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Why are the world leaders doing nothing about the on going war in Ukraine?

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1) Why would we expect that the people who were dumb enough to cause this war would be smart enough to be able to stop it? You should just be hoping that they don't escalate it. 

2) I think that a lot of people in the US gov't will be more sad to see this war end than they were to see it start. 

On an unrelated note ? - the US is really pimping their weapon systems hard over there. 

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On 4/12/2022 at 12:21 PM, LauraMclean said:

Sanctions on Russian is obviously not helping anything and nobody is saying or doing anything concerning the manslaughter on going on in Ukraine by the Russia Soldiers. Putin should be arrested and jailed (In my own opinion).

Did anybody do anything to stop America's war in Iraq? When Clinton bombed Serbia and Belgrade -destroying bridges, killing civilians- who objected? The Chinese when their embassy was bombed?


Make no mistake. I favour western Enlightenment.

But IMHO, this is at worst a  civil war between Slavs. More likely, Putin is merely being another Catherine the Great and making Russia what it was before 1914.

Whatever it is, we in the West should not get involved. We won the cold war.


Edited by August1991
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There are two types of world leaders the ones in the global north, (NATO, led by the USA) are doing “nothing” because Ukraine is waging a proxy/hybrid/asymmetrical war on their behalf that serves their geopolitical interests.

Global south leaders are doing “nothing” because they have a better understanding of what sanctions, embargos, tariffs and being led down the primrose path is all about and prefer to not interfere.

Meanwhile, Zelensky is being praised as a hero for leading his people to the slaughterhouse, have his country destroyed, just to play nice with NATO.

Not acknowledging the hypocrisy of what’s going on is prime example how western media works.

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5 hours ago, Luz P. said:

Meanwhile, Zelensky is being praised as a hero for leading his people to the slaughterhouse, have his country destroyed, just to play nice with NATO.

I wonder if Ukrainians feel like they're getting their money's worth for all the cash that Hunter wheelbarrowed out of their country. 

On the one hand, they are getting a lot of shiny toys to shoot at the Russian soldiers who are destroying their cities, on the other hand, yeah, their cities are still getting destroyed. 


Not acknowledging the hypocrisy of what’s going on is prime example how western media works.

Lying about the reasons for war there and ignoring the Biden family's profiteering is probably the worst example of how western media works. 

If one of Trump's kids ran Hunter's scam there people's heads would be purple 24/7 at CNN, MSNBC, etc. The vein on the side of Rachel Maddow's head would be the size of the Nile. The FBI would be doing pre-dawn raids at the house of every living Republican and digging up all the ones that died in the last 10 years. 

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18 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I wonder if Ukrainians feel like they're getting their money's worth for all the cash that Hunter wheelbarrowed out of their country. 

On the one hand, they are getting a lot of shiny toys to shoot at the Russian soldiers who are destroying their cities, on the other hand, yeah, their cities are still getting destroyed. 

The only one happy and profiting from this war is the military industrial complex:

For arms manufacturers, war is great for business. Even before Russia invaded Ukraine, global military spending was already on an upswing, to the tune of $2 trillion last year. Now, the US and its allies are splashing around a lot of dough to send the Ukrainians weapons to defend themselves against the Russians — to the delight of anyone who owns shares of the companies that make those arms. We take a look at how the stock prices of the world's top defense companies have performed in 2022 so far.


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18 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

If one of Trump's kids ran Hunter's scam there people's heads would be purple 24/7 at CNN, MSNBC, etc. The vein on the side of Rachel Maddow's head would be the size of the Nile. The FBI would be doing pre-dawn raids at the house of every living Republican and digging up all the ones that died in the last 10 years. 

Just please!  Republicans are as corrupt as Democrats. One could argue that even more so, seeing as they've been in power longer.

Rachel Maddow is anything but a journalist, she's into emotional political soap operas... and yes, that vein looks lile it's gona pop up any time!

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26 minutes ago, Luz P. said:

Just please!  Republicans are as corrupt as Democrats.

There are some like George "I hate real Republicans" Bush, no doubt, but nothing is as bad as the Dems carpet-bagging in Ukraine and then impeaching Trump for a phone call to Ukraine where he did nothing wrong. 

