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Poor, Poor Americans ...

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When people talk about "the standard of living in any country", then, as a rule, they mean "salary".
It is not right.
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We have to compare the "savings"!
That is, we have to calculate the salary, and then all the mandatory expenses ...
Then we get the savings.
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I am Russian, grew up in the USSR, lived in America and now live in Russia, so I do not advise you to tell me that "this is Soviet propaganda."
Only numbers.
Now I will prove to you that the average statistical American is a very poor person ..
Compared with the Soviet man.

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When I talk about the USSR, I mean the first half of the 70s, so do not talk about the "collapse of the USSR."
If you want to talk about the crisis of the USSR, the queue, drunkenness, war, the disintegration of the state, then create another branch ...
Then, on your other branch, I’ll be happy to talk about the Great Depression, the “American rabbits” (these are the rats that fed the Americans in the 30s)

There is no Policy here, only Material values for citizens.

Let's start....

1. In America, there are 20 statistical agencies that provide salary data. The most influential is U.S. Census Bureau.
According to these data, the "average statistical American" has an annual income of $ 54,000 (2016)

This is the "income", which contains federal, local and state taxes ... The rate of these taxes varies from 5 to 50 percent. Let's take the average tax. It is about 20 percent.
Thus, an American has a cash in hand of approximately $ 43,000.

Or, per month:
- American has 3600 dollars a month ...
- Soviet man had 120 rubles ...
Soviet rubles look very small?

2. Now we calculate the mandatory costs ...
What it is?
From HIGH to LOW
- Safety and maintenance of the Society (a person must be alive, grow and not afraid)
- Medicine (a person must be healthy)
- Food, Hygiene, Clothes (a person must eat, wash and have pants)
- Housing (a person must live somewhere)
- Education (a stupid person cannot survive)
- Transportation (this is not necessarily a car)
- Equipment, furniture
- Entertainment, recreation
- Other ...

Now we will calculate how much the "average American statistician" and the Soviet people spend on mandatory expenses and calculate their savings ...

2.1 Country Safety and Maintenance
- In America there are no such expenses
Savings = $ 3,600
- In the USSR, it was called "fee for childlessness", if you are married and do not have children, then pay 10 percent of the cash in hand.
Savings = 120 - 12 = 108 rubles.

3.1 Medicine America (a person must be healthy)
- In America, the minimum insurance fee = $ 150.
This insurance covers approximately 14 days in the hospital, provided that you are not sick very seriously.
If you are seriously ill, you will lose your property .. You will be thrown out of the hospital.
I lived in America and was very surprised that any American who was in the hospital even for 14 days was met as a “hero of America” ...
- In America, it is impossible to call an ambulance ... Americans call 911. It costs $ 3,000 ... This price is only for the "call", but then the Americans pay in full and stay homeless ...
- have you got a toothache? Most American insurance does not provide for dentistry !!! Nightmare!!!
- you will remove a tooth for 800-1500 dollars or treat for 4000-5000 dollars
- To buy any medicine at the Pharmacy, an American must visit a doctor who will write him a prescription ...
A visit to the doctor costs $ 300 ...
- AND SO ON!!!!
A nightmare!
You can not get sick in America!
Colt's revolver costs $ 250.
Americans, buy a revolver and shoot yourself! :lol:
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
And these snotty Americans dare to teach another world how to live?

3.2 Medicine of the USSR (a person must be healthy)
Everything I write below is free!
- In the USSR there was no "medical insurance". Citizens of the USSR must be healthy. The Government is paying for everything!
You can visit any hospital throughout the USSR, the doctor will accept you ...
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- Ambulance in the USSR is a car that immediately leaves if you feel bad. If doctors do not comply with the deadlines, they may be deprived of a medical license.
(In America, it costs 3,000 dollars)
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- support pension in the USSR - this is a doctor who leaves immediately if you become ill. If doctors do not comply with the deadlines, they may be deprived of a medical license.

In America, this is not!

- Sanatorium: every citizen of the USSR had the right to a 30-day visit of the sanatorium, where he is examined and treated for free.

In America, this is not!



I will stop the comparison for now ...

