of Florida curriculum that had been publishing textbooks for grade threes. Their next volume was coming up for review before publishing. Just before the review somebody (either the New York Times) or an editor of the publishing house slipped an amateurish looking edit into the review and it appeared in the New York times. It marginalized Rosa Parks status as a civil rights icon and a black woman. In a response to the New York Times that appeared to be claiming that would be the new Florida curriculum the Publisher called the Rosa Parks claim an "abhorrent historical inaccuracy" and would never make it past the final review. It would not be in the final curriculum. The insinuation was some part of staff was responsible for stuffing in the edit when it was too late to stop it. The publisher claimed those responsible had been identified and the situation was rectified. As far as I know NYT and other leftist media lip servers never offered a retraction for their lie and their little fringe army of indoctrinated fanatics on social media started slinging out the inference of the edit as fact. That Ron De Santis had ordered a curriculum where Rosa Parks became a non-descript white woman. That never happened. It's not going to happen. Beave is lying again. He seems to think if he just keeps lying and launching insults we'll stop noticing he's lying. Speaking for myself that's not going to happen. Quote
Infidel Dog Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 (edited) 36 minutes ago, Rebound said: You are racist white trash. See that? You can't preach-teach garbage like that in Florida schools and public institutions anymore. Doesn't matter how you try to justify it. That's all HB 7 says. Edited March 22, 2023 by Infidel Dog Quote
Rebound Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 (edited) 7 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said: See that? You can't preach-teach garbage like that in Florida schools and public institutions anymore. Doesn't matter how you try to justify it. That's all HB 7 says. And you just zing right past the part where he equated civil rights activists with the KKK. I agree that telling someone that they are racist is not part of a school curriculum. But teaching who the Klan were and are, and what Rosa Parks and MLK did, those things are an appropriate part of a school curriculum. Edited March 22, 2023 by Rebound Quote @reason10: “Hitler had very little to do with the Holocaust.”
Deluge Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 46 minutes ago, Rebound said: Let’s include one more person: You You are racist white trash. Enjoy the label; you’ve earned it. Why do I say this? First, you compared a Federally-designated domestic terrorist organization which murdered people and burned down their homes with anyone alive today who is promoting civil rights and equality. Second, you’ve lumped together the accomplishments of all civil rights advocates as essentially meaningless. Who does something like that? Why, a racist, of course! I am for ALL lives; YOU are BLM's tool. I am for ALL lives. YOU are a race hustler. You said that because you don't know any better. Talk about today's lynchings by the KKK. No, you clowns have exalted Rosa Parks and all other blacks to immortality. Everyone else can f*ck off. lol Race hustlers abound, Rebound, and you are one of them. Actually you are racists AND you are race hustlers. Quote
Deluge Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 (edited) 1 hour ago, BeaverFever said: False Historical slave holders who were literally traitors and seditionists thay Republicans revere when they should be reviled. Why do you want them to stay and people like Rosa to he deleted? False, you’re the one trying to erase her from the history books and you deserve to be called out for it. Republicans say that about every black civil rights activist who isn’t dead. Republicans hate black civil rights because they’re not the story's hero so they think the story is by definition against them. And yet so many MAGAs are both, we can het into chicken and egg arguments over which came first. False. In tact Republicans treat blacks like criminals and think of them as “retards”. Pretending that Republican contempt for, and persecution of, Black people is “tough love” and that anything else is some kind of “trick” that has fooled the entire Black race says it all. Correct. Always correct. Republicans support ALL lives. BLM and the rest of you shills support black lives, and ONLY black lives, because "black lives