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Sean Hannity of Fox News Deserves an Award for his Amazing Coverage of the Russian Collusion Witch Hunt

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4 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

It's all slanted.  Us plebes don't know what they heck is going on.  There's all sorts of shade being flung from every direction.

Nonsense, just tune into Hannity and you'll have it all figured out.

But it's funny... how the left takes a default position that now "all is nonsense and lies" when the fact is, the message coming from the left is nonsense and lies. I guess it's easier to reconcile it that way, when you hit rock bottom.

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Now you've added a second lie - that the DNC server was hacked by Russians. Again, that's mere speculation on your part, as the source of the leaked emails said that the emails came to them from a leaker, not a hacker, and no one else on earth has proof to the contrary. In the absence of evidence or proof, Assange's word is the statement of record. You're a two-time liar in that one post.



3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

FWIW, even if the Russians did hack the DNC or Hillary, the fact that they spilled the beans doesn't mean that they did it for Trump. The Russians who spent money on FB chucked crap against both sides in order to sow division in the US. The Dems were just stupid enough to suck it up like thirsty camels.

Russia wants to weaken the US.  They don't care about Trump or Clinton/Obama, only who serves and doesn't serve their interests.

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5 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Nonsense, just tune into Hannity and you'll have it all figured out.

But it's funny... how the left takes a default position that now "all is nonsense and lies" when the fact is, the message coming from the left is nonsense and lies. I guess it's easier to reconcile it that way, when you hit rock bottom.

I'm not on the left.

LOL Hannity is a pundit journalist, he doesn't know any more than anyone else, because he doesn't have top secret clearance into the US or Russian gov, and isn't tapping Trump and Putin's communications.

Whatever is good for Russia or China is bad for America and Canada, and vice versa.  Get that through your head.  Zero-sum game.

If you support tougher immigration polices, economic nationalism, and being tough on China etc. that's perfectly fine, so do I, just don't do it through this guy.

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7 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

I'm not on the left.

LOL Hannity is a pundit journalist, he doesn't know any more than anyone else, because he doesn't have top secret clearance into the US or Russian gov, and isn't tapping Trump and Putin's communications.

Whatever is good for Russia or China is bad for America and Canada, and vice versa.  Get that through your head.  Zero-sum game.

If you support tougher immigration polices, economic nationalism, and being tough on China etc. that's perfectly fine, so do I, just don't do it through this guy.

Maybe I was being sarcastic...

But there is no other guy, is there? Is someone playing you a violin?


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32 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

You need to clear your cookies to read the WaPo article. 

Thanks, and you know what?

What I've read of that piece so far is surprisingly fair.


Like the Mueller report before it, the nearly 1,000-page Senate document does not explicitly accuse the Trump campaign of direct collusion with Russian intelligence. But the Senate report carries particular weight because it is the first major investigation of Russian interference in 2016 to be conducted by a Republican-controlled committee and endorsed by both Republicans and Democrats.


At one point, the document concludes that members of Trump’s transition team probably fell prey to Russian manipulation that they were too callow to recognize. Kremlin operatives “were capable of exploiting the transition team’s shortcomings,” the report says. “Based on the available information, it is possible — and even likely — that they did so.”

Other sections of the report may furnish Trump supporters new material to use in attacking the FBI and one of its informants. The probe is particularly critical of the credibility and sourcing of a “dossier” assembled by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele as part of an opposition research effort funded by Democrats.


But Trump will have difficulty taking exculpatory advantage of a report that is replete with damning details about his conduct and that of his associates.

The Senate probe is the first to flatly declare that a longtime partner of Manafort was, in fact, a Russian intelligence officer. The report also for the first time cites evidence that that alleged operative, Konstantin Kilimnik, may have been directly involved in the Russian plot to break into a Democratic Party computer network and provide plundered files to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks.


You should have stopped there. The Guardian's 'let's flame Trump' piece was junk, But yeah, WaPo seems pretty fair this time. As was Fox.

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20 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

If you support tougher immigration polices, economic nationalism, and being tough on China etc. that's perfectly fine, so do I, just don't do it through this guy.


....and if you support tougher immigration policies, economic nationalism, and being tough on China, Canada, Mexico, and many other nations...do it through this guy.

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2 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Who is going to be tough on Russia?

Why should Donald Trump be any tougher than anyone else toward Russia? He did after all fire some missiles at them in Syria, if I recall. Obummer didn't do much, and Killary made some kind of sweet uranium deal.

