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Belinda: hussy harlot or Smart Sister?

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You appear to be as self-deluded as Belinda Stronach. Is your arm hurting from patting yourself on the back? :blink:

Please change your signature. If you are going to use such a puerile signature at least realize that the Government has to represent the *in-crowd*. Your words... :rolleyes:

Thanks again for the reply, i see that i am creating chaos...excellent.
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All partisan slights aside, Belinda won her riding fairly handily in the last election.

If she performs well as an opposition member, there's no reason why she wouldn't run again next election.

Considering that her riding stuck with her after she crossed the floor, and through all the foofoorah which ensued, there's no reason to believe they'll change their views on her abilities.

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It's not really an issue of holding onto her riding. It would have to be a Mulroney-esque win in the next election for that riding to be in danger.

The question is simple. Why should she stick around?

There is a very good chance that the Conservatives will win the next election. A majority even.

Which means 2011 as the next most likely time for Stronach to be anything but in opposition. Then what?

Is five years as Transportation critic really worth the wait when she could return to the private sector for big bucks?

All partisan slights aside, Belinda won her riding fairly handily in the last election.

If she performs well as an opposition member, there's no reason why she wouldn't run again next election.

Considering that her riding stuck with her after she crossed the floor, and through all the foofoorah which ensued, there's no reason to believe they'll change their views on her abilities.

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It's not really an issue of holding onto her riding. It would have to be a Mulroney-esque win in the next election for that riding to be in danger.


The question is simple. Why should she stick around?

Because she can.

There is a very good chance that the Conservatives will win the next election. A majority even.

That's still a good way off. I don't make predictions when the election is upon us, let alone years away.

Which means 2011 as the next most likely time for Stronach to be anything but in opposition. Then what?

Hard to say. Maybe she'll end up crossing the floor again. Maybe the Cons will pull some gaffe and end up being ousted.

It's politics. Anything can happen.

Is five years as Transportation critic really worth the wait when she could return to the private sector for big bucks?

Considering that the private sector for Belinda is Daddy, she can go back to that at any time.

As a "high-ranking" politician, she's in the spotlight. If that's all she wants, she's got it. If she wants more, then she has to stick around to get it.

For her, it's all win-win. She can pack it in any time she chooses, and still have a great income.

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Sticking around just because she can is pretty sad.

Even though Daddy got her started, there is far more to the private sector than Daddy at this point for Belinda.

Not really high-ranking as an opposition member. Maybe the new leader likes her and brings her into his innter cirlce.

Maybe she decides to get serious about her French and then try and go for the brass ring a little later. But the new leader gets at least two elections. If there is a CPC majority she can't run the party until the 20teens. That's a long time to wait.

Considering that the private sector for Belinda is Daddy, she can go back to that at any time.

As a "high-ranking" politician, she's in the spotlight. If that's all she wants, she's got it. If she wants more, then she has to stick around to get it.

For her, it's all win-win. She can pack it in any time she chooses, and still have a great income.

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  • 5 months later...

I'll use this thread for Belinda stuff. Here's the latest:

Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's former chief of staff Norman Spector thinks federal Liberal parliamentarian Belinda Stronach is a "bitch." Speaking with CKNW's Bill Good this morning about Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay's refusal to apologize for allegedly suggesting Ms. Stronach is a dog, Mr. Spector said, "I think she's a bitch. It's as simple as that. And I think that 90 percent of men would probably say she's a bitch for the way she's broken up (retired hockey player) Tie Domi's home and the way she dumped Peter MacKay. She is a bitch."

24 hours's Bill Tieleman, who was sharing the airwaves with Mr. Spector, took issue with that statement saying "I think you're taking a lot of liberty there. We don't know what happened in the Tye Domi case. We do know that she broke up with Mr. Mackay. And we don't call (Vancouver South MP) Ujjal Dosanjh or (Liberal leadership candidate) Bob Rae or others with names like that. So I don't think that's a fair characterization. I think it's fair to say you don't like her politics. And I don't either personally. But I think that crosses the line myself."

But Mr. Spector later defended his use of the term, asking "Why is it unacceptable? That's what I think about her. I think it was much worse - a few years ago - when one of the Liberal members referred to (former Edmonton North MP) Deb Grey as a slab of meat quite frankly. I think that was totally unacceptable. But bitch is a word that I would use to describe someone like Belinda Stronach. It is a word that I use regularly."

