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Should we all be required to swear an oath to the Queen of Canada before voting?

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ah, I feel bad for these good old boys

their hearts are in the right place of course, nice to see the Red Ensign, bravo zulu

but smug priggish Canadians simply laugh in their faces

don't fight for Canada anymore, it will only stab you in the back, lads


Edited by Dougie93
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2 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

sorry, but you're conflating two seperate entities

the Taliban were a local phenomena, they had no interest in attacking the west and did not order

AQ was foreign Arabs backed by Saudi Arabia & Pakistan

the only reason the Taliban tolerated AQ was because they had Saudi Arabia & Pakistan behind them

furthermore, AQ did not attack America from Afghanistan, they came from Yemen, then through Indonesia

It doesn't matter.  They allowed training camps to exist.  They also ran a brutal regime against their own people.

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1 minute ago, Zeitgeist said:

It doesn't matter.  They allowed training camps to exist.  They also ran a brutal regime against their own people.

no reason to invade,  occupy & try to rebuild Afghanistan into a liberal democracy by force of arms

now you are being forced to turn it all back over to the Taliban, humiliated with tails between legs

could have told you that was going to happen, back in 2001

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this is not say the troops didn't fight hard with what meagre resources despicable Canada would provide for them

Warrant Officer Nolan going over the top with no protection but a G-Wagon

Warrant Officer Mellish going forward into the storm, cut down trying to recover his best friends body

that is true valour, that is Ducimus incarnate

at the going down of the sun and in the morning, I will remember them

none the less, at the operational & strategic level, it was all in the cause of a fool's errand

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6 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

no reason to invade,  occupy & try to rebuild Afghanistan into a liberal democracy by force of arms

now you are being forced to turn it all back over to the Taliban, humiliated with tails between legs

could have told you that was going to happen, back in 2001

But the country has been transformed for the better.

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4 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

But the country has been transformed for the better.

if you feel it worth the blood & treasure expended downrange for twenty years, more power to you I guess

I myself declined to fight this war

I was always told that if the orders I was being issued were not worth my life & limb, I should turn in my kit in

so I took them up on that

I was gung-ho to fight the Communists

but i had no quarrel with the ignorant savages of Afghanistan, and they did not attack me, so not my problem

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bear in mind, you were only fighting this war for America

as an American, I opposed the war from the outset

now there is not a single American who says it was worth it

I honour the sacrifice of your professional soldiers, they did their duty many times over

but in terms of Canada running off to fight so "girls could go to school in Afghanistan"

sorry, but that makes you the fool's of the errand I'm afraid

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if there is anyway that America actually managed to influence Afghanistan

it was not by force of arms, that massively backfired

but Afghanistan has become one of the fastest growing smart phone internet markets in the world

so American freedom will prevail in the long run. slowly but surely, by Information Warfare

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now, in terms of who actually attacked America on 9-11 ?

those were not Afghans

those were Arabs

they did not fight for Afghanistan, they were not under the control of Afghanistan

they were proxies of Saudi Arabia & Pakistan

there base wasn't even in Afghanistan, their base was in Yemen

they had a tiny training camp at Tarnak Farms, that was it, one tiny compound

the Taliban had nothing to do with it, and the Taliban actually fear and loathe those foreign backed Arabs

it is the Taliban who is fighting them now, because the Taliban is at war with the Islamic State in Afghanistan

if only the Canadian public had a clue as to what was going on, they wouldn't get themselves into these quagmires

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2 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

ah, I feel bad for these good old boys

their hearts are in the right place of course, nice to see the Red Ensign, bravo zulu

but smug priggish Canadians simply laugh in their faces

don't fight for Canada anymore, it will only stab you in the back, lads


Other cities like Victoria, BC, Penticton, St. John's NFLD are caving in to the progressive left woke crowd and dumping on Canada.  It is shameful to see people not respect Canada and our heritage.  This kind of thing is being promoted by the woke CBC on the taxpayer's money.  No country is perfect and no country has a perfect history, but it is insane and dangerous to disparage, and run a country down like these people are doing.  There are many great things about Canada which they are ignorant of and ignore. The European founding people also brought a relatively civilized society to north America which did not exist here before.  We won't go into all the barbaric things that were going on before white man arrived because it is not politically correct to mention them.  The culture of aboriginal people was not something that they would want to embrace either if they knew what it meant to it's full extent.  It's fine to have a dance and feel proud life in general today but let's not pretend everything was civilized before white man arrived.  Shameful! They are not doing Canada a favour.