matter", and all other lives can f*ck off. It's in the name: BLACK LIVES MATTER - everyone else f*ck off. Wrong. She is welcome in the history books. what isn't welcome is her drowning out everyone else in the history books. Republicans are for ALL LIVES. Democrats are for whichever diversity cult plants its flag at the top of the democrat shit pile: Trannies have been supreme, but I think BLM might be making another run for the top. MAGA means Make America Great Again - that means we've lost a good deal of greatness, thanks to leftist cult leaders. That's going to end. Wrong. Republicans treat blacks like any person should be treated. It's the white democrats that treat blacks like adorable m*rons. Edited March 22, 2023 by Deluge Quote
Deluge Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 1 hour ago, BeaverFever said: What’s the necessity of teaching about civil rights? Are you serious? I recognize and respect the subject of civil rights, in general. What I don't recognize and respect is the left's spin on civil rights. What we will do here is separate your bullshit from necessary information. Quote
BeaverFever Posted March 22, 2023 Author Report Posted March 22, 2023 7 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said: No King of Lies. It's you again. They told you right to your face what happened but you seem to think if you just repeat the lie over and over again instead then what you want to believe becomes the truth. It doesn't. This is what happened. The Florida legislature was in the process of considering a bill that would make it illegal for schools or government to introduce policies mandating the preach-teaching of any kind of racism. Not even black against white. Not even the white woke against normal whites. In the meantime there was a publisher of Florida curriculum that had been publishing textbooks for grade threes. Their next volume was coming up for review before publishing. Just before the review somebody (either the New York Times) or an editor of the publishing house slipped an amateurish looking edit into the review and it appeared in the New York times. It marginalized Rosa Parks status as a civil rights icon and a black woman. In a response to the New York Times that appeared to be claiming that would be the new Florida curriculum the Publisher called the Rosa Parks claim an "abhorrent historical inaccuracy" and would never make it past the final review. It would not be in the final curriculum. The insinuation was some part of staff was responsible for stuffing in the edit when it was too late to stop it. The publisher claimed those responsible had been identified and the situation was rectified. As far as I know NYT and other leftist media lip servers never offered a retraction for their lie and their little fringe army of indoctrinated fanatics on social media started slinging out the inference of the edit as fact. That Ron De Santis had ordered a curriculum where Rosa Parks became a non-descript white woman. That never happened. It's not going to happen. Beave is lying again. He seems to think if he just keeps lying and launching insults we'll stop noticing he's lying. Speaking for myself that's not going to happen. There is no lie by me or the NYT. You have very poor reading skills The only lies are the non-existent claims that YOU are inventing and claiming are being “insinuated” Here is what you either don’t understand or are lying about: 1)The publisher OPENLY ADMITS that the edits were actually created by them and submitted to the state of Florida for consideration which is exactly what the NYT reported 2) The publisher OPENLY ADMITS that its employees made the edits in an effort to comply with their understanding of Floridas HB7, which the publisher says is a poorly explained law with no guidance provided by the state on how it should be interpreted or applied 3) The publisher OPENLY ADMITS that the Rosa Parks edits they created submitted to to the state of Florida are an “abhorrent historical inaccuracy”. It DOESN’T call the NYT article incorrect or “an abhorrent historical inaccuracy” so ONCE AGAIN YOU ARE WRONG OR LYING OR BOTH 4) After confirming the facts of the NYT article, the publisher attempts to excuse itself when it CLAIMS BUT DOES NOT PROVE that the edits were not reviewed or approved and that it would have been caught in its normal quality control. That’s a standard corporate denial in any scandal: “it was a junior employee didn’t follow the established procedures nothing to see here”. If they had fired anyone they would have said so. I know you republicans worship corporations and treat their spin as infallible word from god but sane people know better. Even if we take this explanation at its word, they don’t deny much less disprove anything reported in the NYT or this thread. In you feverish mind, by reading between the lines they somehow “insinuate” covert liberal operatives, a NYT conspiracy, and deny everything they just confirmed to be correct. But that’s just your lies and delusion. You suck at this. Just give up. Quote