Earlier in the show, Mr. Spector said one of the reasons Minister MacKay's alleged insult continues to be covered "is that the Opposition are doing a good job. And the other thing that's change in Ottawa is half the press gallery now are women. And women find this very offensive. You and I might have a different word for a dog - at least I would have a different word for a dog to describe her and what she's done with the Domi family and how she handled Peter Mackay. But those are personal characterizations. And politics is a different game. And it's a rough game."


Bitch? I prefer Harper's characterization about complexity. Anyway, as they say, bon débarras. She's the Liberals' problem now.

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Anyone can get to the top, few can do it and remain ethical, respectable people.
I do not think it matters.

In general, this Norman Spector makes me shudder. His comment does no service -- other than advertizing himself and the people he purports to represent as being assholes.

Anyway, as they say, bon débarras. She's the Liberals' problem now.
No. She should be and she could have remained so. However, this Norman Spector comment has made the Conservative club look bad and transfers a problem back to their own camp. His comment is completely assinine and unnecessary. [My mother has always said that if you do not have anything good to say, just say nothing instead -- not that I am a shining example. She also said: do as I say, not as I do.] I think a politician or a public figure should be a little more astute.
Mr. Spector said, "I think she's a bitch. It's as simple 1as that. And I think that 90 percent of men would probably say she's a bitch for the way she's broken up (retired hockey player) Tie Domi's home and the way she dumped Peter MacKay. She is a bitch."
The tired complaint (levelled by both men and women alike) of "that woman broke up that marriage" is cowardly and clueless. Only a completely self-centered and heartless person can be so one-sided.

What I find intriguing is that when movie and pops stars get into cat fights we laugh it off but I tend to lose respect for them quickly. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that all is fair in love and exes-who-still-continue-to-see-eachother-everyday-at-work --- I mean, war.

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Who's sorry now?

Look at women's voting preference between end of Sept. and next week. I'll bet you it's the con party that will be sorry.


If the Tories lost....it won't be because of Belinda.

Don't forget, a lot of housewives out there too. And the mention of the Domi household reverberates to the hearts of those women who know how it feels to have a marriage threatened by an other woman.

This is a new chapter. This is not about being a dog. This is about being a bitch. Meow. :D

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Don't forget, a lot of housewives out there too. And the mention of the Domi household reverberates to the hearts of those women who know how it feels to have a marriage threatened by an other woman.

The cheating man has no responsibility of an affair?

Blame it all on the other woman... after all how can any man resist a sexy woman. Poor, weak men need wives to protect them -- they have no mind of their own so they can't possibly be responsible for what their genitals do?

Who is the man hater now? You believe men cannot control their urges -- that they are not responsible and cannot say "no" to a woman.

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I dont know much about Belinda really. I dont think sleeping with Tie Domi would really help her further her life in politics. I dont think it was right of her either, but no one always does whats right. I think though that she did go too far with the comment about "dog" being sexist and in saying this showed the conservatives true colors. I sometimes go too far in arguments myself. The other day I fought with my brother for half an hour over the rules in a card game.

But yeah I think you have to remember "hussy" and "bitch" are sometimes words we use in anger and more liberally against public figures we dont know personally, without always meaning them. And some people are still angry because she crossed the floor. I know she is not the only one to ever do this. I know a BC Liberal went PC right after the federal election. But people do get peeved over this. And then there is the matter of Peter McKay indirectly saying "Belinda is a dog". She did some fancy artwork on that statement. She replaced the word "Belinda" with "all women". She demonized the word "dog" as terrible chauvinistic insult. And then she replaced "Peter Mckay", the man who made the indirect statement, with "the Conservative Party". So people get angry. They start poking at things she did you see. And when people are angry they will call people bad names.

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I dont know much about Belinda really. I dont think sleeping with Tie Domi would really help her further her life in politics. I dont think it was right of her either, but no one always does whats right. I think though that she did go too far with the comment about "dog" being sexist and in saying this showed the conservatives true colors. I sometimes go too far in arguments myself. The other day I fought with my brother for half an hour over the rules in a card game.

But yeah I think you have to remember "hussy" and "bitch" are sometimes words we use in anger and more liberally against public figures we dont know personally, without always meaning them. And some people are still angry because she crossed the floor. I know she is not the only one to ever do this. I know a BC Liberal went PC right after the federal election. But people do get peeved over this. And then there is the matter of Peter McKay indirectly saying "Belinda is a dog". She did some fancy artwork on that statement. She replaced the word "Belinda" with "all women". She demonized the word "dog" as terrible chauvinistic insult. And then she replaced "Peter Mckay", the man who made the indirect statement, with "the Conservative Party". So people get angry. They start poking at things she did you see. And when people are angry they will call people bad names.