Meanwhile your guy Biden makes it clear who he would go to bed with. Asia boom boom.

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3 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:



Russia wants to weaken the US.  They don't care about Trump or Clinton/Obama, only who serves and doesn't serve their interests.

The leaks from the DNC did the main damage to Hillary and the Dems. 

They alienated the Bernie Bros from the Clinton campaign, and probably cost the election. 



Crowdstrike gained notoriety in 2016 when the Democratic National Committee paid the company to investigate a hack of its server, which it determined emanated from Russia. The company was the first to publicly sound the alarm about Russia's interference in the 2016 election and CrowdStrike's assessment was later confirmed by US intelligence agencies.

This is the beginning of the whole shitshow, and it turned out to be fake. The owner of Crowdstrike admitted under oath that they never actually had evidence that Russia hacked the DNC. 

This, and Hillary's fake dossier don't constitute proof that Trump did anything with Russia.

The meeting with Veselnitskaya appears to have been a sting as well, but the Trump team never took the bait.  

Honestly, if you compare how much money the Russians spent on FB ads to how much Bloomberg is dumping into Fla right now ($100M) it's ludicrous to suggest that Russian collusion is even a thing.

Hillary truly is a disgusting person, she was caught TWICE in election cheating leading up to the 2016 showdown 1) cheating to beat Bernie for the nomination and 2) getting debate questions from Donna Brazille. If she was caught twice, how many times do you think she cheated? Do you really think people wouldn't leak info about her? 

How anyone can take her and her allegations seriously is just beyond me. 

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


This is the beginning of the whole shitshow, and it turned out to be fake. The owner of Crowdstrike admitted under oath that they never actually had evidence that Russia hacked the DNC.

Do you have any link about the lying under oath?

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46 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Do you have any link about the lying under oath?

Who said that he lied under oath? 

He testified under oath that Crowdstrike didn't actually have proof that Russia hacked the DNC server:


Why the F is it that when Dem supporters get actual evidence that they don't like it's "fake actual evidence"? 

You've been told by CNN 1,000 times that something is true, and when the evidence inevitably comes in that it isn't true, you discredit the actual evidence instead of coming to the realization that you were lied to 1,000 times. It's the CNN-junkie way. Their lies feel good so you invest everything in them. 

Newsflash! Manafort isn't in jail for collusion. No one is. You were lied to about that. That sucks.

Newsflash! Trump never actually said that immigrants are animals. You were lied to. That sucks.

You were lied to about every single story that you believe from CNN.

I defy you to lay out the facts of any story that was pimped by CNN over the past 6 years that wasn't a lie. Pick anything. 

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39 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Who said that he lied under oath? 

He testified under oath that Crowdstrike didn't actually have proof that Russia hacked the DNC server:


Why the F is it that when Dem supporters get actual evidence that they don't like it's "fake actual evidence"? 

You've been told by CNN 1,000 times that something is true, and when the evidence inevitably comes in that it isn't true, you discredit the actual evidence instead of coming to the realization that you were lied to 1,000 times. It's the CNN-junkie way. Their lies feel good so you invest everything in them. 

Newsflash! Manafort isn't in jail for collusion. No one is. You were lied to about that. That sucks.

Newsflash! Trump never actually said that immigrants are animals. You were lied to. That sucks.

You were lied to about every single story that you believe from CNN.

I defy you to lay out the facts of any story that was pimped by CNN over the past 6 years that wasn't a lie. Pick anything. 

I'm not a Dem supporter, I don't even like Biden, I'm not leftwing, I don't like CNN, it lies and op-eds constantly, much like FOX News.

I'm trying to find out the truth.  I'm aware of lots of shade the Democrats have been up to the last 5 years.

Ok let's even say Russia wasn't behind the leaks.  Russia is still the enemy of the US and trying to undermine them politically with all sorts of covert ops.  Twitter & social media is filled with Russian bots and gov employees on fake accounts sowing discord.



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18 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

I'm not a Dem supporter, I don't even like Biden, I'm not leftwing, I don't like CNN, it lies and op-eds constantly, much like FOX News.

I'm trying to find out the truth.  I'm aware of lots of shade the Democrats have been up to the last 5 years.

