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God created evil for his pleasure. Do you recognize the pleasure of creating and doing evil?

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2 hours ago, French Patriot said:

You show dualistic thinking.

Did god not even create the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

Who did? Who is god's co-creator?

Who created good?

IMHO God created it all, and more importantly, God gave Mankind a brilliant mind so to use to make choices to obey God or rebel against God.

Remember too, the tree was beautiful and great and was merely a vehicle to a means. God never said there was something wrong with the tree, itself, God merely said do not eat of the tree. Mankind disobeyed God/rebeled against God, now we all are here today laden in sin. Yes. I liken it, to telling small kids don't touch the stove when you're cooking;

There's nothing evil about the stove, as the stove is great for making life easier when preparing meals ---while there's no need to explain here why me and you don't want any toddlers to ever walk over to that stove, grabbing pots/pans while people are cooking.

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32 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I already addressed that.  I haven't seen a decent rebuttal yet.

Your lack of a Professional status and resume on this, topic, leaves you ineligible to determine what is not decent/what is decent. And no, I don't recall you addressing this:




IMHO this is not the reason God created evil.  

Mankind was created for God's, pleasure, as God created evil to be used by Satan almost as a form of chastising imperfect Mankind which falls prey to the works of the devil. If Mankind had never eaten from the tree, Mankind would know no such thing as evil. Therefore Mankind would not need to be chastised.

And remember too, evil is often subjective. For example, does a mother see evil when she goes to Prison to visit her son/look into the eyes of her gangbanging thug who's in jail for execution style murders of several members of a rival gang.



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Just now, Tdot said:

Your lack of a Professional status and resume on this, topic, leaves you ineligible to determine what is not decent/what is decent. And no, I don't recall you addressing this:



Well, there's no point anyway.  Your post just above the quoted one here shows you to be an individual who is driven utterly by faith, with blinkers in place for any other view.  It's always fun to argue religion with people, but it always ends in an impasse, because they can't see past the dogma.  They're incapable of it. 

Like I said, Mankind created God, and evil is just a word for mankind behaving badly.  There's nothing else.



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32 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

  It's always fun to argue religion with people, but it always ends in an impasse, because they can't see past the dogma. 




You are in fact the, dogma, which people can clearly see past. You doubt reality, but then you "brag" about having no answers to explain the reality which you doubt.

How fair is that?

  • You have no answers for what created man, and woman, plus the two (2) perfectly-fitting, procreating, organs placed at center of each gender's core, known as genitalia.
  • You have no answers for the brilliance of the human mind, exclusively, above all other organisms on this planet.
  • You have no proofs of the, just by chance, that this planet called Earth has stayed on this same perfectly rotating axis and course around the sun for about 6,000 years, at least, as even veering so much as a few miles off of this same 6,000 year old course ---will cause every oxygen-breathing organism to perish immediately.
  • You have no answers for how those stars got there, we see in our telescopes, when we remind ourselves that Mankind will never make a machine which can take us that far ---although some force, already hung out over there in order for those stars to get there.



You have fun playing pretend, my brother, and I will continue to love you and your Right to play pretend.

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Just now, Tdot said:


You are in fact the, dogma, which people can clearly see past. You doubt reality, but then you "brag" about having no answers to explain the reality which you doubt.

How fair is that?

  • You have no answers for what created Man, and woman, and the two (2) perfectly-fitting organs hanging from each gender, known as genitialia.
  • You have no answers for the brilliance of the human mind, exclusively, above all other organisms on this planet.
  • You have no proofs of the, just by chance, that this planet called Earth has stayed on this same perfectly rotating axis and course around the sun for about 6,000 years, at least, as even veering so much as a few miles off of this same 6,000 year old course ---will cause every oxygen-breathing organism to perish immediately.
  • You have no answers for how those stars got there, we see in our telescopes, when we remind ourselves that Mankind will never make a machine which can take us that far ---although some force, already hung out over there in order for those stars to get there.



You have fun playing pretend, my brother, and I will continue to love you and your Right to play pretend.

And I will continue to support your right to believe whatever you want, as long as you don't expect others to behave accordingly.

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17 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

And I will continue to support your right to believe whatever you want, as long as you don't expect others to behave accordingly.

Sadly, my atheist/agnostic/non- Believer brethren all live with an, anger, which negates you from comprehending the difference between two (2) realities:

Expecting atheists to behave according to God 


Expecting atheists to want all of the important information before making decisions about God.


