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Ann Coulter is a complete wingnut, period. Here's a nice selection of her quotes:

"[Clinton] masturbates in the sinks."---Rivera Live 8/2/99

"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'"---Hannity & Colmes, 6/20/01

The "backbone of the Democratic Party" is a "typical fat, implacable welfare recipient"---syndicated column 10/29/99

To a disabled Vietnam vet: "People like you caused us to lose that war."---MSNBC

"Women like Pamela Harriman and Patricia Duff are basically Anna Nicole Smith from the waist down. Let's just call it for what it is. They're whores."---Salon.com 11/16/00

Juan Gonzales is "Cuba's answer to Joey Buttafuoco," a "miscreant," "sperm-donor," and a "poor man's Hugh Hefner."---Rivera Live 5/1/00

On Princess Diana's death: "Her children knew she's sleeping with all these men. That just seems to me, it's the definition of 'not a good mother.' ... Is everyone just saying here that it's okay to ostentatiously have premarital sex in front of your children?"..."[Diana is] an ordinary and pathetic and confessional - I've never had bulimia! I've never had an affair! I've never had a divorce! So I don't think she's better than I am."---MSNBC 9/12/97

"I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote."---Hannity & Colmes, 8/17/99

"I think [women] should be armed but should not [be allowed to] vote."---Politically Incorrect, 2/26/01

"If you don't hate Clinton and the people who labored to keep him in office, you don't love your country."---George, 7/99

"We're now at the point that it's beyond whether or not this guy is a horny hick. I really think it's a question of his mental stability. He really could be a lunatic. I think it is a rational question for Americans to ask whether their president is insane."---Equal Time

"It's enough [to be impeached] for the president to be a pervert."---The Case Against Bill Clinton, Coulter's 1998 book.

"Clinton is in love with the erect penis."---This Evening with Judith Regan, Fox News Channel 2/6/00

"I think we had enough laws about the turn-of-the-century. We don't need any more." Asked how far back would she go to repeal laws, she replied, "Well, before the New Deal...[The Emancipation Proclamation] would be a good start."---Politically Incorrect 5/7/97

"If they have the one innocent person who has ever to be put to death this century out of over 7,000, you probably will get a good movie deal out of it."---MSNBC 7/27/97

"If those kids had been carrying guns they would have gunned down this one [child] gunman. ... Don't pray. Learn to use guns."---Politically Incorrect, 12/18/97

"The presumption of innocence only means you don't go right to jail."---Hannity & Colmes 8/24/01

"I have to say I'm all for public flogging. One type of criminal that a public humiliation might work particularly well with are the juvenile delinquents, a lot of whom consider it a badge of honor to be sent to juvenile detention. And it might not be such a cool thing in the 'hood to be flogged publicly."---MSNBC 3/22/97

"Originally, I was the only female with long blonde hair. Now, they all have long blonde hair."---CapitolHillBlue.com 6/6/00

"I am emboldened by my looks to say things Republican men wouldn't."---TV Guide 8/97

"Let's say I go out every night, I meet a guy and have sex with him. Good for me. I'm not married."---Rivera Live 6/7/00

"Anorexics never have boyfriends. ... That's one way to know you don't have anorexia, if you have a boyfriend."---Politically Incorrect 7/21/97

"I think [Whitewater]'s going to prevent the First Lady from running for Senate."---Rivera Live 3/12/99

"My track record is pretty good on predictions."---Rivera Live 12/8/98

"The thing I like about Bush is I think he hates liberals."---Washington Post 8/1/00

On Rep. Christopher Shays (d-CT) in deciding whether to run against him as a Libertarian candidate: "I really want to hurt him. I want him to feel pain."---Hartford Courant 6/25/99

"The swing voters---I like to refer to them as the idiot voters because they don't have set philosophical principles. You're either a liberal or you're a conservative if you have an IQ above a toaster. "---Beyond the News, Fox News Channel, 6/4/00

"My libertarian friends are probably getting a little upset now but I think that's because they never appreciate the benefits of local fascism."---MSNBC 2/8/97

"You want to be careful not to become just a blowhard."---Washington Post 10/16/98

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PatM, the following comment has nothing to do with my opinion of Ann Coulter. (To be honest, I barely know who she is.)

It is not allowed to post long pastes from other sites here. It is also irritating. A short quote and a link is sufficient. It is also disingenuous (if not dishonest) to post material as your own.