Dems who refused to believe that Joe knew about Hunter & Burisma, who refused to pay attention to Hunter/China, who said that the laptop was Russian disinformation and that talking about it was treason, were screaming about Trump's kids still selling off foreign properties that they had developed to..... sell.

Trump's kids did the exact same jobs while Trump was President that they did in 2014, it was Hunter who got gobs of money and diamonds lavished on him from foreign countries for basically nothing. Hunter reeks to the high heavens of influence peddling. If he's not guilty of it, it's a 100% legitimate enterprise. 

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Republicans have carpet-bombed: Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Germany, Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq, Cambodia, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and those are the ones that come to mind atm – so let’s just say: etc.   Corruption: WMD, need I say more?

I agree with the Russia collusion nonsense, however, what are the merits of impeaching Clinton for a blowjob?

The fact you’re defending nepotism says it all. What are Trump’s kids qualifications to be so thoroughly involved in policymaking? That includes Jared Kushner.  TBC, I’m not defending Hunter Biden, he’s a drugged up creep living a great life just because who his daddy is.


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51 minutes ago, Luz P. said:

Republicans have carpet-bombed: Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Germany, Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq, Cambodia, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and those are the ones that come to mind atm – so let’s just say: etc.   Corruption: WMD, need I say more

You're talking about things that were done before the Trump/Biden kids were even born, and a lot of those things were more "American" than partisan. 

AFAIK the parties didn't even have their own media outlets back then. It was a different time. 


what are the merits of impeaching Clinton for a blowjob?

I was actually happy with Bill Clinton and I didn't want him removed from office. I was also not a fan of Dubya, but I did prefer him over Gore. 


The fact you’re defending nepotism says it all. What are Trump’s kids qualifications to be so thoroughly involved in policymaking? That includes Jared Kushner. 

It's up to Donald Trump who works in his office, and it's not nepotism when you hire the people who you feel are genuinely qualified. His policies were anything but a failure so there's little room for criticism on the topic of policy.

In any event, having his kids do actual work for the US gov't is a huge step up from getting foreign companies/communist banks to lavish money on your kid. That's an enormous red flag, because no one gets something for nothing.  

Also, the US didn't have massive inflation, a war in Ukraine, an abysmal illegal immigration stampede, or spikes in violent crime when Trump was president. It's like there was an adult in the WH. You can question Trump's hubris and crass demeanour all day but on policy and getting things done for America he was "tha man". It's tough to say that Biden has done anything for America

Kushner.... https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/09/16/how-jared-kushner-proved-his-critics-wrong-416527

There is a long line of people, going back several decades, who served in the same role as Kushner and who were considered to be far more qualified, who never moved the yardsticks in the ME by an inch. 

You could make the case that trump was strong in the ME without starting any new shit, and that the number of bodybags full of American & ME-muslim youths that were a result of "Trump's hawkishness" were somewhere between few and none, so that helped Kushner a lot, but in any event Kushner is a ME rockstar if anyone wants to check his track record. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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29 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You're talking about things that were done before the Trump/Biden kids were even born, and a lot of those things were more "American" than partisan. 

I was talking about Republican and Democrat corruption. You made it about Trump/Biden.

29 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Also, the US didn't have massive inflation, a war in Ukraine, an abysmal illegal immigration stampede, or spikes in violent crime when Trump was president. It's like there was an adult in the WH. You can question Trump's hubris and crass demeanour all day but on policy and getting things done for America he was "tha man". It's tough to say that Biden has done anything for America

Agreed. And you fail to mention Trump's reluctance to fund NATO, an obsolete institution. It is exactly Trump's hubris and crass demeanor that make him so odious.  Biden has senile dementia, nothing much can be expected from him. Democrats are morons for choosing him...

29 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You could make the case that trump was strong in the ME without starting any new shit, and that the number of bodybags full of American & ME-muslim youths that were a result of "Trump's hawkishness" were somewhere between few and none, so that helped Kushner a lot, but in any event Kushner is a ME rockstar if anyone wants to check his track record. 

Trump is beholden to Israel and AIPAC, he's not strong at all, he does as he's told.

Kushner is anything but a rockstar. He's jewisth, his family is friends to Nut&Yahoo and he's simply serving his zionist masters. In addition, by being nominated to a Nobel Peace Price, he's single handedly unveiled how irrelevant that prize really is.