BeaverFever Posted March 22, 2023 Author Report Posted March 22, 2023 7 minutes ago, Deluge said: I recognize and respect the subject of civil rights, in general. What I don't recognize and respect is the left's spin on civil rights. What we will do here is separate your bullshit from necessary information. So in your opinion the original content on Rosa Parks was “the left’s spin on civil rights” and these edits were appropriate?? Quote
BeaverFever Posted March 22, 2023 Author Report Posted March 22, 2023 (edited) 47 minutes ago, Deluge said: Republicans support ALL lives. BLM and the rest of you shills support black lives, and ONLY black lives, because "black lives matter", and all other lives can f*ck off. It's in the name: BLACK LIVES MATTER - everyone else f*ck off. FALSE 47 minutes ago, Deluge said: what isn't welcome is her drowning out everyone else in the history books. That’s not a real thing that actually happened. 47 minutes ago, Deluge said: Republicans are for ALL LIVES. Democrats are for whichever diversity cult plants its flag at the top of the democrat shit pile: Trannies have been supreme, but I think BLM might be making another run for the top. False 47 minutes ago, Deluge said: MAGA means Make America Great Again - that means we've lost a good deal of greatness, thanks to leftist cult leaders. That's going to end. Whatever “greatness” America once had was lost because its government was deigned for a simple 18th century agrarian European colony in which all businesses and political issues were small and local, women were a man’s property, black people were simply considered beasts of burden, slavery was socially acceptable, and indigenous people were considered little more than nuisance wildlife. In those days formal education and a professional public service were virtually nonexistent, therefore citizens had to rely on a person’s local reputation instead of professional qualifications. The American solution to government was therefore to politicize every possible public office and rely on citizens to elect one of their own to run affairs and originally only wealthy land owners were allowed to vote. In those days, a large business might be someone who owns a few sawmills or maybe someone descended from aristocracy who owns a trading company. Corporations as we know them did not exist. The fathers of American confederation could not foresee the rise of large regional corporations - much less global corporations- that could buy up scores of politicians from coast to coast and manipulate them all like puppets. These corporations have run America into the ground in pursuit of their own interests and now that their old Ronald Reagan neocon trickle down economics was fully discredited even by Republicans after the last economic meltdown, they’ve changed tactic and put on the phoney mask of populism and culture war politics. It feels real to you but the real forces behind it are the same corporations pushing the same toxic trickle down policies have been poisoning Americans for 4 decades now. Edited March 22, 2023 by BeaverFever Quote
Rebound Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 41 minutes ago, Deluge said: I recognize and respect the subject of civil rights, in general. What I don't recognize and respect is the left's spin on civil rights. What we will do here is separate your bullshit from necessary information. So… mentioning that Rosa Parks was arrested because she was a black woman who refused to surrender her seat to a white person on a bus… that’s a “spin” which should be removed from history books? Quote @reason10: “Hitler had very little to do with the Holocaust.”
Rebound Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 51 minutes ago, Deluge said: MAGA means Make America Great Again - that means we've lost a good deal of greatness, thanks to leftist cult leaders. That's going to end. When was America Great… for black people? In the 1950’s? In the 1870’s? In the 1820’s? Quote @reason10: “Hitler had very little to do with the Holocaust.”