I suppose, my young American friends, that it is useless for you to argue about the mythical "advantages of America" over the USSR?
You have never lived in the USSR and do not speak Russian. You just look
I lived in the USSR, America, I speak Russian and English
The topic will continue if it is interesting.
The USSR will win.

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Trying not to feed the troll, but it is very hard to resist.

I will grant you that one of the principal failings of the US socio/economic model is that it believes EVERYTHING is a business - including sick care.  In the rest of the G7, it is a social service with some business services provided.

Now, I will be the first to admit I have a big mouth, and I will run it off in criticism of ANYTHING or ANYONE I feel is deserving.   Try doing that regarding Uncle Vlad in downtown Moscow, or on the TV, the radio or in print.  You won't likely live long.

I don't know where you went and what you did in the USA, but you got most of it dead wrong (yeah, that's another Putin pun).

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43 minutes ago, cannuck said:

I will grant you that one of the principal failings of the US socio/economic model is that it believes EVERYTHING is a business - including sick care.  In the rest of the G7, it is a social service with some business services provided.


Not true...several services in the U.S. are delivered with a publicly funded (social) business model (e.g. primary education, transportation infrastructure, state/national parks, water treatment, etc.).  Sick care is also a business in other G7 nations, with varying degrees of funding by public insurance programs.  

America is so poor, other nationals have made it the #1 destination for legal and illegal immigrants, including those from Canada and Russia.

Let the Russian(s) have their swing at poor America too, just like some Canadians love to do.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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I routinely point out that something over 50% of Americans are covered  by government funded sick care - medicare, medicaid, GI/Vet's or some form of plan paid from government employment.   Obummercare did little to change that and was IMHO a tragic failure.  Of course, the rest of what BC listed is mostly government funded, but my point for sick care was that EVERYONE else in the former G7 has had primarily state funded sick care insurance with some mix of government and private delivery.   The US just can't make that work - and pays double what most of the rest do for poorer results.  I have no idea what the actual stats for Russia would be, but it may be the one and only thing Russia does better than the US - except of course run a pure Oligarchy with the biggest criminal of all running the whole show.

The only Canadians that love to kick the US in the teeth are the same political orientation as Americans who delight in doing the same thing.  They do that out of total - or more to the point SELECTIVE ignorance, just as does the OP

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3 minutes ago, cannuck said:

 Of course, the rest of what BC listed is mostly government funded, but my point for sick care was that EVERYONE else in the former G7 has had primarily state funded sick care insurance with some mix of government and private delivery.   The US just can't make that work -


So it isn't "EVERYTHING" operated as a business...and the U.S. ranking is also consistent with Canada's OECD scores.

The U.S. doesn't want to make it work like it does in many other nations, and far more foreign nationals fly to the U.S. for care (e.g. Mayo Clinic) than to Russia or Canada.

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The OECD scores don't reflect what any medical statistician would tell you.

The Mao is IMHO one of the brightest spots in the US sick care array.  They are a not-for-profit entity.   Everything is NOT operated as a business - one prime example is that in most G7 countries, medical professionals are government employees.  Where Canada screws that up big time is monopolizing government service delivery for most procedures = nobody else is stupid enough to do that.  "Bisomess" can be defined as operating a commercial venture.  Social services of any kind are NOT a commercial venture, thus not a business.

In the US iteration, medicine is about 50% legal/insurance costs - and THAT is the real problem.

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Just now, cannuck said:

The OECD scores don't reflect what any medical statistician would tell you.

The Mao is IMHO one of the brightest spots in the US sick care array.  They are a not-for-profit business.   Everything is NOT operated as a business -


Make up your mind...was your first "EVERYTHING" claim above a blatant falsehood or not....now you are back pedaling.

More Canadians still go to the USA for "sick care" than Americans going to Canada....and the U.S. has 10X the population.

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I guess you are running short of people to hit on to earn your keep.   Might I point out that I wrote: "it believes that EVERYTHING is a business", which you read as "EVERYTHING is".   Dipping into the New Years sauce at this time of the morning?

Where did I say or in any way criticize Canadians who had the sense to seek out the best sick care they can find?  BTW:  some of the better frequent flier procedures is stem cell related stuff.   Many of those I have seen in the US are actually being operated by Mexican and Central American doctors.  For that, I congratulate US medical business of having the sense to use technology that can easily be developed and matured outside of the bungling presence of the FDA.

