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This Years Deficit is Going to be Completely Off the Charts. Worst in Canadian History!

Guest ProudConservative

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Guest ProudConservative

You can't even compare this to the financial crash that lead to the great recession. Take a Look at what Canada's debt is projected to be in 2020! Do you see that drop in 2009, that was when Stephen decided to go with the Canada's Economic Action plan to get us out of the great recession. Can someone please tell our government to tone it down! Far less Canadians have died to Covid this year, than will die of Cancer. With this much spending, you would think we're preparing for some Alien Invasion. We didn't even come close to borrowing this much against our GDP in World War 2! How would you like half your tax dollars going towards interest payments on money you didn't even borrow. It's high time we get these traitors our of office.



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9 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

You can't even compare this to the financial crash that lead to the great recession. Take a Look at what Canada's debt is projected to be in 2020! Do you see that drop in 2009, that was when Stephen decided to go with the Canada's Economic Action plan to get us out of the great recession. Can someone please tell our government to tone it down! Far less Canadians have died to Covid this year, than will die of Cancer. With this much spending, you would think we're preparing for some Alien Invasion. We didn't even come close to borrowing this much against our GDP in World War 2!



You dropped your iphone in water ?

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Guest ProudConservative
10 minutes ago, Independent1986 said:

You dropped your iphone in water ?

I'm a fiscal conservative. I would never pay for that shit. My Dad Dropped his phone in the Lake, and I jumped in immediately to get it... The phone was still turned on when I got it out... I have it beside a heater to dry out.

I don't even think water got on the inside, because nothing leaked of the sim tray... Still going to pay it safe, and keep it off for a week.

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17 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

I'm a fiscal conservative. I would never pay for that shit. My Dad Dropped his phone in the Lake, and I jumped in immediately to get it... The phone was still turned on when I got it out... I have it beside a heater to dry out.

I don't even think water got on the inside, because nothing leaked of the sim tray... Still going to pay it safe, and keep it off for a week.

After 48 hours if you turn it on is the same as after 1 week. I know you like conspiracies but let me tell you a true conspiracy: companies have the technology to create phones that are waterproof but these crooks just want us to spend the money :D

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Guest ProudConservative
5 minutes ago, Independent1986 said:

After 48 hours if you turn it on is the same as after 1 week. I know you like conspiracies but let me tell you here is a true conspiracy: companies have the technology to create phones that are waterproof but these crooks just want us to spend the money :D

Yah it's called planned obsolescence. I was shocked that his Iphone was still working. There are a lot of conspiracies I don't like. I don't think 5G makes you spontaneously produce covid 19.

If you want to talk conspiracies, tell me why Justin Trudeau did nothing to stop a 3 week railroad blockade, just weeks before the most expensive pandemic in human history?

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8 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

Yah it's called planned obsolescence. I was shocked that his Iphone was still working. There are a lot of conspiracies I don't like. I don't think 5G makes you spontaneously produce covid 19.

If you want to talk conspiracies, tell me why Justin Trudeau co-conspirator in a 3 week railroad blockade, a few weeks before the most expensive pandemic in human history?

In 5 years you will look back at these comments and laugh at yourself. Trudeau, which I am not a big fan of, is the PM of Canada which includes native people, as much as I don't agree with the identity politics, it is a sensible topic that should be addressed accordingly. Is that what the new conspiracy is going around ? that Trudeau released the virus for him to get away for the railroad blockage ?  I don't get it, explain it in simple terms, how is Trudeau at fault for the blockade ?

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Guest ProudConservative
9 minutes ago, Independent1986 said:

In 5 years you will look back at these comments and laugh at yourself. Trudeau, which I am not a big fan of, is the PM of Canada which includes native people, as much as I don't agree with the identity politics, it is a sensible topic that should be addressed accordingly. Is that what the new conspiracy is going around ? that Trudeau released the virus for him to get away for the railroad blockage ? 

I never said Trudeau created the virus, but since he did nothing to stop a 3 week railroad blockade, he's going along with the plandemic.