I have reported your post.

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FWIW the collection of Coulter-quotes can be verified at this article...


Would reproducing the quotes here be a copyright violation? I don't believe anybody except Coulter can take credit for them (or would want to...) Provided the citations are correct, and are themselves not more than a fraction of the work from which they're taken, I don't see why it's not fair use to repeat them here.


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I get the feeling that August doesn't like it when the right wing "babe" is exposed for the raving lunatic that it is.

I never claimed it was my work - kind of hard to do when it all someone else's words, isn't it?

Mea cupla though - forgot the link. There's lots more out there and I regret depriving others of the endless hilarity they present.

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And the number of bankruptcies as a result of lack of adequate medical insurance in the USA. 

And let's just ignore the thousands of Canadians that hop across the border to get medical treatment in the US. How many Americans are coming to Canada to get medical attention?

I've got a friend in California who pays $280 per month for medical insurance; one of the higher rates in the country. That works out to $3360 per year. Since Canadians have to pay 11 weeks more of taxes per year than Americans, that works out to $710.77 for 11 weeks.

How many Americans don't make $710.77 in 11 weeks?

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Black Dog wrote:

I don't watch FauxNews. I've seen quite enough of it. However millions do, and I expect many of them are tuning in in hopes of "fair and balanced" coverage. What they get is propaganda, but most people simply aren't media-savvy enough to know the difference.

Here's an Ann Coulter quote for you:

"If conservatives complained about CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Reader's Digest, NPR, etc. etc. half as much as liberals scream about Fox News, even I would say conservatives were getting to be a bore on the subject."


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Iraq has nothing to do with 9-11.  Perhaps if Ann Coulter stopped talking and started thinking then this distinction would not be so difficult.

Good grief. :blink:

Are you not aware that Clinton-appointed federal judge Harold Baer ruled in a court of law that the state of Iraq was involved in 9-11?

I understand that the leftwing media tried to ignore and bury the story (just like they buried the fact that Jean Chretien's son-in-law's father is the largest shareholder in France's TotalFinaElf oil company - a company that had huge ties with Saddam), but come on! This is common knowledge to anyone with even a cursory knowledge of Iraq being involved in 9-11.

If you continue to get your news from the propaganda that passes for news from the leftwing media, you will continue to be ignorant of political affairs.

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Black Dog wrote (regarding Fox News and its viewers):

You clearly don't understand anything about the media or propaganda techniques. For starters, you assume a audience endowed with critical thinking skills, an audience given to cynicism and second guessing "official" sources. An audience conditioned not to belive what they see on TV. An auidience that does not accept, or is at least aware of, the unspoken assumptions and conventional wisdom that frame all media discourse.

That is not the audience we're dealing with.

A classic example of a reply from the typical leftist elitist.

All conservatives are STOOPID! :rolleyes:

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Black Dog wrote:

How about the fundamental hypocrisy of saying you value life, but then advocating death?

You want to talk fundamental hypocrisy? How about the left's fundamental hypocrisy when they think nothing of killing innocent defenseless babies, but react with outrage at the thought of a serial killer being executed? Who was chanting "Die with Dignity! Die! Die!!" when Terri Schiavo was dehydrated and starved to death?

I could go on, but someone who's willing to line up next to some of the worst regimes in the world probably isn't reasonable enough to debate.

Like when the left lined up to their beloved USSR?

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Black Dog wrote:

After all it [WMD] was only the primary rationale behind the war in the first place.

I'm not trying to pick on you, but where in the hell do you come up with your crap? And yet you think that conservatives are all stupid and anyone that watches Fox News is stupid! I have this image of you getting all your news from the far-left Toronto Star and Canada's state-run, taxpayer-funded, Soviet style CBC news channel.

Do you even know of the "Authorization for the Use of Force in Iraq" resolution? Bush sought and obtained it in October 2002 and it was passed by both the House and the Senate, with Democratic as well as Republican majorities.

It has a total of 23 clauses. These 23 clauses spell out the rationale for the war. Out of all 23 clauses, there are only 2 that even mention stockpiles of WMD. If this was the "primary rationale" for the war, the resolution surely didn’t make much of it. What the resolution did stress – in 12 separate clauses – were 16 UN resolutions that that Saddam had ignored or defied.