There is a difference! 

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8 minutes ago, Tdot said:

Sadly, my atheist/agnostic/non- Believer brethren all live with an, anger, which negates you from comprehending the difference between two (2) realities:

Expecting atheists to behave according to God 


Expecting atheists to want all of the important information before making decisions about God.


There is a difference! 

There's no such thing as all the information.  And if there was, I wouldn't have the time to read it all.

The only anger I feel with regard to religion is when those proponents of such expect others to behave accordingly, even unto punishment for failing to do so, even unto death in some cases.  Quite angry, actually.

That's evil, but it's men, not God.  They just think it's God.

Edited by bcsapper
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction - Blaise Pascal
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17 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

There's no such thing as all the information.  And if there was, I wouldn't have the time to read it all.

There is a such thing as far far more important information, available, than the amount you used to make a decision with. So please leave  word trickery and deflecting, out of this discussion :) plus keep in mind that here in North America there is no religion which propose you be put to death for being a non-Believer ... so I'm lost on the focus you put on it

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Just now, Tdot said:

There is a such thing as far far more important information, available, than the amount you used to make a decision with. So please leave  word trickery and deflecting, out of this discussion :) plus keep in mind that here in North America there is no religion which propose you be put to death for being a non-Believer ... so I'm lost on the focus you put on it

What does North America have to do with anything? 

That said, there is a law being proposed (passed?  I haven't checked recently) in Alabama that can punish a doctor performing an abortion with up to 99 years in jail.  Might as well be death.

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23 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

What does North America have to do with anything? 

That said, there is a law being proposed (passed?  I haven't checked recently) in Alabama that can punish a doctor performing an abortion with up to 99 years in jail.  Might as well be death.

No, it might as well be called the will of the people ---paying the taxes in that state. They voted. They decided. Therefore only a silly fool would continue to perform an act, in a place where he knows it is illegal. Just like with any other law.

Now fortunately, it is a democracy. And that's beautiful, about North America. Which means Doc can petition to the, hearts, of Alabama citizens to get a proposal put on the ballot/allowing abortions to be legally performed again.

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1 minute ago, Tdot said:

No, it's called the will of the people ---paying the taxes in that state. They voted. They decided. Therefore only a silly fool would continue to perform an act, in a place where he knows it is illegal. Just like with any other law.

Now fortunately, it is a democracy. And that's beautiful, about North America. Which means Doc can petition to the, hearts, of Alabama citizens to get a proposal put on the ballot/allowing abortions to be legally performed again.

No what?  What does the will of the people have to do with the argument?  Of course it's the will of religious people that others do as they are told.  That was exactly my point. Sometimes the will of the people is good and just.  Sometimes it is primitive, barbaric and evil.  Remember evil?  It was in the OP.

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24 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

No what?  What does the will of the people have to do with the argument?  Of course it's the will of religious people that others do as they are told.  That was exactly my point. Sometimes the will of the people is good and just.  Sometimes it is primitive, barbaric and evil.  Remember evil?  It was in the OP.

It is not exclusively, religious, to believe that an organism is alive when it is in the womb. And anything alive, should be respected with the full, natural course of life ---just as long as that course does not directly impede/directly end the life of another organism.

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19 minutes ago, Tdot said:

...an organism is alive when it is in the womb. And anything alive, should be respected with the full, natural course of life ---just as long as that course does not directly impede/directly end the life of another organism.

There's nothing religious about this statement. It is purely fact, of Earthly realities.

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Just now, Tdot said:

It is not exclusively, religious, to believe that an organism is alive when it is in the womb. And anything alive, should be respected with the full, natural course of life ---just as long as that course does not directly impend/end the life of another organism.

No, it is not.  It is, more often than not, in my opinion, the basis for that belief, and the basis for believing one has the right to deny another's rights when it comes to autonomy over their own body.

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3 hours ago, French Patriot said:

LOL. Your hint is foolish.

The oldest shrine I know of is over 60,000 years old. When was cash invented?



I suppose you are right, but I'm not talking about prehistory here.  Who knows what those people cared about or what came of them.  We know that the Sumerians and Babylonians were the foundations for our life today.  

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21 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

No it isn't. The part where he says stuff about good and evil.

