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  1. you know dumb americans can say what they want about canadians. but the fact is no matter where you go in the world other than the USA(undeniably stupid americans) they are without a doubt the most hated people in the world. as a canadian i have to put a canada flag on my clothes whenever i travel to fend off the same old question, are you american? canadians are probably the most well liked country in the world . i get such awesome treatment wherever i go in the world when they find out im canadian. can you imagine being so hated ? i mean its just a matter of time before bush er.. al queda hits them again. people like ann coulter cant seem to see beyond her own borders and its not just her . all those innocent soldiers died for nothing but bushes oil wells. and they are still dying . vietnam was another stain on the american flag. canadians probably did the most to win world war 2 . i know in europe that is the general consensus. at least we dont say we can have nuclear weapons but you cant. my personal beleif is that if canada wasnt attached to the us they would've been wiped out by now. sure we have our problems like every other country but at least we didnt off our own president. i still think canada is the best place to live in the world and im glad we didnt go to iraq. i just hope the terrorists know this!
  2. i received the most disturbing email tonite about a debate of some sort on fox news. now maybe you have all seen this , maybe not. nonetheless i would like to show it to my fellow canadians as i will be deeply disappointed in my government if at the very least nothing is said about it. and if something has been said and you have all seen this video then i am sorry for wasting anyones time. i love my country very much and im very proud to be canadian which is why i am so shocked at this video. http://www.egoyk.com/video.asp?path=1213
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