These Security Council resolutions, were more than mere expressions of UN opinion. The first two of them 687 and 689 constituted the terms of the truce in the first Gulf War, whose violation was a legal cause of war itself.

I suggest you educate yourself and go read the Authorization for the Use of Force in Iraq resolution instead of calling conservatives and the viewers of Fox News stupid.

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Black Dog wrote:

We have a military. Granted, it's small and run down. But then, we really have little need of a military since we don't face any threats.

It might seem like I am picking on you, but again, where in the hell do you come up with this stuff?

Osama bin Laden has publically said that Canada is #5 on their hit list.

Source: National Post

October 15, 2004

OTTAWA - The Prime Minister's national security advisor told a major security and intelligence conference yesterday it would be "absurd" to believe terrorists will not attack Canada.

"Osama bin Laden has publicly identified Canada as a country he believes his followers should attack," Robert Wright said. "He ranked Canada as fifth out of seven countries and every other country on that list has already been attacked.

"The Bali and Madrid bombings are examples," he said.

"So this is not someone else's problem. And experience shows that it's absurd to think that these attacks could not happen here. The Air-India and Ressam cases demonstrate that the dangers within Canada are real."

Bin Laden named Canada as a target in November, 2002, and an al-Qaeda manual posted on the Internet in March called for attacks on Canadians.

Documents uncovered from Afghanistan show al-Qaeda ordered an operative to study possible targets in Canada, primarily Israeli and Jewish community buildings.

Last year, police in Pakistan found a list of potential targets in Ontario, including Toronto's Union Station, in the pocket of a senior al-Qaeda member. Recently, Canadian police have been investigating incidents they fear might be

examples of terrorist scouting.

Following his speech, Mr. Wright would not elaborate on the threat to Canada, but repeated his claim that the country was at risk.

"What I exactly said was it would be absurd to believe that it couldn't happen here."

The full article is here.

But why should we pay attention to the National Security Advisor when we have Black Dog assuring us that Canada doesn't face any threats...

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The Fox News Channel is a breath of fresh air. I'm so glad that the Liberal Party-controlled CRTC lifted its 5 year ban of the FNC. I doubt that they would have ever lifted the ban if not for their error in approving the anti-American anti-Israel Al Jazeera. Then public pressure became too great and they had to lift their 5 year ban. Why does Canada need another anti-American anti-Israel channel? The state-run taxpayer-funded Soviet style CBC does an excellent job in that market.

How refreshing to see a channel that gives just as much air time to conservative views as liberal views. The news is fair and balanced, although I have to say that there seems to be more conservative pundits than liberal pundits.

If you look at their primetime line-up, you see:

1) The O'Reilly Factor (No Spin Zone): Calls himself a traditionalist, but leans to the right - although he angers many conservatives too with his pro-Kyoto Accord, gay marriage, and abortion stances). Some liberals are chicken to go on his show and defend their views. The "no spin" part seems to make them wet their pants.

2) Hannity & Colmes: One conservative and one liberal. I find it very telling that after O'Reilly and Hannity, Alan Colmes is the 3rd most hated pundit on the FNC by the left. I guess he isn't loony enough for them. But I think he does a pretty good job sometimes poking holes in some Republican viewpoints. It's not his fault that some many liberals are made to look like fools by Hannity. The left has gotten lazy because they are not used to having pundits on other channels challenge their viewpoints. That's not Alan Colmes' fault.

3) On the Record: Greta Van Sustern. She is a liberal.

Final score for primetime: 2 conservative pundits and 2 liberal pundits. Why does the left think that is unfair? I know why. Because they don't think conservatives should be able to give their views. I watched the Chris Matthews show a couple of weekends ago and he had a panel of 4 people discussing the Bush administration. All 4 were liberals. You can guess how fair they were to the Bush administration. When Fox News has a panel, it is always 2 against 2, or 1 against 1.

Geraldo is a liberal and so is Chris Wallace. Both have their own show on the FNC.

Who was the reporter that broke the Bush DUI in 1976 story days before the 2000 election? Carl Cameron from the FNC.

I like the fact that the conservative pundits refer to the terrorists as terrorists. However the channel's reporters still use the annoying "insurgents" tag that the leftwing media does.

