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Canada is Broken

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Canada doesn't even do anything by its own priggish Eskimo Communist terms

Canada doesn't do Peacekeeping

Canada doesn't do Humanitarian Intervention

Canada doesn't defend its own Arctic Sovereignty

All the money goes to Ottawa boondoggles, Canada literally ate itself to death by corruption.

The Post National State is in fact isolationist,  living in its own little la-la-land run by the NDP in downtown Toronto.

The Post National State has no choice but to be isolationist, because it doesn't with reality outside of its little bubble being propped up by America.

It's a fake country, it has no sovereignty, we Americans have your sovereignty here in a jar on our desk, along with your balls.

That's why you resent us, but it's not our fault, we didn't take it, you handed it over by default.

We Americans would be happy to have Australia North on our border, but Canada simply failed to launch.

Edited by Dougie93
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On 3/1/2020 at 4:14 PM, Argus said:

These are not people who put any thought into such things. They're urban children who know little to nothing about economics. And if you asked them they'd sneer at you for caring about money over the environment or over native rights or over whatever. For the most part they don't pay taxes or have ever paid taxes so the link between the social programs they believe are human rights and the means to pay for them does not exist. They're the products of a third rate education system run by rabid leftist ideologues.


No doubt that there are probably a few dozen terrorists among them who have gone to some Canadian University of Higher Leftist Liberal Globalist Indoctrination for their un education. if they did go to university then they should be out there working and being more productive in society rather than be out there causing anarchy. There appears to be more stupid people coming out of university today then ever before. Instead of doing something good for society, they took their university education and put it into terrorism. One has to ask has our education system become a place now where one can learn how to become a radical leftist and terrorist? It certainly is beginning to look that way. 

Canada is broken alright, and we can only blame it all on liberalism. liberalism has a tendency of destroying all things decent and moral, and common sense and logic, when they are able to get their dirty leftist liberal grubby and greedy hands on anything. Canada has been pretty much controlled by french liberal socialists for several decades now. What Canada once was is now almost gone, and is being replaced by too many other unwanted and unneeded new cultures and religions that could careless about the old Canada and was never asked for and to be implemented by the majority of we the people. Once again, a minority is now getting to run and rule over this once great British/European nation.  Bloody sad, isn't it? :(

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On 3/1/2020 at 4:16 PM, ProudConservative said:

Have we seen enough? I certainly have. I'm Hopeing to see patriots boycott Tyendinaga, in retaliation for the blockaid, and throwing rocks at the our trains.


The patriots that you would like to see come out of their hiding places will not happen. As soon as they do they will be attacked and mocked and called - wait for it - get ready - racist-racist-racist. The lefts favored word when a patriot dares come out and wants to take back Canada from the real racists and terrorists that run and rule this country today.  Patriotism in Canada died a long time ago. I have called myself a patriotic nationalist for decades now and what did I get for being one? I get called a racist, Nazi, white supremacist, and anti-immigrant by the leftists intolerant and bigoted and hateful liberals.

Canada needs a real and true conservative patriotic nationalist like Maxine Bernier of the PPC. But if the leftist liberals and their bought off Canadian media can get their way, real and true conservatism will never be allowed to gain popularity. They will attack Bernier with everything liberal as they can. And why would they not do so? It's very simple. They would lose their deep state elite liberal established controlled hierarchy that they love so well and want to hang on to forever over the heads of we the people. If a liberal says that they love Canada then they are liars. That is ones signal that they hate and despise Canada. All just my opinion of course.   Works for me. ;)

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Canada is a cancer, every province in Canada could run itself as a better stronger smarter less corrupt jurisdiction, without the malignant Ottawa Emperors

With the possible exception of PEI, but the fact that PEI is a province is absurd to start off with, so they can join New Brunswick.

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10 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Canada is an asymmetrical dictatorship run by the CBCelites in downtown Toronto, no surprise that Canada is literally  the silliest most addle minded place on earth.

We can now thank Canada for appearing asymmetrical because of leftist liberal multiculturalism and diversity. On one side we have the old Canada trying to survive in a country that is now being turned into a multicultural Canada. Both cannot work together. One must dominate over the other. And it looks today like the old Canada is now fast becoming a more multicultural and diverse country which can only mean that the old British/European Canada will soon be gone. It will go because there are no real and true patriots out there who are willing to fight and keep alive the old British/European Canada that has made this country once so great. We are all now being forced to become a bunch of wimps and cowards and forced to live in a liberal society of victim hoods and don't hurt my sensitive minority feelings. The CBC despises the old British/European Canada. Canada is not only broken now but it is also almost all gone. Such a sad thing to see what could be a great country now going to hell. Aw well, what more can be said. :(

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1 minute ago, Dougie93 said:

Canada is going to load up on third world immigrants who will continue to self isolate in ghettos, big whoop.

Italy's economy is nothing to crow about, Italy is a basket case.

Well it’s onwards and upwards for Canada.  Whole new communities are being designed according to R2000 and LEED standards.  Rapid transit is expanding and Canada’s tech sector is booming.  Toronto is still the fastest developing city by far.  It’s a lot of change, not all good.  Immigration is driving a good part of it, but people want to be in tolerant Canada, which still has an open stance globally.  The US is turning inwards and stoking fear.  We are also dealing with those forces here.  The political spectrum is polarizing under the extinction menace, which isn’t unlike the Red Menace and similar demons of the past.  We have to deal with them but not let fear make us less civilized.  Coronavirus doesn’t help.  

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23 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Once you divest yourself of it, it's rather amusing.

Like Zeitgeist crowing about Canada being the future because Canada is loading up on unskilled third world labor.

