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Liberal Spending out of control


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On 1/1/2020 at 11:06 AM, Queenmandy85 said:

Nobody can get elected without promising to cut taxes and improve services. The electorate wants more services but they don't want to pay for it. 


The electorate is like a kid staring at his parent's credit card, thinking that it's the key to the universe. 

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On 1/7/2020 at 3:21 PM, eyeball said:

Outlaw in-camera lobbying.  

That's impossible. How can you ever prove why the PM or Minister of Finance had lunch with some random person who just happens to own an engineering firm? Or a cattle farm? Or is a VP at a company that manufactures solar panels or works in the oil sands? Basically everyone in Canada is a lobbyist, they're just not all registered.

The simple fact of the matter is that most people don't care how corrupt politicians are as long as they're on their side.

Canadians don't care that Trudeau went so far as to create and then break laws exclusively for the benefit of SNC Lavalin, a company that is known to be the one of the most aggressive lobbyists in the country, and is known to have paid $2.3M in bribes to another Liberal politician: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/fournier-charged-snc-lavalin-1.3657923

Half the people on this site don't see any reason to be alarmed when the VP of the US is heavily involved in helping Ukraine sort out their corruption issues, and then his son is randomly gifted a $50K/mo part-time job at one of the most corrupt companies in Ukraine, and then the VP fires the prosecutor who takes over the corruption investigation into that company. 

 People want the other side investigated on a mere hunch but they don't care if their own side is actually guilty.

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4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

That's impossible. How can you ever prove why the PM or Minister of Finance had lunch with some random person who just happens to own an engineering firm?

Thru a process of meticulous record keeping, taking minutes, audio and video records and auditing and validation of these for compliance.  Every official decision would have a trail of meetings and records to indicate clearly how it was considered and arrived at. There are sectors of our economy, commercial fishing for example, in which participants are required to labour under the watch of cameras, GPS tracking software, log-books, black-boxes and validation of these by independent auditors. Penalties for non-compliance or having too many discrepancies in your audit (people make mistakes) can include having a human observer provide oversight, at your cost,  fines, curtailment or with-drawl of your opportunity to participate ie non-compliant lobbyists couldn't lobby non-compliant politicians or officials.  Measures can and should also include jail time for really egregious attempts to get around the system.

There's nothing impossible about it at all.



The simple fact of the matter is that most people don't care how corrupt politicians are as long as they're on their side.

I'm sorry but it's shit like this that makes partisans seem so stupid.


Canadians don't care that Trudeau went so far as to create and then break laws exclusively for the benefit of SNC Lavalin,

Then why do you whine about it?


Half the people on this site don't see any reason to be alarmed when the VP of the US is heavily involved in helping Ukraine sort out their corruption issues,

What about the other half that do?


People want the other side investigated on a mere hunch but they don't care if their own side is actually guilty.

Yes well, the only reason any side can get away with using a hunch is that there's no record around to demolish the hunch with.  That would be due to the last bunch in power saying "Records? We don't need no steenkin' records".

They'ed just get in the way of cheating and lying when it's their turn.

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On 1/1/2020 at 11:12 AM, cannuck said:

I still can't understand how people could allow ANY deficit spending at all.   Just allows politicians to cash in during their term and pass the bill onto someone else's grandchildren.

It would appear as though most Canadians have not yet realized or noticed that most of their politicians pretty much all appear and have all shown us that they have nothing but total contempt and hatred for we the taxpaying people of Canada. Canada appears to be now run and controlled by a bunch of leftist liberal fools in Ottawa who resemble some third world leaders and dictators these days, and we the people are having to deal with our fair share of corruption and spend crazy politicians in Ottawa. 

In Canada there is just too much government, way too many environmental rules and regulations/red tape, way too many taxes and fees, and our politicians appear to want to always cater to a small special minority interest groups, and not with the majority. 