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Just now, cannuck said:

I guess you are running short of people to hit on to earn your keep.   Might I point out that I wrote: "it believes that EVERYTHING is a business", which you read as "EVERYTHING is".   Dipping into the New Years sauce at this time of the morning?


Even that isn't true....the U.S. does not believe that "EVERYTHING" is a business.    This discussion is pretty funny coming from a businessman who does the majority of his "business" in the United States (as claimed before).



Where did I say or in any way criticize Canadians who had the sense to seek out the best sick care they can find?  BTW:  some of the better frequent flier procedures is stem cell related stuff.   Many of those I have seen in the US are actually being operated by Mexican and Central American doctors.  For that, I congratulate US medical business of having the sense to use technology that can easily be developed and matured outside of the bungling presence of the FDA.


...and I congratulate Canada for having a long, open border with the United States, for easy access to American investment in R&D that far surpasses Canada on a per capita basis.   




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5 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

..and I congratulate Canada for having a long, open border with the United States, for easy access to American investment in R&D that far surpasses Canada on a per capita basis.   

Dollar wise: no argument here.  BUT:  what I will mention from a lifetime around people who do R&D is that the US doesn't get the best bang for its research buck - because the scientific discipline of being totally objective is often far too biased based upon the source of that private investment or even public investment funding.  The US does great business, but often very flawed science.\

Sorry to post and run, but we are travelling and everyone is getting together now.

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5 minutes ago, cannuck said:

Dollar wise: no argument here.  BUT:  what I will mention from a lifetime around people who do R&D is that the US doesn't get the best bang for its research buck - because the scientific discipline of being totally objective is often far too biased based upon the source of that private investment or even public investment funding.  The US does great business, but often very flawed science.\


Typical...anti-American critics who must find fault with U.S. investment somewhere...because...we all know Canada could have sent a better fly-by satellite to Pluto & Ultima Thule  so much cheaper if it "really" wanted to.    Far cheaper still to just watch the NASA feed this week from the Americans instead....now that's Canadian !


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9 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Typical...anti-American critics who must find fault with U.S. investment somewhere...because...we all know Canada could have sent a better fly-by satellite to Pluto & Ultima Thule  so much cheaper if it "really" wanted to.    Far cheaper still to just watch the NASA feed this week from the Americans instead....now that's Canadian !


You keep trying to compare the US and Canada on equal economic terms without recognition of the advantage of economy of scale that comes with a population ten times the size of Canada. No one is taking away US achievements, which are impressive.  Canada has its own achievements which tend to be niche.  I think it’s better to consider overall health and welfare of Canadian society, and perhaps to compare it to individual states with comparable populations.  We have fewer super rich but better public education, less violence, more equity of health care outcomes (which we spend less on), and so forth.  The US does do better on R and D overall, but it also does research to support various lobby groups such as big oil. The US justice system is more politicized.  You’re going to get colder for longer in many parts of Canada.  We’ve traded some individual opportunity for greater support of the whole community. That’s part of our less individualistic and revolutionary history and the difference may also relate to the need to support each other for survival with a small population spread out over a huge land mass.  

I do like coming down here to Southwest Florida to get out of the cold for a while. On the other hand I keep hearing about the environmental problems down here with runoff, red tide, and green algae.  I don’t let my kids walk around here after dark. I don’t worry about that as much in Canada.  So there are advantages and disadvantages.   

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48 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

You keep trying to compare the US and Canada on equal economic terms without recognition of the advantage of economy of scale that comes with a population ten times the size of Canada. No one is taking away US achievements, which are impressive.  ...That’s part of our less individualistic and revolutionary history and the difference may also relate to the need to support each other for survival with a small population spread out over a huge land mass. 


No, I am responding to like minded Russian or Canadian posts that seek to paint the United States / Americans as "poor"....when such is not the case at many levels.   Canada certainly has achievements as well, but Americans don't need to feed a national identity in terms of not being Canadian or Russian.    This exercise is an old one, going back in my memory to at least the 1960's, Pierre Trudeau, and anti-Americanism in general at the height of the Vietnam War.   Canadian broadcaster Gordon Sinclair called out "smug" Canadians in his commentary "The Americans" (1973).  


