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Joe "Trojan Horse" Biden

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22 minutes ago, Tdot said:

President Trump announced U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, which would have harmed America’s economy and cost American workers millions of jobs.

Some of the points you make regarding the economy were made possible by running huge deficits, which now doesn't seem like a big deal. The withdrawl from the Paris accord was a tragic change in direction. We need to be doubling down on cutting greenhouse gas emissions as agressively as possible. This is what I meant by his lack of education. 

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33 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Some of the points you make regarding the economy were made possible by running huge deficits, which now doesn't seem like a big deal. The withdrawl from the Paris accord was a tragic change in direction. We need to be doubling down on cutting greenhouse gas emissions as agressively as possible. This is what I meant by his lack of education. 

Not hardly. Trump is highly-educated on issues, as that is a requisite during any US Presidency.

 Obama's and Dem's hatred for the USA caused them to intentionally put the USA at an economic and energy-competitive, disadvantage, by signing onto this dumb Paris Climate agreement ---btw which also collects $1-billion annually from USA taxpayers. So Trump is brilliant for exiting that dumpster fire, and the robust pre-Wuhan Virus/pre-Impeachment hoax economy, verified this.

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President Trump could have initiated a new generation of nuclear power plants around the country to transition off fossil fuels, providing far more jobs than were lost by the Paris Accord.The rebuilding and electrifacation of the transportation system and developement of Thorium LIFTR reactors for domestic and export. I expected a financial savvy President would have jumped at a chance to make Americans rich.

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11 minutes ago, Tdot said:

Not hardly. Obama's and Dem's hatred for the USA caused them to intentionally put the USA at an economic and energy-competitive, disadvantage, by signing onto this dumb Paris Climte agreement ---btw which also collects $1-billion annually from USA taxpayers. Trump is brilliant for exiting that dumpster fire and the robust pre-Wuhan Virus/pre-Impeachment hoax economy, verified this.

Just a couple of points to assist you. Your hyperbole accusing the Democrats of hating the USA deminishes your crediblity. The parroting of a silly script ie. pre-Wuhan Virus/pre-Impeachment hoax economy, gives the impression you are trolling which, I am sure, is something you want to avoid.

Try using respectful language and your own words to express what you would suggest the President should do. It may have a positive impact on the people you are trying to communicate with.

Happy Suten a Mai everyone. The 17th of May is Norway's National Day.

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Just a couple of points to assist you with avoiding your own hypocrisy that many of you exercise onto my posts specifically:

Your hyperbole namecalling Trump/pretending he is not educated as the leader of the free world, diminished your credibility weeks ago. The parroting of a silly propagandized script ie. ignore his great successes/play pretend he has phantom failures, gives the impression you are trolling which I, hope, is something you want to avoid.

Try using respectful language toward Trump, before you correct me, yes then use etiquette for your own words to express what you would suggest about the President. But still, it is not your job, to have a positive impact on the people you are trying to communicate with ---because sometimes the truth is unkind, but that is usually not the messenger's fault. Some of you here, have a difficult time accepting that fact. lol

Oh, and Happy Suten a Mai to you, as well. This week, of May, is national mental health week

Edited by Tdot
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2 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Just a couple of points to assist you. Your hyperbole accusing the Democrats of hating the USA deminishes your crediblity. The parroting of a silly script ie. pre-Wuhan Virus/pre-Impeachment hoax economy, gives the impression you are trolling which, I am sure, is something you want to avoid.

Try using respectful language and your own words to express what you would suggest the President should do. It may have a positive impact on the people you are trying to communicate with.

Happy Suten a Mai everyone. The 17th of May is Norway's National Day.

If you are Norweigan that explains everything...your inetelligence...your fondness for ships...your viking savagery....otherwise oh just you know never mind I can always call you a vegetarian.  I have been to Oslo.   I found the country parts I saw clean. I like sardines, herring, pine trees and whatever it is they gave me on tap.  Sailing and  cross- country skiing and speed skating too. Its what I first think of Norweigans because of the olympics.


Edited by Rue
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2 hours ago, Tdot said:

Just a couple of points to assist you with avoiding your own hypocrisy that many of you exercise onto my posts specifically:

Your hyperbole namecalling Trump/pretending he is not educated as the leader of the free world, diminished your credibility weeks ago. The parroting of a silly propagandized script ie. ignore his great successes/play pretend he has phantom failures, gives the impression you are trolling which I, hope, is something you want to avoid.

