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5 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

So you understand that I've referenced a full 3 years of solid, non-stop lying from CNN, and you want me to try and think of something that Trump lied about. That's the difference.

You can try and find a single story re: Trump that CNN reported on honestly and truthfully and accurately if you want. Good luck eyeball.

Yes I understand you're desperate to avoid answering my question and deflecting with your usual string and post-it note salad but I don't watch CNN so...

I realize you only watch Fox so perhaps that explains your inability to find a cite that backs your acknowledgement. The real difference is that you said "Of course not" when I asked if Trump has been perfect and flawless during his term as President. You can't come up with something...anything? Even just one example will get you off the hook.

Just one example, with one media cite, how hard can it be?

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3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Yes I understand you're desperate to avoid answering my question and deflecting with your usual string and post-it note salad but I don't watch CNN so...

I realize you only watch Fox so perhaps that explains your inability to find a cite that backs your acknowledgement. The real difference is that you said "Of course not" when I asked if Trump has been perfect and flawless during his term as President. You can't come up with something...anything? Even just one example will get you off the hook.

Just one example, with one media cite, how hard can it be?

I don't need to dodge anything from you eyeball. I'll say that off the top of my head I can't think of anything Trump said that I would call a straight lie, and I don't need to search for it. I literally have zero interest. You're the accuser, the onus is on you.

I gave you what should be an easy enough challenge. All you have to do is find an example of CNN doing honest and accurate reporting. He has been the President for 3 years. They have talked about him A LOT.

As a lie, I'll cite CNN's coverage of Russian collusion, and the fact that one of their main talking heads was caught on camera over a year b4 CNN finally gave up on Russian collusion, admitting that it was just a big nothingburger. There's a solid 1 yr running lie after that point.



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3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I can't. Did you miss where I said I don't watch CNN?

That said I often see Fox reporting on what CNN is reporting. Does that count?

You do follow their reporting, you just aren't aware of it. It finds it's way to you through NYT, WashPo, Vanity Fair, etc. 

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20 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I can't. Did you miss where I said I don't watch CNN?

That said I often see Fox reporting on what CNN is reporting. Does that count?

You don't watch CNN, but you see "Fox reporting on what CNN is reporting". 

How do you know what CNN is reporting if you don't watch. 

"I don't stalk my ex, but I do see her going into her house with the same guy a few times a day. And going to her gym. And her gyno. Her rear left tire has been low for 25 days now."

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21 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You do follow their reporting, you just aren't aware of it. It finds it's way to you through NYT, WashPo, Vanity Fair, etc. 

How does CNN's reporting finds its way to these? Can you describe the process?  Does CNN order the others what to report or does everyone ask CNN what they should do? Is it like a copyright thing or something?



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21 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You don't watch CNN, but you see "Fox reporting on what CNN is reporting". 

How do you know what CNN is reporting if you don't watch. 

I watch CBC. You've told me they're also no different than the others you eschew but again without describing how CNN's reports are sent to or requested by CBC.

Is it by telepathy, Goa'uld, mind controlling rays, extortion...what?   

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On 4/16/2020 at 4:08 PM, eyeball said:


Trump, Fox, The Rebel and whoever told one of your wife's friends something apparently.

There are plenty of cites and even on the news reports where parents are being fined anywhere from $800.00 to a $1000.00 just for taking their kids skateboarding in some empty parking lot to give them some fresh air, sunshine and exercise or people snitched on for having more than five people in their own homes. But we can only thank the likes of leftist lieberal fake news sources like CBC, CNN and MSNBC, and our dear comrade dyktator politicians for this as they are the ones trying to convince us all that we must stay at home and wait to die. At least Trump, FOX and The Rebel are against those hefty fines that are being given to parents who are only thinking about the health and well being of their children. If they listen to fools like you, their kids would never be able to play ever again outside even with other kids. 

Just fyi, The Rebel is now asking anyone who has been given one of those atrocious and obscene hefty fines to get in touch with The Rebel because The Rebel is ready and willing to help those that have been fined and the Rebel has lawyers ready to take those fines to court to challenge those hefty fines that have been issued to innocent parents over all of this nonsense over some seasonal flu bug that comes around every year. I am now starting to see what life must be like living in a communist dictatorship country. 

