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Is the United States becoming Lebanon?

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4 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

 Heck assuming we survive your collapse Canada would likely be one the foreign powers controlling and manipulating warring US factions from behind the scenes, exploiting your civil war for our own purposes. ?


Actually, one of the main reasons that Canada existed as a separate dominion was the U.S. Civil War, when Great Britain realized it wasn't going to control anything in North America much longer.    The Americans fought a war to preserve its Union....Canada just granted Quebec autonomy because the federation is not nearly as strong and few would die for it.

Lebanon wishes it had things so good....

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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3 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

As a result Trump one by the smallest of margins in a few key districts of a few key states states and took the electoral college despite being despised by most Americans and his popularity has never improved significantly.


This is the repeated false narrative despite the facts which say otherwise.   Trump's approval ratings have improved at times and were consistent with "well liked" Obama's, who actually plummeted from grace soon after taking office.   That's why the Democrats lost over 1,000 seats....lost the House...lost the Senate...lost the Presidency.



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2 hours ago, Argus said:

Interesting story from a guy in Pennsylvania about the depths of the utter belief in what's going on between Trump and Biden supporters. It's not even that they have different ideological views. It's that they really and truly believe different things are happening, and often are completely wrong. This is probably due to lousy news services slanting the news in opposite directions, and the degree of crazy groups out there on the fringes (not to mention Russia) pumping out fake news about both sides.


It's a great idea for a story, but I can't see it. It's behind a paywall. 

What are some things that people believed, which Globe thought was wrong?

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

It's a great idea for a story, but I can't see it. It's behind a paywall. 

What are some things that people believed, which Globe thought was wrong?

I can't adequately summarize it. It's not behind a paywall as far as I can tell. Stories behind a paywall have a key under them and this doesn't. You must have been looking at too many stories in the Globe so it's shut you out. If you use firefox, like I do, it deletes all those cookies every time you close. That's how I'm able to read papers like the Citizen and Post every day without paying. Other browsers probably allow you to do the same thing.

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2 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Actually, one of the main reasons that Canada existed as a separate dominion was the U.S. Civil War, when Great Britain realized it wasn't going to control anything in North America much longer.    The Americans fought a war to preserve its Union....Canada just granted Quebec autonomy because the federation is not nearly as strong and few would die for it.

Lebanon wishes it had things so good....

Quebec wasn’t “granted autonomy” 

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2 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


This is the repeated false narrative despite the facts which say otherwise.   Trump's approval ratings have improved at times and were consistent with "well liked" Obama's, who actually plummeted from grace soon after taking office.   That's why the Democrats lost over 1,000 seats....lost the House...lost the Senate...lost the Presidency.



Obama’s lowest rock bottom is Trumps greatest peak. You’re proud of that?


Republicans picked up those gains because the f the great Republican gerrymander of 2010. Gerrymandering is one the most disgraceful aspects of the US political system and both parties have been guilty wit but the “Project Redmap” Republican Gerrymander of 2010 was by far the largest and most sophisticated gerrymandering of all time that dwarfs anything before it thanks to new technology available. 

If the Dems sweep this election like some predictions indicate then we’ll probably see a ‘Project  Bluemap’ as the 10-yr redistricting is coming up again. If the Dems turn the tables then we’ll see Republicans suddenly care about gerrymandering and your shrugs on the topic to date will suddenly turn to screams of outrage. Right?

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Obama’s lowest rock bottom is Trumps greatest peak. You’re proud of that?

When you consider that Obama got 90% favourable press and Trump got 94% negative press it is pretty good. 

Obama had actual scandals that very few Americans even know about. Trump has a non-scandal that many people believe was "worse than Watergate".

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Obama’s lowest rock bottom is Trumps greatest peak. You’re proud of that?


Has nothing to do with being "proud"...those are the polling facts over time.   Hell, George W. Bush had the highest job approval poll of any president (90%+) after 9/11.   Canada hated him too...but he was re-elected in 2004 anyway.


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4 hours ago, Argus said:

I can't adequately summarize it. It's not behind a paywall as far as I can tell. Stories behind a paywall have a key under them and this doesn't. You must have been looking at too many stories in the Globe so it's shut you out. If you use firefox, like I do, it deletes all those cookies every time you close. That's how I'm able to read papers like the Citizen and Post every day without paying. Other browsers probably allow you to do the same thing.

I logged in with Chrome, got a chance to read it.

I still stand by what I said at the beginning, it's a good idea for an article. Sadly though, it's filled with the typical leftist tripe that you'd find on Globe & Mail.

It boils down to "I love Trump 'cause I'm afraid of black people" vs "I love Biden because I hate lying" lol.

Ok ijjits, "Biden is the first member of his family in 1,000 generations to go to college, and he finished at the top of his class there" lol. Plus he didn't have any idea that his only son was working for a company in Ukraine.

Biden's lying is legendary. His rapidly-declining mental health is visible from space.