As far as I am concerned, this appears to be the problem with Canada today. The foxes are running the hen house. :unsure:

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Guest ProudConservative
33 minutes ago, taxme said:

It would appear as though most Canadians have not yet realized or noticed that most of their politicians pretty much all appear and have all shown us that they have nothing but total contempt and hatred for we the taxpaying people of Canada. Canada appears to be now run and controlled by a bunch of leftist liberal fools in Ottawa who resemble some third world leaders and dictators these days, and we the people are having to deal with our fair share of corruption and spend crazy politicians in Ottawa. 

In Canada there is just too much government, way too many environmental rules and regulations/red tape, way too many taxes and fees, and our politicians appear to want to always cater to a small special minority interest groups, and not with the majority. 

As far as I am concerned, this appears to be the problem with Canada today. The foxes are running the hen house. :unsure:

So why on earth are you a total hypocrite when it comes to Trump?

America is 23 Trillion in debt, and yet you still support Trump... just because he uses slogans like "Make America Great Again."

You have yet to figure out, that's he's controlled opposition and a Trojan horse. He's doing everything he can to antagonize, not just the Iranian government, but the Iranian people.

Trump goes on twitter, like a jackass, saying he has the right to bomb their "Cultural Sites"

So you and I are on the same page... When it comes to our fiscal conservative values.


But it makes no sense, why you continue to use Trump as a tool... to go after liberals, when he's outspending Trudeau 10 to 1, in the deficit per capita.

If you hate wasteful spending, than how can you defend Trump... When he bends over backwards for the military industrial complex.

The United States has already spend 7 Trillion, since Bush Invaded the middle east..., and you defend idiots like Trump who have no idea how to do diplomacy.


Wars waste Trillions of Dollars, and what Trump has done with Iran... could end up costing US taxpayers a lot of money. Everytime you mention how great Trump is, I'll call you a hypocrite.


Just flip a switch, and pull the plug like I have. Trump is a loser that doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.


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On 1/1/2020 at 11:33 AM, Queenmandy85 said:

How do you expect the government to pay for all the services and infrastructure we demand without raising taxes to pay for it?

1. Stop all foreign aid. Save hundreds of billions of our Canadian tax dollars to be better spent on Canada and Canadians every year. Why not? 

2. A moratorium on all immigration. No more legal or illegal so called refugees allowed into Canada. Save hundreds of billions of our Canadian tax dollars to be better spent on Canada and Canadians every year. Why not? 

3. Abolish multiculturalism, and bilingualism in some places where french is not really needed or required. Save billions of our Canadian tax dollars that could be better spent on Canada and Canadians in need every year. Why not? 

4. A way more smaller federal government that has grown way out of control to what Canadians really need or desire. There is way too many government departments and services in all three levels of government that are not really needed. They are just there to cater to a small minority of people who do not care about Canada. Canada does not need all the many federal government ministers that we the people have been forced to have to accept, and pay for. Why have two ministers for native Indians, or diversity minister, or middle class minister, or a digital minister as examples. Plenty of tax dollars being wasted having them around. Dump them all. Why not. Save billions there also. 

Just by abolishing those mentioned above, and many more useless and unneeded leftist liberal programs and agendas, could save the Canadian taxpayer's close to a trillion tax dollars every year. There are so many ways to save trillions of tax dollars from being blown every year by all of the three levels of government. But those mentioned above are never talked about as much as they should be talked about.  But first Canadians have to start to give a chit about how their tax dollars are being blown by a bunch of incompetent spend crazy politicians who apparently do believe that money does really grow on trees. I think that hell will freeze over first before I see Canadians start to give a dam about any real and true issues that are in need of questioning. Onward Canada to your demise.  :(

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Guest ProudConservative
18 minutes ago, taxme said:

1. Stop all foreign aid. Save hundreds of billions of our Canadian tax dollars to be better spent on Canada and Canadians every year. Why not? 

2. A moratorium on all immigration. No more legal or illegal so called refugees allowed into Canada. Save hundreds of billions of our Canadian tax dollars to be better spent on Canada and Canadians every year. Why not? 

3. Abolish multiculturalism, and bilingualism in some places where french is not really needed or required. Save billions of our Canadian tax dollars that could be better spent on Canada and Canadians in need every year. Why not? 

