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my take on covid 19 response


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On 12/11/2020 at 4:58 PM, oops said:

Sorry for that rant. I failed to check to see if your post was addressed to me, and it wasn't. Puts me in a rather bad light. Again I apologize for an inappropriate response.

Your answer was pretty ok, and I have said the same things to the member dozens of times. But she always comes back with the same baseless accusations, not listening. Kinda like a broken record, I guess. No point playing that, it's boring after the first time.

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On 12/10/2020 at 10:54 AM, Boges said:

That logic is such bunk. 

Obviously COVID-19 is concentrating in populated areas. 

Airlifting people out to rural areas is a viable solution? 

I hear that the vi-ruse has now spread out into the rural areas surrounding the big city. Well that's a no-brainer. Shut down the GTA stores and restaurants, and I will simply get in my car and drive on the 401 for 15 minutes to places like Milton or Guelph. Hell, even Arshe-wa. It's still better than languishing in a cold T.O. basement, ordering alloo gobi for delivery by some suspicious con-man. So it's off to the Fox and Firkin we go for a steak and kidney pie... hi ho hi ho.

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As of 12:00 AM today, all restaurants, bars, pubs and cafes must close in-person dining but can still offer takeout. All entertainment venues, recreation facilities, casinos, personal and wellness services must close in the province of Alberta.

Edited by Petros
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  • 2 weeks later...

And here is Chris Selley's take on our governments' covid response.

It sucked. And it continues to suck. As this mirrors my own understanding of the situation, I am posting it here.

Alas, “odd” is a fair description of much of this country’s approach to the pandemic. Historians will not look kindly on it.

As I noted last week, Canada’s COVID-19 story is that of a defensible performance in most provinces when it comes to preventing people from getting the virus, and an indefensible performance in Ontario and Quebec when it comes to keeping those people alive. Canada’s overall infection rate is ninth best among 37 OECD nations; its death rate is ninth worst. The latter is basically two provinces’ fault: Ontario, where the case fatality rate is 2.6 per cent, and Quebec, where it’s 4.3. (In the rest of Canada combined, it’s 1.3 per cent.) As a comparison, the COVID pariah state Sweden is often pilloried for its high case-fatality rate, which currently stands at 2.2 per cent.

I have argued that the severe Australian and New Zealand anti-pandemic approaches are unlikely-to-unfathomable in Canada. Norway’s and Finland’s results, using much less draconian methods, are more worthy objects of envy for Canadians. Their demographics are very similar to Canada’s, both in age and long-term care-home population. Yet Norway’s death rate is 74 per million and Finland’s is 88. Canada’s is 375. Quebec’s is 904.


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Things Canada has never attempted in the fight against covid19

1. Proper contact tracing

2. Isolating long term care and nursing homes

3. Testing people who come into the country

4. isolating those who test positive in special hotels (it's not like the hotels are busy)

5. Widespread testing

These would all seem to be fairly obvious ways to keep the disease in check. But Canadian governments at all levels are utterly baffled by how to do any of these things, or even why that would be a good idea. Trudeau has one solution to all problems - a cheque issued with borrowed money. The premiers mostly just have lockdowns. That's about it.

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2 hours ago, Argus said:

Things Canada has never attempted in the fight against covid19

1. Proper contact tracing

2. Isolating long term care and nursing homes

3. Testing people who come into the country

4. isolating those who test positive in special hotels (it's not like the hotels are busy)

5. Widespread testing

These would all seem to be fairly obvious ways to keep the disease in check. But Canadian governments at all levels are utterly baffled by how to do any of these things, or even why that would be a good idea. Trudeau has one solution to all problems - a cheque issued with borrowed money. The premiers mostly just have lockdowns. That's about it.

All true. The WHO now recommends isolating those with the virus, contact tracing, and isolating those people who might have contacted the virus, and avoiding general  lock downs if at all possible. There are 77, 361 active cases currently in Canada. That represents  one in every 145 people. $5 to $10 billion invested in improving long term care homes would have been more beneficial than the hundreds of billions spent producing nothing. Lock downs are hurting everyone everywhere in the world.



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On 12/9/2020 at 12:04 PM, oops said:


Virus, infectious agent of small size and simple composition that can multiply only in living cells of animalsplants, or bacteria. The name is from a Latin word meaning “slimy liquid” or “poison.”


It is not the virus that closed our hospitals while people were dying on waiting lists, it was not the virus that spent $300 billion  paying people to not contribute to our economy while adding to the debt that will rob health care of future funding. It was elected leaders who did that. There is some commonality between the two though, so I can see where you went wrong.