Remember when the networks were showing the clip of that Marine colonel saying that is was fun shooting at the Taliban? The leftwing media only showed that part of the clip, but Fox showed what he said before that; the part where he said that the Taliban were a bunch of bullies who had been slapping women around for 5 years.

Fox News was reporting about the UN Oil for Food scandal back in January 2004. The leftwing media flatout refused to report that because they knew it would help Bush. Only after November 2, when they resigned themselves to 4 more years of Bush, did they finally start reporting on the biggest scandal in history.

I love it when Fox News has that tiny little American flag waving graphic in the top lefthand corner of the screen when they go to a live event. I know that drives the left wild with rage because they hate America. Sometimes I open up a window and put my ear outside so I can listen to the gnashing of teeth from the left as they see that little flag waving. :P

And Fox News has the best looking anchors and reporters on TV. Wow! All those conservababes! :D;)

For all the whining the left does about the so-called lies and propaganda by Fox News, they have very little evidence to back up their claims. Indeed, it is the leftwing media that has been involved in all the scandals.

Just a few that come to mind off the top of my head:

CNN admitting that they overlooked Saddam's atrocities so they could keep their Baghdad bureau open. Makes you wonder what they are overlooking in Cuba so they can keep their Havana bureau open...

Jayson Blair from the NY Times.

Associated Press lying that Bush supporters booed Clinton's name when Bush wished him luck for his then upcoming heart surgery.

Dan Rather using fake memos; the infamous Rathergate scandal.

The NY Times' 380 tons of Iraqi weapons disappeared under the military's nose lie.

Paul Begala and James Carville hosting CNN's Crossfire while at the same time as they were advisors to the Kerry campaign. Peggy Noonan took a leave of absence from the Wall Street Journal when she became an advisor for the Republicans; Carville and Begala should have done the same.

Ted Koppel travelling halfway across the world to communist Vietnam to interview some North Vietnamese military guy (who had his communist minder standing right beside him), who just happened to - surprise! - agree with everything Kerry said and concluded the Swift Boat Vets were lying. No big surprise there since Kerry's picture hangs in the Vietnam War Museum. Apparently Koppel couldn't be bothered to pick up the phone and have a Swift Boat Vet come on his show. :rolleyes:

And the latest: Newsweek's "950 page Koran book flushed down the toilet" lie. Incidentally, Newsweek's managing editor admitted last year that the press was favoring Kerry.

His exact words were: Let's talk a little media bias here. The media, I think, wants Kerry to win and I think they're going to portray Kerry and Edwards I'm talking about the establishment media, not Fox. They're going to portray Kerry and Edwards as being young and dynamic and optimistic and there's going to be this glow about them, collective glow, the two of them, that's going to be worth maybe 15 points.

No wonder everyone is turning to Fox News. They are looking for fair and balanced reporting; not the propaganda that the leftwing media offers up as news.

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Indeed, the leftwing PIPA inadvertently proved that Fox News Channel viewers were the most informed about the Iraq situation, although that wasn't PIPA's intended result. :P

According to the October 2003 PIPA report, it was considered erroneous to believe that there had been a solid connection found between Iraq and al Qaeda. They said that Fox News viewers believed this by a rate of 4 to 1 over PBS viewers and NPR listeners.

In other words, Fox News viewers were uninformed.

The left triumphantly proclaimed that they finally had proof that Fox News was truly "Faux" News.

However within hours the left's glass house shattered.

Apparently PIPA had "inadvertently" forgotten about a letter CIA Director George Tenet issued to the Senate Intelligence Committee in October 2002 - a year before their study was released. The eye-opening letter said:

... We have solid reporting of senior level contacts between Iraq and al Qaeda going back a decade.

... Credible information indicates that Iraq and al Qaeda have discussed safe haven and reciprocal nonaggression.

... Since Operation Enduring Freedom, we have solid evidence of the presence in Iraq of al Qaeda members, including some that have been in Baghdad.

... We have credible reporting that al Qaeda leaders sought contacts in Iraq who could help them acquire W.M.D. capabilities. The reporting also stated that Iraq has provided training to Al Qaeda members in the areas of poisons and gases and making conventional bombs.

Copy of the letter is here.

The Fox News Channel had reported this letter; apparently PBS and NPR hadn't.

