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A Racist Free Evaluatio of Immigration

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In 1900 America the USA had taken in 4.5 million Irish and 4 million Italians. The US population in 1900 was 76.3 million. Thus immigrants from just Ireland and Italy were 9% of the US population.

In 2020 America had a population of 329,500,000. The Hispanic population in 2020 was 62 million or 5.3% of the US population.

An now according to right-wing media, we have a massive problem. Could that problem be racism?


1. A brief statistical portrait of U.S. Hispanics

The U.S. Hispanic population reached 62.1 million in 2020, accounting for 19% of all Americans and making it the nation’s second largest racial or ethnic
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
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18 hours ago, TomT said:

In 1900 America the USA had taken in 4.5 million Irish and 4 million Italians. The US population in 1900 was 76.3 million. Thus immigrants from just Ireland and Italy were 9% of the US population.

In 2020 America had a population of 329,500,000. The Hispanic population in 2020 was 62 million or 5.3% of the US population.

An now according to right-wing media, we have a massive problem. Could that problem be racism?

Or, here's an idea, America is no longer filled with empty territory? And the jobs available to low skill workers are not nearly as widespread?

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19 hours ago, TomT said:

In 1900 America the USA had taken in 4.5 million Irish and 4 million Italians. The US population in 1900 was 76.3 million. Thus immigrants from just Ireland and Italy were 9% of the US population.

In 2020 America had a population of 329,500,000. The Hispanic population in 2020 was 62 million or 5.3% of the US population.

An now according to right-wing media, we have a massive problem. Could that problem be racism?


1. A brief statistical portrait of U.S. Hispanics

The U.S. Hispanic population reached 62.1 million in 2020, accounting for 19% of all Americans and making it the nation’s second largest racial or ethnic
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org

That entire post is racist. And it is wrong and full of shit.

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5 hours ago, Rebound said:

62 million out of 329 million is 19%. 

We have always depended on immigrants to do jobs that American natives will not do. 

That is a stupid lie.

Americans will do ANY job if they have to. They just won't do it for under minimum wage. Enter illegal aliens who get paid off the books and the wage numbers plummet. Americans will not make beds at a motel for a dollar a day, but some illegal alien animal has no problem doing that, especially since he/she/it gets welfare checks.

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3 hours ago, reason10 said:

That is a stupid lie.

Americans will do ANY job if they have to. They just won't do it for under minimum wage. Enter illegal aliens who get paid off the books and the wage numbers plummet. Americans will not make beds at a motel for a dollar a day, but some illegal alien animal has no problem doing that, especially since he/she/it gets welfare checks.

You might pick artichokes in 102 degree heat for minimum wage, but no-one else will.  

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4 hours ago, reason10 said:

That is a stupid lie.

Americans will do ANY job if they have to. They just won't do it for under minimum wage. Enter illegal aliens who get paid off the books and the wage numbers plummet. Americans will not make beds at a motel for a dollar a day, but some illegal alien animal has no problem doing that, especially since he/she/it gets welfare checks.

Perhaps you are worried because some of these immigrants may have a HSD/GED and compete with you for FL substitute gigs.

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15 hours ago, Hodad said:

Perhaps you are worried because some of these immigrants may have a HSD/GED and compete with you for FL substitute gigs.

I (and most of America) have ZERO problem with LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. There are doctors here, other teachers, engineers, ALL who are LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. I'm proud to have them in Florida.

And because our Governor is looking after us, he sent the busload of ANIMALS to Martha's Vineyard, where THOSE racists reacted as if the colored folk had DARED to use the white only country club swimming pool. (I noticed you goose steppers didn't complain when the racist OBAMA crowd did the same thing to those ANIMALS as Governor DeSantis did: Shipped their criminal asses OUT.)

Those ANIMALS (and only the goose stepping RACISTS here have assigned ONLY ONE RACE to them) are uneducated, do not speak English and would not want to work in education in Florida when they are able to make the big bucks in drug trade and child prostitution.

Why don't you invite those animals to YOUR  state and be done with it? Raise YOUR taxes to put them on welfare and worry about what will happen when several of them show up at your home to rob you.



Edited by reason10
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16 hours ago, Rebound said:

You might pick artichokes in 102 degree heat for minimum wage, but no-one else will.  

Actually, here in Florida we have a Migrant Worker program, which is LEGAL and provides inexpensive fruit and vegetable picking services. And as usual, you're REALLY stupid with that 102 degree remark. Florida is known as the center for WINTER vegetables in the country. Our picking season (which includes citrus) is late December through March.

See, THIS is why everybody says liberals have bat guano for brains. You have loud mouths and you don't know anything.

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19 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Reason, you still have not answered my question. What do you propose the government to do to resolve the illegal immigration situation in a legal manner?

I've actually been saying this for quite some time. Prevention is the first step. A high enough WALL will prevent the ANIMALS from crossing hundreds of miles of Central American jungles to violate our borders. Second step, FIRST deport all illegal aliens who are criminals.