But I like what is happening with all of those hundreds of fines being handed out to parents just for taking their kids to an empty lot area for exercise and get fined for it. I think that in time there will be a rebellion started because I believe as summer gets closer, there is no way I can see parents going to stay home all summer long, and not be able to do anything, and not be able to take their kids out to the park, go to some beach, go hiking or go camping somewhere at all. 

I am pretty sure I know as to who is probably very happy about all of those China virus deaths? Those that own funeral parlors, that's who? They must just have coffins lined up outside the doors and into the parking lot and maybe even down the street waiting to get those coffins inside the funeral parlor. I wonder if the prices of caskets have gone up now so the owners of those parlors can now make a little extra profit in these trying times of this plandemic bull shit. It would be interesting to checkout just to see just how busy things are at those places.  ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
37 minutes ago, Pacifica77 said:

Only 8 new cases of COVID-19 in B.C., as outbreak at Lynn Valley Care Centre declared over

0 on Vancouver Island. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/a6f23959a8b14bfa989e3cda29297ded

The science works.


We  could be seeing the light at the  end of this tunnel.

More like an avalanche-shed in a series of sheds on a mountain highway - you can often see the start of the next one just up ahead.

Maybe we can still eke out a few extra bucks this summer to take a little sting out buttoning up again thru next fall, winter and spring, get by on CERB 2.0 and a little luck then hopefully onto a vaccine by summers end 2021 and Happy Days are here again.

How hard can it be?  

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37 minutes ago, Pacifica77 said:

Quite hard....unfortunately.

It'll only be a lot harder if we blow off the progress and success we're enjoying by succumbing to the economic pressure to open up to early or without a lot of precaution.

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On 4/22/2020 at 7:48 AM, WestCanMan said:

The first example of Trump lying that every Lib will give you, when pressed, is: "Trump said that his inauguration was bigger!"

Was that a lie?

No. Not at all.

He thought it was true, and he was wrong, and there's all the difference in the world between being wrong about something and lying about it.

What about the use of "alternative facts" that day? Is that just another way to tell a lie?

His team couldn't get an exact number of people who were at the inauguration so based their guess on transit ridership that day. It was wrong, but they at least had a reason for their incorrect guesstimate. They based their estimate on facts that turned out to give them the wrong impression. So what? It was about the number of people at the inauguration. It's not a big deal to be wrong about that. An example of being wrong about something that's a big deal is saying that Suleimani was a hero and a great guy. 

The only 2 actual lies re: that inauguration size topic were 1) saying that Trump lied when he was merely wrong, on a topic that was of no great importance whatsoever and 2) the media outlets who showed pictures of Trump's crowd, before the inauguration started, and compared them to Obama's crowd at max capacity. 

Another inauguration day lie he was accused of was when Trump said that "It didn't rain during my speech". John Oliver did a 15 minute video where he said that Trump was a huge liar, and he showed a picture of Melania holding an umbrella over Donald's head. Only thing is, that wasn't during the speech. It was just at a different time on the same day. You can see Trump's complete inauguration speech in HD on ABC and the absolute fact of the matter is that it did not rain while he was speaking. 

In short, there were 3 stone-cold lies about Trump's "lying" made just about his inauguration day alone and he didn't tell any of them. The left wing media were the culprits. They made that case on DAY 1 and then they used their own falsehoods as a baseline of proof that remains solidly entrenched in the minds of their sycophant horde to this day.

Whatever the size of the crowd was, it was still massive and quite impressive. On Trump's inauguration day it did not rain. That lying pos leftist liberal democrat is a prime example of what the leftist liberal MSM is all about. Most of those so called reporters and journalists on TV news channels like CNN, MSNBC and NBC are now all just a bunch of lying actors and are being paid to lie every day about Trump. The MSM have become the scum of the news industry.  It's hard to believe that those MSM outlets mentioned are still operating today. This must just show that they are more dumb ass Americans out there then what we ever thought was out there and who must be watching and helping their viewer statistics. 

Closing down parks that are way out in the boonies just shows us all as to just how most of our buffoon politicians really are thinking these days, and what we can see now going on thru their pea brain heads every day. This has nothing to do with the virus. It has more to do with control. These politicians seem to feel that they are the boss, and we the people are their slaves to play with and bully around as they please now. Fines like $880.00 - $1200.00 for violating some stupid made up ass rule is obscene and downright playing dirty pool.