Any "Russian" attempt at this only replicates what some Canadians have routinely done for decades, if only to help their fragile identity and self esteem.




I do like coming down here to Southwest Florida to get out of the cold for a while. On the other hand I keep hearing about the environmental problems down here with runoff, red tide, and green algae.  I don’t let my kids walk around here after dark. I don’t worry about that as much in Canada.  So there are advantages and disadvantages.   


Meh....a Canadian diplomat's sons had no problem in Southwest Florida, with one getting killed in a drug buy gone wrong and the other slinking back to Canada with his mom after a plea deal.




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On 12/30/2018 at 7:19 PM, Zeitgeist said:

You keep trying to compare the US and Canada on equal economic terms without recognition of the advantage of economy of scale that comes with a population ten times the size of Canada. No one is taking away US achievements, which are impressive.  That’s part of our less individualistic and revolutionary history and the difference may also relate to the need to support each other for survival with a small population spread out over a huge land mass.  So there are advantages and disadvantages.   

Nah, that's all squishy Liberal Party of Canada bullshit myth making, it has nothing to do with caring Canadians caring for each other, Canada simply suffers from the same pathology as the United Kingdom, wherein both countries mobilized  massive coordinated centrally planned emergency governments to fight the Second World War,  which simply became entrenched interests which did not demobilize when the war was over and have as a result displaced free enterprise crippling us in relation to the dynamic hurly burly free market powerhouse to the south.  

To wit, Canada's self crippling Nanny Police State is just the junior partner of the  British self crippling Nanny Police State.

US achievements "impressive" makes me laugh, understatum ad absurdum, unless by "impressive" you mean not only the greatest country in the world but the greatest country in the history of the world, Cemetery Ridge to the Sea of Tranquility; The Shot Heard Round The World actually a species altering event, with no exaggeration.

Canada really only has one claim to greatness, and that is as the World Ice Hockey Superpower,  which is fine by me, as that's the only one I really care about, but otherwise we're just an adjunct accident of history and poor military planning by the Madison Administration, to wit, the Confederacy which won the war and lived to tell the tale.

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10 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

Nah, that's all squishy Liberal Party of Canada bullshit myth making, it has nothing to do with caring Canadians caring for each other, Canada simply suffers from the same pathology as the United Kingdom, wherein both countries mobilized  massive coordinated centrally planned emergency governments to fight the Second World War,  which simply became entrenched interests which did not demobilize when the war was over and have as a result displaced free enterprise crippling us in relation to the dynamic hurly burly free market powerhouse to the south.  

To wit, Canada's self crippling Nanny Police State is just the junior partner of the  British self crippling Nanny Police State.

US achievements "impressive" makes me laugh, understatum ad absurdum, unless by "impressive" you mean not only the greatest country in the world but the greatest country in the history of the world, Cemetery Ridge to the Sea of Tranquility; The Shot Heard Round The World actually a species altering event, with no exaggeration.

Canada really only has one claim to greatness, and that is as the World Ice Hockey Superpower,  which is fine by me, as that's the only one I really care about, but otherwise we're just an adjunct accident of history and poor military planning by the Madison Administration, to wit, the Confederacy which won the war and lived to tell the tale.

You’re another fake Canadian.  So now we have fakes from the US, China, and Russia.  Canadians aren’t fooled folks.  We know the value of what we have here in Canada, one of the happiest, freest, most harmonious, supportive, and decent societies in history. The US has an uglier past and present, yet it has achieved and come through a great deal, facing different challenges from a smaller country like Canada, which chose against having a revolution.  Most Canadians are proud of their country and would never trade what we have achieved for the American model, impressive as it is.  We will continue to support America as an ally. It’s great that our peoples can move back and forth and experience the different approaches. Vive le difference, but I’m always relieved to come home to Canada.  I’m sure most Americans feel that way about the US, which is fine. 

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10 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

You’re another fake Canadian.  So now we have fakes from the US, China, and Russia.  Canadians aren’t fooled folks.  We know the value of what we have here in Canada, one of the happiest, freest, most harmonious, supportive, and decent societies in history. The US has an uglier past and present, yet it has achieved and come through a great deal, facing different challenges from a smaller country like Canada, which chose against having a revolution.  Most Canadians are proud of their country and would never trade what we have achieved for the American model, impressive as it is.  We will continue to support America as an ally. It’s great that our peoples can move back and forth and experience the different approaches. Vive le difference, but I’m always relieved to come home to Canada.  I’m sure most Americans feel that way about the US, which is fine. 