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1 hour ago, Luz P. said:

I was talking about Republican and Democrat corruption. You made it about Trump/Biden.

You were talking about Zelenski and I then I talked about Hunter's paycation in Ukraine and whether Ukrainians felt like they got their money's worth. This is a modern-era thread, not a historical one.


Trump is beholden to Israel and AIPAC, he's not strong at all, he does as he's told.

1) That's just your opinion, and

2) regardless of whether you think Trump is a lackey or a leader his leadership was unmistakably strong. 


Kushner is anything but a rockstar. He's jewisth, his family is friends to Nut&Yahoo and he's simply serving his zionist masters.

Kushner made more progress between the Israelis and their neighbours than anyone else in the last 70 years and who gives a crap if he's Jewish? Who cares who his family friends are? Everyone in Washington has friends somewhere - it would be weird if they didn't. 


In addition, by being nominated to a Nobel Peace Price, he's single handedly unveiled how irrelevant that prize really is.

The peace prize nomination was well warranted, actual progress between Israel and it's neighbours is definitely worth a nod. 

The peace prize became a complete farce when Obama won it. If there was no one else worthy of receiving it then it should have just skipped a year. It's basically meaningless now. 

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13 minutes ago, Luz P. said:

Discussing politics is ALL about opinions as your responses show.

You made the declarative statement "Trump is beholden to Israel and AIPAC, he's not strong at all, he does as he's told" so I just had to point out that wasn't actually a fact, just an opinion. 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

You made the declarative statement "Trump is beholden to Israel and AIPAC, he's not strong at all, he does as he's told" so I just had to point out that wasn't actually a fact, just an opinion. 

That's YOUR opinion. He's a total sell out and a lackey to Israel, quite disgusting actually. That's MY opinion.

But as a bonafide conservative, eating up Trump's/Israel's /Kushener's narrative, I can see where you're coming from.

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50 minutes ago, Luz P. said:

That's YOUR opinion. He's a total sell out and a lackey to Israel, quite disgusting actually. That's MY opinion.

But as a bonafide conservative, eating up Trump's/Israel's /Kushener's narrative, I can see where you're coming from.

Wellllll not just my opinion. Even people who are usually against Trump agree on this one: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/09/16/how-jared-kushner-proved-his-critics-wrong-416527

Your opinion is actually quite a new one as far as I know. Most leftists usually try to paint Trump as an Anti-Semite, I don't think that I ever saw the "Jew lover" accusation before. 

In terms of being "a sellout to Israel", I guess you have no idea of the scope of the problems out there for Israel. If they have a single bad day they'll all be dead and that's not an exaggeration. Their enemies in leadership positions in the ME still talk openly about the talking tree.

Are you talking about this from a Wahhabi  POV? Do you think that it's just wrong for Israelis to exist? 

I'm not really sure where you're coming from or what you would have liked to see happen to Israel while Trump was POTUS. 

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23 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Wellllll not just my opinion. Even people who are usually against Trump agree on this one: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/09/16/how-jared-kushner-proved-his-critics-wrong-416527

Your opinion is actually quite a new one as far as I know. Most leftists usually try to paint Trump as an Anti-Semite, I don't think that I ever saw the "Jew lover" accusation before. 

In terms of being "a sellout to Israel", I guess you have no idea of the scope of the problems out there for Israel. If they have a single bad day they'll all be dead and that's not an exaggeration. Their enemies in leadership positions in the ME still talk openly about the talking tree.

Are you talking about this from a Wahhabi  POV? Do you think that it's just wrong for Israelis to exist? 

I'm not really sure where you're coming from or what you would have liked to see happen to Israel while Trump was POTUS. 

Let me understand where you’re coming from.  Because you share a Politico OPINION piece that means your opinion is the righteous one?  May I suggest you start reading opinion pieces from all sides, not only right wing sources that conform to your biases?

I said he’s a lackey to Israel, no idea why you interpret that as me saying he’s a “Jew Lover”.

Actually, (Trump being a narcissist) I doubt he has the ability to love anyone but himself. He’s all about self-aggrandizement, and having his son-in-law broker peace negotiations just proves it. I guess he thinks it reflects positively on him.