Indeed, it was Tenet’s letter that later led James Woolsey, Director of the CIA under President Clinton, to remark on CNN's Late Edition, to Wolf Blitzer, on November 16, 2003:

Anybody who says there is no working relationship between al Qaeda and Iraqi intelligence going back to the early '90s; they can only say that if they're illiterate.

Illiterate. I think that sums it up nicely.

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As for Ann Coulter, sure she is a flame-thrower, and I love her for it. I love how the left's heads explode when Ann pokes fun and mocks them for their idiocy and hypocrisy.

Nobody can get a reaction out of the left like Ann Coulter. :D

It's nice to have someone on our side who is willing to be just as mean and vicious as the left always is. Except Ann is better because she is funny.

The left has dissected the 1000 pages in her 4 books, the hundreds of thousands of words in her columns, and her hundreds of TV appearances, found a handful of errors, and now proclaim that she "everytime she moves her mouth she is lying." :lol:

Just like CBC did with her. They did a 3 hour interview with her, found one tiny error (Canadians actually did fight in the Vietnam War), only played that 3 minutes of the 3 hours and gleefully suggested she was an idiot.

How dare Ann not be an expert on Canadian history? Doesn't she know that Canada is important and influential in the world? Hasn't she ever Paul Martin embarrassingly proclaim that "Canada leads the world"?

As for Black Dog bemoaning the fact that "progressive" (code for socialist) pundits can't attract the audience that conservative pundits do...it's because progressives are irrational blathering hateful idiots that offer no ideas except for insulting the president. At least conservatives offer ideas and generally reasonable clearheaded solutions - and they do it in an entertaining way. Conservatives know they have to entertain; they understand free markets. If you aren't entertaining, you lose advertising dollars and then you lose your show.

Air America has been a disaster. A bunch of rich leftists buy airtime so they can bash Bush 24/7. They've even called for Bush's assassination - twice - on the air. Do you really think that the average Joe and Sally family with 2 kids want to listen to crap like that?

Hell, Rush Limbaugh gets twice the ratings that Air America does in true-blue New York City.

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How is Monty able to type so much using only one hand?


When your that low on the evolutionary scale, you can type with your feet :lol:

Wow Monty... im impressed. I never thought brainwashing could be so effective.

Fox news has little to do with the truth or reality. It does have alot to do with propaganda, lies and deception. It might as well be called the Republican channel of propaganda. You can't honestly say its fair and balanced... without lying.

Of course you can believe whatever you want... lies are still lies even if you call them fair and balanced, its just another lie

btw i recommend reading Lies and the Lying liars who tell them

its funny as hell. I don't agree with everything he says but he does prove Anne Coulter and Bill O'Reilly to be hypocritical liars.

All conservatives are STOOPID!

No not all… but your unabashed support for fake news makes me thing that you are. :o

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Apparently PIPA had "inadvertently" forgotten about a letter CIA Director George Tenet issued to the Senate Intelligence Committee in October 2002 - a year before their study was released.

No, they are just informed enough to know that it was BS. So Mr. Burns, unintentionally, demonstrates that PIPA was right.


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How is Monty able to type so much using only one hand?


When your that low on the evolutionary scale, you can type with your feet :lol:

Wow Monty... im impressed. I never thought brainwashing could be so effective.

Fox news has little to do with the truth or reality. It does have alot to do with propaganda, lies and deception. It might as well be called the Republican channel of propaganda. You can't honestly say its fair and balanced... without lying.

Of course you can believe whatever you want... lies are still lies even if you call them fair and balanced, its just another lie

btw i recommend reading Lies and the Lying liars who tell them

its funny as hell. I don't agree with everything he says but he does prove Anne Coulter and Bill O'Reilly to be hypocritical liars.

All conservatives are STOOPID!

No not all… but your unabashed support for fake news makes me thing that you are. :o

Translation: I can't rebut Monty's facts, so I will resort to the left's tried and true tactic of hurlingt insults. :unsure:

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Apparently PIPA had "inadvertently" forgotten about a letter CIA Director George Tenet issued to the Senate Intelligence Committee in October 2002 - a year before their study was released.

No, they are just informed enough to know that it was BS. So Mr. Burns, unintentionally, demonstrates that PIPA was right.


No. Since Fox News was the only channel to report Tenet's letter to the Senate Intelligence Committee, it proved that people who watch Fox News are 4 times more informed than PBS viewers and NPR listeners.

The letftwing PIPA screwed up big time! :lol::lol:

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