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Trudeau to spend a billion dollars pleasing anti-gun nuts

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Guest ProudConservative
35 minutes ago, Argus said:

So the Trudeau government is set to ban a bunch of macho-looking rifles in Canada, even though they really don't do anything a lot of other rifles do, and even though everyone involved in policing recognizes that almost all illegal firearms come across the US border anyway.  The cost will be $250 billion up front and another $150 million a year for for years. But we all know it will be a lot higher. It always is.

And the reason for this billion dollars is not really a reduction in crime or the illegal use of firearms, it's to buy popularity for the Liberal party among urban progressives who know nothing about firearms except they don't like them. The government is exploiting the Nova Scotia tragedy for crass political gain despite the fact the killer had no license and used illegal weapons which can be easily obtained because the government refuses to do anything about weapons smuggling, or the illegal sale, purchase or ownership of firearms.

Remember this government passed more gun control legislation in 2018 and still hasn't' implemented it because the point was to be seen to be passing the legislation. They know the legislation won't do a thing anyway, but they got the good publicity for passing it, which is all this style over substance government ever cares about.



Normally, I'd call myself an antigun liberal... but the way the government is incompeitant, it won't be long before we need our citizens armed. After a pandemic, where are we going to find this money Argus?

If you want to reduce crime, he's a thought create some jobfare (not welfare) programs to help out citizens with mental illnesses. Early intrervention can steer people away from gangs, or becoming an indoctrinated mass shooter.

In state States, Thousands of American's are showing up to protestes armed to the teeth... It's giving the government goosebumps, and they're starting to reopen the economy. We don't have that in Canada.

Nothing makes sense with this lockdown. Why not make it manditory for people to wear masks in growcery stores, instead of forcing every business to go bankrupt? You force all citizens to wear masks, and their is no need for a lockdown. It makes me believe our government has gone totalitarian, and wants this plandemic to continue, so they can make us poor (dependent on government), and implement a digital control grid.

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Guest ProudConservative
9 minutes ago, PIK said:

And 9 billion to buy the young vote again. And it will work. Canada is doomed and will be a failed state if we do not get rid of him.

If Canadians had voted for PPC, none of this would be happening. We would have common sense measures that protect both seniors and the workers in our economy. Doug Ford has become one of the worst socialists of all. Maybe i'm a slow thinker, but i'm considering not voting for him. Everyone is letting their fear of the virus cloud their judgement on the fragility of our economy. I supported a 3 week lockdown, but this is going on 2 months now, and we're leaning towards a great depression.

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I am in favor of gun control and yet, I can only agree with argos and ProudConservative on this one. Whatever the liberals do with this subject, it's just wrong or inefficient. They clearly use this topic to keep a grasp on anti-gun voters rather than have a firm simple and efficient program to control (not ban) guns. No way you will see me defend them on the front line. "It's a trap" -Ackbar.

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Guest ProudConservative
12 minutes ago, Benz said:

I am in favor of gun control and yet, I can only agree with argos and ProudConservative on this one. Whatever the liberals do with this subject, it's just wrong or inefficient. They clearly use this topic to keep a grasp on anti-gun voters rather than have a firm simple and efficient program to control (not ban) guns. No way you will see me defend them on the front line. "It's a trap" -Ackbar.

The only part of the second admendment, I agree with is the Right to Bear arms, in case their is government tyranny. Imagine if China had well armed citizens, could the CCP stand a chance?

In normal times... I don't want the average redneck to own AR-15's, because we've seen enouch mass shootings... and citizens shouldn't have to be terrified to go to school. Then you have poor angry alcoholics, who loose it and kill someone, over some dumb argument.

What i'd support is maintaining civil armanments, so local sheriffs, can arm their citizens if the government gets out of hand.

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9 hours ago, Argus said:

So the Trudeau government is set to ban a bunch of macho-looking rifles in Canada, even though they really don't do anything a lot of other rifles do, and even though everyone involved in policing recognizes that almost all illegal firearms come across the US border anyway.  The cost will be $250 billion up front and another $150 million a year for for years. But we all know it will be a lot higher. It always is.

And the reason for this billion dollars is not really a reduction in crime or the illegal use of firearms, it's to buy popularity for the Liberal party among urban progressives who know nothing about firearms except they don't like them. The government is exploiting the Nova Scotia tragedy for crass political gain despite the fact the killer had no license and used illegal weapons which can be easily obtained because the government refuses to do anything about weapons smuggling, or the illegal sale, purchase or ownership of firearms.