4. A way more smaller federal government that has grown way out of control to what Canadians really need or desire. There is way too many government departments and services in all three levels of government that are not really needed. They are just there to cater to a small minority of people who do not care about Canada. Canada does not need all the many federal government ministers that we the people have been forced to have to accept, and pay for. Why have two ministers for native Indians, or diversity minister, or middle class minister, or a digital minister as examples. Plenty of tax dollars being wasted having them around. Dump them all. Why not. Save billions there also. 

Just by abolishing those mentioned above, and many more useless and unneeded leftist liberal programs and agendas, could save the Canadian taxpayer's close to a trillion tax dollars every year. There are so many ways to save trillions of tax dollars from being blown every year by all of the three levels of government. But those mentioned above are never talked about as much as they should be talked about.  But first Canadians have to start to give a chit about how their tax dollars are being blown by a bunch of incompetent spend crazy politicians who apparently do believe that money does really grow on trees. I think that hell will freeze over first before I see Canadians start to give a dam about any real and true issues that are in need of questioning. Onward Canada to your demise.  :(

You didn't answer my question :)

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16 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

So why on earth are you a total hypocrite when it comes to Trump?

America is 23 Trillion in debt, and yet you still support Trump... just because he uses slogans like "Make America Great Again."

You have yet to figure out, that's he's controlled opposition and a Trojan horse. He's doing everything he can to antagonize, not just the Iranian government, but the Iranian people.

Trump goes on twitter, like a jackass, saying he has the right to bomb their "Cultural Sites"

So you and I are on the same page... When it comes to our fiscal conservative values.


But it makes no sense, why you continue to use Trump as a tool... to go after liberals, when he's outspending Trudeau 10 to 1, in the deficit per capita.

If you hate wasteful spending, than how can you defend Trump... When he bends over backwards for the military industrial complex.

The United States has already spend 7 Trillion, since Bush Invaded the middle east..., and you defend idiots like Trump who have no idea how to do diplomacy.


Wars waste Trillions of Dollars, and what Trump has done with Iran... could end up costing US taxpayers a lot of money. Everytime you mention how great Trump is, I'll call you a hypocrite.


Just flip a switch, and pull the plug like I have. Trump is a loser that doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.


Where did I mention Trump at all in my post? And just how am I being a hypocrite here when it comes to Trump? What Trump does with the Americans tax dollars is none of my business or any other Canadians business. I was talking about our dear leader chief spreading bull, and how he likes to spread bull, and continues to waste tax dollars on all of his leftist liberal pet peeves, and how he really does show nothing but total contempt for we the taxpayer's of Canada.

Your figure of ten to one is probably about right. After all the American population is about ten times greater than Canada's population. That is why Trump spend way more money than Trudeau does. Hello!!  If you want to talk about waste, then look no further than to your own countries leaders, and what those foolish politicians are doing with your tax dollars. I am always amazed as to why most Canadians like yourself always prefer to attack and mock Trump, but yet stay silent on saying anything critical about Trudeau, and what he is doing with your tax dollars. I guess that is because you could careless about what your dear leaders are doing, and would prefer to attack another leader of another country to avoid having to talk about your dear leader, right? America is doing a dam lot better than Canada is doing.  Checkout as too how many jobs are being lost in Alberta these days thanks to liberal Trudeau. 

Trump is no loser. Canada is the loser. And your dear leader does  keep his mouth shut alright. He prefers to not say anything about what is real plans are for you and me. But my own personal opinion of you does not look all that good to me from where I am sitting right now. Just saying.    ;)

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Guest ProudConservative
16 minutes ago, taxme said:

Where did I mention Trump at all in my post? And just how am I being a hypocrite here when it comes to Trump? What Trump does with the Americans tax dollars is none of my business or any other Canadians business. I was talking about our dear leader chief spreading bull, and how he likes to spread bull, and continues to waste tax dollars on all of his leftist liberal pet peeves, and how he really does show nothing but total contempt for we the taxpayer's of Canada.