Finally, the rest of the illegal aliens need to be sent back to their home country and advised to try to enter the United STates LEGALLY. Easy enough. Just seek out an American Embassy in their country. (Those embassies are as numerous as McDonalds, all over the world.)

Of course, I would also have NO PROBLEM upping the quota for LEGAL immigrants, (mostly those who have applied, learned English, have a  useful skill and are waiting in line.) Certainly, I have ZERO problem with a few thousand English speaking INDIAN doctors, maybe a bunch of English speaking Japanese engineers. Maybe an equal number of English speaking Filipino business owners.

I'm sure there are plenty of European LEGAL IMMIGRANTS who are waiting in line to get into this country. I say UP the quota and let them in, and let the illegal aliens see this just before having their criminal asses kicked OUT.

America has no problem with LEGAL immigrants from ALL ages. America just has problem with the ANIMALS. And so far, that small number of DemoNazis (the ones who send in hundreds of illegal ballots on Election Day)  have no problem inviting the ANIMALS here to commit crimes, flood our services, go on welfare and register Democrat so they can commit voter fraud as well.

And I don't give a RAT'S ASS if those views offend the goose stepping racist WokeNazis here. Those views represent MOST of LEGAL VOTING AMERICA.

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The only problems I see with your solutions are:

1. Walls have never worked. Throughout history, motivated people always find a way around, over or under. People in the tens of thousands try to cross the Mediterranean to get to Europe even though they are 90% likely to die in the attempt. 

2. You must first give due process before you can deport a person. That is a proceedure that can take years, given the volume of people. How do you determine who the criminals are out of the thousands of innocent people.

When I first joined our Department, my training officer took me to a point where we could look out over the city. He told me that the mistake his ancestors made was they had a too lenient immigration policy. His ancestors have lived in this area for about eleven thousand years.

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29 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Actually, here in Florida we have a Migrant Worker program, which is LEGAL and provides inexpensive fruit and vegetable picking services. And as usual, you're REALLY stupid with that 102 degree remark. Florida is known as the center for WINTER vegetables in the country. Our picking season (which includes citrus) is late December through March.

See, THIS is why everybody says liberals have bat guano for brains. You have loud mouths and you don't know anything.


Florida has no legal authority to permit people to enter the United States, legally or illegally. Florida cannot issue visas to foreigners.  
The migrant worker program is a federal program and “migrant” pertains to laborers who travel throughout one or many states to perform agricultural work.  They may “migrate” from Florida to Alabama or Georgia, for example.  It does not pertain to migrating from another country into the United States.  

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1 hour ago, Rebound said:


Florida has no legal authority to permit people to enter the United States, legally or illegally. Florida cannot issue visas to foreigners.  
The migrant worker program is a federal program and “migrant” pertains to laborers who travel throughout one or many states to perform agricultural work.  They may “migrate” from Florida to Alabama or Georgia, for example.  It does not pertain to migrating from another country into the United States.  

You are a liar.  You are stupid. I never said Florida admitted people into the United States. The Migrant Worker program works just fine here. I've seen it at luxury resorts, where they couldn't afford to hire full time banquet staff 12 months out of the year, due to the seasons. I've met the bartenders and banquet chefs and set up crew from Jamaica, Trinidad and other Caribbean islands.

Just shut up, punk. You don't know anything. You only look stupid every time you try otherwise.

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The only problems I see with your solutions are:

1. Walls have never worked. Throughout history, motivated people always find a way around, over or under. People in the tens of thousands try to cross the Mediterranean to get to Europe even though they are 90% likely to die in the attempt. 

2. You must first give due process before you can deport a person. That is a proceedure that can take years, given the volume of people. How do you determine who the criminals are out of the thousands of innocent people.

When I first joined our Department, my training officer took me to a point where we could look out over the city. He told me that the mistake his ancestors made was they had a too lenient immigration policy. His ancestors have lived in this area for about eleven thousand years.

1. Nazi Pelosi's wall works. Her home is safe. And the animals who violate our borders would NOT be getting all those cartel dollars and pesos if there was a wall where they were going to try to illegally pass.

2. Kinda hard to give due process to animals in catch and release, (another way Democrats harvest millions of Democrat votes per year.) Oh, and if a person is here illegally, that person is not innocent. Unlike the ignorant, goose stepping racists here who believe only Hispanics are illegals, there are all sorts of nationalities in America existing illegally.

3. President Trump had the right idea.  For those trying to scam the "Political Asylum" system, they were required to wait in Mexico for their case to come up. That was fair. And unelected Pedophile Joe rescinded that rule, mostly because HE is a criminal and because he wants those future Democrat votes .

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2 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The only problems I see with your solutions are:

1. Walls have never worked. Throughout history, motivated people always find a way around, over or under. People in the tens of thousands try to cross the Mediterranean to get to Europe even though they are 90% likely to die in the attempt. 

They were never 90% likely to die. It was more like 5% If it was 90% they would have stopped coming.

Arguably, coldly, if the Europeans had sunk those early boats they'd have saved lives by preventing so many people from drowning over the succeeding years.

