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The 10 year old who had to go to another state for an abortion.


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  Apparently the mother of the 10 year old girl (9 years old when she was impregnated) who had to go to another state for an abortion defends the rapist.  Gershon Fuentes.  Now I have seen on a couple right wing websites that says in mexico and other Central American countries, the age of consent is 9 years old.  But those who are against White people like to plant disinformation at such websites.  So that may not be true.  At other websites it says differently about the age of consent in those countries.  But maybe that is just the official government stance.  But in poor rural areas, it may be different.  Who's to say.

  One thing is for sure.  Gershon Fuentes did impregnate the girl.  Which is pretty messed up.  And that the mother defends the person who did it is pretty messed up too.  These things to me are an argument FOR abortion.  To me, removing the offspring of two messed up people like that is an improvement to the human gene pool.


nypost.com › 2022/07/15 › mom-of-10-year-old-ohioMom of 10-year-old Ohio girl who got abortion defends rapist

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On 8/3/2022 at 5:36 PM, disobey said:

  Apparently the mother of the 10 year old girl (9 years old when she was impregnated) who had to go to another state for an abortion defends the rapist.  Gershon Fuentes.  Now I have seen on a couple right wing websites that says in mexico and other Central American countries, the age of consent is 9 years old.  But those who are against White people like to plant disinformation at such websites.  So that may not be true.  At other websites it says differently about the age of consent in those countries.  But maybe that is just the official government stance.  But in poor rural areas, it may be different.  Who's to say.

  One thing is for sure.  Gershon Fuentes did impregnate the girl.  Which is pretty messed up.  And that the mother defends the person who did it is pretty messed up too.  These things to me are an argument FOR abortion.  To me, removing the offspring of two messed up people like that is an improvement to the human gene pool.


nypost.com › 2022/07/15 › mom-of-10-year-old-ohioMom of 10-year-old Ohio girl who got abortion defends rapist

As far as age of consent in Central American countries...

File:Age of Consent - Central America.svg

  15 years
  16 years
  18 years
The age of consent in Mexico is 17.
When in doubt, always go to the source.
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On 10/13/2022 at 7:41 PM, TreeBeard said:

You would force a 10 year old rape victim to go through a pregnancy?

I would like all you abortion is murder people  that say yes to this question to justify this stance. I am a Christian, I watched a young catholic girl who was raped by her uncle and got pregnant from it be force to carry to term because of her parents beliefs. I watched as fellow students in middle school called the young girl a whore because she did not wish to discuss the circumstances of her pregnancy with others. I watched as they drug her reputation down to the point than even she BELIEVED that she asked for it. Oh and before you play the men are pigs card know that the worst offenders were other girls that were jealous because our victim was one of the pretties girl in that grade and a cheerleader. So while I understand the need for medical abortions, including mental health abortions. I do not agree with the "I like unprotected sex but don't want a kid abortion"

What happened to these girls, disgust me. To defend this degenerate to even think of forcing this girl to carry to term is why the left comes at the right so hard. And don't think you are innocent lefties, I don't care who you are; partial birth abortion is murder, and anyone that would defend it has NEVER been hungry. It is also the reason the pro lifers gained so much traction on you over the last few years. You went to far and turned away a lot of moderates. 

And while I will never agree with how far most of them have gone in turning over Roe v Wade I have trouble defending pro choice. Even though my daughter would have died without an abortion due to a miscarriage that her body was not rejecting and was poisoning her. I have been hungry, and I can not defend anyone that advocates partial birth abortion. Medical reason, yes I understand them, mental health reasons fall under medical reasons for me. Birth control or political statement abortions, you are giving the pro lifers all the ammunition they need to turn the argument against you. 

And while some of you may call me a hypocrite for my stance on this understand that I will NEVER consider this a black and white issue that can be answered with a yes or a no. This is a nuanced issue that has layers and swerves that require looking at it with understanding. This is one of those grey area issues that no one will ever agree on and an intelligent person can make a case that agrees with both sides.

