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Trudeau lying about SNC

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43 minutes ago, scribblet said:

Trudeau.........making Canada safe for corruption again,,,,

Anyone want to place bets on Raybould giving up Trudeau.,,.I'm betting she will manage to keep him safe, it's not in her interests to bring down the government

She is both a Liberal and a lawyer, so her ethics, her loyalty, her whatever is for sale. Ever notice how closesly lawyers look to prostitutes?  The fix will include some down-the-road a bit promise for her.

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Thanks Cannuck. It is our big lips.I have been mistaken for a vacuum cleaner, catfish, remora ray, leech, mosquito,dung fly. I could have been a dentist, stand up comedian hell even a proctologist who handle the same matters but at least with gloves..but no...I chose this Noble profession. Now remember not all of us are made to be drama teachers. Ahem that said I think Scrib is right and Jody will be given a judgeship high up in the fed crt. Excuse me I gave to go gargle. It's an occupational safety thing.


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22 hours ago, scribblet said:

Trudeau.........making Canada safe for corruption again,,,,

Anyone want to place bets on Raybould giving up Trudeau.,,.I'm betting she will manage to keep him safe, it's not in her interests to bring down the government

She's a politician who is loyal to shithead. She won't tell the truth. Politicians and the truth Is like throwing holy water on satan. They both scream and writhe in pain.

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9 hours ago, Rue said:

Thanks Cannuck. It is our big lips.I have been mistaken for a vacuum cleaner, catfish, remora ray, leech, mosquito,dung fly. I could have been a dentist, stand up comedian hell even a proctologist who handle the same matters but at least with gloves..but no...I chose this Noble profession. Now remember not all of us are made to be drama teachers. Ahem that said I think Scrib is right and Jody will be given a judgeship high up in the fed crt. Excuse me I gave to go gargle. It's an occupational safety thing.


Not only that,  if they win election, a Senate seat for Butts


And now, anotherethics complaint.. 


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I have been waiting for a while to see if anyone here knows or even suspected WHY the Clerk of the Privy Council would so far overstep the bounds and dignity of his office to spue that line of partisan rhetoric.  You will notice that the CBC, CTV, Global, and I suspect all of the print media anxious to get THEIR handout from  Butts/Morneau of the $600,000,000.00 "independent" media slush fund won't scratch the surface or sniff around to find out where that awful smell is coming from.  Remember the name of the criminal organization that is trying to buy their way from being convicted of their crimes or simply paying a fine?   Anyone care to recall WHO is the Chairman of the Board?   Ever heard of Kevin G. Lynch, PC, OC????   You may remember his a bit better if I remind you that he was....wait for it...previously the Clerk of the Privy Council.

What REALLY pisses me off is that nobody in the CPC has bothered to inform Scheer of that.

Still don't think that the knee pads and lipstick in the PMO is reserved for entertaining SNC???

Edited by cannuck
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13 hours ago, Rue said:

Thanks Cannuck. It is our big lips.I have been mistaken for a vacuum cleaner, catfish, remora ray, leech, mosquito,dung fly. I could have been a dentist, stand up comedian hell even a proctologist who handle the same matters but at least with gloves..but no...I chose this Noble profession. Now remember not all of us are made to be drama teachers. Ahem that said I think Scrib is right and Jody will be given a judgeship high up in the fed crt. Excuse me I gave to go gargle. It's an occupational safety thing.


Sorry, Bud.  When you swim in a giant pool of shit, you will come out smelling once in a while.  Just don't swallow.

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1 hour ago, cannuck said:

I have been waiting for a while to see if anyone here knows or even suspected WHY the Clerk of the Privy Council would so far overstep the bounds and dignity of his office to spue that line of partisan rhetoric.  You will notice that the CBC, CTV, Global, and I suspect all of the print media anxious to get THEIR handout from  Butts/Morneau of the $600,000,000.00 "independent" media slush fund won't scratch the surface or sniff around to find out where that awful smell is coming from.  Remember the name of the criminal organization that is trying to buy their way from being convicted of their crimes or simply paying a fine?   Anyone care to recall WHO is the Chairman of the Board?   Ever heard of Kevin G. Lynch, PC, OC????   You may remember his a bit better if I remind you that he was....wait for it...previously the Clerk of the Privy Council.