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8 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

I never said Trudeau created the virus, but if he did a 3 week railroad blockade, he's going along with the plandemic.

Do you know how serious this garbage is ? Do you know if we open the economy too soon and God forbids this virus spikes and we close back again, we are toasted.

You will have people like @eyeball and @Right To Left in the streets going after private property. Trudeau does not want the economy to fall,  that is just propaganda from Alex Jones like shows. 

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Guest ProudConservative
18 minutes ago, Independent1986 said:

Do you know how serious this garbage is ? Do you know if we open the economy too soon and God forbids this virus spikes and we close back again, we are toasted.

You will have people like @eyeball and @Right To Left in the streets going after private property. Trudeau does not want the economy to fall,  that is just propaganda from Alex Jones like shows. 

Do you ever wonder why virtually everyone who tested positive for Covid-19 at those Tyson plants were asymptomatic?

Maybe because the virus isn't that deadly.


If this virus were a real threat, India and Africa would have millions of deaths by now.... and not a few thousand. 

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Of course the virus is not that deadly, we all know that, the issue is the rate of infection. The issue is that it can mutate from case to case. You might wake up tomorrow and we might have a COVID-2020 doomsday and you people will still say "SOROS DID IT".

If I had the power i would take all of you to talk to the COVID victims, I have someone at my firm that one of her friend's son is 14 years old is dying of COVID (he has asthma), critical care. Lets hope he gets better. Is easy to sit there and listen to a crackpot telling you is a conspiracy until you face reality.

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Guest ProudConservative
1 minute ago, Independent1986 said:

Of course the virus is not that deadly, we all know that, the issue is the rate of infection. The issue is that it can mutate from case to case. You might wake up tomorrow and we might have a COVID-2020 doomsday and you people will still say "SOROS DID IT".

If I had the power i would take all of you to talk to the COVID victims, I have someone at my firm that one of her friend's son is 14 years old is dying of COVID (he has asthma), critical care. Lets hope he gets better. Is easy to sit there and listen to a crackpot telling you is a conspiracy until you face reality.

Tell him to take 150mg of Zinc for 4 or 5 days... A little hard on the kidneys, but slows the replication of the virus.... Also take a massive amount of Vitamen C... High Doses of Vitamen D... some wheat grass Juice.

I already had covid 19. Felt Sunburnt sensation in my lungs for 2 days, then got better. I did lots of raking outside... It cleared my lungs.

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2 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

Tell him to take 150mg of Zinc for 4 or 5 days... A little hard on the kidneys, but slows the replication of the virus.... Also take a massive amount of Vitamen C... High Doses of Vitamen D... some wheat grass Juice.

I already had covid 19. Felt Sunburnt sensation in my lungs for 2 days, then got better. I did lots of raking outside... It cleared my lungs.

now i know your trolling 

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Guest ProudConservative
13 minutes ago, Independent1986 said:

now i know your trolling 

Go back and read how paranoid I was about covid 19 in late February. My biggest fear was social unrest, so I left Toronto. When I got covid at the end of March, there was almost no confirmed confirmed cases in Muskoka. I worse a N 95 Mask, coverall suit under my jacket, and latex gloves.

I then realized the only way I could of got it, was if hundreds of other people had it. I realized almost everyone has it by now, so the fatality rate is low.

Canada has 75000 cases, but over 1.2 million people have been tested. How many people haven't bothered to get tested, because their symptoms weren't severe enough to risk going to the hospital?

If you do the math, there is probably at least 5 or 10 million Canadians infected. We've had 5500 deaths... Mostly old people, and immune compromised.

If you're young and healthy, you might have a 1 in 5000 chance of dying, but a 50% change of becoming unemployed.

Don't let the cure become worse than disease.

5 years from now, will look back and ask ourselves, how on earth did we get ourselves in this much debt.

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Guest ProudConservative

Are we suppose to do keep everything closed for a year, until the vaccine comes out? So 50% of Canadians will basically be on welfare? Do you expect their jobs to just snab back.... when this is all said and done?