Well, I desire autonomy from the likes of you, I don't want to be associated with you, you declaiming me as not being one of you, I wear as a badge of honour.  /shrugs

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Moreover, as Canada is a monarchy still, technically, I owe no allegiance to "Canada",   never swore an oath to uphold and defend "Canada",  I swore an oath to the Crown, not a People's Republic.

My fealty is to a person not a place.


For example, I'm perfectly capable of defending my Commander-In-Chief from Papua New Guinea as I am from Canader.

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3 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Moreover, as Canada is a monarchy still, technically, I owe no allegiance to "Canada",   never swore an oath to uphold and defend "Canada",  I swore an oath to the Crown, not a People's Republic.

My fealty is to a person not a place.

The advantage of a constitutional monarchy is it keeps all the pomp and pageantry out of the elected branches of government that make the decisions. It keeps the people from turning their elected political leader into a fancy king or dictator, since the monarch is just quaint symbolic fluff, the pictures on grandma’s teacups.  Nevertheless the Governor General (Queen’s representative appointed by the Prime Minister) should be a person of honour.  Look you turned the White House into Camelot because people like to fantasize about their leaders being larger than life and in a sense, “royal.”

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1 minute ago, Zeitgeist said:

The advantage of a constitutional monarchy is it keeps all the pomp and pageantry out of the elected branches of government that make the decisions. It keeps the people from turning their elected political leader into a fancy king or dictator, since the monarch is just quaint symbolic fluff, the pictures on grandma’s teacups.  Nevertheless the Governor General (Queen’s representative appointed by the Prime Minister) should be a person of honour.  Look you turned the White House into Camelot because people like to fantasize about their leaders being larger than life and in a sense, “royal.”

Not really, there's the Queen, and there's Parliamentary Supremacy, everything else there is your feelings,  running up against my Constitution, and my Constitution thankfully trumps your feelings every time.

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1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

Not really, there's the Queen, and there's Parliamentary Supremacy, everything else there is your feelings,  running up against my Constitution, and my Constitution thankfully trumps your feelings every time.

Right so you reveal yourself as an American.  Just be up front about it.  I’ve discovered that Americans on here don’t always appreciate the differences from Canadians.  BC is an unabashedly American Republican.  He goes straight for the Canadian jugular, which is good.  We need honest if sometimes brutal debate.  Expect the same from me. 

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7 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Right so you reveal yourself as an American.  Just be up front about it.  I’ve discovered that Americans on here don’t always appreciate the differences from Canadians.  BC is an unabashedly American Republican.  He goes straight for the Canadian jugular, which is good.  We need honest if sometimes brutal debate.  Expect the same from me. 

I'm certainly not Anti-American,  half my family are Americans,  as my father's family moved from Vancouver to Glendale California after the Second World War, my father was raised in Southern California and went to UC Berkeley, so I could have been an American if he hadn't met my mother while traveling in Canada and came back to marry her,  so I was raised with both the American Religion and  Canadian Nationalism, which for me at least are not mutually exclusive,  but I wouldn't claim to be an American as I was born in Vancouver, none the less,  they are and always have been my brothers in arms, God save the Queen, God bless America.


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3 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Right so you reveal yourself as an American.  Just be up front about it.  I’ve discovered that Americans on here don’t always appreciate the differences from Canadians.  BC is an unabashedly American Republican.  He goes straight for the Canadian jugular, which is good.  We need honest if sometimes brutal debate.  Expect the same from me. 


Mostly true...I am an unapologetic American nationalist, however, I am not a Republican (capital "R") and never have been.   I am the product of American history, including slavery, and embrace all the good with the bad.    Anything else would be...boring.