Your figure of ten to one is probably about right. After all the American population is about ten times greater than Canada's population. That is why Trump spend way more money than Trudeau does. Hello!!  If you want to talk about waste, then look no further than to your own countries leaders, and what those foolish politicians are doing with your tax dollars. I am always amazed as to why most Canadians like yourself always prefer to attack and mock Trump, but yet stay silent on saying anything critical about Trudeau, and what he is doing with your tax dollars. I guess that is because you could careless about what your dear leaders are doing, and would prefer to attack another leader of another country to avoid having to talk about your dear leader, right? America is doing a dam lot better than Canada is doing.  Checkout as too how many jobs are being lost in Alberta these days thanks to liberal Trudeau. 

Trump is no loser. Canada is the loser. And your dear leader does  keep his mouth shut alright. He prefers to not say anything about what is real plans are for you and me. But my own personal opinion of you does not look all that good to me from where I am sitting right now. Just saying.    ;)

I hate Trudeau's Style, but when it comes to Finances.... Canada is far ahead.

Trump is running a deficit that is 10 times higher per Capita that Trudeau.

That means for every... hundred dollars of new debt per person Trudeau has caused us... Trump has Caused them $1000.

This isn't adjusted for population... This is the deficit per Capita.

Canada is at 20 billion...

Trump is has increased the debt by 3.5 Trillion since he took office.

Now if you adjust for population that would be like Canada running a deficit of $250 billion a year.

So please tell me why you haven't pulled the plug on Trump?

Jack Ma explains why America is broke.

I'm not a liberal... I'm a Ron Paul conservative... until everyone Drank the Trump Kool-Aid


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4 hours ago, eyeball said:

Thru a process of meticulous record keeping, taking minutes, audio and video records and auditing and validation of these for compliance.  Every official decision would have a trail of meetings and records to indicate clearly how it was considered and arrived at. There are sectors of our economy, commercial fishing for example, in which participants are required to labour under the watch of cameras, GPS tracking software, log-books, black-boxes and validation of these by independent auditors. Penalties for non-compliance or having too many discrepancies in your audit (people make mistakes) can include having a human observer provide oversight, at your cost,  fines, curtailment or with-drawl of your opportunity to participate ie non-compliant lobbyists couldn't lobby non-compliant politicians or officials.  Measures can and should also include jail time for really egregious attempts to get around the system.

There's nothing impossible about it at all.


I'm sorry but it's shit like this that makes partisans seem so stupid.

Then why do you whine about it?

What about the other half that do?

Yes well, the only reason any side can get away with using a hunch is that there's no record around to demolish the hunch with.  That would be due to the last bunch in power saying "Records? We don't need no steenkin' records".

They'ed just get in the way of cheating and lying when it's their turn.

Do you care about the truth eyeball? I get the impression from your posts that you're only concerned with your own spin.

Face it. We live in the post-truth age. We have a lying criminal who got re-elected as PM and an MSM that's biased useless. They're still more worried about russian collusion in the US and that's already been disproven by a 3 yr FBI investigation. 

Laws are nice but you saw what Trudeau got away with. He created a sleazy law by sneaking it into the back of an omnibus bill, broke that law himself, blocked an investigation into it, and the media just helped him smooth it all over.

If the media cared then Canadians would have cared and there would have been a proper investigation. 

We really need an honest media, and without it not much else matters.


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2 hours ago, Argus said:


Says the guy who totally followed the Russian collusion story for three years when even Van Jones had already admitted it was a big nothingburger, got sucked in by the Dr Ford testimony, wants Trump impeached for talking about a proper investigation into what appears to be an obvious crime, and is adamant that Biden doesn't need to be investigated despite the fact that he can't dispute any of the blatant evidence against Biden. 

You have no credibility left on this issue whatsoever Argus. 

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54 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Do you care about the truth eyeball? I get the impression from your posts that you're only concerned with your own spin.

You get that impression because you're a fricking idiot who refuses to pay attention to anything that's being said. Even your own logic escapes you.

Dif it ever occur to you how much outlawing in-camera lobbying would take away almost all the speculative worthless grist that feeds the media's mill? Imagine being able to verify what the media was reporting on what the politicians were up to if we could verify that by checking the record ourselves?

We'd probably put 3/4 of the media out of business ffs.

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49 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

I hate Trudeau's Style, but when it comes to Finances.... Canada is far ahead.