Remember this government passed more gun control legislation in 2018 and still hasn't' implemented it because the point was to be seen to be passing the legislation. They know the legislation won't do a thing anyway, but they got the good publicity for passing it, which is all this style over substance government ever cares about.



lol @ your little feefees being, hurt, so you started a new discussion thread instead of contributing this news to the current thread on this exact issue

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15 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

The only part of the second admendment, I agree with is the Right to Bear arms, in case their is government tyranny. Imagine if China had well armed citizens, could the CCP stand a chance?

In normal times... I don't want the average redneck to own AR-15's, because we've seen enouch mass shootings... and citizens shouldn't have to be terrified to go to school. Then you have poor angry alcoholics, who loose it and kill someone, over some dumb argument.

What i'd support is maintaining civil armanments, so local sheriffs, can arm their citizens if the government gets out of hand.

The US's government bailed out the criminals that plunged the world into a financial crisis and the people having the greatest ratio of guns per capita never could do anything against it despite they were the biggest victims of it. Tons of people lose everything and were sent on the street back to square one after a lifetime of saving while those who created the problems received a lot of cash from Obama.

So, no. I'm not buying it. It does not make a difference. The US government is lead by corporations, organizations, lobbyists, establishments, guns industries and the election are ran with super pacs raping democracy in a gang bang. Americans do not need guns. They need intelligence, knowledge and true facts. I wonder if they remember how it looks like.

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Guest ProudConservative
3 minutes ago, Benz said:

The US's government bailed out the criminals that plunged the world into a financial crisis and the people having the greatest ratio of guns per capita never could do anything against it despite they were the biggest victims of it. Tons of people lose everything and were sent on the street back to square one after a lifetime of saving while those who created the problems received a lot of cash from Obama.

So, no. I'm not buying it. It does not make a difference. The US government is lead by corporations, organizations, lobbyists, establishments, guns industries and the election are ran with super pacs raping democracy in a gang bang. Americans do not need guns. They need intelligence, knowledge and true facts. I wonder if they remember how it looks like.

Why do you think I became a conservative. The second year Obama ran a trillion dollar deficit... When Bush was able to run 2 wars... on a third of that.... made me realize the democrate liberals are a bunch of frauds.

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Guest ProudConservative

I realized they're a bunch of gangsters who rip off the taxpayers... and bankrupt future generations... just because they feel good about their phony charities, and phony motivational speeches.

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4 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

Why do you think I became a conservative. The second year Obama ran a trillion dollar deficit... When Bush was able to run 2 wars... on a third of that.... made me realize the democrate liberals are a bunch of frauds.

It made me realize that I was a democrat just because I hated conservatives. Which is a very bad reason to be democrat. I cannot identify myself to that party anymore and I do not think I will ever be able to someday. For me, US politic is just doomed. It's not a surprise for me if Trump became the president and I wouldn't be surprise that he is renewed despite all the stupidities he has done and said. Because at some point, it's a wonder if we are not better off with a stupid man not smart enough to be credible while he is lying rather than professional liars that will steel your money for the benefit of their fund bailers. The conservatives and the democrats are two opposite sides of the same mouth. 

If I was American, I wonder if I would even bother to vote. Between that or only one political party like in China, I would feel my voice is worth nothing in both cases.

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Guest ProudConservative

Well conservatives use to be about winner takes all capitalism. Make money at any cost. Then populism took over. I can get behind populism. I can never get behind Ayn Rand style conservatism.

If I was American I would vote third party. I don't believe in strategic voting. I vote to send a message.

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Trudeau and Blair used the terrible tragedy in N.S. which was committed by an unlicensed criminal with illicit firearms, to push through a non evidence based law by by-passing democracy and Parliament.  Yes other leaders have used an O in C for other legislation, but this is a minority gov't exploiting a tragedy and pandemic resulting in Parliament not sitting.  Non evidence as they have not provided us with a shred of evidence that this will stop criminals from using illegal guns.

Even if you are no fan of guns, every Canadian should be outraged that our democracy is being subverted and that their government is lying to them about what their actions will accomplish.

Why is the gov’t stating that military grade firearms are available in Canada legally when they are not,  automatic weapons as used by the military are allready banned.  The magazine size and capabilities of military weapons are  allready prohibited in Canada. 