Try using respectful language toward Trump, before you correct me, yes then use etiquette for your own words to express what you would suggest about the President. But still, it is not your job, to have a positive impact on the people you are trying to communicate with ---because sometimes the truth is unkind, but that is usually not the messenger's fault. Some of you here, have a difficult time accepting that fact. lol

Oh, and Happy Suten a Mai to you, as well. This week, of May, is national mental health week

@Queenmandy85 :) I had to just now, usurp, the narcissism's trolling which came after I initially posted it above

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27 minutes ago, Rue said:

If you are Norweigan that explains everything

Thanks, but even better, I am priveleged enough to be married to a woman of Norwegian decent. I'm decended from an Englishman. Everything you say about Norway is true. I was in Bergen visiting my in laws about twenty years ago and we were in the fish market. A fellow had a kiosk selling T shirts. I worked with a guy who collected T shirts so I bought two Ja Elske Bergen shirts. The vendor asked where I was from. Saskatchewan. He asked if we had any "red indians" there. He was thrilled when I told him the second shirt was for my work mate who is full Cree.

Happy Victoria Day.

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3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

President Trump could have initiated a new generation of nuclear power plants around the country to transition off fossil fuels, providing far more jobs than were lost by the Paris Accord.The rebuilding and electrifacation of the transportation system and developement of Thorium LIFTR reactors for domestic and export. I expected a financial savvy President would have jumped at a chance to make Americans rich.


The U.S. has already been there and done that.    Modern efforts for LFTR have scrammed for the usual reasons.    President Trump is financially savvy enough to recognize another money pit.    Ask Trudeau and Canada to lead the way instead....like CANDU.

Joe Biden will not do it either....

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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4 hours ago, Argus said:

There isn't anything in that video which can be directly attributed to Donald Trump. From all we hear, Trump has almost nothing to do with crafting policy decisions. He doesn't take briefings, doesn't read reports, gets bored easily at meetings, and spends very little time in the actual act of governing. Mike Pence does all that, in conjunction with the Republicans in Congress. And besides, much of that brag sheet is stupid nonsense. Bragging about cutting taxes for corporate America in the middle of a booming economy while you have a massive deficit is not something a conservative would ever do. The "121 month economic boom" predates Trump by about 81 months. And yes, cutting corporate taxes certainly helped, but those tax cuts came from borrowing even more money.

I disagree, of course, but let's say you're correct and all successes before the pandemic were just luck, coincidence or lazy delegating, I'll still back the winning horse until the jockey falls off. You ride the streak. I'd still vote Trump because the things he said he'd do during the campaign got done or are in the process of getting done.

Now as to this idea that Obama is responsible for the economic recovery under Trump...




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15 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

President Trump could have initiated a new generation of nuclear power plants around the country to transition off fossil fuels, providing far more jobs than were lost by the Paris Accord.The rebuilding and electrifacation of the transportation system and developement of Thorium LIFTR reactors for domestic and export. I expected a financial savvy President would have jumped at a chance to make Americans rich.

Nuclear energy isn't the be-all, end all. Or maybe it is:

Nuclear plant accidents and incidents
with multiple fatalities and/or more than US$100 million in property damage, 1952-2011[10][25][27]
Date Location of accident Description of accident or incident Dead Cost
September 29, 1957 Mayak, Kyshtym, Soviet Union The Kyshtym disaster was a radiation contamination accident (after a chemical explosion that occurred within a storage tank) at Mayak, a Nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in the Soviet Union. Estimated 200 possible cancer fatalities[29]   6
October 10, 1957 Sellafield aka Windscale fire, Cumberland, United Kingdom A fire at the British atomic bomb project (in a plutonium-production-reactor) damaged the core and released an estimated 740 terabecquerels of iodine-131 into the environment. A rudimentary smoke filter constructed over the main outlet chimney successfully prevented a far worse radiation leak. 0 direct, estimated up to 240 possible cancer victims[30]   5
January 3, 1961 Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States Explosion at SL-1 prototype at the National Reactor Testing Station. All 3 operators were killed when a control rod was removed too far. 3 22 4
October 5, 1966 Frenchtown Charter Township, Michigan, United States Meltdown of some fuel elements in the Fermi 1 Reactor at the Enrico Fermi Nuclear Generating Station. Little radiation leakage into the environment. 0 132[31]  
January 21, 1969 Lucens reactor, Vaud, Switzerland On January 21, 1969, it suffered a loss-of-coolant accident, leading to meltdown of one fuel element and radioactive contamination of the cavern, which before was sealed. 0   4
December 7, 1975 Greifswald, East Germany Electrical error in Greifswald Nuclear Power Plant causes fire in the main trough that destroys control lines and five main coolant pumps 0 443 3
January 5, 1976 Jaslovské Bohunice, Czechoslovakia Malfunction during fuel replacement. Fuel rod ejected from reactor into the reactor hall by coolant (CO2).[32] 2 1,700 4
March 28, 1979 Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania, United States Loss of coolant and partial core meltdown due to operator errors and technical flaws. There is a small release of radioactive gases. See also Three Mile Island accident health effects. 0 2,400 5
September 15, 1984 Athens, Alabama, United States Safety violations, operator error and design problems force a six-year outage at Browns Ferry Unit 2. 0 110  
March 9, 1985 Athens, Alabama, United States Instrumentation systems malfunction during startup, which led to suspension of operations at all three Browns Ferry Units 0 1,830  
April 11, 1986 Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States Recurring equipment problems force emergency shutdown of Boston Edison's Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant 0 1,001  
April 26, 1986 Chernobyl, Chernobyl Raion (Now Ivankiv Raion), Kiev Oblast, Ukraininan SSR, Soviet Union A flawed reactor design and inadequately trained personnel led to a failed backup generator test. This test led to a power surge which overheated the fuel rods of reactor no. 4 of the Chernobyl power plant, causing an explosion and meltdown, necessitating the evacuation of 300,000 people and dispersing radioactive material across Europe (see Effects of the Chernobyl disaster).

Around 5% (5200 PBq) of the core was released into the atmosphere and downwind. 

28 direct, 19 not entirely related and 15 minors due to thyroid cancer, as of 2008.[33][34]Estimated up to 4000 possible cancer deaths.[35] 6,700 7
May 4, 1986 Hamm-Uentrop, West Germany Experimental THTR-300 reactor releases small amounts of fission products (0.1 GBq Co-60, Cs-137, Pa-233) to surrounding area 0 267  
December 9, 1986 Surry, Virginia, United States Feedwater pipe break at Surry Nuclear Power Plant kills 4 workers 4    
March 31, 1987 Delta, Pennsylvania, United States Peach Bottom units 2 and 3 shutdown due to cooling malfunctions and unexplained equipment problems 0 400  
December 19, 1987 Lycoming, New York, United States Malfunctions force Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to shut down Nine Mile Point Unit 1 0 150  
March 17, 1989 Lusby, Maryland, United States Inspections at Calvert Cliff Units 1 and 2 reveal cracks at pressurized heater sleeves, forcing extended shutdowns 0 120  
March 1992 Sosnovyi Bor, Leningrad Oblast, Russia An accident at the Sosnovy Bor nuclear plant leaked radioactive iodine into the air through a ruptured fuel channel.      
February 20, 1996 Waterford, Connecticut, United States Leaking valve forces shutdown Millstone Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2, multiple equipment failures found 0 254  
September 2, 1996 Crystal River, Florida, United States Balance-of-plant equipment malfunction forces shutdown and extensive repairs at Crystal River Unit 3 0 384  
September 30, 1999 Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan Tokaimura nuclear accident killed two workers, and exposed one more to radiation levels above permissible limits. 2 54 4
February 16, 2002 Oak Harbor, Ohio, United States Severe corrosion of reactor vessel head forces 24-month outage of Davis-Besse reactor 0 143 3
April 10, 2003 Paks, Hungary Collapse of fuel rods at Paks Nuclear Power Plant unit 2 during its corrosion cleaning led to leakage of radioactive gases. It remained inactive for 18 months. 0   3
August 9, 2004 Fukui Prefecture, Japan Steam explosion at Mihama Nuclear Power Plant kills 4 workers and injures 7 more 4 9 1
July 25, 2006 Forsmark, Sweden An electrical fault at Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant caused multiple failures in safety systems that had the reactor to cool down 0 100 2
March 11, 2011 Fukushima, Japan A tsunami flooded and damaged the plant's 3 active reactors, drowning two workers. Loss of backup electrical power led to overheating, meltdowns, and evacuations.[36] One man died suddenly while carrying equipment during the clean-up.[37] The plant's reactors Nr. 4, 5 and 6 were inactive at the time. 1[38] and 3+ labour accidents; plus a broader number of primarily ill or old people from evacuation stress 1,255–2,078 (2018 est.)[39] 7
September 12, 2011 Marcoule, France One person was killed and four injured, one seriously, in a blast at the Marcoule Nuclear Site. The explosion took place in a furnace used to melt metallic waste. 1    