Ok.  So Jesus WOULD have killed a queer then ?  And therefore there is an unshakeable connection between the actions of Christians today, and His teachings ?... So... tracing back to what we were talking about... the meaning that is Nietzsche indeed can be blamed for Naziism.

WHEW.  Quite a jog we just took there wasn't it, I for one am tired.

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3 hours ago, betsy said:

It's choice given to Adam and Eve, isn't it?   Whether to obey or disobey God?

No it is not.

To choose wisely, one must have some idea of what they are choosing. Right?

A & E could not know if they were doing good or evil when they had yet to have or gain any knowledge of what was good or evil. For all they could know, the serpent was good and god was evil. Right?


3 hours ago, betsy said:

Goodness is an attribute of God.  It's His nature.

His nature is genocidal and infanticidal. Are those good traits to you?

Do you think that other with a genocidal trait are good?  Hitler and his ilk.




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3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Huh? In the video, "Those who cannot live by the law... shall die by law." I understand if you don't want to watch it. That's what it specifically says, anyway.

It's hard to accept we have no free will. then life is a pre-orchestrated dance, is it not? On the other hand, you could say free will is where the devil really comes in. That old devil makes you want to break the rules... and it's people who are willing to break the rules, who make innovation and progress possible. The will to progress... stems from your criminality.

No. I said your line. Not the links line.

"Here is my answer to the OP, straightforward and simple, and to you as well Michael Hardener. "

I have seen that clip before.

You might have noted that the first thing Moses did, almost, law wise, was murder, what was it, 3,000 Jews?


" The will to progress... stems from your criminality."

I have said that I have a criminal mind and delinquent personality, so I may not be the best judge of your thinking, but let me disagree till I know for sure.

I have broken rules to challenge them and progress my country in it's poor laws.

I do not think the impetuous came from my criminality or criminal mind. 

It came, I think, from pure hate against what I saw as harming my country. IOWs. The love for my country created a hate against what I saw as jeopardizing that which I loved.

Straight criminality is greed. Vigilantism, which is the issue here, is not greed. It is a love and desire for justice.




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2 hours ago, Tdot said:

IMHO God created it all, and more importantly, God gave Mankind a brilliant mind so to use to make choices to obey God or rebel against God.

Have you accepted that a genocidal and infanticidal god is an evil god.

Have you rebelled, as I have, against the notion that such a satanic prick is good?

If not, why not?

As to A & E, they did not have brilliant minds that were capable of choice till after they ate of the knowledge that showed them what good and evil were. Right?

Remember that before they learned, they were too stupid to even know they were naked or how to reproduce. They were as bright as bricks. Right?




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2 hours ago, bcsapper said:

And I will continue to support your right to believe whatever you want, as long as you don't expect others to behave accordingly.

I did not know that we had a right to be think in %^&^^&* ways or immoral ways. Who is enforcing that right?

That hardly seem like living by the Golden Rule. It is more like ignoring it. No?

For evil to grow and all that, and to think in %^&^^&* ways or immoral ways is evil. Right?




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1 hour ago, Tdot said:

There is a such thing as far far more important information, available, than the amount you used to make a decision with. So please leave  word trickery and deflecting, out of this discussion :) plus keep in mind that here in North America there is no religion which propose you be put to death for being a non-Believer ... so I'm lost on the focus you put on it

That is not true. Both Christianity and Islam end in killing all who do not believe as they do. Christianity does so when Jesus returns and Islam whenever they create their Kalifate.

Two religions with the same fascist DNA.

Without lies, neither religion would exist.




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7 minutes ago, French Patriot said:

I did not know that we had a right to be think in %^&^^&* ways or immoral ways. Who is enforcing that right?

That hardly seem like living by the Golden Rule. It is more like ignoring it. No?

For evil to grow and all that, and to think in %^&^^&* ways or immoral ways is evil. Right?




Nobody enforces it, or somebody does.  It depends on where you live, I guess.  I'm just talking about my views.  The old "I may disagree with what you say", etc, rewritten as I may disagree with, and even find utterly abhorrent, what you think and say, but as far as I'm concerned, you have every right to do both.  Just don't expect others to act accordingly.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

I suppose you are right, but I'm not talking about prehistory here.  Who knows what those people cared about or what came of them.  We know that the Sumerians and Babylonians were the foundations for our life today.  

Many associate Judaism and their myths to the Egyptians as well.



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