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On 12/28/2018 at 10:27 AM, Selivan said:

When people talk about "the standard of living in any country", then, as a rule, they mean "salary".
It is not right.
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We have to compare the "savings"!
That is, we have to calculate the salary, and then all the mandatory expenses ...
Then we get the savings.
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I am Russian, grew up in the USSR, lived in America and now live in Russia, so I do not advise you to tell me that "this is Soviet propaganda."
Only numbers.
Now I will prove to you that the average statistical American is a very poor person ..
Compared with the Soviet man.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------
When I talk about the USSR, I mean the first half of the 70s, so do not talk about the "collapse of the USSR."
If you want to talk about the crisis of the USSR, the queue, drunkenness, war, the disintegration of the state, then create another branch ...
Then, on your other branch, I’ll be happy to talk about the Great Depression, the “American rabbits” (these are the rats that fed the Americans in the 30s)

There is no Policy here, only Material values for citizens.

Let's start....

1. In America, there are 20 statistical agencies that provide salary data. The most influential is U.S. Census Bureau.
According to these data, the "average statistical American" has an annual income of $ 54,000 (2016)

This is the "income", which contains federal, local and state taxes ... The rate of these taxes varies from 5 to 50 percent. Let's take the average tax. It is about 20 percent.
Thus, an American has a cash in hand of approximately $ 43,000.

Or, per month:
- American has 3600 dollars a month ...
- Soviet man had 120 rubles ...
Soviet rubles look very small?

2. Now we calculate the mandatory costs ...
What it is?
From HIGH to LOW
- Safety and maintenance of the Society (a person must be alive, grow and not afraid)
- Medicine (a person must be healthy)
- Food, Hygiene, Clothes (a person must eat, wash and have pants)
- Housing (a person must live somewhere)
- Education (a stupid person cannot survive)
- Transportation (this is not necessarily a car)
- Equipment, furniture
- Entertainment, recreation
- Other ...

Now we will calculate how much the "average American statistician" and the Soviet people spend on mandatory expenses and calculate their savings ...

2.1 Country Safety and Maintenance
- In America there are no such expenses
Savings = $ 3,600
- In the USSR, it was called "fee for childlessness", if you are married and do not have children, then pay 10 percent of the cash in hand.
Savings = 120 - 12 = 108 rubles.

3.1 Medicine America (a person must be healthy)
- In America, the minimum insurance fee = $ 150.
This insurance covers approximately 14 days in the hospital, provided that you are not sick very seriously.
If you are seriously ill, you will lose your property .. You will be thrown out of the hospital.
I lived in America and was very surprised that any American who was in the hospital even for 14 days was met as a “hero of America” ...
- In America, it is impossible to call an ambulance ... Americans call 911. It costs $ 3,000 ... This price is only for the "call", but then the Americans pay in full and stay homeless ...
- have you got a toothache? Most American insurance does not provide for dentistry !!! Nightmare!!!
- you will remove a tooth for 800-1500 dollars or treat for 4000-5000 dollars
- To buy any medicine at the Pharmacy, an American must visit a doctor who will write him a prescription ...
A visit to the doctor costs $ 300 ...
- AND SO ON!!!!
A nightmare!
You can not get sick in America!
Colt's revolver costs $ 250.
Americans, buy a revolver and shoot yourself! :lol:
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
And these snotty Americans dare to teach another world how to live?

3.2 Medicine of the USSR (a person must be healthy)
Everything I write below is free!
- In the USSR there was no "medical insurance". Citizens of the USSR must be healthy. The Government is paying for everything!
You can visit any hospital throughout the USSR, the doctor will accept you ...
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
- Ambulance in the USSR is a car that immediately leaves if you feel bad. If doctors do not comply with the deadlines, they may be deprived of a medical license.
(In America, it costs 3,000 dollars)
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
- support pension in the USSR - this is a doctor who leaves immediately if you become ill. If doctors do not comply with the deadlines, they may be deprived of a medical license.

In America, this is not!

- Sanatorium: every citizen of the USSR had the right to a 30-day visit of the sanatorium, where he is examined and treated for free.

In America, this is not!



I will stop the comparison for now ...

I suppose, my young American friends, that it is useless for you to argue about the mythical "advantages of America" over the USSR?
You have never lived in the USSR and do not speak Russian. You just look
I lived in the USSR, America, I speak Russian and English
The topic will continue if it is interesting.
The USSR will win.

I have no fear of Russia. Despite what the lying media says about Putin and Russia, they are not our real enemies. But China is a real danger to freedom and must be constantly monitored by the west. 

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