The scary thing about all of these accidents (27 of them already, and there are only 440 nuclear reactors on the planet...) is that they're not happening in backwards countries with shifty dictators and high illiteracy rates. They're happening in highly-developed countries like Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, France, Germany and the US. 

Another thing, the initial death toll and the accumulated death toll from radiation is completely downplayed. I watched a documentary about Chernobyl and they said that 100s of miles away there were towns where several kids were known to have multiple forms of cancer. Severe birth defects are also common and not even mentioned on this list.

We've all seen the sad pictures of birds covered in oil, only the Simpsons cartoon really touches on the subject of the effect of nuclear reactors on wildlife around nuclear reactors. How many birds and other animals do you think died around Chernobyl, Fukijima and all of these other places? 

Terrorism hasn't been a big concern in those countries in the past, but the number of muslims, in France and Germany especially, means that terrorism is an ever-growing concern:




Nuclear reactor attacks[edit]

See also: Nuclear terrorism

The vulnerability of nuclear plants to deliberate attack is of concern in the area of nuclear safety and security.[40] Nuclear power plants, civilian research reactors, certain naval fuel facilities, uranium enrichment plants, fuel fabrication plants, and even potentially uranium mines are vulnerable to attacks which could lead to widespread radioactive contamination. The attack threat is of several general types: commando-like ground-based attacks on equipment which if disabled could lead to a reactor core meltdown or widespread dispersal of radioactivity; and external attacks such as an aircraft crash into a reactor complex, or cyber attacks.[41]

The United States 9/11 Commission found that nuclear power plants were potential targets originally considered for the September 11, 2001 attacks. If terrorist groups could sufficiently damage safety systems to cause a core meltdown at a nuclear power plant, and/or sufficiently damage spent fuel pools, such an attack could lead to widespread radioactive contamination. The Federation of American Scientists have said that if nuclear power use is to expand significantly, nuclear facilities will have to be made extremely safe from attacks that could release radioactivity into the environment. New reactor designs have features of passive nuclear safety, which may help. In the United States, the NRC carries out "Force on Force" (FOF) exercises at all Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) sites at least once every three years.[41]




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12 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

I disagree, of course, but let's say you're correct and all successes before the pandemic were just luck, coincidence or lazy delegating, I'll still back the winning horse until the jockey falls off.

How is the US 'winning'? You're happy at how nice and warm it is while Trump tears up the floors to toss into the fireplace. Borrowing vast sums of money to pump up the economy is ljust like that. It might be nice in the short term but it's going to lead to a bad end, and not very long in the future either.

12 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

You ride the streak. I'd still vote Trump because the things he said he'd do during the campaign got done or are in the process of getting done.

Oh yeah? I can't think of anything other than immigration. But he's done that so sloppily he's infuriated the left, which means when those guys get into power they're like to open the doors so freaking wide half the country will drown in the flood. Nothing he's done has been intelligent or well-thought-out. From his china policy to his immigration policy to his economic policies. Not that they're "his" since he didn't develop any of them, but still...

12 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Now as to this idea that Obama is responsible for the economic recovery under Trump...

And who said that? I pointed out since you wanted to brag about 121 months of economic expansion that he's only been in power for just under 40 months.

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12 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Thanks, but even better, I am priveleged enough to be married to a woman of Norwegian decent. I'm decended from an Englishman. Everything you say about Norway is true. I was in Bergen visiting my in laws about twenty years ago and we were in the fish market. A fellow had a kiosk selling T shirts. I worked with a guy who collected T shirts so I bought two Ja Elske Bergen shirts. The vendor asked where I was from. Saskatchewan. He asked if we had any "red indians" there. He was thrilled when I told him the second shirt was for my work mate who is full Cree.

Happy Victoria Day.

Lol. Got it. Yah but can you pronounce your husband's name properly? I did see the museum in Oslo about the resistance movement. Meant a lot to me.