Geez, why aren't those that commit real crimes not slapped with heavier fines for doing worse than what some poor dad who took his kids out for some fresh air and sunshine and getting them some exercise. How dare any politician want to fine anyone with such huge hefty unbelievable fines. It's downright criminal to say the least. We are now being controlled by a bunch of politician bullies who have forgotten that it is we the people that are their bosses and not them. I doubt that any of we the people would demand that if they were caught breaking some rule or bylaw that we would want our politicians to access us heavy fines like what they are issuing out to we the people today.

No one will ever convince me that our politicians are there to serve we the people. They are there to serve themselves and to try and push their own liberal and socialist programs and agendas that most people never asked for. Lucky for those politicians that most Canadians will not say anything nor do most of them even really care as to what they do, and sadly, our dear comrade leader politicians know this all to well that Canadians do not have much of a back bone to want to fight the government. Aw well, what more can be said, eh? 


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On 4/16/2020 at 10:58 AM, WestCanMan said:

All the provincial parks in BC are closed. Even the remote Flora Lake Hiking Trail is closed. https://www.google.ca/maps/search/flora+lake+trail/@49.1035026,-121.7144354,10z?hl=en

Are you kidding me? Covid is going to spread on a trail that big, that far out in the boonies? And there's talk of schools opening soon? 

It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. 

You could make the point that they don't want people travelling to go to these parks, because they don't want people getting out of their car to put gas in it, but our own PM just drove from Ont to Que for a personal trip. 

First it was stay at home. Now they are saying that everyone should get out and not stay at home. I guess that they know that summer is coming and they must know that no one is going to stay home for weeks in the summer time, especially if they have children. So now they are telling us that we all should get out there in the sunshine and fresh air and go get some exercise.

I was watching Tucker on FOX NEWS last night and it was mentioned that they are now saying that most of the China virus victims were from older people who were told to stay indoors, and do not go outside. Maybe this is why most of the victims of this China virus were older people because they had been told by their politicians?? and the media?? to stay indoors, and do not go outside because they had been put into a state of panic and fear that if they do go outside they may get the bug and they may die. This whole pile of nonsense will soon start to unravel itself, and in another month or two at most  we will all have a better picture of just how much our dear leaders and the media have made asses of us all like stay away from provincial parks out in the boonies. 

The only thing that worries me now is what are they going to do and plan for us all when the flu season comes around in the fall? Will we all have to go thru this hell again and live with the same old bull shit like what is happening today? Will the people say enough already, and never again?  After everything pretty much gets back to normal will we the people want to go back to those virus days once again where we will once again be told to stay at home and practice social distancing? If they do allow themselves to go thru the same thing again, then we will all know that the majority of Canadians are all really nuts in the head.  No one in their right minds want to go back to these present day bad old days. Just saying. ;)

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15 minutes ago, taxme said:

The only thing that worries me now is what are they going to do and plan for us all when the flu season comes around in the fall?

We'll get a flu shot like we always do. OTOH, Covid-19 is another kettle of fish. Be prepared to continue safe practices. 


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8 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

We'll get a flu shot like we always do. OTOH, Covid-19 is another kettle of fish. Be prepared to continue safe practices. 


Well, go ahead and Inject yourself with all the vaccines that are out there for all I care. It is your body to do with as you please. But I will never take any vaccine shot. I have never taken a vaccine shot ever since I was old enough to say no, and I have survived very well without taking any vaccine shots all these years for all of the various supply of viruses that nature keeps throwing at us all every year. In the animal world, I have never seen any animal line up for a vaccine shot in order to avoid catching some flu bug like humans always like to do every seasonal flu year. Only humans will allow themselves to be punctured with a needle in their bodies like druggies like to do. It is just not normal to want to do so.