What REALLY pisses me off is that nobody in the CPC has bothered to inform Scheer of that.

Still don't think that the knee pads and lipstick in the PMO is reserved for entertaining SNC???

The PM is directly responsible for ensuring that there are opportunities for Canadians.  Think about that.  What does it mean?  Do we go out on a limb of political perfection and pander to every small interest to the point that we sacrifice the employment and general health and welfare of entire populations (e.g. Alberta), so that eco warriors and some ethnic groups (Indigenous, Christian, Muslim, atheist, Communist, conservative, libertarian, insert here) get to hold whole populations hostage because they don’t want an underground pipeline on their grounds or they can’t accept a company being fined for committing bribery rather than being penalized out of business?  

This is what we have come to.  Strip workers of their jobs and the public institutions of tax revenue by making industrial and manufacturing work unethical.  That’s called killing the goose that lays the golden egg.  You need industrial production but can do it in a new, green way.  Continue to produce oil, mine, build autos, trains, planes, and high tech gadgets.  Always maintain the commanding heights of the economy.  Therein lies the success of both the white man and the Indigenous.  

Thriving, creative, productive work building the triumphs of the future, and through it, solutions to the world’s problems.  Indians, get in on the action!  Make some money   You have large swaths of preserved land ad infinitem, treaty protected.  Tap the resources and create wealth.  That’s the way out   That’s always been the way out.  The socialist state cannot and should not save you.  

Don’t rely on services paid for by someone else.  This is the fundamental reason we need capitalism:  Those who create the wealth of the society cannot be robbed  We need them   Yes a social safety net, but we always need to see a reason to stay out of it   A thriving private sector and business climate is critical to a country’s success.  

This is what it’s about, liberal democracy.  No government at either end of the political spectrum can be allowed to come threaten free liberal democracy.  

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30 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

The PM is directly responsible for ensuring that there are opportunities for Canadians. 

Patent nonsense.


The prime minister is responsible for making the sort of everyday decisions that are required to manage the large Canadian government, including decisions involving the hiring of other government officials (see below), assigning projects to the various departments of the bureaucracy, and representing the government of Canada in its interaction with provincial and local governments, as well as the governments of other countries.


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6 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Do you want a technocrat or a visionary as PM?  I thought you liked PET, who was exceptional for his intellect and vision for the country. 

You misunderstand, prolly cause you weren't there, Pierre didn't give a rats ass about peoples opportunities, that was their problem,that was private sector, get a fuckin'job hippies is what Pierre would have said, PET was all about beating the Pequistes, and repatriating the constitution.  The rest of the shit was just running the government on a daily basis,exactly as it says.

You just live in a weirdo future Canada where there are no adults in the room anymore, and everybody has a sob story which they expect the government to fix for them.

  It's infantile. But that's you and your ilk.

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The greatness of PET goes far beyond mere policy, he was a larger than life figure, the real deal renaissance man.   I had the privilege to meet him, it was like meeting Canadian Jesus Christ.  I was young at the time, none the less, he was as imposing as imposing gets.

He was a fuckin  rock star.

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19 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

You misunderstand, prolly cause you weren't there, Pierre didn't give a rats ass about peoples opportunities, that was their problem,that was private sector, get a fuckin'job hippies is what Pierre would have said, PET was all about beating the Pequistes, and repatriating the constitution.  The rest of the shit was just running the government on a daily basis,exactly as it says.

You just live in a weirdo future Canada where there are no adults in the room anymore, and everybody has a sob story which they expect the government to fix for them.

  It's infantile. But that's you and your ilk.

That’s weak. Obviously don’t read posts well. 