The actual election issues are "Trump was elected on a long set of promises which he fulfilled to the best of his ability and his ME foreign policy was extremely successful" versus "we still believe that Russian collusion was 100% legit even though no actual evidence has ever been found and we don't believe that Biden's blatantly-shady dealings are actually anything worth investigating".


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In the USA and perhaps even in Canada people recognize that the media is biased and therefore treat it with suspicion. 

Unfortunately the same can't be said about the European countries where the trust in the so-called national broadcasters as well as the newspapers is rock-solid. 

Or that is the case in Finland. Our propaganda-machine declares 95% trustworthy-rates. 

However, I guess the situation is the same in Britain with the BBC. Its worldwide recognition as some sort of an impartial voice has fooled a lot of people believing what they tell you. 

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13 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Biden's lying is legendary.

This from a fanatical Trump supporter!!!? ??


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28 minutes ago, Argus said:

This from a fanatical Trump supporter!!!? ??


The actual funny thing is that I can name dozens of bizarre lies told by Biden, the Dems and CNN over just the past 4 years. I mention those things specifically here over and over.

Can you name Trump's biggest lies from the past 4 years? 

Honestly, you've gotta have some good stuff, comparable to "there is no such thing as Antifa" or you're just a complete idiot. 

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5 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The actual funny thing is that I can name dozens of bizarre lies told by Biden, the Dems and CNN over just the past 4 years. I mention those things specifically here over and over.

Trump does that much in a day, in a single speech. I'm not going to go searching out Trump's biggest lies for you. Everyone sane knows he's the world's most notorious liar.


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1 minute ago, Argus said:

Trump does that much in a day, in a single speech. I'm not going to go searching out Trump's biggest lies for you. Everyone sane knows he's the world's most notorious liar.


Riiiiiight, so you're just like every other CNN sycophant here whose best comeback is "I don't have anything of value to add to the conversation, my unsubstantiated allegations will have to stand as documented facts."

FYI unsubstantiated allegations don't clear the bar of...... 


"Honestly, you've gotta have some good stuff, comparable to "there is no such thing as Antifa" or you're just a complete idiot."

Challenge still stands. Are you a complete idiot or can you name a Trump lie to compare to that? 

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Riiiiiight, so you're just like every other CNN sycophant here whose best comeback is "I don't have anything of value to add to the conversation, my unsubstantiated allegations will have to stand as documented facts."

FYI unsubstantiated allegations don't clear the bar of...... 

Challenge still stands. Are you a complete idiot or can you name a Trump lie to compare to that? 

Trump says he has 'done more' for Black people than anyone with 'possible exception' of Lincoln


Beyond ludicrous.  

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2 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

You cited a bullshit article from a media co that was successfully sued by a high school student as a source lol.

1) FYI Trump's economy was the best ever in America by the indicators that he mentioned - historic low black unemployment, women, hispanics, etc. The article calls him wrong but is just intentionally inaccurate. 

2) FYI Biden actually was calling Trump xenophobic for imposing the travel ban on China, and Biden's revisionist history lesson is pure BS. Trump was also roasted by the Dems, Trudeau, and all across every media outlet in NA for being racist and xenophobic when he first implemented the travel ban. Then when all those idiots finally realized that Trump was actually a step ahead of them at the time they switched their attack on his travel ban from 'xenophobic' to 'porous'.

Re: the 'porous' claim, here's some news for all the idiots who believe what WashPo is saying: Trump is the leader of a free country that's full of people with inalienable rights, and C19 or no he did not have the power to 1) stop Americans from coming home or 2) tell China that they had to keep all of the American visitors in China until C19 was eradicated. It's just complete stupidity.  Trump did literally everything that was within his power at that time and the fact of the matter stands - Biden said that the travel ban was a result of Trump's xenophobia, period. 

And just as a comparison, those travellers returning home from China were funnelled into a handful of airports where they were all screened for signs of infection. At the same time there were absolutely no restrictions whatsoever on travellers from China, they were coming into every airport in Canada and marching through completely unscreened to go wander the country at their pleasure. 6 days after that stopped, Canadians couldn't even walk outside in places like Pinecone-Burke Park. 

That's just the first two claims made by your fake news source.

You lose again canucklehead, as usual. Thanks for coming out. 

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16 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

Trump says he has 'done more' for Black people than anyone with 'possible exception' of Lincoln


Beyond ludicrous.  


Here's a black, American Democrat who doesn't find Trump's claim ludicrous. You lose again Canucklehead.

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16 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

When did Lincoln die?  Read a history book and try again :P

You called the claim "ludicrous". It's certainly not that, and "There's no such thing as Antifa" is the bar of absurdity that has to be cleared if you recall....

Whether or not Trump has done more for black people than the overtly racist LBJ is debatable, and for that matter LBJ only did what he did because he had no choice. He had almost as much pressure from his own party as he did from the Republicans at that time. 

So aside from LBJ who even comes close?

You lose again Canucklehead. 

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7 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You called the claim "ludicrous". It's certainly not that, and "There's no such thing as Antifa" is the bar of absurdity that has to be cleared if you recall....