Politicians create the problems. Without politicians around the world would be a lot better and safer and great place to be and live in. As Trump said himself? He does not consider himself a politician and look what he has done for America to try and make America great again. The problem with just about all of our politicians today is that they seem to lack any intelligence anymore. They have all become politically correct buffoons. They live on lies and emotions and are trying to make we the people believe that without them we will all die. But they seem to omit the fact that when we the people do listen to them people do die. 

Now they say that there is a new strain of the corona virus that just popped up. So, here we go again. More of the same old bull chit that we have had to put up for the past nine months now. This Convid 19 hoax will never end and now our dear comrade leaders will have even more excuses to make our lives even more miserable. Our dear political leaders and our own Queen Bonnie Henry here in BC must be just rubbing their commie grubby hands together in glee. 

Come on, people. Get with the program will you. Wake the hell up. How much longer are you willing to put up and keep playing this lying virus of a hoax game. If today we the people say enough already this hoax will end tomorrow. If not, well get ready for round two, Convid 20.

The willingness to keep wearing a mask is a sign of submission to the globalists and your dear comrade political leaders where you are pretty much bending the knee to these evil creatures. Start acting like men and women and not boys and girls any longer. Works for me. :D

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On 12/22/2020 at 12:07 PM, Argus said:

Things Canada has never attempted in the fight against covid19

1. Proper contact tracing

2. Isolating long term care and nursing homes

3. Testing people who come into the country

4. isolating those who test positive in special hotels (it's not like the hotels are busy)

5. Widespread testing

These would all seem to be fairly obvious ways to keep the disease in check. But Canadian governments at all levels are utterly baffled by how to do any of these things, or even why that would be a good idea. Trudeau has one solution to all problems - a cheque issued with borrowed money. The premiers mostly just have lockdowns. That's about it.

Look mac, our politicians cannot get it right because they all know that this is all just a farce and an hoax. They are all playing this globalist lying bull chit game. Only dummies with low IQ's cannot seem to figure this one out. Event 201 told us this would happen. 

People like you cannot seem to figure out that everybody today has Convid 19 and everybody that is dying today are pretty much dying from Convid 19. All other diseases are off the hook it seems these days. It's all about Convid 19.  Contact tracing is just another excuse to try and make sure that the statistics on Convid 19 stay up high. 

If the virus can be spread by saliva droplets than why do we need to cover over our noses? That seems like a pretty good question for some one to maybe want an answer for? If one does not have a fever nor appears to be having respiratory problems than one does not have Convid 19. It's as simple of that, fools. :unsure:

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On 12/22/2020 at 3:09 PM, oops said:

All true. The WHO now recommends isolating those with the virus, contact tracing, and isolating those people who might have contacted the virus, and avoiding general  lock downs if at all possible. There are 77, 361 active cases currently in Canada. That represents  one in every 145 people. $5 to $10 billion invested in improving long term care homes would have been more beneficial than the hundreds of billions spent producing nothing. Lock downs are hurting everyone everywhere in the world.



How much longer will it be before people like you finally start to wake up to the fact that you have been made a fool of? It's hard to believe that there are so many fools out there that just cannot seem to realize that they are being taken for a Convid 19 ride. Sure there is a strain of corona virus out there floating around in the air but it is not new and not as bad as any other virus corona virus flu bug that has been going around for centuries now which tends to make many people sick and will kill many also. 

I am not doing one dam thing that we are being told that we must do to avoid catching this virus and I am doing just fine thank you very much. If I start to have a fever and start to have respiratory problems then I will stay at home as I should. I take Zinc and vitamin C and D every day and that is all that those politician buffoons should be telling the people. There is no need for a vaccine. Just common sense and logic is what is required here. There is just way too much fear and panic being created by the lying media and lying politicians to keep you all paranoid about some virus. 

The wearing of a face mask is a sign of submission to your dear political leaders and the globalists. Those who wear a mask even in their vehicles are doing what is expected from them? Bending the knee to their global masters. Believe it or not. ;)   

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5 hours ago, taxme said:

How much longer will it be before people like you finally start to wake up to the fact that you have been made a fool of? It's hard to believe that there are so many fools out there that just cannot seem to realize that they are being taken for a Convid 19 ride.

You know nothing about people like me. If you read my post you would see that I don't agree with lock downs, and am  looking for a solution to end them. You on the other hand do nothing, sitting on your ass, and not looking for a solution to anything, calling everyone fools, thinking that somehow that doesn't make you look like one. Grow up and try to do something positive, even if it makes you puke.