Read the story of Massacre Island.

Where is the Real Massacre Island? - The Muse - Lake of the Woods Museum | Douglas Family Art Centre (themusekenora.ca)

Incidentally there is more than one Massacre Island and more than one story.  I found an arrowhead near one of the Massacre Islands.

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Just now, blackbird said:

Other cities like Victoria, BC, Penticton, St. John's NFLD are caving in to the progressive left woke crowd and dumping on Canada.  It is shameful to see people no respect Canada and our heritage.  No country is perfect and no country has a perfect history, but it is insane and dangerous to disparage, and run a country down like these people are doing.  They are not doing Canada a favour.

but it's not a country

"Canada" is simply an agreement called Confederation

Britain was the country, Canada was never designed to operate as a sovereign independent state, so it doesn't

I don't need Canada, all my relevant services are delivered by my province

the Confederation of Canada is what is called a Self Licking Ice Cream Cone

Canada serves no useful purpose anymore, Canada has become a fool's errand

there's nothing dangerous about it, worse thing that happens is that Confederation ends and Ontario rolls on without it

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there's nothing you can do about it anyways

this is bigger than Canada

the whole Anglophere is falling to this postmodernist Woke revoltuion

Canada was overrun by it in a fortnight, it's already too late to save Canada

the fight is in America now, the only way to stop the Woke is to go after them at the source

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The Canadian military, American military, public school systems in both countries are being brainwashed by the Marxist woke politicians and their special interest groups such as red power activists, BLM activists, etc., etc.  They are weakening our military and other institutions.  Their ultimate goal is wreck our country and try to build a woke Marxist utopia.  Christians need to wake up, read their Bibles, and stand up for their country.

Just reported on the CBC news:  Two Catholic churches have been burned down in the south Okanogan.  The woke antifa at work.  Inspired by the hysteria over the unmarked burial site at Kamloops no doubt and the media hype surrounding it.

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3 hours ago, blackbird said:

Other cities like Victoria, BC, Penticton, St. John's NFLD are caving in to the progressive left woke crowd and dumping on Canada.  It is shameful to see people not respect Canada and our heritage.  This kind of thing is being promoted by the woke CBC on the taxpayer's money.  No country is perfect and no country has a perfect history, but it is insane and dangerous to disparage, and run a country down like these people are doing.  There are many great things about Canada which they are ignorant of and ignore. The European founding people also brought a relatively civilized society to north America which did not exist here before.  We won't go into all the barbaric things that were going on before white man arrived because it is not politically correct to mention them.  The culture of aboriginal people was not something that they would want to embrace either if they knew what it meant to it's full extent.  It's fine to have a dance and feel proud life in general today but let's not pretend everything was civilized before white man arrived.  Shameful! They are not doing Canada a favour.

Read the story of Massacre Island.

Where is the Real Massacre Island? - The Muse - Lake of the Woods Museum | Douglas Family Art Centre (themusekenora.ca)

Incidentally there is more than one Massacre Island and more than one story.  I found an arrowhead near one of the Massacre Islands.

Yup.  There were no systemic attempts to kill Indigenous in residential schools, not even at the school level.  No genocide.  Your example of an Indigenous massacre of the French will be ignored as people seize on the headline of 215 dead children without researching or understanding that children dying at a young age was very commonplace.  We’re being manipulated to slam Canada and the religions of the French and English and to send millions to Indigenous in the name of reconciliation, but there can be no reconciliation without truth.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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3 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

now, in terms of who actually attacked America on 9-11 ?

those were not Afghans

those were Arabs

they did not fight for Afghanistan, they were not under the control of Afghanistan

they were proxies of Saudi Arabia & Pakistan

there base wasn't even in Afghanistan, their base was in Yemen

they had a tiny training camp at Tarnak Farms, that was it, one tiny compound

the Taliban had nothing to do with it, and the Taliban actually fear and loathe those foreign backed Arabs

it is the Taliban who is fighting them now, because the Taliban is at war with the Islamic State in Afghanistan

if only the Canadian public had a clue as to what was going on, they wouldn't get themselves into these quagmires

I disagree.  An important stand needed to be taken in Afghanistan and Canada was right to stand up for a NATO ally attacked under Article 5.  Now if only more attention was brought to the Saudi role in 9/11...