Your statements:  “You have no idea the scope of the problems out there for Israel” and “Do you think that it's just wrong for Israelis to exist?” reflect the conservative mind set and are the core reason why Kushner shouldn’t have been assigned that role. He lacks the ability to be neutral, which a peace negotiator should be first and foremost. He was unfit for the role. He exposed USA’s hypocrisy; you cannot broker peace negotiations if from the get go (Trump’s presidency) you’re on Israel’s side. What a joke!  BTW, AIPAC is so powerful the #BDS movement has had trouble getting traction.

TBH, my main concern is the genocide of the Palestinian people. Israel is a rogue state and what’s going on there amounts to genocide, some compare it to SA’s apartheid.
Nut&Yahoo is a bonafide war criminal as his successor Bennett is no better.
What I’d like to see, is Israel being held accountable, they seem to always get a pass and get away with literal murder.


Edited by Luz P.
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35 minutes ago, Luz P. said:

Let me understand where you’re coming from.  Because you share a Politico OPINION piece that means your opinion is the righteous one?  May I suggest you start reading opinion pieces from all sides, not only right wing sources that conform to your biases?

I don't think that 'understanding' is gonna be your thing, and you definitely aren't looking at opinions from all sides. 

It's not an opinion that Israel normalized relations with the UAE, it's just a fact that you don't have to acknowledge if you don't want to.


I said he’s a lackey to Israel, no idea why you interpret that as me saying he’s a “Jew Lover”.

Your choice of words didn't mask the stench. I know how you feel about Trump's support for the Israelis.


Actually, (Trump being a narcissist) I doubt he has the ability to love anyone but himself. He’s all about self-aggrandizement, and having his son-in-law broker peace negotiations just proves it. I guess he thinks it reflects positively on him.

The first part of that is probably too true, luckily Trump loves America almost as much as he loves himself. 

As for the second part, regardless of his reasons for choosing Kushner, it worked out and that's really all that matters.


Your statements:  “You have no idea the scope of the problems out there for Israel” and “Do you think that it's just wrong for Israelis to exist?”

The first statement is just basic. Everyone on earth knows that the Israelis are in a tough spot, you're just unwilling/unable to accept that fact because of your bias.

Your unwillingness to answer the second question was expected, it was mostly a rhetorical question. 


reflect the conservative mind set and are the core reason why Kushner shouldn’t have been assigned that role. He lacks the ability to be neutral, which a peace negotiator should be first and foremost. He was unfit for the role. He exposed USA’s hypocrisy; you cannot broker peace negotiations if from the get go (Trump’s presidency) you’re on Israel’s side. What a joke!  BTW, AIPAC is so powerful the #BDS movement has had trouble getting traction.

That's just abject stupidity right there. FYI:

1) The only people who are neutral don't have a clue what's going on.

2) There sure as hell isn't a neutral coming to the table for Iran, Yemen, SA, etc, so who the hell would represent them?


TBH, my main concern is the genocide of the Palestinian people. Israel is a rogue state and what’s going on there amounts to genocide, some compare it to SA’s apartheid.

Can you explain to me how Pakistan exists? Is it a "rogue state"?

Do you care to talk about how many people were killed in the TWO genocides that the new Pakistani regime committed, and how many people they killed? How many people did Israel kill in all that time, including the wars that were started by their enemies?

I know that you won't touch those two questions with a ten foot pole because either you have no effing clue what you're talking about, it's against your religion, or both. 


Nut&Yahoo is a bonafide war criminal as his successor Bennett is no better.
What I’d like to see, is Israel being held accountable, they seem to always get a pass and get away with literal murder.

You just keep making yourself look dumber every time you post. I'd laugh but your bigotry and the hateful propaganda that you spread is no joke.

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Understanding isn’t your thing either and the projection is massive! Stench?! So now, you know how I feel!  Wow, I wasn’t’ aware this forum attracted psychics!

When name-calling and personal attacks begin, it’s a clear indication the other person is closed minded, feeling insecure about their stances, already made their mind and committed to confirmation bias.

Alluding to my religion tells me you are very partial to Israel. Are you Jewish? An islamophobe? 

I have no interest on discussing issues with zealots.

Have a great day!





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