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On 12/24/2020 at 4:31 PM, oops said:

You know nothing about people like me. If you read my post you would see that I don't agree with lock downs, and am  looking for a solution to end them. You on the other hand do nothing, sitting on your ass, and not looking for a solution to anything, calling everyone fools, thinking that somehow that doesn't make you look like one. Grow up and try to do something positive, even if it makes you puke.

And you know nothing about me at all. Touche!! You must know by now as to where I stand on this hoax virus and I am doing something about it. What are you doing yourself? Have you been to the many rallies that have been going on for months now against all of this China virus bull chit? The solution is for people like you to get off your own ass and attend these rallies. Website ACTION4CANADA will fill you in on all of those rallies with more to come. 

Indeed, my ass is starting to kill me. Are there pills out there for sore arses by chance? :D

Hey, if anyone is still believing that this hoax of a virus is for real than I will call them fools. There is no one in their right mind who can still believe that this is all for real where there are many websites that are trying to get the message out that this is all just a farce and a hoax. Now the globalists have come out with another Convid 20 job for the fools to fall for once again. No doubt you will probably believe it all. 

Many doctors and scientists are coming forward at their own peril and risk whom are trying to get those still stunned fools out there that this is not all for real. But to learn about that they must first go to and listen to and get the other side of the story that most of the fools out there refuse to do. Try it sometime. ;)

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18 hours ago, taxme said:

Have you been to the many rallies

I have not been to rallies, because I choose to obey the law.  I may not like the law, and given a choice, I would prefer not to inhale the air that I had just exhaled, but you can't choose which laws you approve of, and discard the rest. It was my hope that people would see a need to change the law. At any rate I don't believe in blocking traffic, harassing people on ferries, resisting arrest and assaulting police officers, but party on dude.

I was hoping that people would see that locking our children out of their schools and telling them that they might die was not in their best interest. I was hoping that people would see that running massive public debts while driving our businesses into bankruptcy resulting in massive unemployment was not proper fiscal management. I was hoping to convince people that fighting this virus blindly in the dark was not preferable to increased testing which would shed some light on the problem and help us to focus our efforts where they would do some good. I was hoping to convince people that isolating our elderly, and leaving them to die from the affects of loneliness was not right. I was hoping that people would see that isolating victims of domestic abuse with their abusers, and closing the shelters   that are their hope of escape looked bad on us. I was hoping to convince people that closing our hospitals and watching people dying on while waiting for promised procedures that could save their lives was wrong.

It seems that people don't want to listen. John Horgan became the most popular premier in Canada, called an unnecessary early election, and won the majority that had eluded him in the previous election. Dr. Bonny Henry became a folk hero, appearing multiple times a day on tv and having people adoring her and calling for her to be awarded the Order of B.C., and the Order of Canada. Justin gave billions of dollars to the people who will now need to repay it, and became everyone's friend. It seems that the people like what they see and are willing to keep doing what we are doing, and wait as long as necessary for the vaccine. That is their right.

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4 hours ago, oops said:

I have not been to rallies, because I choose to obey the law.  I may not like the law, and given a choice, I would prefer not to inhale the air that I had just exhaled, but you can't choose which laws you approve of, and discard the rest. It was my hope that people would see a need to change the law. At any rate I don't believe in blocking traffic, harassing people on ferries, resisting arrest and assaulting police officers, but party on dude.

I was hoping that people would see that locking our children out of their schools and telling them that they might die was not in their best interest. I was hoping that people would see that running massive public debts while driving our businesses into bankruptcy resulting in massive unemployment was not proper fiscal management. I was hoping to convince people that fighting this virus blindly in the dark was not preferable to increased testing which would shed some light on the problem and help us to focus our efforts where they would do some good. I was hoping to convince people that isolating our elderly, and leaving them to die from the affects of loneliness was not right. I was hoping that people would see that isolating victims of domestic abuse with their abusers, and closing the shelters   that are their hope of escape looked bad on us. I was hoping to convince people that closing our hospitals and watching people dying on while waiting for promised procedures that could save their lives was wrong.

It seems that people don't want to listen. John Horgan became the most popular premier in Canada, called an unnecessary early election, and won the majority that had eluded him in the previous election. Dr. Bonny Henry became a folk hero, appearing multiple times a day on tv and having people adoring her and calling for her to be awarded the Order of B.C., and the Order of Canada. Justin gave billions of dollars to the people who will now need to repay it, and became everyone's friend. It seems that the people like what they see and are willing to keep doing what we are doing, and wait as long as necessary for the vaccine. That is their right.