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

The Canadian military, American military, public school systems in both countries are being brainwashed by the Marxist woke politicians and their special interest groups such as red power activists, BLM activists, etc., etc.  They are weakening our military and other institutions.  Their ultimate goal is wreck our country and try to build a woke Marxist utopia.  Christians need to wake up, read their Bibles, and stand up for their country.

Just reported on the CBC news:  Two Catholic churches have been burned down in the south Okanogan.  The woke antifa at work.  Inspired by the hysteria over the unmarked burial site at Kamloops no doubt and the media hype surrounding it.

These are likely terrorist attacks that took place on the reserves.  Neither government nor police will intervene because they fear reputational reprisals on social media.  No one in charge wants to stand accused of being colonial or racist, even if they’re just protecting property and public safety.   What a sad, weak government.  

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14 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

I disagree.  An important stand needed to be taken in Afghanistan and Canada was right to stand up for a NATO ally attacked under Article 5.  Now if only more attention was brought to the Saudi role in 9/11...

there again Canadians got scammed

read the text of the Washington Treaty

Article V doesn't actually bind you to do anything specific in response

all NATO member's have broad latitude to decide what they want to contribute

and this clause is in there to protect America from having to do anything specific

just because Article V is invoked, doesn't mean you have to fight a twelve year war to nowhere

Canada could have just sent some humanitarian aid and a couple transport planes

nothing in Article V said that Canada was bound to charge into Kandahar in 2006

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On 6/19/2021 at 6:55 PM, Moonlight Graham said:

So are you.  As a soldier you said you're supposed to be apolitical I thought, so bend the knee and follow the Queen's orders.

Why are you arguing so strongly with a crazy person?

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On 6/19/2021 at 10:21 PM, Moonlight Graham said:

One of the most naive and arrogant things NATO could do was think they could take a horribly poor landlocked desert/mountain country run by an Islamic version of the Nazis that wanted to murder us and turn it into a stable liberal democracy.

That was all the Americans. The British have long experience in finding a local warlord to take over and then letting them do all the fighting. The Americans still have this preposterous naivety which assumes everyone in the world shares their ideals and wans their style of government. Democracy doesn't work without compromise and there's no culture of compromise in these countries.

For that matter, the spirit of compromise is largely absent in the US these days, which is why their democracy is failing.

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all it was, was Paul Martin trying to suck up to the Bushies

and Rick Hillier looking to get the army in to some sort of fight

but the CF had been gutted in the 1990s, Canada did not have the army to do the job

so they got their asses handed to them by lightly armed guerrillas

they sent the LAV III's across the Arghandab, and they got mauled, twice

then the Taliban just slipped away in the night, to live to fight another day

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On 6/19/2021 at 11:24 PM, Moonlight Graham said:

I can't imagine Canadians don't want vets to get their proper healthcare and be taken care of.

Canadians haven't even shown any interest in their OWN health care the last several elections. It's hardly come up in either federal or provincial elections, even as the public health care system has continued to deteriorate even before Covid. It's like we're in this bland mood of acceptance, shrugging our shoulders because we don't think any of the parties will do anything anyway. And what have the Tories promised over the last decade? What ideas for making things better have they brought forth? Nothing. Targeted tax cuts and that's it. No ideas on the big issues of concern, be they health care or immigration or natives or the military or fisheries or anything else.

They can't bring themselves to offer up big new expensive programs like pharmacare or day care or such because they're allegedly conservatives. But they're too ashamed of conservatism to offer up any conservative proposals either. They have no ideas and stand for nothing.

Which is why they're still in opposition and will remain there.

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the reason the RCR & PPCLI fought with such valour in Afghanistan, was  because they were sold out

they didn't have the kit, they didn't have the combat power, so they were reduced to bayonet range

heroic, no doubt, but criminal negligence on the part of Canada none the less

sure, Canadian troops went over the top gloriously, as they always have

but only because Canada stabbed them in the back, and they were left to execute the forlorn hope in the wake

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it's like when Vaughn Ingram and his Section launched the attack to their doom

they were outnumbered to start off with

then the Afghan "allies" refuse to attack, because they say it's a stupid plan

but Sgt. Ingram has no choice, he has his orders from Niner Tac, he has to attack

so then they launch a Section attack across open ground against a dug in force which outnumbered them

they were massacred

again, that's valour, no valour higher than the forlorn hope

but it's Canada who killed Vaughn Ingram, stabbed him in the back

he did his duty, he will be remembered, but the shame is Canada's still


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