2 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

2. You must first give due process before you can deport a person. That is a proceedure that can take years, given the volume of people. How do you determine who the criminals are out of the thousands of innocent people.

The problem is the US (and Canada and Europe) need to repudiate the UN asylum agreement we all signed. That agreement is why we can't turn people away at the borders, even if they're obviously not legitimate refugees. As it stands, no matter how high your wall is all they have to do is walk up to the gate and say 'asylum' and you have to let them through, even if they have no ID and you have no real idea who they are.

We also need to take our refugee hearing system out of the legal system. Let people who seem like legitimate claimants in but detain them for the couple of weeks necessary to hold a hearing, and possible appeal, then deport them. 


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9 minutes ago, reason10 said:

1. Nazi Pelosi's wall works. Her home is safe. And the animals who violate our borders would NOT be getting all those cartel dollars and pesos if there was a wall where they were going to try to illegally pass.

I don't know who you think you're convincing but ludicrous language like this just causes people to think you're a nut job.

Anyone who comes to the US border and says the magic word 'asylum' has to be allowed in by law. You don't like it? Change the law. So far no one has tried to. US laws are based on their international treaty agreements including the UN agreement on refugees. Asylum claimants have to be allowed in and given a hearing. And the US legal system is just as horrifically bureaucratic and slow as ours so the process of hearings and appeals can take years. Don't like it? Too bad. That's the law. And Republicans have not tried to change it. Want to detain them till their hearings are done? That will take years and Republicans have shown zero interest in voting for the hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars it would take to build detention facilities and pay for the room and board of all these people for the time necessary to go through all their legal appeals.

Edited by I am Groot
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2 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

I don't know who you think you're convincing but ludicrous language like this just causes people to think you're a nut job.

Anyone who comes to the US border and says the magic word 'asylum' has to be allowed in by law. You don't like it? Change the law. So far no one has tried to. US laws are based on their international treaty agreements including the UN agreement on refugees. Asylum claimants have to be allowed in and given a hearing. And the US legal system is just as horrifically bureaucratic and slow as ours so the process of hearings and appeals can take years. Don't like it? Too bad. That's the law. And Republicans have not tried to change it.

The LAW was for the asylum people to wait in Mexico for their case to come up. That was proper. It was done by Trump and the Republicans.

Considering the goose steppers here have about as much brains as ten year old piles of iguana manure, I promise you I don't lose sleep by wondering what they think of me.

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3 minutes ago, reason10 said:

The LAW was for the asylum people to wait in Mexico for their case to come up. That was proper. It was done by Trump and the Republicans.

What Trump did was take advantage of a section of the Public Health Services Act to prevent border crossers from being processed during the covid mess. That likely would have withstood a court challenge when cities were locked down and hospitals were being overrun. It would not survive a challenge now. Even if Trump was still in power (presuming the US still had a free court system that respected its constitution) the courts would have ordered him to to end title 42.

3 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Considering the goose steppers here have about as much brains as ten year old piles of iguana manure, I promise you I don't lose sleep by wondering what they think of me.

Then why are you even bothering to talk to them?

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2 hours ago, I am Groot said:

What Trump did was take advantage of a section of the Public Health Services Act to prevent border crossers from being processed during the covid mess. That likely would have withstood a court challenge when cities were locked down and hospitals were being overrun. It would not survive a challenge now. Even if Trump was still in power (presuming the US still had a free court system that respected its constitution) the courts would have ordered him to to end title 42.

Then why are you even bothering to talk to them?

Maybe the courts would not, especially since he appointed so many competent constitutional justices. Bottom line, border crossers have got to be stopped. Either a wall has to go up or there needs to  be machine gun turrets on our side of the Rio Grande. Those animals do NOT belong in this country.

As far as who I post to, I didn't know there was a way I could only converse with educated people. I thought I was required to put up with the uneducated retards, especially since they have so much time on their hands.

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On 12/23/2022 at 2:53 PM, reason10 said:

Maybe the courts would not, especially since he appointed so many competent constitutional justices.

Who have repeatedly found against him, by the way, including the supreme court.

On 12/23/2022 at 2:53 PM, reason10 said:

Bottom line, border crossers have got to be stopped. Either a wall has to go up or there needs to  be machine gun turrets on our side of the Rio Grande. Those animals do NOT belong in this country.

Calling people animals because they want to live in a better country and want a better life for their kids is moronic. And as I pointed out the laws in the US do not allow them to stop people coming in if they claim asylum. Aside from that, I'm all for some kind of fence or obstacle which would prevent people from crossing the borders. But it's kind of pointless without changing the law. Which I am also in favour of, but which the Republicans have never attempted to do.


On 12/23/2022 at 2:53 PM, reason10 said:

As far as who I post to, I didn't know there was a way I could only converse with educated people. I thought I was required to put up with the uneducated retards, especially since they have so much time on their hands.

If you want to post only to people who agree with you there are plenty of forums on reddit or other places like 8chan where you would find people of a similar Trumpian mindset to yours. 

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