That being said.....she is do-able...

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Don't forget, a lot of housewives out there too. And the mention of the Domi household reverberates to the hearts of those women who know how it feels to have a marriage threatened by an other woman.

The cheating man has no responsibility of an affair?

Blame it all on the other woman... after all how can any man resist a sexy woman. Poor, weak men need wives to protect them -- they have no mind of their own so they can't possibly be responsible for what their genitals do?

Who is the man hater now? You believe men cannot control their urges -- that they are not responsible and cannot say "no" to a woman.

I didn't say the man has no responsibility. In fact, I blame the husband the most....he should know better.

But let's face it, why do they say it's never wise to get between or side with anyone between a battling husband and wife? Because if ever they happen to reconcile and settle their differences....after all is forgiven....guess who get's into the awkward position?

If Domi and his wife reconcile and give their marriage another chance...and his wife continues to vent her anger and makes disparaging remarks towards Belinda, do you think Domi will stand up to his wife and protect Belinda? He would be wise to shut up and let his wife vent to her heart's content....and pray her venting does not point towards his direction.

I've got several friends who's had this kind of problem. Believe me, whether their relationship managed to survive the ordeal, or not....a few things seem to remain the same. Maybe it's out of anger, bitterness or feigned amnesia...but, they'd all forgotten what their other woman's name is. They all refer to their other woman as "the bitch."

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Lol, M Dancer. She does like cute sometimes. Sometimes not. :) That comment of yours could be perceived as chauvinistic, you know. :)

But it ain't...saying that all she is good for is boinking....that is sexist and chauvinistic...saying she's all that And She can cook too....well, that's high minded.....

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I prefer to do the cooking. I am not the best cook. I like simple foods. Rice and fish. Potatoes, turnips...whatever. But see when other people cook they make more complex foods. And there are usually more pots and pans used. And in the end their are more dishes. I hate doing the dishes, or maybe I cant eating while there is a big pile of dishes that needs to be done. For that reason I cook very plain.

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Her being the daughter of a rich man breeds resentment and jealousy over her inherited wealth and the perceived benefits people think come from it. Her being ambitious and competitive are treated with a sexist double standard since if she was a man no one would think twice but since she is a woman cause people to think that somehow is unbecoming of a woman which is b.s. Her looks also play a part because she is attractive and being cute and attractive also breeds resentment among men who think she is too good for them and women who are fatter or uglier then her and who are hung up on their looks and therefore externalize their insecurity on her for being what they perceive cute or having the physical attributes they wish they had.

That said, as for her record, there is none. She has presented no political visions, nothing original. So from an intellectual perspective, or political perspective, I would say there is nothing there to discuss.

In regards to her private sexual affairs, I could care less who she bongs and when. As far as I am concerned anyone who wants to judge her for bonging Tie Domie or being divorced, etc., is probably got their own sex hang-ups.

As for Peter McKay, he was wrong to make the comment he did and should have kept his feelings to himself and behave like a grown man after she switched parties and keep his feelings to himself.

As for her switching parties, plenty of people have. Bob Rae, Jack Horner, Scott Brison, Paul Hellyer, what's his face, the guy from B.C., so in that respect why the big deal. She aint the first or the last to switch parties for reasons of ambition.

I personally think all this focus on her is stupid.

I would also like to think most women appreciate that the kind of men that dwell on her sex life or call her bitch or are put off by her ambition, etc., probably are insecure about the size of their wee wees.

If she does debate or present something of substance, then let us talk about it. Giving her the time of day for these other issues is in my opinion dumb and dumber.

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I prefer to do the cooking. I am not the best cook. I like simple foods. Rice and fish. Potatoes, turnips...whatever. But see when other people cook they make more complex foods. And there are usually more pots and pans used. And in the end their are more dishes. I hate doing the dishes, or maybe I cant eating while there is a big pile of dishes that needs to be done. For that reason I cook very plain.

I clean as I cook. Saturday I made Prime Rib with roast potatoes, cauliflower, carrots and popovers. Sunday I made roast chicken with stuffing and brocolli and carrots.

Monday we had overs

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