Just because some new law has been created does not mean that it has to be a good law. Many new laws that have been created are very bad laws and they only do and cause more harm than good. 

I was hoping that the Canadian people would see the hoax and farce of this plandemic for what it is by now but sadly they still refuse to do so. They go stupidly along and keep obeying in a state of fear and panic as to whatever their dear leaders tell them to do without even a question or a challenge to what they are ordered to do. The wearing of a face mask is a sign of submission. If people wear masks they are showing their dear leaders that they are willing to submit to whatever their dear leaders say and order them to do. And the wearing of face masks all day long have shown to not be a healthy thing to be doing to oneself. Real men and women do not wear masks. Only wimps and cowards do that. 

All the methods being tried to try and eliminate this so called China virus has been more of a disaster to society itself than what this virus could have ever done. Nobody dies from anything anymore these days except from Covid. Approx. 300 people have died from this China virus where more than a thousand have died from drug overdoses. The PCR tests being done is just another way of trying to fabricate the stats up on Covid. The PCR tests have been shown to be unreliable. 

My wife is in a care home because she has Alzheimer's and I have not been allowed to see her for weeks now because of this Convid hoax. My Christmas visit was cancelled because of Covid. To me this is not about a virus anymore, it has more to do with control and power and crimes against humanity by a bunch of inhuman sick and pathetic so called human beings. My personal feelings are that comrades Bonnie Henry, Horgan, and Trudeau need to be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity. 

If anyone wants to take a vaccine than go for it. I hope that they do not get sick or die from taking the jab. But do not force others who do not want to take the jab. Although I am pretty dam sure that is the name of the game. Take the jab or stay at home because they will force us if we want to be able to buy food. Here in BC today, I cannot buy the food essentials that I need to live on unless I am wearing a face mask in a grocery store. Some new normal, eh? :(

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4 minutes ago, taxme said:

All the methods being tried to try and eliminate this so called China virus has been more of a disaster to society itself than what this virus could have ever done.

This we can agree on. As for vaccines, they have eliminated smallpox, almost wiped out polio and made the childhood diseases of mumps, chicken pox and measles that I grew up with, a rarity among Canadian youth today. I hope that enough of the population get the vaccine to keep you safe my friend. As for the pandemic I do not believe  it to be a hoax, but rather a gross misunderstanding of the threat. I don't know how so many intelligent people can be so dumb. The harm they have done is immeasurable, and the good could fit into a thimble.

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7 minutes ago, oops said:

This we can agree on. As for vaccines, they have eliminated smallpox, almost wiped out polio and made the childhood diseases of mumps, chicken pox and measles that I grew up with, a rarity among Canadian youth today. I hope that enough of the population get the vaccine to keep you safe my friend. As for the pandemic I do not believe  it to be a hoax, but rather a gross misunderstanding of the threat. I don't know how so many intelligent people can be so dumb. The harm they have done is immeasurable, and the good could fit into a thimble.

I guess that you and me must agree to disagree and leave it there. But if you are able to convince and make me believe that this China virus is not all just a hoax than go for it. The only proof that everyone here goes on is what their politicians and the media and those so called health experts tell them about the reality of this China virus. I believe that it is all just a hoax because it is all coming out from the mouths of those I mentioned above. A bunch of liars. Just saying. ;)

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

I guess that you and me must agree to disagree and leave it there.

Agreed. We can both however agree that our elected leaders have done major damage to us all.  But if those commie shites killed us all with their vaccine, who would they have to oppress?

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20 hours ago, oops said:

Agreed. We can both however agree that our elected leaders have done major damage to us all.  But if those commie shites killed us all with their vaccine, who would they have to oppress?

No worry there. They will still need some slaves left to clean up their shit. ;)

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On 12/29/2020 at 4:19 PM, taxme said:

But if you are able to convince and make me believe that this China virus is not all just a hoax than go for it.

It feels like it would be hard to convince you, but in what way is this virus and the impacts it's having a hoax?

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55 minutes ago, Adam1980 said:

It feels like it would be hard to convince you, but in what way is this virus and the impacts it's having a hoax?

It would appear to me as though it would be just as hard to convince you that this was all just a hoax joke. Many people are starting to realize that now. 

As I have mentioned here many times before and probably again is that there was a meeting in Oct. 2019 between a bunch of deep state globalists called Event 201. It was all about getting prepared for a possible pandemic to come about. Well, low and behold, come March 2020 we now find ourselves in the middle of a so called pandemic or as others call it a plandemic or a scamdemic. 