Ok let's even say Russia wasn't behind the leaks.  Russia is still the enemy of the US and trying to undermine them politically with all sorts of covert ops.  Twitter & social media is filled with Russian bots and gov employees on fake accounts sowing discord.



I was in the military during the cold war, back when we used to say brilliant things like 'kill a commie for mommy'. Russia and the US being at odds is nothing new. 

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7 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

 I don't like CNN, it lies and op-eds constantly, much like FOX News.

Even this is another lie from you MG. Fox does not lie like CNN does. Not even CBC and CTV lie like CNN does, but Fox News doesn't actually lie.

What's happened is that you've heard from various sources, who need Fox's accountability to be shot so that they can spin their fake narratives without being challenged, that "you're an idiot if you watch Fox because al they do is lie haw haw" and so you don't watch, and you don't know the truth.  

This is the same kind of pre-emptive strike on someone else's credibility that they do to protect people like Biden & Hillary. In case you forgot, Hillary was caught cheating twice in the 2016 election, dead to rights, but when you think of 2016 election cheating, you think of Trump who was never even credibly accused. In Biden's case, the story of Hunter's $30K/mo job came out, and the Dems knew it was indefensible so instead of trying to explain it, they went INSANE about "Trump colluded in the Ukraine!!!!" Remember that Hunter got that job in a country that he had never flown to, where he didn't speak the language, and in a career where he had no previous expertise at all. Including bonuses it was well over $30K/month. The ties between Joe and Burisma were cast in stone. Joe was caught lying about the fact that he KNEW Hunter got that job, just like Joe lied about not knowing that Hunter got $1.5B in business from the communist bank of China when he they flew over there on AF2 together. When you think about crimes in Ukraine you think about "why did Trump ask for some help with the Crowdstrike issue" and not, "Why did the Bidens make off like bandits in Ukraine when Joe was supposedly working there on behalf of the US gov't". (now's a good time to ask yourself, 'why would Trump kick the Russian collusion hornet's nest by asking about Crowdstrike if he knew he was guilty'?)

I've recited the litany of CNN lies on every topic known to man over the past 4 years, many times. They're not small lies, or innocent lies where they couldn't have known any better. They're big lies and often blatantly stupid ones like "people are in jail for Russian collusion" or "Trump referred to immigrants as animals" or "Trump's anti-Semitism was at least partly to blame for the killings in Pennsylvania". All 100%, easy to spot, certifiable bullshit.

No one needed inside information to know that those comments were patently false. Almost every single person who ever heard those words spoken KNEW that they were false instantly, but they've been conditioned to believe that Trump is evil incarnate, so it feels really good to hear things like that. It also feels really good to spread those lies, especially when you get the head nod from a professor or a girl that you want to boink.

Then CNN 'lies' by omission, by letting guests come on the show and tell blatant lies, or by airing people's blatant lies without stripping them of credibility, like AOC's "They were forcing women to drink out of toilets!" Honest to god, everyone in NA knew she was lying, or she would have just recorded the truth on her cell phone video. Failing that, there would be a serious investigation into it. There was no investigation, and AOC was never made to walk back that hideous claim though. CNN aired the original comment and then they let it stand. 

Their dirtiest trick of all though, the thing that makes them evil, is spinning tragedies into political points. Eg, when Omar Mateen killed 50 people in the Pulse nightclub. Those  50 people who laid there screaming and dying in a massive pool of blood deserved to have their accuser named for exactly who and what he was. CNN had no right to shift the blame for their deaths in order to score their own political points.

If you and your best friend get killed by some random dude, I'm sure you want your actual killer to go to jail and not just someone of my choosing. 

We both know for absolute certain that guns laws didn't kill the guys in Pulse, because the gun that Mateen used was illegal in the US before Mateen was born. "Republican hate" wasn't to blame, because there's only one group of people that shout allah's name when they kill large groups of people. Yet CNN knowingly spun that tragedy into an attack on gun laws and Republicans and a bunch of total fuckin' idiots gobbled that crap up and regurgitated it far and wide. 

People should have been livid that CNN lied to them like that but they were happy for the advice - "here's how to use this tragedy against the GOP toadies, now rush off and do our bidding."


WHEN THE ACCUSATION OF RUSSIAN COLLUSION CAME OUT - Fox News didn't instantly say it was all lies, they instantly started reporting on what THE ACTUAL FACTS WERE, AT THE TIME THAT THEY CAME OUT. 