Trump is running a deficit that is 10 times higher per Capita that Trudeau.

That means for every... hundred dollars of new debt per person Trudeau has caused us... Trump has Caused them $1000.

This isn't adjusted for population... This is the deficit per Capita.

Canada is at 20 billion...

Trump is has increased the debt by 3.5 Trillion since he took office.

Now if you adjust for population that would be like Canada running a deficit of $250 billion a year.

So please tell me why you haven't pulled the plug on Trump?

Jack Ma explains why America is broke.

I'm not a liberal... I'm a Ron Paul conservative... until everyone Drank the Trump Kool-Aid


Why do you want to rant and rave and go on and on about what Trump is doing in America with tax dollars or the size of the American population compared to Canada is beyond me. I do not give a chit about what Trump does with American tax dollars. What the hell has Trump got to do with our deficit or debt anyway? We have a debt and deficit problem because of the spend crazy bunch of buffoons in Ottawa who do not know how to control their spending of our tax dollars. They just blow our tax dollars willy-nilly, and give it to every stranger that enters our shores illegally or too some 3rd world country that wants some of our tax dollars. They blow money like a bunch of drunken pirates in a tavern or in a whorehouse. Our low Canadian peso should tell you that we are pretty much getting close to going flat broke in this dumb azz country. So, you need to stop worrying about what Trump does and start worrying about what Trudeau is doing to this country. Trudeau appears to be the enemy of we the Canadian people. If you or anyone here can tell me as to what Trudeau as done to try and make Canada great, I would like for you or someone here to tell me.  Trump is not the enemy of Canada, but Trudeau appears to be the enemy of Canada. 

And what is with Trudeau and his beard? Is he planning on wanting to look like, and wants to start the life of a pirate, and then go and get drunk like a drunken pirate, and go blow some more of our tax dollars, and go buy an old pirate ship to sail around in?  If he does I would hope that the British navy will come to our rescue, and they will blow a hole into the side of the ship and send his pirate boat to the bottom of the sea. Lol. 

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Guest ProudConservative
13 minutes ago, taxme said:

Why do you want to rant and rave and go on and on about what Trump is doing in America with tax dollars or the size of the American population compared to Canada is beyond me. I do not give a chit about what Trump does with American tax dollars. What the hell has Trump got to do with our deficit or debt anyway? We have a debt and deficit problem because of the spend crazy bunch of buffoons in Ottawa who do not know how to control their spending of our tax dollars. They just blow our tax dollars willy-nilly, and give it to every stranger that enters our shores illegally or too some 3rd world country that wants some of our tax dollars. They blow money like a bunch of drunken pirates in a tavern or in a whorehouse. Our low Canadian peso should tell you that we are pretty much getting close to going flat broke in this dumb azz country. So, you need to stop worrying about what Trump does and start worrying about what Trudeau is doing to this country. Trudeau appears to be the enemy of we the Canadian people. If you or anyone here can tell me as to what Trudeau as done to try and make Canada great, I would like for you or someone here to tell me.  Trump is not the enemy of Canada, but Trudeau appears to be the enemy of Canada. 

And what is with Trudeau and his beard? Is he planning on wanting to look like, and wants to start the life of a pirate, and then go and get drunk like a drunken pirate, and go blow some more of our tax dollars, and go buy an old pirate ship to sail around in?  If he does I would hope that the British navy will come to our rescue, and they will blow a hole into the side of the ship and send his pirate boat to the bottom of the sea. Lol. 

Because you have written so many posts about how great Trump is... Then when I say it's time to pull the plug on Trump.... you change the conversation to what Trudeau is doing.

Well one thing Trudeau isn't doing is taking us to war. So as much as I hate Trudeau, Trump is worse. The only reason why you love Trump, is because it's a buzzword to troll liberals.

I get that we were so desperate to drain the swamp after Obama... that we supported Trump... but now Trump has make the deficit higher than Obama. The numbers don't lie.

So when I see American conservatives doing the same wasteful spending as Obama, I call them out on it... and my Canadian friends... who still brag about how great Trump is.