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2 hours ago, Argus said:

How is the US 'winning'?

During the campaign Trump said he would get ISIS out of Syria and Iraq.

Now you can say he was just taking advantage of the groundwork done by Obama, or you can say Trump didn't actually do it. He just gave air support to Kurd and other ground forces, All I know is it's been a long time since a major terror attack of the sort that were becoming common during Obama's 2 terms. So I'm going to say 'thank you Donald.'


Have you ever seen the Pictionary skit from The Big Bang Theory? There's a part where Sheldon says, "Sure you got it, but only after I eliminated all the obvious answers."

That always reminds me of the desperate explanation of some who still can't believe that Trump won to the booming pre-pandemic, American economy of the Trump era. Check it out.


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3 hours ago, Argus said:

Small things impress small minds.

Dog you really believe Trump can find Iraq on a map? He did  what his joint Chief of Staff tells him. He kisses Kim's ass the US Navy has engaged in unprecedented expansion of its navy in the South China seas and he has kissed Erdogan's ass betraying Kurdish allies but then less than two weeks later therecwax a reverse move to protect Kurds on the ground and then a powerful message  sent to Iran. That is not him, its his generals. He's a smoke screen, a distraction or cover. He serves a  purpose being a clown and delusional. He hasn't a clue what ISIS stands for. He thinks  Iraq is  a reference to a woman's breasts.

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1 hour ago, Rue said:

Dog you really believe Trump can find Iraq on a map? He did  what his joint Chief of Staff tells him. He kisses Kim's ass the US Navy has engaged in unprecedented expansion of its navy in the South China seas and he has kissed Erdogan's ass betraying Kurdish allies but then less than two weeks later therecwax a reverse move to protect Kurds on the ground and then a powerful message  sent to Iran. That is not him, its his generals. He's a smoke screen, a distraction or cover. He serves a  purpose being a clown and delusional. He hasn't a clue what ISIS stands for. He thinks  Iraq is  a reference to a woman's breasts.

If what you are saying is even remotely true then Trump's administration would be indistinguishable from Obama's and it's night and day.

Obama was all about globalism, international concessions, racial division and islam. 

Trump is all about America & Nato, trade agreements which work for the US, Americans and Judeo-Christianity.

As POTUS Trump sets policy and his Generals are there to provide the military strategies to achieve them whenever it's necessary to use force. For sure Trump isn't drawing x's and o's on the board, and conducting the co-ordination of the army, air force and navy like a virtuoso, but he listens to the various proposals and makes the command decision, the US military executes it.

For example, when it comes to the killing of Suleimani, Trump probably didn't know anything about him before he took office. The spooks who identified Suleimani as a high-priority target to Trump probably knew what Suleimani ate for breakfast on most days since 2005. They probably had options in place for taking him out on almost every single day in the past ten years. Still, when that day came that an American was killed at an embassy under Trump's watch, Trump's the guy who says "Name a high-profile target that we can hit militarily to show Iran what's up." Generals put forward a number of options, what the probable success of those options is, how such attacks will be perceived by Americans and their allies and the world, how Iran would be forced to react to each scenario.... I bet Trump had 5 to 10 completely different options to choose from, some of them involving an allied presence either with other middle-eastern players, NATO allies, Turkey specifically, etc. But the main point is that Trump wanted an eye for an eyelash. Obama wouldn't even have gone looking for blood. He'd be too busy chillin' with BLM at the Whitehouse, watching the riots. 

Trump chose Suleimani because it fits Trump's MO to a tee. The op had an extremely low body count, it was utra-high priority strike militarily, it was a huge psychological blow to Iran's leadership because it showed them that he was willing to play the regicide game instead of the attrition game, and it was a blow to the Iranian people who thought that their military was just like the big boys. Trump went right to checkmate in one move. Iran took a pawn, Trump bit the head right off the snake. 

Obama would have opined & whined and droned on about peace, some more Americans would have been killed in another attack on another embassy somewhere else in a few days or a week, there would be an investigation into why Americans were constantly getting killed, and then they'd just sit back and wait to get smacked in the mouth somewhere else again. 