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Another time, my Da took me to see him, we just went to see him walk into some event,  and he was getting heckled by a guy in the crowd, so he stood up on the back of a pick up truck so he could talk to the guy in the crowd, and the guy was an idiot, he just yapping at him nonsensically, has the Prime Minister in front of him asking what would he like to say, and the guy wasted it, so Trudeau just flips him the bird, and tells him  to "fuck off" and then he jumps down and goes into the event.  lol.

He could play it anyway you wanted play it, from Buckingham Palace to the trailer park.

And the way he said it, with a sneer, like I say, he was like a Roman Emperor and an NHL hockey player at the same time.

He was the Beatles and the Rolling Stones of Canada, all rolled into one.

At one moment he could be aloof, patrician, freighting, the next he could be the King of Kensington

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Most of his policies were balderdash, but nobody cared, he didn't care, he was the Bulwark against the Pequiste and he was Framer of the Constitution.

The rest of the shit was just "whatever, make something up, get it passed, or else".

"What about the cruise missiles?!"

Let the Americans shoot their missiles, who cares?

"What about unemployment?!"

Get a fuckin job, hippies.

"What about inflation?!"

Stop bothering me with details'

Anybody remember the Alpha Flight comic?  Where he's in the comic secretly setting up the Canadian Superhero Team?

That's basically it, that's how he ran the government.  Like Professor X.    lol

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Right so we all want a leader with PET’s gravitas and vision, which was so powerful  that most of the country got swept up in Trudeaumania.  His enemies hated him. The Conservatives more or less capitulated and waited him out, a very long wait.  

Chretien always referenced PET and was derivative of him.  Who do we have now?  Harper and Scheer are quite competent, but the latter seems more like a manager than a visionary.  Trudeau Jr has charisma, but not the strength or intellect of his dad. I liked his boxing win, but he needs to fight for what’s important.  Hard for average working Canadians to relate to his priorities. The Conservatives seem like safe managers by contrast, but hardly visionaries.  

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I don't find that Trudeau has much charisma, he seems like a teenager to me, he's still the same kid he always was, goofy and awkward, the "charisma" is just that he is the Liberal tribe and most voters are tribal.  

Take away the media sycophants and nobody takes him seriously.  Charisma is influence, but I don't think he has it.  Hence why train wreck.

He's a bubble head,  a Himbo, he's vacuous.  He's too stupid to be an effective PM, he says stupid things, he does stupid things, constantly.

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35 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I don't find that Trudeau has much charisma, he seems like a teenager to me, he's still the same kid he always was, goofy and awkward, the "charisma" is just that he is the Liberal tribe and most voters are tribal.  

Take away the media sycophants and nobody takes him seriously.  Charisma is influence, but I don't think he has it.  Hence why train wreck.

He's a bubble head,  a Himbo, he's vacuous.  He's too stupid to be an effective PM, he says stupid things, he does stupid things, constantly.

Trudeau is spending the numbers off the national credit card, as he weaves his way toward a budget deficit of $23.4 billion.

But after inheriting a budgetary surplus from former Prime Minister Paul Martin, Scheer and his party ran deficits in seven of the nine years they were the government. Eight of nine actually, if you discount the creative accounting in 2014-2015.

Great choice between Tweedledee and Tweedledum

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13 hours ago, cannuck said:

I have been waiting for a while to see if anyone here knows or even suspected WHY the Clerk of the Privy Council would so far overstep the bounds and dignity of his office to spue that line of partisan rhetoric. 

Probably because if she speaks the truth about who was putting pressure on her he'd figure prominently. By  his own admission he was among those trying to persuade her to ignore the law and exempt SNC Lavalin from charges.

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Sorry Doug but u are going on ignore...   too much

Just saw this from Ken Fraser.       Had dinner with a Liberal insider last night. Butts will be off the Federal payroll but will now be paid by the Liberal Party as a “Specisl Advisor”. Perfect shell game to protect Trudeau. Feds will focus on NEB ruling to distract from SNC. More goodies coming in the budget!


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