The problem is that every one on either side of the issue want all or nothing, no one is willing to compromise. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/17/2022 at 3:48 PM, Jedi_Master_Tallyn said:

I would like all you abortion is murder people  that say yes to this question to justify this stance. I am a Christian, I watched a young catholic girl who was raped by her uncle and got pregnant from it be force to carry to term because of her parents beliefs. I watched as fellow students in middle school called the young girl a whore because she did not wish to discuss the circumstances of her pregnancy with others. I watched as they drug her reputation down to the point than even she BELIEVED that she asked for it. Oh and before you play the men are pigs card know that the worst offenders were other girls that were jealous because our victim was one of the pretties girl in that grade and a cheerleader. So while I understand the need for medical abortions, including mental health abortions. I do not agree with the "I like unprotected sex but don't want a kid abortion"

What happened to these girls, disgust me. To defend this degenerate to even think of forcing this girl to carry to term is why the left comes at the right so hard. And don't think you are innocent lefties, I don't care who you are; partial birth abortion is murder, and anyone that would defend it has NEVER been hungry. It is also the reason the pro lifers gained so much traction on you over the last few years. You went to far and turned away a lot of moderates. 

And while I will never agree with how far most of them have gone in turning over Roe v Wade I have trouble defending pro choice. Even though my daughter would have died without an abortion due to a miscarriage that her body was not rejecting and was poisoning her. I have been hungry, and I can not defend anyone that advocates partial birth abortion. Medical reason, yes I understand them, mental health reasons fall under medical reasons for me. Birth control or political statement abortions, you are giving the pro lifers all the ammunition they need to turn the argument against you. 

And while some of you may call me a hypocrite for my stance on this understand that I will NEVER consider this a black and white issue that can be answered with a yes or a no. This is a nuanced issue that has layers and swerves that require looking at it with understanding. This is one of those grey area issues that no one will ever agree on and an intelligent person can make a case that agrees with both sides.

The problem is that every one on either side of the issue want all or nothing, no one is willing to compromise. 

Nobody with any brains views abortion as a strict black and white issue. But this stupid story just proves how extreme the pro-death crowd is. And the other issues just pile up. Let me count the ways:


1. Ohio allows abortions up to 20 weeks of gestation. That's longer than a lot of other states.

2. A RAPE victim should report the rape and get to the hospital to get a rape kit done, in order to get a DNA match at the time. That identifies the perp and leads to his arrest. At that time, the proper medication can be given to either prevent conception or end it. Even waiting one week is okay.

3. The mother belongs in prison for obstruction of justice in this manner. She is aiding and abetting a rapist.

4. The girl was raped by an illegal alien. Blame DEMOCRATS for that one. They are the more ons who invited those animals into our country.

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11 hours ago, reason10 said:

The girl was raped by an illegal alien. Blame DEMOCRATS for that one. They are the more ons who invited those animals into our country

Well that solves the girl's problem, once she's torn in half delivering a baby at 10 she can SUE... after all placing blame is far more important than solving a problem isn't it?

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5 hours ago, herbie said:

Well that solves the girl's problem, once she's torn in half delivering a baby at 10 she can SUE... after all placing blame is far more important than solving a problem isn't it?

She had TWENTY WEEKS to come forward. Do not blame the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED OHIO LEGISLATURE for passing a law. Blame negligent parents, one of which should go to prison. Blame an illegal alien.

A baby has a heartbeat. That BABY now has as much rights as her mother. So you have to decide which one is more innocent. The HUMAN LIFE inside, or the HUMAN LIFE carrier.

10 year olds are giving birth all over the place. Where do you think most Democrat voters in blue states some from? Young mothers downloading kids and losing the father, just so they can go on Democrat welfare. A child mother is not that unusual a concept in the screwed up DEmocrat welfare state world your side of the aisle created.

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That you think your opinion on the subject is equal to a woman's is misogynist.
That you think your opinion can or should be forced upon women is more so.
That you blame a child for her rape and think she should suffer the consequences is beyond disgusting. She had 20 weeks... how piggish of you.

When the health of the mother has always been the exception, and obviously a 10 year old is at the highest risk.

Shame! Shame, if you are even capable of that.

Shame that any law or official should even think twice over granting immediate access to care!

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13 hours ago, herbie said:

That you think your opinion on the subject is equal to a woman's is misogynist.
That you think your opinion can or should be forced upon women is more so.
That you blame a child for her rape and think she should suffer the consequences is beyond disgusting. She had 20 weeks... how piggish of you.

When the health of the mother has always been the exception, and obviously a 10 year old is at the highest risk.

Shame! Shame, if you are even capable of that.

Shame that any law or official should even think twice over granting immediate access to care!


That you think your opinion on the subject is equal to a woman's is misogynist.

That statement means you are a Nazi and a bigot.