Do you think bankrupt airlines will be able to rehire most of their old employees?

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39 minutes ago, Independent1986 said:

Do you know how serious this garbage is ? Do you know if we open the economy too soon and God forbids this virus spikes and we close back again, we are toasted.

You will have people like @eyeball and @Right To Left in the streets going after private property. Trudeau does not want the economy to fall,  that is just propaganda from Alex Jones like shows. 

Yeah but I'll be more like Robin Hood not the Sheriff of Nottingham. I'm a progressive not a conservative. 

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Guest ProudConservative

Ever stop to wonder that we're already at herd immunity. I mean since it's extremely infectious, there is only a few people left to infect. They're try to make it sound like asymptomatic is a bad thing... No it's a good thing, because it shows that most people don't even feel sick. I also shows that almost everyone has had it already, so this great fear of another spike, is dangerous to our economy.

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Guest ProudConservative
6 hours ago, eyeball said:

Yeah but I'll be more like Robin Hood not the Sheriff of Nottingham. I'm a progressive not a conservative. 

There's nothing progressive about bankrupting our grandchildren.

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11 hours ago, ProudConservative said:

Ever stop to wonder that we're already at herd immunity. I mean since it's extremely infectious, there is only a few people left to infect. They're try to make it sound like asymptomatic is a bad thing... No it's a good thing, because it shows that most people don't even feel sick. I also shows that almost everyone has had it already, so this great fear of another spike, is dangerous to our economy.

Only 20% population in NYC have antibody. You can imagine the antibody lever in those less hit cities by Covid-19

1 in 5 people tested in New York City had antibodies for the coronavirus

In Wuhan, China, some none-official antibody sample survey shows only 1% population have antibodies.

From France to China, nations worry about low rates of coronavirus infection

Since Canada's cases and deaths are far lower than US or NYC. It would be a long way to achieve herd immunity, and the way would be paved by died bodies and ICU patients....

Even if you didn't care those vulnerable groups (seniors for example) like a fascist, at least your conservatives should care how much $ Canadian government would pay for the treatments of such quantity of patient. The cost of hospitalization especially in ICU isn't cheap after all.

The only cheap way to achieve herd immunity is vaccination. There are some good news that over 8 vaccines in the world (China 4, US 3, UK 1) have already started their human trials. The thesis from China and UK vaccine researchers show their vaccines have achieved positive results on monkeys. The Chinese thesis reported these monkeys which received medium dose vaccines showed no symptoms after being infected and would clean the virus from their bodies in less 7 days. The bad news is Canadian team isn't among the 8 leading teams. What I know is some Canadian researchers had successfully isolated the virus 1 or 2 months ago, which is the first step to make a vaccine, though there is no telling of their current progress. A few days ago, the CEO of a French drug company said he would sell vaccine to US first since the funds of his vaccine research are from US, which triggered angry response from French government and public and the guy had to change his tongue that only his US factory's vaccine would sell to US. But honestly I think he was just telling the truth of the reality of the world.

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18 hours ago, eyeball said:

Yeah but I'll be more like Robin Hood not the Sheriff of Nottingham. I'm a progressive not a conservative. 

You know Robinhood was armed right, with out his weapons' he be just another wingnut dressed up in green tights, living in the trees...

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Just see the good news:

Canada's first COVID-19 vaccine trials approved for Halifax university


A Halifax research team will be working with a Chinese manufacturer to run the first Canadian clinical trials for a possible COVID-19 vaccine.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the announcement during his daily remarks on Saturday.

The trials have been approved by Health Canada and will take place at the Canadian Centre for Vaccinology (CCfV) at Dalhousie University in Halifax.

"Research and development take time, and must be done right. But this is encouraging news," Trudeau said.


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8 hours ago, xul said:

So what. Has nothing to do with the damage that was done. The virus is on its way out the door now anyway, and not to do with social distancing. It actually only made things worse, for all of us.