3.5 years into Trump's administration America is losing the "bully" image, because they're not starting any new ME campaigns, and yet they're looking even stronger as a nation because Trump put the boots to islamic state and then he gob-smacked Iran when they nipped at his heels. America has only reacted in the ME under Trump, they haven't stirred the pot. That's a huge deal because the islamic world loves to hate on America. They call the US for help and then the second America leaves they bemoan America's hostility, and add the latest campaign to the laundry list of "transgressions". Trump didn't play the game that way. It's a new game, and the old game is looking pretty sad by comparison. TRUMP 

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4 minutes ago, Argus said:

And Putin has done a good job of doing that.

De Nile is in Egypt. It's close, but not that close.

Also, did you just collude with Russia or are you saying that Trump just made Putin to do his dirty work for him, so that Trump could take the credit? Do you really think Trump's that much of a genius? Calm down man...

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On 5/16/2020 at 12:43 PM, bcsapper said:

I can see that.  I doubt it would happen, but I'd certainly rather have JB followed by MO than another four years of DT.

Four more years of Donald Trump. Works for me!! ;)

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On 5/16/2020 at 12:12 PM, Argus said:

This was the goofiest string of suppositions and imaginary dangers I've ever read.

Btw, how is your two leftist liberal American MSM hero's Rachel "madcow" Maddow and Wolfie "Blitzkreig" doing these days anyway? Are they still trying to bring down Trump? Just asking? :D

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3 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

During the campaign Trump said he would get ISIS out of Syria and Iraq.

Now you can say he was just taking advantage of the groundwork done by Obama, or you can say Trump didn't actually do it. He just gave air support to Kurd and other ground forces, All I know is it's been a long time since a major terror attack of the sort that were becoming common during Obama's 2 terms. So I'm going to say 'thank you Donald.'


Have you ever seen the Pictionary skit from The Big Bang Theory? There's a part where Sheldon says, "Sure you got it, but only after I eliminated all the obvious answers."

That always reminds me of the desperate explanation of some who still can't believe that Trump won to the booming pre-pandemic, American economy of the Trump era. Check it out.


I can only imagine as to how many wars would be on the go today if corrupt and lying deep state Hitlery were the President of the USA today. Since Trump has been in office, it has been very quite on the western front. The warmongers in Washington, like Bolton, must all be going crazy in the head by not being able to get another war going somewhere on earth for the military complex and the globalist bankster elite. We all better hope that Trump wins the next election or else we all must get ready for another war here and there once again. Trump is a peacemaker, not a warmonger. Go, Trump, go!!

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22 hours ago, Tdot said:

This is beautiful.. It can be helpful, to neutralize Dem's propaganda posts we read from @Argus @dialamah and @Queenmandy85

Great video, Tdot. In the last three years Trump has gotten so much bad and lying publicity that it is no wonder so many silly azz people like those you mentioned above have their facts about Trump all wrong. Their problem is that if they would just stop listening and allowing the lying and fake leftist lieberal MSM to brainwash their heads everyday, like with mad dog Maddow and Wolfie Blitzkreig, and instead try and look for the many good things Trump has done they may start to think for themselves for a change and see that Trump is the man of the hour. Those people you mentioned above live in a lieberal socialist dream world where communism is good and capitalism is not so good. 

They should try and compare as to what Obamarama did for America in his eight years, and what Trump has done in his almost four years as President. if they think that Obamarama was so great, well then, why don't they show us all here and now as to what that pro-Islamic Obamarama did for America and the American people during his years as President? These people are probably the same people that still believe that kid Trudeau was God's gift to Canada and the Canadian people. Deplorable people indeed. :unsure: 

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

...Their problem is that if they would just stop listening and allowing the lying and fake leftist lieberal MSM to brainwash their heads everyday, like with mad dog Maddow and Wolfie Blitzkreig, and instead try and look for the many good things Trump has done they may start to think for themselves for a change and see that Trump is the man of the hour. Those people you mentioned above live in a lieberal socialist dream world where communism is good and capitalism is not so good. 

They should try and compare as to what Obamarama did for America in his eight years, and what Trump has done in his almost four years as President. if they think that Obamarama was so great, well then, why don't they show us all here and now as to what that pro-Islamic Obamarama did for America and the American people during his years as President? These people are probably the same people that still believe that kid Trudeau was God's gift to Canada and the Canadian people. Deplorable people indeed. :unsure: 

Totally correct here, I can't disagree.  Especially when you said they won't dare look for the many good things Trump has done because they may start to think for themselves for a change and see that Trump is the man of the hour.

btw thank @Infidel Dog for that cool vid!

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