Come on. People need to add two and two together here and come up with the right answer. So far all most people have come up with is # 22. This hoax has created so much havoc and chaos in everyone's life that it will take years to fix things. The harm and damage to society that this China virus hoax has been was much worse than what any virus could ever have done. We have had plenty of viruses come and go in the past few decades but none have been so harmful to people and society as this one has.

This was never about a virus at all. It was all about eventually trying to get the whole world vaccinated by Bill Gates to hell and big pharma who stands to make trillions of dollars off of those buffoons out there who will take their vaccine. And if anyone here thinks that because they take the jab that they will be allowed to get back to the old normal days then they really mistaken and really are a bunch of buffoons.

Dr?? Fauci even said himself that even if anyone takes the shot they may still have to wear a face mask and practice social distancing, and accept more lock downs. This will never end as long as those maskholes out there that keep listening to those virus and vaccine pushers and their lies.

There is only one way to end this convid 19 madness. Just say no more. I do not want to play this virus game anymore. As soon as enough people say that, this virus will disappear the next day. Thousand sare waking up to this farce. It's your turn now. Just saying over and over and over again. ;)

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The problem is that the WHO is fighting covid19 using the measures used on the 1918 H1N1 influenza virus. Covid19 is not that virus.


It is estimated that about 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus (H1N1). The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide.

Covid19 has infected 83,716 of the world's 7,800,000 people, or 1.07% of the world's population. Of the resolved cases 3% died. In 1918 3.3% of the world's population died. So far with covid19 0.02% or the world's population has died. Clearly we need a response tailored to this infection, not one that ended 100 years ago.


https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/1918-pandemic-h1n1.html#:~:text=It is estimated that about,occurring in the United States.



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On 12/31/2020 at 4:33 PM, taxme said:

There is only one way to end this convid 19 madness. Just say no more. I do not want to play this virus game anymore. As soon as enough people say that, this virus will disappear the next day. Thousand sare waking up to this farce. It's your turn now. Just saying over and over and over again

I don't disagree that the whole thing is overblown and the response disproportionate to the threat, but it appears there is a threat, so I find it hard to call it a 'hoax'.

I wonder what would have happened if we went to the other side of the response spectrum and carried on with life as was before. We would see many deaths in long term care homes. One can imagine the population screaming at the folks in power that they didn't do enough! 

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52 minutes ago, Adam1980 said:

I don't disagree that the whole thing is overblown and the response disproportionate to the threat, but it appears there is a threat, so I find it hard to call it a 'hoax'.

I wonder what would have happened if we went to the other side of the response spectrum and carried on with life as was before. We would see many deaths in long term care homes. One can imagine the population screaming at the folks in power that they didn't do enough! 

I find it hard to call it a hoax also, I never have and never will. I also find it hard to call it a conspiracy , because I think our leaders are too inept to pull one off. My issue is that we are are letting our fear of death make us forget our love of life.  What would happen if hadn't locked down? We would have continued to educate our children to the best of our ability and given them hope for the future instead of locking them out of their schools and telling them they might die. We would have kept visiting our seniors, and not closed the places where they meet with others. then we wouldn't be seeing them isolated, lonely and increasingly sedentary, leading to increased deaths from heart disease, Alzheimer's and other forms of deteriorative decline. We wouldn't be running a $381 billion dollar deficit, that will burden our children for decades to come. Justin of course would run a deficit as always, but $381 billion is large even by his standards. We wouldn't have driven so many of our businesses into bankruptcy resulting in a 38% drop in gdp, lessening our ability to repay our mounting debt. We would have kept our hospitals open, instead of closing them, and then watching as people on waiting lists who were scheduled for cancer and heart procedures died without treatment. We would have come together with our family and friends to celebrate weddings and birthdays, and mourn our dead. We would have gone to sporting events, live music concerts, lived life, and made memories. 

As for the long term care homes, we have truly not done well there. Of course the lock downs didn't do much to prevent the residents from attending school, riding public transit or attending all night long wild parties.  One possible solution might be to provide enough funding to make the needed changes to make them as safe as possible.  It would be wise to appoint someone who could audit these facilities as he sees necessary, and who could coordinate any libel actions that arise from misuse  of these funds.

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In the UK between a third and over half the patients in hospitals are covid patients. Anyone who says the virus is some kind of hoax is a lunatic who should be in an asylum. They're not someone whose views on ANYTHING are of value.

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40 minutes ago, Argus said:

In the UK between a third and over half the patients in hospitals are covid patients. Anyone who says the virus is some kind of hoax is a lunatic who should be in an asylum. They're not someone whose views on ANYTHING are of value.

Of course you would not post this if you didn't have a source. Please let us in on your source. 

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