Deluge Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 (edited) 1 hour ago, BeaverFever said: FALSE That’s not a real thing that actually happened. False Whatever “greatness” America once had was lost because its government was deigned for a simple 18th century agrarian European colony in which all businesses and political issues were small and local, women were a man’s property, slavery was socially acceptable economic activity and indigenous people were little more than nuisance wildlife. In those days formal education and a professional public service were virtually nonexistent, therefore citizens had to rely on a person’s local reputation instead of professional qualifications. The American solution to government was therefore to politicize every possible public office and rely on citizens to elect one of their own to run affairs. In those days, a large business might be someone who owns a few sawmills or maybe someone descended from aristocracy who owns a trading company. Corporations as we know them did not exist. The fathers of American confederation could not foresee the rise of large regional corporations - much less global corporations- that could buy up scores of politicians from coast to coast and manipulate them all like puppets. These corporations have run America into the ground in pursuit of their own interests and now that their old Ronald Reagan neocon trickle down economics was fully discredited even by Republicans after the last economic meltdown, they’ve changed tactic and put on the phoney mask of populism and culture war politics. It feels real to you but the real forces behind it are the same corporations pushing the same toxic trickle down policies have been poisoning Americans for 4 decades now. MLK had a dream: That his four little children would live in a nation where they woudn't be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. BLM also has a dream: That they will be able to judge people by the color of their skin, not by the content of their character, hence, the name Black Lives Matter: everyone else prepare to be judged unworthy. Rosa Parks is welcome in the history books; there should be a couple sentences about her bravery and that she took a beating for standing firm. It's inspirational. Correct. Always correct. You're looking at it through a hater's lens - way too narrow and biased. What makes America great is the Constitution, Christianity and Capitalism - in other words, Western thought and culture. But when pervert haters slither in and try to revise the narrative, it corrupts the country and turns it into a cultural wasteland - much like Portland or Tenderloin San Francisco. You need to step out of the degenerate's bag and embrace what's right and true. Edited March 22, 2023 by Deluge Quote
Deluge Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 (edited) 27 minutes ago, Rebound said: When was America Great… for black people? In the 1950’s? In the 1870’s? In the 1820’s? I can point out loads of black people who are doing quite well. It's what you make of it. If you want to just sit there and point an accusing finger at other people then it's going to be a sh*tty experience. The only holding back that's truly evident is the left's need to hold black people back so they can use them in their blame game. Edited March 22, 2023 by Deluge Quote
Rebound Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 (edited) 6 minutes ago, Deluge said: I can point out loads of black people who are doing quite well. It's what you make of it. If you want to just sit there and point an accusing finger at other people then it's going to be a sh*tty experience. The only holding back that's truly evident is the left's need to hold black people back so they can use them in their blame game. That's not the question I asked you. When was America Great for black people? Was it great for them when they were slaves? Was it great for them during the sharecropper era? Was it great for them during Jim Crow? It seems to me that when you say, "Make America Great Again"... you're referring to a period of time when America was not a great place if you were a black person. Edited March 22, 2023 by Rebound Quote @reason10: “Hitler had very little to do with the Holocaust.”
OftenWrong Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 33 minutes ago, Rebound said: When was America Great… for black people? In the 1950’s? In the 1870’s? In the 1820’s? I thought things would really improve after the US elected, and re-elected, the black president Obama. But naaa 1 Quote
Deluge Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 (edited) 7 minutes ago, Rebound said: That's not the question I asked you. When was America Great for black people? Was it great for them when they were slaves? Was it great for them during the sharecropper era? Was it great for them during Jim Crow? It seems to me that when you say, "Make America Great Again"... you're referring to a period of time when America was not a great place if you were a black person. I did answer your question. America is great for lots of black people. See, your problem is that you're trying to live in a past that you were never part of, and that has zero relevance to today. the real question is, what stake do you have in any of it? Edited March 22, 2023 by Deluge Quote
Deluge Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 12 minutes ago, OftenWrong said: I thought things would really improve after the US elected, and re-elected, the black president Obama. But naaa Excellent point. That dude had TWO terms to heal the country, and all he did was help widen the divide. Quote