Whether or not Trump has done more for black people than the overtly racist LBJ is debatable, and for that matter LBJ only did what he did because he had no choice. He had almost as much pressure from his own party as he did from the Republicans at that time. 

So aside from LBJ who even comes close?

You lose again Canucklehead. 

Do you speak English?  Trump claimed more than any president, even possibly Lincoln.  Your link claims the past 50 years, during which time Lincoln was not president.   


You sure are a winner, I'll give you that much.   :lol:

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1 minute ago, Cannucklehead said:

Do you speak English?  Trump claimed more than any president, even possibly Lincoln.  Your link claims the past 50 years, during which time Lincoln was not president.   


You sure are a winner, I'll give you that much.   :lol:

I can speak it, but I can't understand it for you.

In case you've lost track 1) I called Biden a bizarre liar, which he is. His lies are just bafflingly stupid and obvious. 2) Argus acted like the fact that I was a Trump supporter made my assertion highly hypocritical 3) I challenged him to cite some examples of Trump telling lies on Biden's grand scale 4) you cited a farcical WashPo article and then you made the claim that Trump saying "he did more for black people than any President since maybe Lincoln" was 'beyond ludicrous'. 

Re: your claim, here's Trump's actual quote:


“So, I think I’ve done more for the Black community than any other president, and let’s take a pass on Abraham Lincoln, cause he did good, although it’s always questionable,” Trump told Faulkner, who is Black.

“You know, in other words, the end result,” Trump continued.

Faulker then interrupted Trump: “Well, we are free, Mr. President. He did pretty well.”

Trump replied: “But we are free. You understand what I mean. So I’m gonna take a pass on Abe, Honest Abe, as we call him.”

1) He made it clear that he wasn't putting himself on Abe's level, he stopped quite short of that and 2) if Abe didn't do some questionable things then why were BLM members attacking his statues?  


So here's the scoop. A black, male Democrat himself said that Trump's work for black people was 'unparalleled by any other President in the last 50 years'. That was a declarative statement, not just a guess, and he backed it up quite well.

Vernon Jones, with his own words, put Trump into the elite category. The conversation about Trump vs Presidents between Lincoln and 2016 can now only really involve one President. LB Racist J. 

LBJ's contribution was basically just getting the Civil Rights Act passed, but that was hardly a case of him forging ahead on his own. There was vast pressure from below him, and more from the Republican party than from the Dems. Aside from that one thing he was an actual bona-fide racist.

It's not actually ludicrous at all now, is it Canucklehead? The debate comes down to Trump and LBJ. 

Is your problem with understanding this situation, or do you just need to look up ludicrous in the dictionary? 

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I can speak it, but I can't understand it for you.

In case you've lost track 1) I called Biden a bizarre liar, which he is. His lies are just bafflingly stupid and obvious. 2) Argus acted like the fact that I was a Trump supporter made my assertion highly hypocritical 3) I challenged him to cite some examples of Trump telling lies on Biden's grand scale 4) you cited a farcical WashPo article and then you made the claim that Trump saying "he did more for black people than any President since maybe Lincoln" was 'beyond ludicrous'. 

Re: your claim, here's Trump's actual quote:

1) He made it clear that he wasn't putting himself on Abe's level, he stopped quite short of that and 2) if Abe didn't do some questionable things then why were BLM members attacking his statues?  


So here's the scoop. A black, male Democrat himself said that Trump's work for black people was 'unparalleled by any other President in the last 50 years'. That was a declarative statement, not just a guess, and he backed it up quite well.

Vernon Jones, with his own words, put Trump into the elite category. The conversation about Trump vs Presidents between Lincoln and 2016 can now only really involve one President. LB Racist J. 

LBJ's contribution was basically just getting the Civil Rights Act passed, but that was hardly a case of him forging ahead on his own. There was vast pressure from below him, and more from the Republican party than from the Dems. Aside from that one thing he was an actual bona-fide racist.

It's not actually ludicrous at all now, is it Canucklehead? The debate comes down to Trump and LBJ. 

Is your problem with understanding this situation, or do you just need to look up ludicrous in the dictionary? 



You are fake news!  :lol:

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1 minute ago, Cannucklehead said:

Grow up. So there was a Trump quote that Trump made over that past 4 years that I was unaware of and you're comparing me to known rabid liars like CNN now? He makes that claim quite often. I actually googled the exact phrase that you said and it brought me to an interview that he did with Harris Faulkner. 

What you said was quite uncalled for Canucklehead. There's a difference between not knowing something and being a liar.

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Grow up. So there was a Trump quote that Trump made over that past 4 years that I was unaware of and you're comparing me to known rabid liars like CNN now? He makes that claim quite often. I actually googled the exact phrase that you said and it brought me to an interview that he did with Harris Faulkner. 

What you said was quite uncalled for Canucklehead. There's a difference between not knowing something and being a liar.

Was that the one where he used the phrase "when the looting starts the shooting starts"?  

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