That you think your opinion can or should be forced upon women is more so.

I don't give a rat's ass if women like my opinion or not.  Last time I checked, nobody DIED from hearing my opinion. A few BILLION babies have died because of the opinion of the Supreme Court. My body count is ZERO compared to that.


That you blame a child for her rape and think she should suffer the consequences is beyond disgusting. She had 20 weeks... how piggish of you.

You are a despicable LIAR. I blamed the ILLEGAL ALIEN (which the Democrats allowed into this country illegally) for committing RAPE. I blame the MOTHER for not doing something about this sooner. And apparently you are too STUPID to understand the concept of statutory RAPE. According to the law, this 9 year old was not of the age of consent, so she was raped. As soon as her dumb ass mother discovered she was raped, the mother should have gotten a rape kid, a DNA sample and called the cops. The whole thing could have been resolved at the hospital.

And now, (YOU FCKKING NAZI) a  HUMAN LIFE is over 20 weeks old, thanks to this MOTHER NOT DOING HER FCKING JOB. Now you have to ask yourself which life deserves more consideration: The convenience of the mother or the LIFE  OF A FCKING BABY.

You sound like Adolf Eichmann. Kill the baby even at birth.

You are despicable.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/11/2022 at 5:13 PM, herbie said:

That you think your opinion on the subject is equal to a woman's is misogynist.
That you think your opinion can or should be forced upon women is more so.
That you blame a child for her rape and think she should suffer the consequences is beyond disgusting. She had 20 weeks... how piggish of you.

When the health of the mother has always been the exception, and obviously a 10 year old is at the highest risk.

Shame! Shame, if you are even capable of that.

Shame that any law or official should even think twice over granting immediate access to care!

So you are a sexist and a Bigot.

Can the laws against MURDER be forced upon women? Gee! A woman shoots someone, a child. A woman pays a doctor to dismember a 9 month old BABY in vitro, seconds before the child is born? Gee!

Nobody said a child should suffer consequences for the rape, which is why the Ohio legislature gave that child TWENTY WEEKS to have it done. (Is it my imagination or are you REALLY being stupid here? )

Oh, and as far as saving the life of the child who was RAPED by an illegal ALIEN (who is illegally registered to vote Democrat) Ohio law addresses that.


Abortion is legal in Ohio until a fetus is viable. After viability, abortion is available only when necessary to save the life of or prevent serious injury to the mother.

I'll ask again. Are you just REALLY EFFING STUPID?



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On 11/12/2022 at 3:17 PM, herbie said:

I wouldn't talk about Nazis if I was you, just look in any mirror. That's what real ones look like.

You approve the torture a 10 year old because of what someone else did?

You have no shame whatsoever. Like your idol hiding under the bed in his Florida mansion


I'm not the NAZI who opened our borders to let in those animals from Central America, just so Democrat votes could be harvested.

As far as torture of a 10 year old, that's kind of what the RAPE was about.

And as far as Ohio law is concerned,


Abortion is legal in Ohio until a fetus is viable. After viability, abortion is available only when necessary to save the life of or prevent serious injury to the mother.

There is NOTHING in Ohio law preventing the negligent and CRIMINAL parents of this RAPE VICTIM from having the baby removed, if the girl's life is in danger or a risk of serious injury.

Is it just me or are you REALLY EFFING STUPID HERE?

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15 hours ago, herbie said:

The halfwit that thinks a 10 yr old can have a baby without risk of injury?

The only halfwit is the one who hasn't read the Ohio baby killing laws.

I'll put it in numbers, (which your third grade education should be able to grasp.)

1. A lot of ten year olds in America gave birth. The numbers were the highest beginning in 1991 and tapered to much less in 2020.


2. This was a rape, committed by an ILLEGAL ALIEN (who would have been stopped if the  Demonazis finished the wall. )

3. Ohio laws allow for abortion if birth the birth would seriously injure or kill the mother.

(It's called ACTUALLY READING THE LAW. Maybe you should turn off THE VIEW and try reading some facts.)


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  • 3 months later...
On 3/14/2023 at 10:51 AM, Eli45 said:

Did you know most late term abortions are elective? They  just do it b/c they want to. Sad. Any thoughts?

The first thought I had was that I think it’s a lie.  
The next thought I had was, if that statement is true, it’s probably a medical issue and a choice of saving the pregnant person from harm or death.  I suppose you could call that “elective”. 

Edited by TreeBeard
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