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Canada has a One-China policy which demonstrates massive failure

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Canada has a one-China policy and does not have an official foreign diplomatic post in Taiwan.  This should tell us something about the liberal left in Canada and their disastrous foreign affairs.  Seems liberals and NDP and possibly other parties to a degree want to have it both ways, support Communist states and free Democratic states.  They speak with forked tongue.  This has proven a disaster and has placed Canada on the watch list with our traditional allies.

This situation of loving Communist countries goes back 53 years or so when PM Pierre Trudeau was the first western leader to lead Canada to officially recognize the People's Republic of China and establish diplomatic relations in 1970.  It is well-known the Trudeaus had a fascination with Communist dictatorships and became personal friends with Cuba's Fidel Castro.  Why Liberals at large so easily bought into this is a mystery.  It may have something to do with Liberals in the 1960s feeling their oats and thinking they somehow could be the great arbitrator of the world's problems.  They wholeheartedly rushed in to give all their support to the U.N.  and embraced multiculturalism as the be all and end all.   They continue down this path and have added progressivism into the mix and rejected our historic Judeo-Christian culture and civilization and our European roots as of any importance.  It has been said that key Liberals consider Canada as a "post-national" state.  Nationalism is frowned on and Canadians have even been accused of genocide without any basis at all.  There seems to be an obsession by liberals (and left) with encouraging national shame for colonizing this part of north America.

This liberal left thinking has had dire consequences with nation building and national defence.  Canada's armed forces cannot even get people to join because of this progressivism/liberalism deeply embedded in our government departments.  They have in effect declared war on our historic traditional values.  They are trying to change Canada into some kind of liberal/progressive pagan culture with increasing state control of free speech, beliefs, and society in general.

This article elaborates on what is happening:

"Determined advocates for a progressive world view work all through government, the bureaucracy, environmental and other non-governmental organizations, academia and the media. They are not an organized cabal — a vast left-wing conspiracy, to paraphrase Hillary Clinton — but they do have overlapping agendas and share the twin convictions that a fundamental reordering of society is needed and that they know best how to achieve it.

Proponents include Liberals, progressives, socialists, hard leftists and crypto- marxists who support climate alarmism, globalism, big government, stakeholder capitalism, critical race theory and wokeism. The transformation they seek is already well under way. There’s even the danger that, like the frog sitting in the slowly heating water, the rest of us may realize what has happened only after it is too late.

Many environmental organizations, including Greenpeace — which the environment minister, Stephen Guilbeault, belonged to when he scaled the CN Tower — view humans’ impact on the planet as inherently destructive and bad. The declared goal of Stable Planet Alliance is “to stabilize and gradually, steadily reduce population and consumption.” One of the alliance’s members, Population Balance, draws “the connections between pronatalism, human supremacy, and ecological overshoot, and their combined devastating impacts on social, reproductive, ecological, and intergenerational justice.” Actual culling of the population may be a bridge too far, but they are certainly no fans of childbearing."

Joe Oliver: What progressives are really trying to do and why (msn.com)


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Canada has not recognized Taiwan as a sovereign state since 1970, when then-prime minister Pierre Trudeau switched diplomatic relations to the communist-led People's Republic of China.

Commie-loving cowards.

"All generalizations are false, including this one." - Mark Twain

Partisanship is a disease of the intellect.

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11 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Is it because they love communism, or consumerism?   I’d say our policies on China are so corporations can get stuff made for cheap.   That seems a lot closer to laissez faire capitalism than any love of communism. 

Why do you think it is the love of communism?  Do you think previous Conservative governments, who had the same policies, also loved communism?

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2 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

Is it because they love communism, or consumerism?   I’d say our policies on China are so corporations can get stuff made for cheap.   That seems a lot closer to laissez faire capitalism than any love of communism. 

Why do you think it is the love of communism?  Do you think previous Conservative governments, who had the same policies, also loved communism?

The love of money is the root of evil.  - Bible.  Money could have something to do with it but the two Trudeau PMs were known to like Communist dictatorships.

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The OP conveniently forgets that it was President Nixion of the United States that asked Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau to open relations with China as a first step to the US recognising Red China.

Relations with Red China at present are the worst they have been since relations were established. The Chinese took two innocent Canadians hostage, one of whom, was a friend of the Prime Minister. Mr. Trudeau is under no illusions about the brutal regime in Red China.

There is a difference between liking a country and liking its government. Americans like Canada but their governments have sometimes been hostile towards us. 

Communism is universally recognised as a failed political philosophy. The only people in Canada who support communism are a few 3rd year arts students who know everything. The rest of us are know nothings who see communism as a nasty murdeerous system that is run by kleptocratic psychopaths.

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3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The OP conveniently forgets that it was President Nixion of the United States that asked Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau to open relations with China as a first step to the US recognising Red China.

No, I don't think so.  Pierre Trudeau visited China long before 1970 when he officially established diplomatic relations with China.  Canada and its PM decide themselves what their foreign relations policies will be.  Pierre Trudeau was the last person to listen to Americans, our allies.  He reduced the size of NATO in Europe and brought troops home from Germany.  He loved Communist countries and became a personal friend of Fidel Castro.