The future is Mexico North, huzzah, huzzah, lol.

Canada today appears to only want unskilled third world labor and plenty of legal and illegal refugees to come on in and blow all of our tax dollars on in this country. Probably 25%, if that, of the new immigrants coming from the third world are skilled at doing something. But if all we can get from those so called skilled new immigrants is more restaurants and more corner stores, than what is the point of wanting to bring in hundred of thousands of them? It makes no common sense and logic to me. But sadly, common sense and logic appears to have left this country many decades ago. Aw well. :unsure:

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Just now, Dougie93 said:

Canada cancer is just a life support system for resentment of America, because that's all Canada has got at the end of the day, the only thing Canadians have in common.

Canada may be the safe zone, a haven of moderation and sensible governance as the world vacillates between extreme responses to crises.  

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14 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Well it’s onwards and upwards for Canada.  Whole new communities are being designed according to R2000 and LEED standards.  Rapid transit is expanding and Canada’s tech sector is booming.  Toronto is still the fastest developing city by far.  It’s a lot of change, not all good.  Immigration is driving a good part of it, but people want to be in tolerant Canada, which still has an open stance globally.  The US is turning inwards and stoking fear.  We are also dealing with those forces here.  The political spectrum is polarizing under the extinction menace, which isn’t unlike the Red Menace and similar demons of the past.  We have to deal with them but not let fear make us less civilized.  Coronavirus doesn’t help.  

Toronto Emperors rule the rest of Canada as their untermensch colonies, who knew ?


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6 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Canada may be the safe zone, a haven of moderation and sensible governance as the world vacillates between extreme responses to crises.  

Canada is the one vacilating, vacillation is what Canada is all about, that's why you can't build anything anymore.

America is going to Mars, Canada can't even get to Yellowknife

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The reality is, Canada's proximity to America is what caused the failure to launch.

Given special access and protections by the greatest country in the history of the world caused Canada to retrench into infantilization.

Canada is the teenager living in America Moms basement.

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18 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

No they don't, because America manages the place for you.  That never changes.

That’s bullshit.  It’s a marriage of convenience for both countries.  We’re each other’s biggest export market.  We do rely too much on the US for our exports and military, but Canadians have paid a lot for that relationship too.  Taking those 40,000 plus refugees was a substantial contribution, and the help has been there for America on many missions that primarily suited US interests against America’s enemies.  The diplomacy helped too.  Ask the former American hostages who escaped Iran.  I don’t complain either because Canada benefits from this relationship too.  Just don’t paint it as parasitic because that’s a lie.  Canada without America would probably be similar to Australia.  You can’t separate America out of the equation.  Our histories are connected and our fates tied together, for better and worse.  Don’t dump on the country that fed you. 

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Even in a war,  when naive Canadian boys were bleeding out in the dirt, Canada did nothing.

Just left them hanging there, no kit, no support, no helicopters, those 150 died by Canada's hand, stabbed in the back by the Ottawa criminals

Even the Europeans, who refused to fight, still rushed the kit to the front for their troops, but not Canada, Canada doesn't care about its own soldiers, they throw you to the wolves.

Die in a fire Canada, burn in Hell after.

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The best is Zeitgeist claiming World War Two as some sort of victory brought about by Canada.

Newsflash, 1st Canadian Army was part of the British Army, the British ran everything,  Canada simply provided the cannon fodder.

For what ?  Democracy & Freedom ? 

Nope.  For the British Empire, in Hong Kong in the Far East, in Italy for the Suez Canal.

America fought for Democracy & Freedom, Canada fought for Churchill, who was desperately trying to save the Empire.

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12 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Even in a war,  when naive Canadian boys were bleeding out in the dirt, Canada did nothing.

Just left them hanging there, no kit, no support, no helicopters, those 150 died by Canada's hand, stabbed in the back by the Ottawa criminals

Even the Europeans, who refused to fight, still rushed the kit to the front for their troops, but not Canada, Canada doesn't care about its own soldiers, they throw you to the wolves.

Die in a fire Canada, burn in Hell after.

While there have been exceptions, the Canadians have been fairly well equipped.  Nothing wrong with renting either if we pay the bills.  When it comes to military spending, America is the exception, not the rule. 

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4 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

While there have been exceptions, the Canadians have been fairly well equipped.  Nothing wrong with renting either if we pay the bills.  When it comes to military spending, America is the exception, not the rule. 

Like I say, the Europeans had no problem pushing kit to the front, the Danes had helicopters, the Danes had Main Battle Tanks, while the Canadians drove around in jeeps.

Denmark is no superpower,  and their defence budget is only $4 billion when Canada's is $20 billion

It's not about how much you spend, but what you spend it on, Canada wastes the vast majority of its defence budget on boondoggles which go nowhere.

Vacillation Nation, by the time Canada got around to providing the minimum effort, the war was over.

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4 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

The best is Zeitgeist claiming World War Two as some sort of victory brought about by Canada.

Newsflash, 1st Canadian Army was part of the British Army, the British ran everything,  Canada simply provided the cannon fodder.

For what ?  Democracy & Freedom ? 

Nope.  For the British Empire, in Hong Kong in the Far East, in Italy for the Suez Canal.

You surprise me sometimes, knowledgeable in some areas, ignorant in others.  Canada’s contributions are well documented, and we didn’t get all the glory and a seat on the Security Council.  France did.  You should look into the armaments that came out of Canada and the size of the forces.  Again, old news.  We need to fight different challenges today, and only a few of them are military.  Anyway, I’m tired of these rehashes.  Direct your aggravation towards Eyeball.  

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