Deluge Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 (edited) 1 hour ago, Rebound said: So… mentioning that Rosa Parks was arrested because she was a black woman who refused to surrender her seat to a white person on a bus… that’s a “spin” which should be removed from history books? No, the spin would be where teachers try to use that story to make white kids find their "inner racist" and turn them into BLM disciples. You discuss the facts of that time and then you move on. That's it. Edited March 22, 2023 by Deluge Quote
Infidel Dog Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 (edited) 3 hours ago, BeaverFever said: There is no lie by me or the NYT. You have very poor reading skills The only lies are the non-existent claims that YOU are inventing and claiming are being “insinuated” I admit, Beave sometimes your willingness to say, present a picture of an Aardvark and tell them it's a tomato impresses even me. Here's what's currently up at the Studies Weekly Publishing website: Now show where in there it claims their next text book will contain anything that suggests Rosa Parks was not a civil rights icon or black. Then show me how what doesn't exist was the work of Ron De Santis. If you can't do that then what you appear to be claiming in the title of this thread is a lie. You should admit it and move on. But you won't. You can't. Liars can't admit they're lying. Instead you want to blather on about unrelated tidbits that have nothing to do with your central claim or inference or whatever that is in the title. And none of that matters because if there is nothing in the current revised curriculum as it will appear in their upcoming text book claiming Rosa Parks was just another bus passenger of unspecific race then what are you or your fellow, fringe, far left, numbskulls complaining about? Edited March 22, 2023 by Infidel Dog 1 Quote
BeaverFever Posted March 22, 2023 Author Report Posted March 22, 2023 41 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said: I admit, Beave sometimes your willingness to say, present a picture of an Aardvark and tell them it's a tomato impresses even me. Here's what's currently up at the Studies Weekly Publishing website: Now show where in there it claims their next text book will contain anything that suggests Rosa Parks was not a civil rights icon or black. Then show me how what doesn't exist was the work of Ron De Santis. If you can't do that then what you appear to be claiming in the title of this thread is a lie. You should admit it and move on. But you won't. You can't. Liars can't admit they're lying. Instead you want to blather on about unrelated tidbits that have nothing to do with your central claim or inference or whatever that is in the title. And none of that matters because if there is nothing in the current revised curriculum as it will appear in their upcoming text book claiming Rosa Parks was just another bus passenger of unspecific race then what are you or your fellow, fringe, far left, numbskulls complaining about? Buddy you are look going around in circles. Let’s rehash your desperate excuses and pathetic defences It never happened Ok It happened but DeSantis wasn’t personally involved It was a Democrat infiltrator sleeper cell sabotage operation But DeSantis’s law never mentions Rosa Parks specifically Now your latest strawman argument appears to be “show me where the publishers statement to the public after everything came out in the open they say they’re going to go ahead with the Rosa Parks edits anyway” Your pathetic lies and lame desperate flailing arguments are getting worse and worse. You can’t possibly be this dumb. Just give up. Quote
Rebound Posted March 22, 2023 Report Posted March 22, 2023 1 hour ago, Deluge said: No, the spin would be where teachers try to use that story to make white kids find their "inner racist" and turn them into BLM disciples. You discuss the facts of that time and then you move on. That's it. So where is that happening? I have lots of German friends. They don't feel guilty about the Holocaust, nor should they. Quote @reason10: “Hitler had very little to do with the Holocaust.”
BeaverFever Posted March 22, 2023 Author Report Posted March 22, 2023 2 hours ago, Deluge said: Excellent point. That dude had TWO terms to heal the country, and all he did was help widen the divide. What Obama didn’t magically end all racism in America? How dare he! Quote
BeaverFever Posted March 22, 2023 Author Report Posted March 22, 2023 2 hours ago, OftenWrong said: I thought things would really improve after the US elected, and re-elected, the black president Obama. But naaa Having a black president is what sent overt republican racism into high gear. Suddenly they felt safe saying the N word again. Quote
BeaverFever Posted March 22, 2023 Author Report Posted March 22, 2023 2 hours ago, Deluge said: MLK had a dream: That his four little children would live in a nation where they woudn't be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. BLM also has a dream: That they will be able to judge people by the color of their skin, not by the content of their character, hence, the name Black Lives Matter: everyone else prepare to be judged unworthy. Rosa Parks is welcome in the history books; there should be a couple sentences about her bravery and that she took a beating for standing firm. It's inspirational. Correct. Always correct. You're looking at it through a hater's lens - way too narrow and biased. What makes America great is the Constitution, Christianity and Capitalism - in other words, Western thought and culture. But when pervert haters slither in and try to revise the narrative, it corrupts the country and turns it into a cultural wasteland - much like Portland or Tenderloin San Francisco. You need to step out of the degenerate's bag and embrace what's right and true. The only one trying to revise the narrative here is republicans. You never answered the question about whether 9-11 should be censored in order to spare the feelings of Muslims who had nothing to do with it. 1 Quote
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