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85.7% of Covid Deaths in Canada Were Among the Multi-Vaxed from Aug to Sept of 2022. Jabbing 85% of the Population Didn't Reduce Deaths

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43 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Ya, he did.  Are you really THAT uninformed?

You seem to be missing the details WCM mentioned.

16 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The only thing that's up for debate is whether or not Daszak/Fauci were compensated in any way, shape or form for their role in it all.

You say it's common knowledge that Fauci was paid millions for injuring and killing millions of innocent people.

Why hasn't he been arrested and charged with crimes against humanity?

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6 minutes ago, eyeball said:

You seem to be missing the details WCM mentioned.

You say it's common knowledge that Fauci was paid millions for injuring and killing millions of innocent people.

Why hasn't he been arrested and charged with crimes against humanity?

You are arguing with conspiracy theorists.

You do seem like you are having fun though LOL

Of the 1.4K posts, 1.3 of them are the 4 or 5 conspiracy theorist stroking each other and feeding themselves LOL

I gave up a while ago and yet...they seem to be suffering of some form of autophagia at worst or a plain conspirator at best LOL

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23 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

I gave up a while ago and yet...they seem to be suffering of some form of autophagia at worst or a plain conspirator at best LOL

They're suffering from misinformation - caused by the inability of the 5th Estate to penetrate deeply enough through layers of obsfucation to the sort of information that would preclude the need for speculation and nonsense we're given.

Edited by eyeball
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This paper shows that adverse events related to clotting occur many months or a year after the last shot was taken:

Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis - Jessica Rose, Nicolas Hulscher, Peter A. McCullough, 2024 (sagepub.com)

It includes examples of individuals who had succumbed to myocarditis many months after their last injection of COVID-19 injectable product, as per their reports to VAERS. In both cases included in this paper, the product was Pfizer. As you can see in Figure 1 below, a 15-year-old boy had a diagnosis of idiopathic myocarditis that resulted in death 358 days after his first, and last, Pfizer injection.

Figure 1: Details of two cases of COVID-19 injection-induced myocarditis associated with sudden death. Source: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/20420986241226566?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%20%200pubmed

This is shocking enough, and these are only two late occurring examples. We should be thinking about the long-term effects of these modified mRNA COVID-19 products and stop expecting an adverse event to happen immediately - although those instances are also denied as being vaccine induced deaths, even when they occur at a pharmacy within minutes of injection.

Examining clot-related adverse events (AEs) in VAERS:  the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are suspected to be - along with the spike protein - a root cause of hemagglutination. They disrupt the zeta potential of red blood cells, as does the spike protein.

Figure 2: LNP degradation and gloopy fats. Source: Damages from the modified mRNA-containing LNPs - from vessels to brain - a numbers game. Doctors for COVID Ethics

We all know by now, that the COVID-19 shots are associated with thrombotic events and clotting in human beings. It is widely accepted now also, that SARS-2 itself is not a respiratory pathogen, but one that can induce these same clotting issues in people, and thus these ‘symptoms’ are certainly spike-related. But again, the LNPs don’t help and without them, the modified mRNA would likely get degraded way before it could ever be translated into ‘spike’ protein if not protected by the LNP trojan horse.

Charts below are from pulling out clot-related AEs reported to VAERS in the domestic data associated with the modified mRNA shots reported from 2021 through to 2023. Same thing for all vaccines through 2018-2020. And similarly, for the Janssen and Novavax products for 2021-2023 in order to compare modified mRNA products and non-modified mRNA products. For each group,  the reports are separated out into those that were made 60 days or more from the last injection. It is suspected that in the context of the modified mRNA shots that there would be many more reports post 60 days than for ‘regular’ vaccines, and maybe for the non-modified mRNA products, since they do not employ this non-limiting, self-producing spike technology wrapped in these likely-degraded fat bubbles. 

Below is a comparison between all vaccines and the modified mRNA COVID-19 products.

Figure 3: Clot-related AEs reported in VAERS domestic data for all vaccines (left) and modified mRNA products (right) post 60 days. Source: https://vaers.hhs.gov.

It is quite striking isn’t it? Indeed, the number of shots administered for all vaccines combined is HIGHER than for the number of modified mRNA COVID-19 shots for these 3 year periods, yet, the clot-related AEs differ in absolute count quite a bit. It seems like the ‘traditional’ vaccines don’t induce clotting in quite the same way as the LNP-spike-based products. So is it the LNPs? Or is it the spike?

Let’s look at the J&J and Novavax shots compared to the modified mRNA shots. Nota bene: the Novavax shots represent only 0.6% of all the reports when clumping the non-modified mRNA shots together (ie: Janssen and Novavax), so basically only referring to Janssen.

Figure 4: Clot-related AEs reported in VAERS domestic data for all vaccines (left), modified mRNA products (middle) and Janssen/Novavax products (right) post 60 days. Source: https://vaers.hhs.gov.