Every week Schiff came out and said: "We've got the goods now, Trump is on the verge of impeachment" but he lied every time. 

Hannity followed the facts and he nailed that story ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. McCabe prediction - 100%. Strzok prediction - 100%. FISA court lying prediction - 100%. Etc, etc, etc. Now CNN's pre-emptive attack has switched temporarily from Trump to Hannity. "NOBODY LOOK AT HANNITY'S RECORD ON RUSSIAN COLLUSION!!!! PAY ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT WE'RE DISCREDITING HIM!!!!!!!"

Dude you KNOW CNN lied for 3 years about collusion and everything else. You know Hannity got that all 100% correct.

Hannity scored all the touchdowns, he won the game fair and square. 

Man up and admit it.

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16 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

LOL Hannity is a pundit journalist, he doesn't know any more than anyone else, because he doesn't have top secret clearance into the US or Russian gov, and isn't tapping Trump and Putin's communications.

I'll concede that this isn't a lie, because you didn't know any better at the time that you wrote it and it's not a serious accusation, but you're wrong here.

Hannity obviously knew more than other people because he was giving out accurate info about the witch hunt for the whole time while other people were being consistently wrong (very wrong). Hannity was getting a lot of info from sources, like for example his regular contributors Sarah Carter and John Solomon, which never failed to be correct. 

If you go back in time and look at the whole collusion story as it evolved, and you look at what Hannity was saying month-by-month compared to what Schiff was saying at those times, Hannity appears to have known more, all along, than Adam Schiff. Period. Actually a lot more. Apparently Schiff had literally everything wrong or he's a liar. The evidence that Schiff claimed to have has still yet to be produced, and the investigators of the case say that they never, at any point, had any.


I'll reiterate, Hannity deserves an award, and if not him then Sarah Carter and/or John Solomon.

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4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

WHEN THE ACCUSATION OF RUSSIAN COLLUSION CAME OUT - Fox News didn't instantly say it was all lies, they instantly started reporting on what THE ACTUAL FACTS WERE, AT THE TIME THAT THEY CAME OUT.

FOX pushes the narratives and facts they agree with.  You're saying they don't omit facts that don't support their narrative?  Give me a break.  Sure you can learn some things on FOX, it's not all lies, but it's all spin, I don't trust them.  "Fair and balanced", and the "No spin zone"  LOL give me a break, their whole supposed "raison d'etre" is a lie.  If Obama was being investigated for the same thing their coverage would be A LOT different, in fact the very opposite, they'd behave just like CNN.

It's all BS and you've cuddled up to your favorite anus.  We're all being fooled.  These are high-stakes games being played in back-alleys of power and we don't know the truth, like House of Cards and Game of Thrones.   All we get is the trickle of info that leaks out.

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1 minute ago, Moonlight Graham said:

FOX pushes the narratives and facts they agree with.  You're saying they don't omit facts that don't support their narrative?  Give me a break.  Sure you can learn some things on FOX, it's not all lies, but it's all spin, I don't trust them.  "Fair and balanced", and the "No spin zone"  LOL give me a break, their whole supposed "raison d'etre" is a lie.  If Obama was being investigated for the same thing their coverage would be A LOT different, in fact the very opposite, they'd behave just like CNN.

It's all BS and you've cuddled up to your favorite anus.  We're all being fooled.  These are high-stakes games being played in back-alleys of power and we don't know the truth, like House of Cards and Game of Thrones.   All we get is the trickle of info that leaks out.

TBH, if Hannity was like CNN, where he was in a position where he had to lie to protect the GOP, I don't know what he would do.

All I can say for certain is that he told the truth about collusion, but I'll concede that telling those truths was beneficial for him and what he believes in.

Obviously CNN would tell the truth too if it advanced their cause, but that's almost never the case.

Maybe there's good reason for that though. Maybe Fox and the GOP are just on the right side of history and CNN and the Dems are pure filth. There's no shortage of evidence of the latter. The Dems push for rioting & lockdowns, they call violent riots which include murder & beatings 'mostly peaceful', they demonize police & they want to defund police, their nominee in the last election was a huge cheater, their electoral reforms are all designed to make election fraud easier, the DNC-controlled cities are all shitholes, they are by far the biggest liars in the history of politics (even compared to our own Liberals), etc. 

The. Dems. Are. Scum. 