"The elder "Trudeau didn't allow much politics to colour Canada-China relations. He took politics out of economic and trade relations," said Tang Xiaosong, executive deputy director of the Centre for Canadian Studies at the Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages. "The younger Trudeau, I think, will very much follow in the footsteps of his father. Because his father had a very positive stance toward China."

The elder Trudeau's approach – and appeal – was cemented in 1973, on his landmark visit to Beijing to commemorate the renewal of diplomatic relations between the two countries. After a two-hour meeting with Mao Zedong that followed nearly 11 hours of formal talks with Premier Zhou Enlai, Mr. Trudeau offered flattery for his hosts, speaking of their genius in creating a system "that, in comparison with all previous Chinese social systems, is striving to provide human dignity and equality of opportunity for the Chinese people."  

Pierre Trudeau’s China legacy looms large ahead of PM’s first official visit - The Globe and Mail

As a matter of the record, some churches in Canada had been sending missionaries to China since the 1800s.  Some of them cozied up with Chinese leaders of political parties and movements.  I believe a few were even closely associated with the Communist revolutionaries before the 1949 Communist Revolution.   One must ask why they would do that.  The Bible says have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness (Communism).

Why on earth any missionary would become associated with a Communist revolutionary or far left politician is beyond understanding, but I believe that is what happened.  I suspect, but cannot prove, some of these missionaries had connections with some liberals back home in Canada.  I would like to investigate this further and will look at a book I have called "Claws of the Panda" and see if there is any other historical information on the internet.

Edited by blackbird
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On 1/5/2023 at 10:45 AM, blackbird said:

Proponents include Liberals, progressives, socialists, hard leftists and crypto- marxists who support climate alarmism, globalism, big government, stakeholder capitalism, critical race theory and wokeism. The transformation they seek is already well under way.

You say that like it's a bad thing. You go on to say,


On 1/5/2023 at 10:45 AM, blackbird said:

Many environmental organizations, including Greenpeace — which the environment minister, Stephen Guilbeault, belonged to when he scaled the CN Tower — view humans’ impact on the planet as inherently destructive and bad. The declared goal of Stable Planet Alliance is “to stabilize and gradually, steadily reduce population and consumption.”

You cannot deny that the over population of humans is unsustainable in the long term.

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6 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

You cannot deny that the over population of humans is unsustainable in the long term.

Nonsense.  Would you suggest mankind (the global order) should cull the population?  We already have had massive evil with the Holocaust when one third of the Jews in Europe were murdered by the Nazis.  We have abortion which has killed about sixty million babies since Roe versus Wade in 1973.  Now we have doctor assisted suicide which is killing at least ten thousand people a year in Canada and likely kill far more when they start including those with mental problems or even depressed people.  The world and mankind was created by God and it is in his hands.  Man should stop trying to play God.

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4 minutes ago, blackbird said:

No, I don't think so.  Pierre Trudeau visited China long before 1970 when he officially established diplomatic relations with China.  Canada and its PM decide themselves what their foreign relations policies will be. 

Are you denying President Nixon asked the Canadian government to do this? President Nixon also visited China and toasted Chairman Mao with many compliments. President Nixon was not a supporter of communism but his foreign policies were directed at improving relations with both China and the Soviet Union. 

China is no longer a communist nation, inspite of what it claims. Neither is Cuba. The reason for this change is communism doesn't work. China is now a kleptocratic dictatorship. The current Canadian government's relations with Red China are worse than at anytime since the Korean War. The hostage taking of Canadians and the stepped up level of Red Chinese espionage and political interference has led the Trudeau government to undertake a policy of moving away from China. The interaction between Prime Minister Trudeau and President Xi at their recent meeting, certainly didn't show any love. Our Prime Minister was pretty blunt to the dictator.

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8 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The world and mankind was created by God and it is in his hands. 

God helps those who help themselves. We have the gift of intellect from God. That gives us the ability to gradually reduce the population without killing people. We just have to reduce the number of children we conceive. 

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47 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Are you denying President Nixon asked the Canadian government to do this?

I don't think anything Nixon said had any bearing on what former Commie lover Pierre Trudeau did.  The proof is his visits to China before 1970 when diplomatic relations were established and his love for Communist dictatorships in other countries.

But you should not listen to Canadian media to find out the historical truth on Canada and China's relationship because they are fronting for the liberals and keep the truth quiet.  You have to read foreign media to find out a lot of things.  You seem to think Canada can have some kind of relationship with Communist dictatorships that deny human rights.  That is the kind of thinking that Liberals have that got Canada into the mess.  "have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness"  (Communist - Fascist states that deny human rights.