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On 5/16/2020 at 12:57 AM, Independent1986 said:

now i know your trolling 

Lol, PC  drinks own brand of koolaid. He rides his moods like  a surfer on a wave thus some extreme  positions. Don't worry about him. He is a very respectful genuine person. Just don't expect him come in off the waves ever ..even during a hurricane.

Hey PC aint no point telling Liberty what medicine to take when you spit all yours out. Liberty is from my planet. We have densef molecules. We don't walk through walls we smash through them.


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8 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

So what. Has nothing to do with the damage that was done. The virus is on its way out the door now anyway, and not to do with social distancing. It actually only made things worse, for all of us.

It may have made things worse for many of us economically but it may result in some positive things too...uh  yah I sound like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and Dr. Oz or shit Oprah but you know what I mean... hey maybe people come out of this and elect Jesse Ventura President and Don Cherry becomes Governor General and Bobby Orr Prime Minister.


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On 5/16/2020 at 12:49 PM, xul said:

Only 20% population in NYC have antibody. You can imagine the antibody lever in those less hit cities by Covid-19

1 in 5 people tested in New York City had antibodies for the coronavirus

In Wuhan, China, some none-official antibody sample survey shows only 1% population have antibodies.

From France to China, nations worry about low rates of coronavirus infection

Since Canada's cases and deaths are far lower than US or NYC. It would be a long way to achieve herd immunity, and the way would be paved by died bodies and ICU patients....

Even if you didn't care those vulnerable groups (seniors for example) like a fascist, at least your conservatives should care how much $ Canadian government would pay for the treatments of such quantity of patient. The cost of hospitalization especially in ICU isn't cheap after all.

The only cheap way to achieve herd immunity is vaccination. There are some good news that over 8 vaccines in the world (China 4, US 3, UK 1) have already started their human trials. The thesis from China and UK vaccine researchers show their vaccines have achieved positive results on monkeys. The Chinese thesis reported these monkeys which received medium dose vaccines showed no symptoms after being infected and would clean the virus from their bodies in less 7 days. The bad news is Canadian team isn't among the 8 leading teams. What I know is some Canadian researchers had successfully isolated the virus 1 or 2 months ago, which is the first step to make a vaccine, though there is no telling of their current progress. A few days ago, the CEO of a French drug company said he would sell vaccine to US first since the funds of his vaccine research are from US, which triggered angry response from French government and public and the guy had to change his tongue that only his US factory's vaccine would sell to US. But honestly I think he was just telling the truth of the reality of the world.

In Canada we call them humans not monkeys. 

You remind me of a traveling penicillin salesman who spreads vd to increase his sales.

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9 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

So what. Has nothing to do with the damage that was done. The virus is on its way out the door now anyway, and not to do with social distancing. It actually only made things worse, for all of us.

Who in your circle have you nominated to die so we can quit this useless social distancing?  You should probably pick 2 or 3.  And in a couple of years, when we have a much better idea of the virus's fatality rate, side effects, and the financial fallout of the social distancing policies, you'll be able to put an actual price on their lives.

Social distancing was practiced during the 1918 flu; the US cities that implemented it quickly and firmly had fewer deaths.  

Social distancing was key in controlling the spread of Ebola in Liberia.  "Among all the control measures, we find that social distancing had the most impact on the control of the 2014 Ebola epidemic in Libreria followed by isolation and quarantining."

Even people in the Middle Ages understood that keeping distance improved one's chance of survival, even if they didn't yet know illness could be spread before anyone looked sick.

But hey, in the modern 21st century, we know better, eh?  Social distancing doesn't save lives, it desroys them!  Because you know, we are "entitled" to continue with amassing money as fast as we can, walking in parks, going to restaurants, getting our hair done and tattooes applied.  

What would you have done during the 2nd World War, I wonder?  Whined about how you couldn't get butter or chocolate?  That you were cold, because coal was in short supply?  Fretted over all the money gov was spending on the war effort, and insisted that no amount of material deprivation was worth the money spent?   Claimed that the cure for Hitler was worse than the 'disease' he was?

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