I'm so angry at Trump right now, I don't even care to worry about Trudeau. "Peoplekind" is not going to cause the next 9/11.

War is a waste of money!!!

And we need America to be strong and rebuild their country, or China is going to take over the worlds business.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

You get that impression because you're a fricking idiot who refuses to pay attention to anything that's being said. Even your own logic escapes you.

Dif it ever occur to you how much outlawing in-camera lobbying would take away almost all the speculative worthless grist that feeds the media's mill? Imagine being able to verify what the media was reporting on what the politicians were up to if we could verify that by checking the record ourselves?

We'd probably put 3/4 of the media out of business ffs.

Sandbox insult - checkmark. Good to have you back eyeball.

The only way that you can outlaw in-camera lobbying is if you have an actual video camera on politicians 24/7. There's no other way to ensure that they don't have secret meetings, or they don't have their staffers meet with people in secret. This is the exact same reason why Trump can never be completely exonerated of the media accusation that he colluded with Russia. The only way Trump can prove that he never said to anyone "Let's collude" is if he has a video showing every second of his life. Then he can say "see, I never said 'Let's collude'.

It's a miracle that we know about the clandestine tarmac meeting between Clinton/Lynch. Yet another thing that members of the MSM in the States choose to think nothing of. 

Eyeball just believe me - if the media says it doesn't matter, the lemmings don't care about it. 


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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

You have no credibility left on this issue whatsoever Argus. 

Give us a break, Mr. Irony. There's proof of wrongdoing with Trump and you couldn't care less. Instead you want to investigate Biden out of a mere hunch

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Guest ProudConservative
42 minutes ago, Argus said:

Give us a break, Mr. Irony. There's proof of wrongdoing with Trump and you couldn't care less. Instead you want to investigate Biden out of a mere hunch

Why do you seem to be the only conservative that get's it with Trump?

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Guest ProudConservative
9 hours ago, taxme said:

Why do you want to rant and rave and go on and on about what Trump is doing in America with tax dollars or the size of the American population compared to Canada is beyond me. I do not give a chit about what Trump does with American tax dollars. What the hell has Trump got to do with our deficit or debt anyway? We have a debt and deficit problem because of the spend crazy bunch of buffoons in Ottawa who do not know how to control their spending of our tax dollars. They just blow our tax dollars willy-nilly, and give it to every stranger that enters our shores illegally or too some 3rd world country that wants some of our tax dollars. They blow money like a bunch of drunken pirates in a tavern or in a whorehouse. Our low Canadian peso should tell you that we are pretty much getting close to going flat broke in this dumb azz country. So, you need to stop worrying about what Trump does and start worrying about what Trudeau is doing to this country. Trudeau appears to be the enemy of we the Canadian people. If you or anyone here can tell me as to what Trudeau as done to try and make Canada great, I would like for you or someone here to tell me.  Trump is not the enemy of Canada, but Trudeau appears to be the enemy of Canada. 

And what is with Trudeau and his beard? Is he planning on wanting to look like, and wants to start the life of a pirate, and then go and get drunk like a drunken pirate, and go blow some more of our tax dollars, and go buy an old pirate ship to sail around in?  If he does I would hope that the British navy will come to our rescue, and they will blow a hole into the side of the ship and send his pirate boat to the bottom of the sea. Lol. 

This is the guy who want America to fight and pay for their war. Do you support a war for Israel, or do you want to see America protect it's southern border, and repair it's broken bridges, highways? Make a choice.


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11 hours ago, ProudConservative said:

Why do you seem to be the only conservative that get's it with Trump?

I may be a Canadian citizen and resident, but corporately pretty much American.  As a taxpayer down there, I am bothered by a guy who talks out of ten sides of his mouth at once, and continues spending money he/we do not have.   If I were directly involved in US politics, I would have have wanted to be Ron Paul's campaign manager to run for President.

That being said, I really can appreciate some of the things Trump has said and done.  Taking on China, for instance, and calling them out for predatory trade practices for one.  Rather clumsy, but accurate attempts to deal with the illegal immigration problems for another.  Bringing the Deep State matters to more public attention being the BIG one (and one we are deeply involved with).

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