Approximately 14% of all clot-related reports in the context of the modified mRNA products were made 60 days out whereby only ~5 and ~7% of reports made for all vaccines and the non-modified mRNA products were made 60 days out, respectively.

There were far fewer Janssen/Novavax shots doled out all-in-all, and interestingly, relative to the total AE count per manufacturer, Janssen is the worst for clotting. But… When does the clotting take place?

Figure 5: Clot-related AEs reported in VAERS domestic data per 100,000 total AE reports for all vaccines (left), modified mRNA products (middle) and Janssen/Novavax products (right) Source: https://vaers.hhs.gov.

When the post-60-day data is normalized per 100,000 clot reports as per manufacturing type (modmRNA vs non-modmRNA), it is clear that "Houston, we have a clotting problem" with the modified mRNA products when it comes to a delayed reporting effect. Therefore, even though the Janssen (and Novavax) products may induce clotting with immediate effects, the modified mRNA products appear to induce reportable clotting effects months after the last dose.

Figure 6: Percentages of all clot-related AEs reported in VAERS domestic data filed 60 days out from last shot for all vaccines (left), modified mRNA products (middle) and Janssen/Novavax products (right) Source: https://vaers.hhs.gov.

The difference between the percentages of clot-related 60-day-out reports is notable when comparing the modified mRNA and non-modified mRNA shots. 13.7% of the modified mRNA clot-related reports occurred 60 days out from the last shot, and in the case of all vaccines combined and the Janssen/Novavax products, they stand somewhat equal at 5.2% and 7.6% - far below the percentage reported for their modified mRNA colleagues.


The modified mRNA injectable COVID-19 products appear to induce clotting months after a ‘last’ shot, according to VAERS reports. It is notable that of these post-60-day reports, 69% were filed by medical professionals, so it was the opinion of these medical professionals that it was worth filing these clot-related reports months after their patient’s last COVID shot and therefore, they likely suspected a causal relationship.

Edited by Goddess
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29 minutes ago, eyeball said:

You say I support mass murder?

You support continuous jabbing of children and youth, who receive zero benefit and all the risk, so.........


Fu ck you.

Have a lovely day.

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I post studies, datasets and explanations of the mechanisms involved, and these two VIP members of the Mutton Crew post personal insults, cliches from 3 years ago and long debunked nonsense in response.


I used to find it annoying and sometimes frustrating, but now I just pity you guys.  Your level of stupid is just.....pathetic, really.

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56 minutes ago, eyeball said:

You seem to be missing the details WCM mentioned.

You say it's common knowledge that Fauci was paid millions for injuring and killing millions of innocent people.

Why hasn't he been arrested and charged with crimes against humanity?

Why are you lying again eyeball?

What's your personal stake in this?

Here's exactly what I said:

  • What part of it isn't true?

    Don't you think that they modified the bat coronavirus to make it more transmissible among humans?

    Fauci admitted to that when he was talking to Rand Paul in the senate. He just said that increasing the virus's transmissibility didn't constitute GoF.

    Fauci also lied by omission when he said that covid came from the bat-human-pangolin trio, because that was just one of two distinct possibilities, with the unmentioned one being the far more likely of the two.

    The MSM and social media (members of the "Trusted News Initiative") jumped right on board: MSM ignored the topic of the BSL4 lab and big tech banned people for talking about it.

    That's all old news, and 100% verified. The only thing that's up for debate is whether or not Daszak/Fauci were compensated in any way, shape or form for their role in it all. 

Go back and look at that post if you don't believe me.

I never said: "it's common knowledge that Fauci was paid millions", so you were blatantly lying.

If we had proof that Fauci made more than 99 cents for pimping the vax I'd be DEMANDING his f'ing head on a platter. 

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

What's your personal stake in this?

The only personal stake for these ones is EGO.

They've been wrong about literally - everything.

Either they get humble and start impartially examining the science/data/studies or they double down on the stupidity.

They've obviously chosen the latter, because I never see them posting anything in rebuttal other than personal attacks.

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4 minutes ago, Goddess said:

The only personal stake for these ones is EGO.

They've been wrong about literally - everything.

Either they get humble and start impartially examining the science/data/studies or they double down on the stupidity.

They've obviously chosen the latter, because I never see them posting anything in rebuttal other than personal attacks.

And people like him wonder how anyone could have been sucked in to follow the Nazis... "How could they ignore what was happening around them?" 🤣

If history isn't rewritten by the vax-Nazis, future generations will be astonished how well and how easily people like eyeball and ExFlyer were led around by the nose, and how they ignored all evidence around them. 

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For instance:

  • Over 80 studies on the effectiveness of Ivermectin
  • Pharma-paid for studies on IVM have been shown to be fraudulent
  • CDC and FDA just got sued by frontline doctors over their disinformation about IVM and were forced to take down all their posts on social media and websites

And these two are still:

"DEEEERRRRRRPPPPPP!!! Horthepasthte!"