"In U.S. backyard: How China embedded itself in Canada"   

 In U.S. backyard: How China embedded itself in Canada - The Sunday Guardian Live

"Canada has been making headlines in India recently, and not in a good way. There were Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s statements about the farmer issue, seen in New Delhi as interference in internal affairs. And then documents were released showing that as late as 2018 Canada was allowing PLA soldiers to observe Canadian winter warfare training, seen as of use to China in its aggression against India in the Himalayas—and when the Canadian military unilaterally decided to stop the training, some in Canadian foreign affairs hit the roof."   

This was very recent.  It seems many Canadian politicians, especially liberals and left, are out of touch with the real world.


Pierre Trudeau with Chinese leaders.jpg

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14 minutes ago, blackbird said:

You seem to think Canada can have some kind of relationship with Communist dictatorships that deny human rights.  That is the kind of thinking that Liberals have that got Canada into the mess.  "have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness"  (Communist - Fascist states that deny human rights.

We allied with Stalin to fight world war 2. Foreign policy must be pragmatic, not ideological. Nothing Canada does is going to turn China into a democracy. However, our policy shift to turn our back on China and turn to India is based on the Canadian government's disgust with China. 

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19 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

Is it because they love communism, or consumerism?   I’d say our policies on China are so corporations can get stuff made for cheap.   That seems a lot closer to laissez faire capitalism than any love of communism. 

Why do you think it is the love of communism?  Do you think previous Conservative governments, who had the same policies, also loved communism?

I think Pierre Trudeau and his son are commie lovers and ki$$ a$$ to the wealthy elites.  And they like being God-like leaders who think they know better than everyone and tell them what they need while behaving sometimes like tyrants.  I think Harper only ki$$es a$$ to the wealthy and is just your regular ordinary tyrant.  I also think Justin is a coward.  Pierre didn't seem like a coward, to his credit.

Fidel and Pierre were buddies, they had a lot in common.  Trump and Putin were buddies, they had a lot in common.  This isn't hard to figure out.

Edited by Moonlight Graham

"All generalizations are false, including this one." - Mark Twain

Partisanship is a disease of the intellect.

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3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

We allied with Stalin to fight world war

No.  One could hardly call it an alliance.  The west fought Nazi Germany from the west and Stalin fought them from the east because they invaded Russia.  Both sides fought simply for their own survival to defeat the Nazis.  It was a matter of self preservation. 

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12 minutes ago, blackbird said:

One could hardly call it an alliance.


You want to rewrite history based on your feelings?  


In World War II, the three great Allied powers—Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union—formed a Grand Alliance that was the key to victory. But the alliance partners did not share common political aims, and did not always agree on how the war should be fought.

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48 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

I think Pierre Trudeau and his son are commie lovers and ki$$ a$$ to the wealthy elites.  And they like being God-like leaders who think they know better than everyone and tell them what they need while behaving sometimes like tyrants.  I think Harper only ki$$es a$$ to the wealthy and is just your regular ordinary tyrant.  I also think Justin is a coward.  Pierre didn't seem like a coward, to his credit.

Fidel and Pierre were buddies, they had a lot in common.  Trump and Putin were buddies, they had a lot in common.  This isn't hard to figure out.

You can keep stating it over and over, I guess.  But without actual evidence, why would I believe you?  Name one thing that either Trudeau has done to implement communist policies in Canada. 

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3 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:


You want to rewrite history based on your feelings?  


In World War II, the three great Allied powers—Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union—formed a Grand Alliance that was the key to victory. But the alliance partners did not share common political aims, and did not always agree on how the war should be fought.

It was strictly an alliance of defence.  QueenMandy mentioned it but it proves nothing.  It certainly does not prove we need to be have some kind of close relationship with Communist China.  So are you mentioning it just to be contrary or what is your point?

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9 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

You can keep stating it over and over, I guess.  But without actual evidence, why would I believe you?  Name one thing that either Trudeau has done to implement communist policies in Canada. 

Buried By Media: How The Liberal Party Embedded China Into Canadian Society (capforcanada.com)

It is quite obvious the Trudeaus and liberals have sucked up to Communist China for decades and they have become entrenched in Canadian society in many ways. 

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13 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

You can keep stating it over and over, I guess.  But without actual evidence, why would I believe you?  Name one thing that either Trudeau has done to implement communist policies in Canada. 

Well they licked Castro's balls for one.

Also, daycare, Dental care, pharma care.  Ordering public servants to get vaccines even if they work from home full-time.  Going into people's bank accounts without consent on 2 separate incidents.  Tracking everyone in the country's location via their cellphones without their consent.




Edited by Moonlight Graham

"All generalizations are false, including this one." - Mark Twain

Partisanship is a disease of the intellect.

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1 minute ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Well they licked Castro's balls for one.

Also, daycare, Dental care, pharma care.  Ordering public servants to get vaccines even if they work from home full-time.  Going into people's bank accounts without consent on 2 separate incidents.  Tracking everyone in the country's location via their cellphones without their consent.




Daycare, dental care and pharmacare are communist policies?   So, by your argument, a large number of Conservative MPs are communists?  

I think you’re watering down the term “communism” so much that it completely loses its meaning.   That’s fine, I guess   It just means Poilievre might be our next communist leader.  Is that really useful to mangle the meaning that much?


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