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Exactly, it has nothing to do with public safety as they state. It has everything to do with scoring cheap exploitative political points by appealing to ignorance. They have not presented one single fact to back their position on this ban. That's because the facts would illustrate just how cynical this is. The fact is that statistically Canadian gun owners are three times less likely than non gun owners to commit a crime. The fact is that no one has ever been killed by an AR15 in Canada. The fact is that the only time the Mini 14 was ever used for a mass shooting in Canada was many years ago when a nut bar Aloha Snackbar guy killed a bunch of women at a woman's school in Montreal.

It actually makes a lot of sense that licensed owners would be very law abiding. If you know anything about Canadian gun laws you know that license holders are checked for negative police interactions daily. They are also subject to unannounced checks on their property and storage if deemed necessary. Ironically, law abiding Canadian gun owners are monitored far more strictly than convicted criminals who have used guns to commit their crimes. In fact, no such monitoring or checks are instituted on criminals at all. 

Only in Canada eh.

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34 minutes ago, AngusThermopyle said:

...Only in Canada eh.

Not really.  

Which is why I created a thread, days ago, predicting that Trudeau would make this exact move. It's not about Canada.

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21 minutes ago, AngusThermopyle said:

......It actually makes a lot of sense that licensed owners would be very law abiding. If you know anything about Canadian gun laws you know that license holders are checked for negative police interactions daily. They are also subject to unannounced checks on their property and storage if deemed necessary. Ironically, law abiding Canadian gun owners are monitored far more strictly than convicted criminals who have used guns to commit their crimes. In fact, no such monitoring or checks are instituted on criminals at all. 

Only in Canada eh.

As per Senator Housakis:  Capitalizing on a national tragedy in the middle of a worldwide crisis, subverting parliament while doing absolutely nothing to address the actual problem in order to curry political favour is quite a crass partisan feat but that’s exactly what Justin Trudeau has done.

My question is, what can the opposition do?  This is a minority gov't,  if they had a majority I'd say nothing, but this is I think unprecedented, yet the media seems oblivious and are willing to enable him.   I just donated to Canada Proud who say they are going to fight it, don't know how, but there must be something to be done, maybe the S.C. 

The opposition did stop him from an enormous power grab earlier, but this is the reason he doesn't want Parliament to sit, he just holes up in his home plotting dictatorial moves during a crisis.   How anyone can support these moves is beyond me.

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56 minutes ago, scribblet said:

Trudeau and Blair used the terrible tragedy in N.S. which was committed by an unlicensed criminal with illicit firearms, to push through a non evidence based law by by-passing democracy and Parliament.  Yes other leaders have used an O in C for other legislation, but this is a minority gov't exploiting a tragedy and pandemic resulting in Parliament not sitting.  Non evidence as they have not provided us with a shred of evidence that this will stop criminals from using illegal guns.

Even if you are no fan of guns, every Canadian should be outraged that our democracy is being subverted and that their government is lying to them about what their actions will accomplish.

Why is the gov’t stating that military grade firearms are available in Canada legally when they are not,  automatic weapons as used by the military are allready banned.  The magazine size and capabilities of military weapons are  allready prohibited in Canada. 


The fact they had to reach back 30 years ago, says a lot in these new ambitions, not to mention as the vice PM as said she linked domestic abuse to assault wpns as well , abuse of women and children all linked to this country having assault looking wpns…. Bill Blair states that Canada is being militarized....by having these wpns… well it's not because we are spending money on defense thats for sure....

I would not even try to reason with any lying liberals, if SNC and the countless other scandals have taught us anything people who vote for the left, honesty is not a trait they are looking for, in fact they don't give a rats ass, it's become a trait they look for... The next question is when are the conservatives going to get their shit together, and get a leader that can lead...then get rid of these pieces of garbage, that we are stuck with now.... I don't own any of these wpns, but i'm sure they are not cheap, last time I checked they with all they attachments 5they run about 5000.00 to some fetching 14,000 I wonder what fair market value is going to be.... and how much will the buy back program cost....

and would all this money not be spent fighting illegal guns...say at the borders and through theft . or is this just something to take our minds off that they had spent over 250 bil fighting the virus in the first phase....I wonder how much the 2 and or 3 rd waves are going to cost.

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2 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Who owns weapons like these? I don’t know anybody who does. 

according to the stats there are over 100,000 of these guns in Canada already... and if you've spent any time on a range you'd see plenty of these wpns...

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1 minute ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

So how many owners in Canada is that? It’s considerably less than 1% of the population? 

Yes , but apparently it is the very worse of Canadians society , responsible  for all the domestic violence,  not to mention all the violence against women and children, and lets not forget the militarization of the nation....

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