The only practices that I will be doing is what I have been doing all my life like not staying at home for weeks, and only go out when I need essential things like going out to buy food. I have no problem coming into contact with people. I will not practice social engineering. I have no fear of catching anything. I will sacrifice my safety to keep my freedom. I want my freedom back and to do as I please without the fear of big daddy government coming along and pretty much ordering me to stay at home. And now we are being told that it is better to go outside than staying inside.  Make up your bloody minds, will you. What a farce this whole thing has become, and everybody seems to still want to play this plandemic game. Such fools.indeed. :unsure:

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

First it was stay at home. Now they are saying that everyone should get out and not stay at home. I guess that they know that summer is coming and they must know that no one is going to stay home for weeks in the summer time, especially if they have children. So now they are telling us that we all should get out there in the sunshine and fresh air and go get some exercise.

I was watching Tucker on FOX NEWS last night and it was mentioned that they are now saying that most of the China virus victims were from older people who were told to stay indoors, and do not go outside. Maybe this is why most of the victims of this China virus were older people because they had been told by their politicians?? and the media?? to stay indoors, and do not go outside because they had been put into a state of panic and fear that if they do go outside they may get the bug and they may die. This whole pile of nonsense will soon start to unravel itself, and in another month or two at most  we will all have a better picture of just how much our dear leaders and the media have made asses of us all like stay away from provincial parks out in the boonies. 

The only thing that worries me now is what are they going to do and plan for us all when the flu season comes around in the fall? Will we all have to go thru this hell again and live with the same old bull shit like what is happening today? Will the people say enough already, and never again?  After everything pretty much gets back to normal will we the people want to go back to those virus days once again where we will once again be told to stay at home and practice social distancing? If they do allow themselves to go thru the same thing again, then we will all know that the majority of Canadians are all really nuts in the head.  No one in their right minds want to go back to these present day bad old days. Just saying. ;)

I've been saying since the beginning that being out in the sunlight was the right thing to do, I even posted the link about how they treated Spanish Flu patients outdoors.

Hopefully they open the parks now here in BC. There are some awesome places to hike out here. That probably goes for most of the country. 

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3 hours ago, taxme said:

Whatever the size of the crowd was, it was still massive and quite impressive. On Trump's inauguration day it did not rain. That lying pos leftist liberal democrat is a prime example of what the leftist liberal MSM is all about. Most of those so called reporters and journalists on TV news channels like CNN, MSNBC and NBC are now all just a bunch of lying actors and are being paid to lie every day about Trump. The MSM have become the scum of the news industry.  It's hard to believe that those MSM outlets mentioned are still operating today. This must just show that they are more dumb ass Americans out there then what we ever thought was out there and who must be watching and helping their viewer statistics. 

It did rain intermittently [and lightly] during the day, over various parts of the crowd, but it definitely didn't rain on Trump during his speech.


Closing down parks that are way out in the boonies just shows us all as to just how most of our buffoon politicians really are thinking these days, and what we can see now going on thru their pea brain heads every day. This has nothing to do with the virus. It has more to do with control. These politicians seem to feel that they are the boss, and we the people are their slaves to play with and bully around as they please now. Fines like $880.00 - $1200.00 for violating some stupid made up ass rule is obscene and downright playing dirty pool.

Geez, why aren't those that commit real crimes not slapped with heavier fines for doing worse than what some poor dad who took his kids out for some fresh air and sunshine and getting them some exercise. How dare any politician want to fine anyone with such huge hefty unbelievable fines. It's downright criminal to say the least. We are now being controlled by a bunch of politician bullies who have forgotten that it is we the people that are their bosses and not them. I doubt that any of we the people would demand that if they were caught breaking some rule or bylaw that we would want our politicians to access us heavy fines like what they are issuing out to we the people today.

I don't think they did anything right to be honest. Luckily this was a relatively mild outbreak that wasn't fatal to almsot everyone who gets it, like Ebola. 


No one will ever convince me that our politicians are there to serve we the people. They are there to serve themselves and to try and push their own liberal and socialist programs and agendas that most people never asked for. Lucky for those politicians that most Canadians will not say anything nor do most of them even really care as to what they do, and sadly, our dear comrade leader politicians know this all to well that Canadians do not have much of a back bone to want to fight the government. Aw well, what more can be said, eh? 

I think we'd both agree that some do more than others, and I'd say that Trudeau definitely focuses more on looking good to the rest of the world than he does on tending to the best interests of Canada - and by a large margin.

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Back to School ........sort     of

B.C. schools to open on optional, part-time basis June 1


Suspect that school will be quite different now.    It is still"optional"  for June  1


But gradual  step to a new  "normal".