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13 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

FOX pushes the narratives and facts they agree with.  You're saying they don't omit facts that don't support their narrative?  Give me a break.  Sure you can learn some things on FOX, it's not all lies, but it's all spin, I don't trust them. 

I'd like for you to provide some evidence of that.

I can back anything I said with cites and evidence, but your criticism of Fox is no more than an anecdote. 

Find me some examples of Fox lying or omitting, not including the voices of their Dem supporters (eg Juan Williams).

I will concede that all of Fox's Dem-talkers lie, they go woth whatever CNN's narrative is. 

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25 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

TBH, if Hannity was like CNN, where he was in a position where he had to lie to protect the GOP, I don't know what he would do.

All I can say for certain is that he told the truth about collusion, but I'll concede that telling those truths was beneficial for him and what he believes in.

Obviously CNN would tell the truth too if it advanced their cause, but that's almost never the case.

Maybe there's good reason for that though. Maybe Fox and the GOP are just on the right side of history and CNN and the Dems are pure filth. There's no shortage of evidence of the latter. The Dems push for rioting & lockdowns, they call violent riots which include murder & beatings 'mostly peaceful', they demonize police & they want to defund police, their nominee in the last election was a huge cheater, their electoral reforms are all designed to make election fraud easier, the DNC-controlled cities are all shitholes, they are by far the biggest liars in the history of politics (even compared to our own Liberals), etc. 

The. Dems. Are. Scum. 

I think the Dems and CNN and the GOP and FOX are all scum.

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5 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

I think the Dems and CNN and the GOP and FOX are all scum.

It's obvious that you've only ever paid attention to one side of the story though.

The CNN side gets regurgitated here in Canada via CTV and CBC. They present all the talking points exactly as presented on CNN.

Canadians believe that Trump is a huge liar because it was (falsely) proven thousands of times. He lied about collusion 10,000 times (according to the info that CNN had at the time lol). He lied about the wiretap (nope). He lied about Kavanaugh (nope). 


People like to dump on Trump for covid. Here's a test. Pretend that covid only killed black people, so it is a hugely racist disease, and evidence that a person didn't actually fight against it was evidence that they were intentionally committing genocide. Sounds harsh, but when you raise the bar of what the stakes actually are to where any inaction is unacceptable, you have zero room for excuses. Only actions count. Let's go.

Trump formed the c19 task force on Jan 27. He banned travellers from China and other covid hotspots on Jan 31 (except for returning Americans, and they funnelled into a handful of airports for actual screening), while the WHO was recommending countries didn't do that. There were less than 5 confirmed cases in the US at that point. Does it seem like Trump was protecting black people at that time, or killing them? Protect is the correct answer.

Trudeau left flights open from covid hotspots for 45 days after Trump had banned them. Trudeau also told Canadians not to wear masks. Canadian airports didn't screen passengers or quarantine them. Does it seem like Trudeau was trying to kill black people or protect them? Kill is the correct answer.

The WHO told everyone on earth not to wear masks or ban travel. Were they trying to kill black people or kill them? Kill is the correct answer.

When DeBlasio held a press conference on Feb 9th and told NYers that they should continue to ride the subway and eat in restaurants was he trying to kill or protect? Kill is the correct answer.

Was DeBlasio's directive on that day the single-biggest killer of the entire c19 saga? Probably 2nd, after the WHO in my opinion.

When Pelosi held a public gathering in Chinatown on Feb 24th and encouraged people to congregate in large groups, kill or protect? Kill is the correct answer.

When Cuomo put sick people back into black care homes was he trying to kill people or protect them? Kill is the correct answer.

When Trump shut down the entire economy, while there were less than 100 deaths in the whole country, was that to kill or protect? Protect is the correct answer.

Just remember that Trump was already focusing on protecting Americans from the virus back when the Dems and CNN were exclusively talking about their primaries and Ukrainian collusion (another hoax). In all the DNC debates there was only one question about c19. Trump was so far ahead of the Dems that it's a joke for them to pipe up now and act like covid crusaders. They had no advice at the beginning, aside from the worst advice possible. Now they act like they would have all aced the test. WRONG. That's disgusting. 

Here's a full list of WH actions to fight c19. https://www.donaldjtrump.com/media/timeline-the-trump-administrations-decisive-actions-to-combat-the-coronavirus/ 

If the WH's accomplishment list looked like the Trudeau accomplishment list did on March 15th (ie - nothing done at all) the US would be screwed. 


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