It's a level of stupidity that is just unfathomable.

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13 minutes ago, Goddess said:

For instance:

  • Over 80 studies on the effectiveness of Ivermectin
  • Pharma-paid for studies on IVM have been shown to be fraudulent
  • CDC and FDA just got sued by frontline doctors over their disinformation about IVM and were forced to take down all their posts on social media and websites

And these two are still:

"DEEEERRRRRRPPPPPP!!! Horthepasthte!"


It's a level of stupidity that is just unfathomable.

Where did you find studies showing the effectiveness of ivermectin? 

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Just now, WestCanMan said:

Where did you find studies showing the effectiveness of ivermectin? 

I'm sure I posted some on the Trickle thread......

They included stats from countries that used IVM for both early and preventative therapy, which reduced covid deaths by over 80%.

I believe it was Peru that was the country that used it, then stopped using it, then went back to it because deaths skyrocketed when they quit using it.

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15 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I'm sure I posted some on the Trickle thread......

I probably posted some in other threads, too - when everyone was into the "horsepaste" disinformation.

I find the take-down by Pharma of both IVM and HCQ to be especially egregious - thousands of people died because of it.

Fauci, the CDC, the FDA, the "experts" who falsified studies and used hoaxed data - they all have blood on their hands.

Why anyone would trust them again or not question their motives, is baffling to me.

Edited by Goddess
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5 hours ago, eyeball said:

What was he charged with?

We've been through this a dozen times, and he was found guilty.  And like a typical leftie, despite you knowing the answer, despite me having provided tonnes of proofs and sources  you STILL pretend you don't know.

What a hypocrite you are. And you wonder why people are so disappointed in the left and why your ideas fail so often. You just can't deal with the truth.

Then when we do something like wipe out the cbc or change laws you like it'll be "Oh -- why oh why didn't you discuss it with us, we could have worked something out!!"

Yeah right. All you do is lie

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23 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

This thread has to take the award for the biggest shitshow

Funny Trophy Golden Shit Head Poop Head Award Shiniest Turd ...

The easiest way to know for sure is to count all of your posts within each thread. The more, la merdier. 

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

What's your personal stake in this?

Doing something about misinformation by underscoring the fact you people can't actually point to anything but uninformed speculation and calling it the truth.

Of all the people in the world that should be clamouring for transparent governments and robust institutions of accountability it's you people.

But instead all you do is whine about being treated like proverbial mushrooms while putting all your faith in the power of a little box with an X in it.


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10 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Doing something about misinformation by underscoring the fact you people can't actually point to anything but uninformed speculation and calling it the truth.

Of all the people in the world that should be clamouring for transparent governments and robust institutions of accountability it's you people.

But instead all you do is whine about being treated like proverbial mushrooms while putting all your faith in the power of a little box with an X in it.


So tell me what specifically was said that you think is untrue?

All that you ever do here is paint everything the broad brush of "Everything I don't like is false"...

To date you don't have any specific defences or criticisms of anything that have withstood even basic scrutiny.

  1. Can you acknowledge that Fauci funded research to make the coronavirus transmissible among humans?
  2. Can you acknowledge that Fauci completely failed to disclose to the public that he was aware that the coronavirus which ultimately 'mutated' into the covid virus was being manipulated in the BSL4 lab in Wuhan prior to the outbreak, and that NiH money, which he approved, was involved in that?
  3. Can you acknowledge that Fauci completely avoided mentioning the possibility that the BSL4 lab was the source of the covid virus?
  4. Can you acknowledge that the MSM completely avoided the possibility that the BSL4 lab was the source of the covid virus, and that social media aggressively prevented the spread of information about the BSL4 lab?
  5. Can you acknowledge that Fauci's vax-claims were continually and wildly wrong, and at times were known to be wrong when he made them? 

All you do is fling poop here, like a juvenile chimp in a zoo. Try to actually say something. 

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57 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

We've been through this a dozen times, and he was found guilty. 

What was his sentence and how much was he fined - or was he incarcerated?

Their should be no end to the stories in the news about a sitting Canadian PM being charged, convicted and sentenced.

You got even one to corroborate your claim?

Of course you don't, just like all the dozen other times you had squat.


1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

So tell me what specifically was said that you think is untrue.

That Fauci engineered the virus so he could make money off the vaccine.

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7 minutes ago, eyeball said:

the fact you people can't actually point to anything but uninformed speculation

I feel like there's something wrong with your intelligence capabilities.

We're posting actual studies and datasets and you guys have posted nothing but nonsense.  

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

That Fauci engineered the virus so he could make money off the vaccine.

Seriously, something is wrong with you.  You are totally incapable of assimilating information.






This is all in the MSM news and has been covered here with links, over and over and over and over again.

These are FACTS.

They cannot even be disputed.

So why are you disputing them AGAIN??


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