Any students here??


reference: link





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On 4/16/2020 at 4:08 PM, eyeball said:


Trump, Fox, The Rebel and whoever told one of your wife's friends something apparently.

Their have been many Canadians who have been fined with heavy handed fines just for taking their kids to an empty parking lot to give them some fresh air and exercise, and they get fined $880. A man was recently given an $880.00 fine for walking alone in some park with a metal detector. Wake up, snowflake, it's later then you think. It's your freedom that is being taken away here also. The Rebel can point out the many stories about how many innocent victims have been heavily fined from this virus hoax by their dear comrade leaders. This is what your power crazy leftist liberal bully politicians have now become. A bunch of diktators. If it were not for Trump, FOX, and The Rebel among the many other patriotic and nationalists outfits, we would all be living under communist terror today.   Geez, I sure wish that I could find out where I can buy some snowflake repellent. Lol.

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On 5/7/2020 at 4:48 PM, WestCanMan said:

It did rain intermittently [and lightly] during the day, over various parts of the crowd, but it definitely didn't rain on Trump during his speech.

I don't think they did anything right to be honest. Luckily this was a relatively mild outbreak that wasn't fatal to almsot everyone who gets it, like Ebola. 

I think we'd both agree that some do more than others, and I'd say that Trudeau definitely focuses more on looking good to the rest of the world than he does on tending to the best interests of Canada - and by a large margin.

Sadly, there are just way too many Canadian covidiots out there that will do as they are told without a whimper nor a question to their dear leaders and the media.

But there finally appears to be some hope that some Canadians are starting to wake up to and have had enough of this lock down and social distancing. There is supposed to be a protest march in Vancouver on Sunday the 17th between 2-4PM beginning at the office of Adrienne Dix, an NDP MLA for Vancouver, against this nonsense hoax of a virus, and they are demanding an end to this lock down and social distancing. As long as social distancing(engineering) is allowed to stick around and be forced on we the people we will never get back to normal nor our freedoms.  It is this social distancing law and order rule that is ruining every country and their economies in the world, and not to forget the millions of jobs that have been lost due to this plandemic hoax, and the problems and an increase in mental health issues by being locked down and from not being able to socialize as we all once use to be able to do.  

Our dear leaders and the media are calling what is going on today with this hoax  "the new normal". So, this is what they hope that we the people will accept forever now, this new normal? Well, I have a surprise for those two mentioned diktators above? I want my old normal life back, and I want it back now. To hell with Gates to hell and their proxies and their new normal. I had more fun and more freedom before all of this new normal bull shit came along. Now I cannot even get a bloody haircut these days. This is not normal. Is this going to be the new normal? Wake up, covidiots. It is getting later than you think. It is your freedom at stake here and that is being taken away also. Hello? :unsure:

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8 minutes ago, taxme said:

Sadly, there are just way too many Canadian covidiots out there that will do as they are told without a whimper nor a question to their dear leaders and the media.

But there finally appears to be some hope that some Canadians are starting to wake up to and have had enough of this lock down and social distancing. There is supposed to be a protest march in Vancouver on Sunday the 17th between 2-4PM beginning at the office of Adrienne Dix, an NDP MLA for Vancouver, against this nonsense hoax of a virus, and they are demanding an end to this lock down and social distancing. As long as social distancing(engineering) is allowed to stick around and be forced on we the people we will never get back to normal nor our freedoms.  It is this social distancing law and order rule that is ruining every country and their economies in the world, and not to forget the millions of jobs that have been lost due to this plandemic hoax, and the problems and an increase in mental health issues by being locked down and from not being able to socialize as we all once use to be able to do.  

Our dear leaders and the media are calling what is going on today with this hoax  "the new normal". So, this is what they hope that we the people will accept forever now, this new normal? Well, I have a surprise for those two mentioned diktators above? I want my old normal life back, and I want it back now. To hell with Gates to hell and their proxies and their new normal. I had more fun and more freedom before all of this new normal bull shit came along. Now I cannot even get a bloody haircut these days. This is not normal. Is this going to be the new normal? Wake up, covidiots. It is getting later than you think. It is your freedom at stake here and that is being taken away also. Hello? :unsure:

I do hope the protestors will be wearing masks and maintaining the appropriate social distances. 

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